Get the data inside the column in laravel notification - arrays

Using DD in my controller i have this result. Now i want to get the "id":45 in column name data
public function readbyid($id){
$test = DB::table('notifications')->where('id','=', $id)->get();

Id is unique, use first instead of get
$test = DB::table('notifications')->where('id', $id)->first();
$dataId = $test->data->id;
//or $dataId = json_decode($test->data)->id;

use App\Notification;
$test = Notification::where('id', $id)->first();
$dataId = $test->id;


save mathod in database cause Array to string conversion error in laravel

when I execute custom command with
php artisan query:all
every thing is good except error shown in console the error is
Array to string conversion
and the data is stored to database I did not understand the cause of this error and it's hidden when hide save to database method
the code of my service which the problem cause inside it is
namespace App\Services;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use App\Models\weatherStatus;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class ApixuService
public function query(string $apiKey, Collection $cities): Collection
$result = collect();
$guzzleClient = new Client([ //create quzzle Client
'base_uri' => ''
foreach ($cities as $city) {
$response = $guzzleClient->get('current', [
'query' => [
'access_key' => $apiKey,
'query' => $city->name,
$response = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); //create json from $response
$status = new weatherStatus(); //create weatherStatus object
//adding prameters
$status->temp_celsius = $response['current']['temperature'];
$status->status = $response['current']['weather_descriptions'];
$status->last_update = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($response['location']['localtime_epoch']);
$status->provider = '';
//save prameters
return $result;
So you can find some clarity in what you are trying to save, do the following:
$response = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);
dd() will dump all the data from the $response and exist the script.
One of the values you are trying to save is an array. The field you are trying to save accepts a string and not array.

How to save custom datetime in cakephp 3 for created & modified field?

I'm trying to save the following data. But it's not saving the datetime fields.
Created is saving current datetime in cakephp way & the others are null.
How can I save custom datetime?
Thanks in advance
foreach ($passwords as $key => $value ) {
$data['id'] = $collection_id;
$data['name'] = $value['password'];
$data['collection_id'] = $collection_id;
$data['photo_count'] = $value['photos_count'];
$data['download_count'] = $value['downloaded_users_count'];
$data['created'] = $value['created'];
$data['modified'] = $value['modified'];
$data['expires_at'] = $value['expires_at'];
$saveData[] = $data;
$passwords = $this->Passwords->find('all')->toArray();
$patched = $this->Passwords->patchEntities($passwords, $saveData);
foreach ($patched as $entity) {
I've fixed the Issue. Just have to use as follows-
$data['created'] = new Time($value['created']);
$data['expires_at'] = new Time($value['expires_at']);
And to do so, have to use this.
use Cake\I18n\Time;

Laravel 5 form request

When I handle a CREATE post form, i'll do :
public function handlecreer(Requests\CreerUtilisateurRequest $request)
// handle create form
// all fields in one line... YEAH !!!
$user = new User($request->except('password','role'));
$user->password = bcrypt(Request::input('password'));
But if I have an UPDATE post form I'll do :
public function handleUpdate(Requests\UpdateUtilisateurRequest $request)
// handle update form
$user = User::findOrFail(Request::input('id'));// find
// one line by field... BOH !!!
$user->name = Request::input('name');
$user->email = Request::input('email');
$user->password = bcrypt(Request::input('password'));
$user->telephone= Request::input('telephone');
$user->fonction = Request::input('fonction');
$user->divers = Request::input('divers');
Is there a simplest way of processing the update post form ?
All mass assignable attributes (the one in $fillable) can be set using fill():
$user = User::findOrFail(Request::input('id'));
$user->fill($request->except('password', 'role'));
$user->password = bcrypt(Request::input('password'));

Cakephp pagination for a custom function

I have a function in my model EmployeePersonal.php named get_employee_details which accepts some parameter and return the employees details. This function is used my many controllers and I prefer not to change this function.
Now I have a function view in my EmployeePersonalsController.php which outputs approx 4000 results. eg
$res = $this->EmployeePersonal->get_employee_details(
$office_id = $office_id,
$epf_no = $epf_no,
$employee_personal_id = $employee_personal_id,
$status = $status,
$permanent_district_id = $permanent_district_id,
$present_district_id = $present_district_id,
$department_id = $department_id,
$designation_id = $designation_id,
$category_id = $category_id,
$gender_type = $gender_type,
$offset = $offset,
$size = $size
I need to put a pagination in my view function , is there any way how can I put the $paginate here ?

CakePHP 2.5 Datasource, create and return response

I have a specific task to connect CakePHP web application to a remote restful server . I create a datasource, read method works great, but the api after save data return an array of processed data.
Looking for a way to return the data array and use in controller.
My Controller code
public function admin_generate()
$data = $this->request->data;
$data['path'] = 'special/generate';
// handle response ????
In datasource file
public function create(Model $model, $fields = null, $values = null)
$data = array_combine($fields, $values);
$api = $this->config['api_path'].$data['path'].'?auth_key='.$this->config['auth_key'];
$json = $this->Http->post($api, $data);
$response = json_decode($json, true);
if (is_null($response)) {
$error = json_last_error();
throw new CakeException($error);
return $response; // ??????
Can someone show me the correct way to use the api response data in the controller?
I found a solution, a few minutes after a post question. This can help one of you.
if (is_null($response)) {
$error = json_last_error();
throw new CakeException($error);
$model -> code = $response['code'];
$model -> key = $response['key'];
$model -> code_id = $response['code_id'];
return true;
in controller
$data['code'] = $this->Tool->code;
$data['key'] = $this->Tool->key;
$data['code_id'] = $this->Tool->code_id;
