DNN Error after creating a module - dotnetnuke

I was given a project for maintenance, it is built on DNN 9.1.1 and has some custom modules (I am completely new to DNN). I needed to create a new module, so I used the christoc project templates for VS2017. So even before I could develop anything, I rebuilt the solution and it gave me a DNN Error. I removed the project from the solution, but while it compiles correctly, it still gives the same error.
Has anyone ever got this error? Do you think the module are being written to the database and if so, how can I delete it?
I'm posting the errors in the log but it doesn't make sense to me, because no files are missing
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Unhandled error loading page. ---> System.Web.HttpParseException: The file '/DesktopModules/GFIPortugal/DotNetNuke.Search.Google/GoogleSearch.ascx' does not exist. ---> System.Web.HttpParseException: The file '/DesktopModules/GFIPortugal/DotNetNuke.Search.Google/GoogleSearch.ascx' does not exist. ---> System.Web.HttpException: The file '/DesktopModules/GFIPortugal/DotNetNuke.Search.Google/GoogleSearch.ascx' does not exist.
Thanks in advance for your help.

I found that this is a common error. Funny how it was so hard to find on google. I leave the link here https://www.christoc.com/Tutorials/All-Tutorials/aid/12, and urge everyone with template errors to refer to this site.
In plain, the solution is this:
Load the IIS Manager (start>run>inetmgr.exe)
Expand the Tree view on the left side of the screen until you see the SITES folder
Expand the Sites folder until you find your development site
Expand your development site (DNNDEV.ME) until you see the DesktopModules folder
If the DesktopModules folder has an "arrow" on it, IIS thinks it is a virtual directory, and this is what causes the error above. Right click on the DesktopModules folder, choose Delete.
Reload the site in your web browser, and the error should go away. Do not simply refresh the browser, as the error is in the URL and will likely just reload the error page even though you've fixed the problem

Does the .ascx control exist in the correct path?
Maybe you have created an extra subfolder.
try like this:
When you add a new module via Visual Studio unselect the option to create a folder for your project/solution (bottom right of the Add New Project wizard).
Also, check the .dnn file to adjust the mappings of your resources.


react-app from subdirectory does not get loaded

I'm working for educational purpose on create a react app and serve it in a subdirectory of an existing domain which already hosts a web application.
Just to try to be more clear I have this situation:
www.mydomain.com (this is a web application currently online)
Now I need to put this new web app under
To try to make it work I have my wwwroot folder with my brand new subfolder wwwroot/test.
Now the problem is that if I just put (in wwwroot/test) a simple html file with nothing more than just an <h1> tag, I can open the URL and see the content in it.
If I put my react-app (which work fine in my develop environment) I just see an empty page and if I open the inspector I see that some of the necessary resources aren't reachable because their requests point to root domain (www.mydomain.com/css/ionicons.min.css instead of www.mydomain.com/test/css/ionicons.min.css).
This is my very first time with IIS and I'm trying to get it work by myself, but it seems that I'm unable to find a proper solution to my problem...
Hopefully I was clear enough!
thanks in advance to all who will spent some time reading about this!
I've already made some research and all of them seems to point to some kind of redirect/rewrite rule to write in the web.config of my subdirectory app and/or in the web.config of the root app.
I've also tried to put "homepage": ".", in the package.json which solved the problem of the resources not getting loaded from the proper path but the page is still blank.

Missing page files in project

I have a situation where I have project which:
Contains 10 page files in project directory.
Contains 12 page in table Page in Access database.
I want to fix the project structure. What should I do?
If there are missing pages in project directory, there should be CenterDb rebuild done.
Open the project.
Run rebuild of center database.
There would be message that will inform the user what pages are missing in project.
The next is to remove missing pages from project structure in explorer.
(or if user has access to missing pages, he should manually paste them in project directory)

Unable to add a new page in DNN9 (dotnetnuke version 9)

I installed dnn version 9. When I want to add a new page I go to the contents-> Pages-> Add page. an empty white page appears without any options to add a new page or event to cancel.
This is caused by a problem with your templates folder, either missing, or bad permissions. I'm guessing when you installed you chose the blank template?
I've got a blog post on things to try to resolve
"If you are having problems adding Pages in DNN 9, read this blog post.
I recently upgraded all of my sites to DNN 9, the most recent one being upgraded last night. This morning I wake up to an email from a client of mine reporting a problem with adding pages in one of their sites that they also upgraded to DNN recently. I read through their email, and decide that I’ll look into their issue a bit later, have an itch to scratch on one of my own websites, so I’ll get to them later (sorry client).
Working on this site that I upgrade last night, I decided I wanted to add another page to the site, low and behold, I was unable to do so.
To add a page in DNN9 you click on the “Content” option in the persona bar, and then the Pages option. There you will be presented with a view similar to this:
When I clicked on Add Page there, the screen went blank, like so:
That’s not very useful, actually that is as far from useful as possible. Once that happens, you can’t actually “do” anything from an Admin perspective. You have to “leave” this page, go somewhere else (click on manage/users for example, then you might need to click BACK in your browser a bunch of times) then you can click on Content/Pages again to get back into the Page listing for a site.
So why is the persona bar page blank? This error is the cause:
GET https://SOMEPORTALALIASHERE/API/PersonaBar/Pages/GetDefaultSettings? 500 (Internal Server Error)
If you dig into the DNN Error Log (Admin Logs) a bit you might find a more detailed error, something along the lines of
Message:Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.TemplateController.GetDefaultTemplateId(IEnumerable`1 templates) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.PagesControllerImpl.GetDefaultSettings() at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Services.PagesController.GetDefaultSettings() at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at
So what does that message tell you? Well something is happening with your DNN Install trying to get a list of “page templates”. In digging further, on my site, I found the issue to be the File Permissions on the Templates folder in the portals/0/ directory. For some reason on the site that I upgraded last night, my permissions were set to ALL USERS DENY on the “Browse Files in Folder” and “Open Files in Folder” check boxes.
Unchecking those, clicking SAVE resolved my “pages” persona bar issues. How did those permissions get set? Who knows, this DNN site has been around since 2008 or earlier, and that never caused a problem.
There are definitely some “kinks” to be worked out of DNN9, but so far I am digging the new experience.
Regarding my “client”’s site, they had a similar, but different issue. In their case, the TEMPLATES folder didn’t exist in the Portal that they were trying to use. Simply creating a new Templates folder in their File Manager fixed that problem for their site."
I tried out many solutions but finally I figure it out by reinstalling and add Object Qualifier. because it is optional field I leave it without any value in my first installation
This error was fixed in DNN 9.0.1

Deploying AngularJS Seed application in WebStorm

I recently started to learn about AngularJS and came across WebStorm and the AngularJS plugin by John Lindquist. Started by creating a new project using the angular-seed project and imported to WebStorm using File -> Open Directory. My directory structure looks like this
Now when I try to Debug it I get a 404 error. If I move the file app/index.html to the root folder and adjust all URL's to begin with app then it works fine. Is there a way to keep the default folder structure without moving the index.html to the root folder and also make it work with WebStorm?
I am using WebStorm 6.0.2.
I use WebStorm 7, so there might be some discrepancy in comparison with version 6 that you're using, but the over-all functionality is the same.
Quick solution:
Open the file in the editor and right click in the code to access the context menu. Choose the "Debug" option, which should start a debug session pointing to the current page.
Configuration solution:
WebStorm supports configurations for setting up different debugging scenarios. From the "Run" menu, choose the "Configurations" option. Add a JavaScript debug configuration, and add the URL you want in the designated field within the dialog presented.
Then, when you initialize a debugging session (a general one, not one for a specific page), you're presented a small dialog that allows you to choose a debug configuration.
Maybe there are more options or ways to accomplish the same thing as well, but I've never really given it more thought. I hope this is a working solution for you, but if not there's alway the documentation. If you need further clarification with regard to my answer, just give me a comment.

VS2010 Code: 2104 Could not download the Silverlight application

I've just started getting this Javascript error running VS2010 with SL4
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web server settings
Everything was working fine, changed 1 line of code to use a RegularExpression in the web project (using the Silverlight Business Application template) then when rebuilding I get this error.
Google says this is IIS and mimetype related. I'm using Cassini not IIS with VS2010.
Rebooted, cleared xap from IE cache. Error on both IE and FF.
What could be wrong?
I just got this error myself. Looking at source control and my project I noticed that the original test pages that were created when I setup the project got replaced by two new test pages (one .aspx and one .html).
I removed the newly created pages and went back to the old test pages and things started working.
If your situation isn't the same as mine, then just check your silverlightControlHost div in your test page and make sure you are pointing to the correct .xap file and runtime.
if youre not running in IIS then just check your silverlightControlHost div in your test page and make sure you are pointing to the correct .xap file and runtime.
If you were in MVC you could do something similar...
<param name="source" value="#Url.Content("~/ClientBin/NameOfYourSlAppGoesHere.xap")" />
Follow the Step :
On Hosting project, Properties > Silverlight Applications > Add..
This solved my Problem.
Simple error.
I had the same error with my provider. When I looked at the MIME type everything seemed to be OK:
.xap => application/x-silverlight-app
which seems to be the default value on IIS 6. Then I looked at the webpage VS 2010 created and noticed that it has a MIME type of
I changed the MIME type on IIS according to the webpage's type and - my silverlight application gets loaded without any error!
This error often occurs because the MIME type is not set, as you have found for yourself. It can also be a mask for the HTTP error. You can see the message by pulling up the XAP file directly from your browser (http://yourwebsite/ClientBin/filename.xap). The file will either attempt to download, or it will show you an HTTP Error.
I also had the same issue on VS 2010. And the reason was that the .xap file was not getting copied to ClientBin directory of the hosting web site project.
Reason was the association from the hosting web site project to the silverlight project was missing for some reason. (should be due to some restructuring of the projects that I've done recently in my case)
I had to re-add the association from the hosting web site project to the silverlight project.
On Hosting project, Properties > Silverlight Applications > Add..
I faced a similar issue and it was solved with the help of this blog post: http://vanderbiest.org/blog/2009/10/27/2104-silverlight-initialization-error/
Just ensuring that IIS_IUSRS has read and read & execute permission on the XAP file might fix this issue.
.xap file was not getting copied to ClientBin directory
The problem in my case was that http://mysite/ClientBin/MyApp.xap was returning a 404. The build process was copying the XAP file into /ClientBin/DEBUG/ - I expect this is because someone told it to copy the XAP file to a config specific folder. To fix it I did the following...
Go to the properties of your website.
Go to the Silverlight Apps page.
If your Silverlight app is already referenced there, remove it.
Now click Add.
Select your existing SL app.
Make sure "Copy to a config specific folder" is NOT checked!
for my case it occured In IE and in chrom the project work.
it resolved by
disable protected mode in IE.(Internet Option -->Security)
For my case (with visual studio 2012), one of the projects in the solution wasn't loaded...
right click->reload project.
