I am trying to run the code. All the images are coming fine as per specification excluding the last one.
The first four bytes (B) repeating are as follows :
b8 97 98 c5
The end of file is not encountered as a result the last image is found corrupted.
It is already mentioned that there are 50 images in the file.
You can get the raw file from : http://cdn.cs50.net/2017/fall/psets/4/recover/card.raw
The original code is as follows :
// Recovers lost images (.jpeg) in a memory card
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define buffsize 10
// Function to check whether jpeg or not
int check_jpeg(unsigned char *argv) {
unsigned int v1 = (int)argv[0];
unsigned int v2 = (int)argv[1];
unsigned int v3 = (int)argv[2];
unsigned int v4 = (int)argv[3];
if (v1 == 0xff && v2 == 0xd8 && v3 == 0xff) {
switch (v4) {
case 0xe0:
case 0xe1:
case 0xe2:
case 0xe3:
case 0xe4:
case 0xe5:
case 0xe6:
case 0xe7:
case 0xe9:
case 0xea:
case 0xeb:
case 0xec:
case 0xed:
case 0xee:
case 0xef:
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Cautioning the user for wrong usage
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./recover file\n");
return 1;
// Opens the .raw file to begin inspection
FILE *camera = fopen(argv[1], "r");
// Checks the validity of the opened file
if (camera == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n",argv[1]);
return 2;
int counter = 0; // Declaring and Initialising the counter
int online = 0; // To know whether image is being written
char *filename = (char*)malloc(buffsize);
FILE *outptr;
while (1) {
unsigned char *image = malloc(512);
if (image == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error creating pointer \n");
return 200;
fread(image, 512, 1, camera);
if (image != NULL) {
int flag = check_jpeg(image);
if (counter == 50) {
printf("%x %x %x %x\n", image[0], image[1], image[2], image[3]);
if (flag == 1) {
if (counter != 0) {
// Creating the output file pointer
snprintf(filename, buffsize - 1, "%03i.jpg", counter);
outptr = fopen(filename, "w");
if (outptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n", filename);
return 201;
// Writing to the file
fwrite(image, 512, 1, outptr);
online = 1;
} else
if (flag == 0 && online == 1) {
fwrite(image, 512, 1, outptr); // Continue writing to the output file
} else {
return 0;
There are multiple issues in your code:
you do not check how much data fread successfully reads. At end of file, fread returns 0, otherwise fread returns the number of blocks successfully read into the destination array. To keep track of bytes read, pass 1 as the block size and 512 as the number of blocks.
there is no real need to allocate the filename and the input/output buffers, local arrays are fine for your purpose.
the files should be open in binary mode: FILE *camera = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
the second argument to snprintf should be the buffer size, not the maximum number of characters to write: snprintf(filename, buffsize, "%03i.jpg", counter);
fread wont set the pointer (or is at least not guaranteed to) to NULL on failed read. In fact I think it is supposed to leave the pointer unchanged. fread will however return the number of bytes read, so you could change:
fread(image, 512, 1, camera);
if (image != NULL)
int bytesread=fread(image, 1, 512, camera);
if (bytesread!= 512)
You might be tempted to do the following:
while (!feof(camera)) {
However, this works only in the case of there being no other errors reading the file, and even then always results in there being one additional read of the file (the one that triggers the EOF condition). That last read may return bad or point to stale data and so needs to be handled as per #chqrlie's answer and this previous question about feof().
Bottom line:
Check the number of bytes read, if it less than requested then use ferror() and feof() to isolate the cause so you can respond accordingly.
I could do with some advice for this, to me this makes sense logically however when I run check50 only one of the images are recovered. I've looked through the code multiple times so I don't think its a syntax error so it must be some error with the logic. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cs50.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
bool is_jpeg_header(BYTE buffer[]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Check if command line argument is valid
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: ./recover image\n");
return 1;
// Open memory card files
char* mem_card = argv[1];
FILE* inptr = fopen(mem_card, "r");
if (inptr == NULL)
printf("File not found/n");
return 1;
BYTE buffer[512];
bool found_first_jpeg = false;
int image_count = 0;
char filename[8];
FILE* outptr = NULL;
while (!feof(inptr) && fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, inptr) == true)
// Check if we have found a JPEG
if (is_jpeg_header(buffer) == true)
// Check if this is the first JPEG
if (found_first_jpeg == false)
found_first_jpeg = true;
sprintf(filename, "%03i.jpg", image_count);
outptr = fopen(filename, "w");
fwrite(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, outptr);
// If this isn't the first JPEG, close file current JPEG and open new one for new JPEG
sprintf(filename, "%03i.jpg", image_count);
outptr = fopen(filename, "w");
// If we haven't found a new JPEG:
else if (is_jpeg_header(buffer) == false)
// Continue reading file if we have not found first JPEG
if (found_first_jpeg == false)
// Continue writing current JPEG into current file
fwrite(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, outptr);
return 0;
bool is_jpeg_header(BYTE buffer[])
if (((buffer[0] == 0xff) && (buffer [1] == 0xd8) && (buffer[2] == 0xff) && ((buffer[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0)))
return true;
return false;
This is the error code I receive from check50
:) recover.c exists.
:) recover.c compiles.
:) handles lack of forensic image
:) recovers 000.jpg correctly
:( recovers middle images correctly
001.jpg not found
:( recovers 049.jpg correctly
recovered image does not match
One bug I see is that filename is too short: you haven't left any room for the terminating zero. That's undefined behavior, and likely your source of trouble.
But the logic overall is very convoluted for what amounts to a simple problem. Here's how I'd write it. Since you're not in general checking for errors, I've left it that way - it's likely OK for this test assignment, although I've not read it. It does help to return different error codes for different errors though - it'd have really helped with the original typo!
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef uint8_t bool;
static const bool true = 1;
static const bool false = 0;
bool is_jpeg_header(const uint8_t buffer[]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Check if command line argument is valid
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: ./recover image\n");
return 1;
// Open the memory card image
char* mem_card = argv[1];
FILE* infile = fopen(mem_card, "r");
if (!infile)
printf("File not found/n");
return 2;
uint8_t buffer[512];
int image_count = 0;
char filename[9];
FILE* outfile = NULL;
while (!feof(infile) && fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, infile) == 1)
// Check if we have found a JPEG
if (is_jpeg_header(buffer))
// If we're already writing output - close it
if (outfile)
sprintf(filename, "%03i.jpg", image_count);
outfile = fopen(filename, "w");
image_count ++;
// Write the output if we're ready to write
if (outfile)
fwrite(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, outfile);
return 0;
bool is_jpeg_header(const uint8_t buffer[])
buffer[0] == 0xff
&& buffer[1] == 0xd8
&& buffer[2] == 0xff
&& (buffer[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0;
why while(!foef() is always wrong
printf("File not found/n");
Error messages should be output to stderr, not stdout.
When the error indication comes from a C library function should also output to stderr, the text reason the system thinks the error occurred. The function:
perror( "your error msg" );
is made for this purpose.
printf("Usage: ./recover image\n");
1) this should be to stderr, not stdout. 2) don't hardcode the executable name. Suggest:
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s imagefile\n". argv[0] );
while (!feof(inptr) && fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, inptr) == true)
1) true and false are defined in stdbool.h so that header file needs to be included.
2) fread() returns the number of items read. (which is also the third parameter, (and remembering the prior statement about while( !foef() ) so the statement would be much better written as:
while ( fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, inptr) == 1)
which catches EOF and partial reads and I/O errors.
outptr = fopen(filename, "w");
The success/failure of the call to fopen() is not under the control of your program, Therefore, always check (!=NULL) the returned value to assure the operation was successful.
if (is_jpeg_header(buffer) == false)
{ // Continue reading file if we have not found first JPEG
if (found_first_jpeg == false)
} // Continue writing current JPEG into current file
This code can be completely removed
the posted code fails to close the current output file after the second file is started.
the posted code always reads sizeof(buffer) bytes (assuming no errors) but there is no guarantee that each image data is exactly a multiple of sizeof(buffer) in length so it can miss the encounter with the next image AND can result in part of the header, etc data from the next image being written into the current output file.
Please post the function:
as it is unlikely to correct the problems listed above.
I am writing a code that reads information from a memory card (card.raw is the one we are provided but the code uses user input) and extracts the jpegs from it using the signatures that jpegs have of (0xff,0xd8,0xff,0x00 - 0xff). I am getting a segmentation fault because i am using malloc, but i dont see where i went wrong. I am pasting my code here any help would be appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//check terminal usage
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: ./recover image");
return 1;
//open inputted file and check for valid file
FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!file)
printf("Invalid or missing file.");
return 1;
BYTE *buff = malloc(512 * sizeof(BYTE));
int counter = 0;
FILE *image = NULL;
char *name = malloc(8 * sizeof(char));
//loop till end of file reached and read a block of input
while(fread(buff, sizeof(BYTE), 512, file) == 1 && !feof(file))
bool foundJPEG = buff[0] == 0xff && buff[1] == 0xd8 && buff[2] == 0xff && ((buff[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0);
//check if found jpeg, and open file for writing
if (foundJPEG)
sprintf(name, "%03i.jpg", counter);
image = fopen(name, "w");
//if image file open, write to it
if (image != NULL)
fwrite(buff, sizeof(BYTE), 512, image);
//if found a jpeg already, close it so new one can be written
if (foundJPEG && image != NULL)
return 0;
There are three issues with the code above which are not mentioned in the comments:
The return value of fread is not 1 but 512, upon successful read. You exchanged the parameters for the blocksize and the blockcount -> fread definition. Therefore the while loop is not entered.
Don't try to save space with packing to much code into one statement. If would be more clever to separate the checks for the fread return value and the EOF and use a do ... while() loop, instead. Then you had the chance of seeing this issue in the debugger. This was exactly what i have done and how i found this out.
The second issue is that you close the image after rescuing the first 512 bytes, but you do not reset the file pointer image back to NULL along with the fclose statement.
As a consequence, the code would repeatedly write to an a file which is closed until a new block with a jpg header is found.
The third issue is that you only rescue the first 512 bytes of the jpg but not the whole jpg. You need to scan the input stream for the jpg end indicator FF D9 and copy bytes until it is found. ->jpg format
I am learning how to code and I have no experience with that at all. I've successful got to PSET4 and stuck on recover. I've read everything online about this problem and i found out that many people have similar code as I do and it works. Does not work for me whatsoever. Please have a look and give me a hint what did I do wrong and how to correct it.
Here is everything about the pset4 recover i downloaded their card.raw from here card.raw
/** recovering JPEG files from a memory card
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// ensure proper usage
if (argc != 2)
"Usage: ./recover infile (the name of a forensic image from which to recover JPEGs)\n");
return 1;
// open input file (forensic image)
FILE* inptr = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (inptr == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s.\n", argv[1]);
return 2;
FILE* outptr = NULL;
// create a pointer array of 512 elements to store 512 bytes from the memory card
BYTE* buffer = malloc(sizeof(BYTE) * 512);
if (buffer == NULL)
return 3;
// count amount of jpeg files found
int jpeg = 0;
// string for a file name using sprintf
char filename[8] = { 0 };
// read memory card untill the end of file
while (fread(buffer, sizeof(BYTE) * 512, 1, inptr) != 0)
// check if jpeg is found
if (buffer[0] == 0xff && buffer[1] == 0xd8 && buffer[2] == 0xff
&& (buffer[3] >= 0xe0 || buffer[3] <= 0xef))
if (jpeg > 0)
sprintf(filename, "%03d.JPEG", jpeg);
outptr = fopen(filename, "w");
if (jpeg > 0)
fwrite(buffer, sizeof(BYTE) * 512, 1, outptr);
// free memory
// close filename
// close input file (forensic image)
return 0;
The main problem is that you invoke undefined behavior because filename is not enough big. sprintf() need be 9 and 17 bytes with your code but you only has 8. So you have a buffer overflow.
Just change:
char filename[8] = { 0 };
char filename[17] = { 0 };
Because, you use an int, this value is implemented defined but in many system has an int with 32 bits. So the value possible are between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1 that make a maximum of 11 chars (-2147483648). We add the number of chars in ".JPEG", 5. We have 16 but you forget the null terminate byte of a c-string. So we are 17 maximum.
Modern compiler warning you: gcc version 7.1.1 20170516 (GCC):
In function ‘main’:
warning: ‘sprintf’ writing a terminating nul past the end of the destination [-Wformat-overflow ]
sprintf(filename, "%03d.JPEG", jpeg++);
note: ‘sprintf’ output between 9 and 17 bytes into a destination of size 8
sprintf(filename, "%03d.JPEG", jpeg++);
Plus, your typedef is useless because a char world be always a byte in C. More than that you don't need a byte but an octet so like char, uint8_t would be always an octet in C. So you don't need typedef.
Again one thing, you allocate your buffer but it's useless because your buffer has a constant size. So just create an array is more simple.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./recover infile (the name of a forensic image "
"from which to recover JPEGs)\n");
return 1;
FILE *inptr = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (inptr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s.\n", argv[1]);
return 2;
FILE *outptr = NULL;
uint8_t buffer[512];
size_t const buffer_size = sizeof buffer / sizeof *buffer;
size_t jpeg = 0;
while (fread(buffer, sizeof *buffer, buffer_size, inptr) == buffer_size) {
if (buffer[0] == 0xff && buffer[1] == 0xd8 && buffer[2] == 0xff &&
buffer[3] == 0xe0) {
if (outptr != NULL) {
char filename[26];
sprintf(filename, "%03zu.JPEG", jpeg++);
outptr = fopen(filename, "w");
if (outptr != NULL) {
fwrite(buffer, sizeof *buffer, buffer_size, outptr);
if (outptr != NULL) {
fwrite(buffer, sizeof *buffer, buffer_size, outptr);
if (outptr != NULL) {
Note: This example is clearly not perfect, this will be better to make a true parser for jpeg file to have a better control flow. Here we suppose that all gonna be right.
how do you know that an instance of a JPEG image will always end with '\n'? Or better, how do you know that a JPEG image will be an exact multiple of 512?
You dont know.
So the posted code needs to calculate the actual value OR use some method to have the last call to fread() for any specific JPEG instance, to stop reading at the end of that image,
Then the check for the ID bytes of the next JPEG image will find the next image.
Otherwise, the start of the next image is already written to the prior output file and the check for a new image will fail.
In general this will result in the last created file containing more than one image.
This link: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG_File_Interchange_Format' is a web page that describes the format of a JPEG file.
On every digital camera that I have used, the SD card has a directory of all the files.
Suggest using that directory and the info in the linked web page to find each JPEG image and to determine when the end of that image has been encountered. (I.E. the 0xFF 0xD9)
Hey all mighty programmers, the recover programme seems to work perfectly. I've read other post ... have Valgrind run and it shows no leaks. I have all the 50 pictures from 000 to 049. So, I'm out of ideas. Do you guys have any? Sorry for my wordy comments, but I need to track what happens very literally.
erreor message HERE (click)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//fix the name of the file we need to recover from
#define NAME_RAW_FILE "card.raw"
//block size is 512
#define BLOCK_SIZE 512
// "jpg.000" + /n => 8 chars
// Format of the jpeg file name, using 3 integers padded with 0's
// see https://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_sprintf.htm
#define JPEG_FILE_FORMAT "%03d.jpg"
// bool checking if the header is the one of a jpg
bool is_jpeg (unsigned char header [])
/* this is equivalent to saying if(condition), return TRUE. Return gives back to the function
* any value that comes out of the expression in its scope, in our case the value is TRUE if the
* expression with the equivalences is verified, else false. */
return (header[0] == 0xff
&& header[1] == 0xd8
&& header[2] == 0xff
&& (header[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 1)
//no command line argument after programme name
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./recover\n");
return 1;
// open memory card file
FILE* raw_file = fopen(NAME_RAW_FILE, "r");
if (raw_file == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s.\n", NAME_RAW_FILE);
return 1;
// Store new JPG name and count them
char jpeg_filename[JPEG_NAME_LENGTH];
int jpeg_recoverd_counter = 0;
// Currently opened file we're writing to
FILE* jpeg_file = NULL;
/* we need another buffer to store our jpg data from card.raw
* we use unsigned chars because it's basically equivalent to
* saying bytes */
unsigned char buffer [BLOCK_SIZE];
/* loop over every block of the memory card until EOF.
* What this loop does is checking if the fread function
* returned 512 bytes of size 1, and breaks
* when there is a block of less than 512 bytes : end of file */
while (fread (buffer, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, raw_file) == BLOCK_SIZE)
// checks if the first 4 bytes of the block corresponds to a jpg
if (is_jpeg (buffer))
// Is there a previous jpg file open? If so, close it.
// This won't close your first jpg file which is set to NULL
// at line 43.
if (jpeg_file != NULL)
// This line creates a custom filename that will be stored
// in the jpeg_filename array
sprintf(jpeg_filename, JPEG_FILE_FORMAT, jpeg_recoverd_counter++);
// Now that I have the name of the file stored in jpeg_filename
// I open a file in reading and writing mode with that name
jpeg_file = fopen(jpeg_filename, "w+");
// Check that jpeg_file opened successfully
if(jpeg_file == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "recover: %s: Error creating file", jpeg_filename);
return 1;
/* At this stage, if no jpeg was found then no jpeg_file was opened.
* so I create a condition to skip any initial bytes not belonging to
* a jpeg by checking if there is a jpeg_file open. If we do have a jpeg
* file open, then write into it */
if (jpeg_file != NULL)
/* So, if I do have a jpeg file opened, then I want to write into it
* but I also want to make sure that the writing succeeds, so I encase
* fwrite function in a if condition that checks the return value of the
* function (BLOCK_SIZE). If the writing did not succeed then close everything
* and print error. */
if(fwrite(buffer, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, jpeg_file) != BLOCK_SIZE)
fprintf(stderr, "recover: %s : Error writing the file\n", jpeg_filename);
return 1;
// Close last file open, checking that we ever opened one (imagine card.raw had no jpeg!)
if(jpeg_file != NULL)
// Was there an error reading from the card?
fprintf(stderr, "recover: %s: Error reading file\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
// Else, all good.
return 0;
I have an assignment that has asked me to copy a file using buffered i/o. It has multiple requirements:
Take one parameter and an optional second
Open the first parameter for reading
Open the second for writing
If there is no second parameter make a new file called prog1.out
Use a buffer size of 20 bytes
When copying the file, print any buffer starting with the characters "rwxr"
close all opened files before exiting.
The problem I'm having is with number six, I've looked around and can't figure this out. I've tried memchr but I don't think I'm on the right track. If anyone can help push me in the right direction I'd be grateful.
This is my code:
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *readfile, *writefile;
char buffer[1024];
int fileSize;
int readResult;
int writeResult;
// making sure arguments exist
if (argc < 2|| argc > 3){
printf("This program takes either 1 or 2 arguments.\n");
//Opening file for reading
readfile = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!readfile) {
printf("Unable to open file %s.\n", argv[1]);
//finding the file size
fseek (readfile, 0, SEEK_END);
fileSize = ftell (readfile);
fseek (readfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
// read the file
readResult = fread(buffer, 20, fileSize/20, readfile);
if (readResult == 0) {
printf("A read error occured.\n");
//check to see if there is a second parameter (argument)
if (argc == 3) {
writefile = fopen(argv[2], "w");
if (!writefile) {
printf("Unable to open file %s.\n", argv[2]);
writeResult = fwrite(buffer, 20, fileSize/20, writefile);
if (writeResult != readResult) {
printf("A write error occured.\n");
printf("File %s successfully copied to %s.\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
else {
writefile = fopen("program1.out", "w");
if (!writefile) {
printf("Unable to open file program1.out\n");
writeResult = fwrite(buffer, 20, fileSize/20, writefile);
if (writeResult != readResult) {
printf("A write error occured.\n");
printf("File %s successfully copied to %s.\n", argv[1], "program1.out
There's the naive way:
if(buffer[0] == 'r' && buffer[1] == 'w'
&& buffer[2] == 'x' && buffer[3] == 'r') {
//do something
But take a look at strncmp(), which you can use for comparing parts of a string.
remember to first check if you have read at least 4 chars into the buffer. e.g. if the file is 21 bytes long, your 2. fread might only read 1 character, and you shouldn't compare against the other 3 chars in the buffer.
If you print out the buffer with e.g. printf or puts or any other function that expects a string, the buffer needs to end with a '\0' byte, otherwise the string functions doesn't know when to stop.
I'll first answer the question you actually asked: memcmp is a good way to compare two buffers. Some caveats:
You also have to make sure the size of the buffer is at least as large as the size of the target string
memcmp returns 0 if the two buffers match, which can be counter-intuitive.
So for example, if you wanted to see if a buffer is equal to the string "rwxw", you could write
if (readresult >= strlen("rwxw") && !memcmp(buffer, "rwxw", strlen("rwxw"))) {
// buffer match occurred!
Personally I would use a "#define" or const char to ensure that the three places where that string appear are actually the same string. For example:
#define MATCH_STRING "rwxw"
if (readresult >= strlen(MATCH_STRING) && !memcmp(buffer, MATCH_STRING, strlen(MATCH_STRING))) {
// buffer match occurred!
However there are a couple of other problems with your code. One is that you need a loop that continually reads from the input file and write from the output file until the input is exhausted. For example, along the lines of
while (true) {
readResult = fread(buffer, 20, 1, readfile);
if (readResult == 0) {
// end of file
// put your check for the "rwxr" string here!
writeResult = fwrite(buffer, readResult, 1, writefile);
if (writeResult != readREsult) {
Finally, you have what might be called a "stylistic" bug. There are two cases in your program: a specified filename and a default filename. Those two cases share a lot of code in common, but you did a cut and paste. This makes the code harder to understand, and more prone to bugs if it's changed in the future. If you are cutting-and-pasting code you're doing something wrong! Consider instead something like this, which maximizes shared code paths:
char *outFileName;
if (argc == 3) {
outFileName = argv[2];
} else {
outFileName = "prog1.out";
writefile = fopen(outFileName, "w");
if (!writefile) {
printf("Unable to open file %s.\n", writeFileName);