setting up Backbone with yarn - backbone.js

I recently added various libraries with yarn like so:
yarn add jquery backbone underscore bootstrap
With bower there was a way to list out the paths that each of these libraries was in, how do I do this with yarn?
yarn list --paths only gives me the names of the libraries and the version number.

The problem is you are trying to utilize yarn the way bower used to work, but yarn list --paths will only give you the dependencies and version number as you noted.
I think what you need to understand is that you are not using bower_components, you are using node_modules. With that said, your paths are probably something like /node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css. Open your node_modules folder and you will see what I am talking about.


Correct approach for dependencies with npm when dealing with submodules

i have some questions and regarding the proper way to handle dependencies in nested projects, added via git submodules. lets assume this structure:
further assume in the top-level package.json dependencies need a react version > 16.7. In the submodule a strict version of 16.3.2 is needed.
when i now run npm install on the top-level, does npm install multiple versions of react? (don't see something like this in node_modules) but it seems to install modules declared only in submodules package.json. (how are they even found at compile time?)
There are certain warnings in the console however, that there might be multiple versions of react running...
What would be the best practice to handle such a situation?
Thanks in advance

yarn link to a <relative-path>

I'm using yarn to develop local lib for React. because you can't run 2 versions of React I'm usually doing npm link ..\node_modules\react in the test project to use the same react version as my linked package.
but I don't want to use npm, so I tried yarn link ..\node_modules\react which does not work, and also the docs does not mention an option to do so.
I need to cd ..\node_modules\react and then yarn link then I could do yarn link react - but wants to avoid it, because who knows how many projects will need different versions of React.
so, there is a way to yarn link a directory that includes package.json file(yarn link <relative-path>)?

What is the purpose of each file in the React Native file architecture?

I started to use React Native recently and, following the oficial docs, I initialized a project using npx react-native init ProjectName.
I'm not sure if the tools versions matters (probably yes), but i'm using npm version 6.13.7, react-native-cli version 2.0.1 and react-native 0.62.2. With that config, the file architecture i that get is the following:
I seached about it, but i not found an answer. So, can someone please explain to me what is the purpose of each file in this file architecture and which of these files can i remove?
Thank you in advance :D
This file holds all of the dependencies of modules that your app is using and needed to install for running your app.
yarn.lock files yarn and package-lock.json
These two files hold the version of your dependencies yarn.lock package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm or yarn modifies either the node_modules tree or package.json. It describes the exact tree that was generated, such that subsequent installs are able to generate identical trees, regardless of intermediate dependency updates.
This file holds your application name etc.
This file holds configs related to babel, Babels is a transpiler that transpile ES6 to ES5.
This is the entry point of your application form where your react-native code start executing.
EsLint and Prettier
These file related to maintaining the code indentation, Unused imports, extra, spacing, these files holds configs related to these things(EsLint and prettier are used to avoid above-mentioned things).
watchman watches the code changes when the packager is running, so this file have configs about this.
Flow is been used for type checking so it holds the configs related to this.
This folder holds all of the modules that your app is been using also lited down in your package.json.
And then there is Android(which holds native android code), IOS(which holds native ios code), and other JS files which holds code react-native js code.

Why do I need theese specific packages in my ejected CRA project

Bootstrapped CRA 3.0 app and then ejected.
Inspecting my package.json.
Found multiple packages usages of which are not really clear to me.
"semver": "6.0.0"
Why do I need this? No usages found in config/* nor scripts/*. It seems like an artifact of react-scripts validation-like logic for related packages, so it looks like a piece of bloat in my application dependencies.
"react-app-polyfill": "^1.0.0"
Polyfills for IEs and etc.? OK, but why a separate package? It's frightening to me to use some unknown package on top of core-js or babel-polyfill. And again, no usages found in an initial code base.
P.S. I'm not asking what these packages are, I'm asking why do I see them being unused in ejected scripts
Update: react-app-polyfill/jsdom is used in Jest setup files
create-react-app uses a package named react-scripts which hides all the different packages it uses underneath.
When you eject an application, the dependencies used by react-scripts are copied over to your own package.json. But for some scripts like the eject, various sections are removed using babel annotation like #remove-on-eject-begin. The dependencies used in these sections persist even after you eject.
This is how you find packages like semver that are not used anywhere in your application code. In an unejected create react app, that package would be used for verifying the semantic versions before ejecting.
These are safe to remove now. But they would not be factored into the static bundle you are creating anyhow.

Package dependencies in NPM and Bower

First time user of npm and bower. I am able to install packages correctly but I am not sure how the dependencies work? As an example, I did "npm install angularjs" in my application root which created a folder "node_modules/angularjs/" with some files in it. I can also see that there is a package.json file within the angularjs folder, and it looks like it has not been processed as there is numerous packages listed in it and not installed.
Long story short, should I install all these packages manually or is there a built in feature that npm/bower can also process these sets of dependencies?
I greatly lack the ability to ask precise questions, I apologise to those who have answered and did not give the correct sypnosis.
What I expect to happen:
Using npm or bower, I want to clarify that if I do an install of one of their packages, will it automatically also install the new package's dependancies or would I need to do a npm/bower install for each of the packages.json or bower.json files manually?
What I did to try make it work:
Created folder D:\Websites\TestSite
Within the folder through CMD, I did a "npm init" and ran through the guide
I followed that up with a "npm install angularjs"
A new folder was created D:\Websites\TestSite\node_modules\angularjs and within this folder there was a "index.js" and package.json file
Opening index.js I get a "require("angular");" and module.exports = window.angular.
The package.json file contains a number of dependancies which has not been installed.
My Result:
As per my expectations, npm install in point 3 above did not install the dependancies of the package.json file after it installed angularjs.
I am not sure but I assume that the index.js file needs to be included in my html and that it required the requirejs library initiated? If this is the case, then requirejs (which I do not have installed on my site) should be a dependancy for angularjs to work, and should be installed prior to giving me the ability to try and initiate it?
Am I missing a step or misunderstanding the functionality of NPM/Bower? Thank you for your patience!
Npm and Bower are great tools for managing your dependencies, i'll try to make it clear in a few words.
In general npm is used for managing your back-end dependencies and Bower is responsible for your front end dependencies.
There are 2 config files:
package.json, here are listed your dependencies that are not used in browser(e.g. bower, grunt). To install all dependencies in package.json run npm install.
Bower.json, here will be listed your "in browser" dependencies(e.g angular, jQuery). Run bower install to install all dependencies listed here in bower_components
You can find a extended guide i wrote here.
