SQL Server Trigger to alter different table - sql-server

I’m trying to create a trigger to change the value of a column in table B if it finds the information in a column in table A.
An example of my database is below:
Once a user creates an entry in Table A declaring an itemID, the trigger needs to change the TableB.itemInStock column to ‘Yes’
I’m still learning SQL so excuse me if I’ve missed something, let me know if you need any more info.
I understand there are better ways of doing this but I've been told I need to do this using a trigger.
I've attempted a few different things, but as it stands nothing is working, below is the current solution I have however this updates all itemInStock rows to 'Yes', where as I only want the ones to update where the TableB.itemID matches the itemID entered in TableA.
ALTER TRIGGER [itemAvailability] ON [dbo].[TableA] FOR
UPDATE [dbo].[TableB] set itemInStock = 'Yes' WHERE
TableB.itemID = itemID

Two problems -
you're not looking at the Inserted pseudo table which contains the
newly inserted rows
you're assuming the trigger is called once per row - this is not the
case, the trigger is called once per statement and the Inserted
pseudo table will contain multiple rows - and you need to deal with
So, your code should look like this -
ALTER TRIGGER [itemAvailability] ON [dbo].[TableA]
SET itemInStock = 'Yes'
FROM [dbo].[TableB] TB JOIN inserted I
on TB.itemID = I.itemID


Recording info in SQL Server trigger

I have a table called dsReplicated.matDB and a column fee_earner. When that column is updated, I want to record two pieces of information:
from the row where fee_earner has been updated.
I've got the basic syntax for doing something when the column is updated but need a hand with the above to get this over the line.
ALTER TRIGGER [dsReplicated].[tr_mfeModified]
ON [dsReplicated].[matdb]
IF (UPDATE(fee_earner))
print 'Matter fee earner changed to '
The problem with triggers in SQL server is that they are called one per SQL statement - not once per row. So if your UPDATE statement updates 10 rows, your trigger is called once, and the Inserted and Deleted pseudo tables inside the trigger each contain 10 rows of data.
In order to see if fee_earner has changed, I'd recommend using this approach instead of the UPDATE() function:
ALTER TRIGGER [dsReplicated].[tr_mfeModified]
ON [dsReplicated].[matdb]
-- I'm just *speculating* here what you want to do with that information - adapt as needed!
INSERT INTO dbo.AuditTable (Id, TriggerTimeStamp, Mt_Code, Old_Fee_Earner, New_Fee_Earner)
i.PrimaryKey, SYSDATETIME(), i.Mt_Code, d.fee_earner, i.fee_earner
FROM Inserted i
-- use the two pseudo tables to detect if the column "fee_earner" has
-- changed with the UPDATE operation
INNER JOIN Deleted d ON i.PrimaryKey = d.PrimaryKey
AND d.fee_earner <> i.fee_earner
The Deleted pseudo table contains the values before the UPDATE - so that's why I take the d.fee_earner as the value for the Old_Fee_Earner column in the audit table.
The Inserted pseudo table contains the values after the UPDATE - so that's why I take the other values from that Inserted pseudo-table to insert into the audit table.
Note that you really must have an unchangeable primary key in that table in order for this trigger to work. This is a recommended best practice for any data table in SQL Server anyway.

How to write query/trigger that satisfies following scenario?

Solution required in SQL Server.
Suppose there are 2 tables
TICKET table with following columns:
item_id - PK
TICKET_PAST with columns:
price - FK
The question is to write a trigger such that whenever a price in the TICKET table is inserted, updated or deleted a new row should be generated by trigger?
Using an after update trigger, and accessing the new value from inserted and the old value from deleted:
create trigger dbo.item_price_update_trigger
on dbo.item
after update as
set nocount on;
insert into item_hist (item_id, price, new_price)
select i.item_id, d.price, i.price
from inserted i
inner join deleted d
on i.item_id = d.item_id
rextester demo: http://rextester.com/PBB85814
This trigger answers your question, but would most likely be just one of three triggers for a complete auditing/history solution. You may want a trigger for after insert to store the initial insert of an item, and an after delete trigger to record the final price of an item that was deleted.
You would also probably want to include the dates of when these actions occurred, so you could query what the effective price was of an item at a given time.
For a somewhat automated option of creating audit/history tables and related triggers, this article and the related scripts may be helpful: Quick And Easy Audit Tables - Dave Britten
Use the inserted and deleted Tables
create trigger (Transact-SQL)
DML Triggers

Merge query using two tables in SQL server 2012

I am very new to SQL and SQL server, would appreciate any help with the following problem.
I am trying to update a share price table with new prices.
The table has three columns: share code, date, price.
The share code + date = PK
As you can imagine, if you have thousands of share codes and 10 years' data for each, the table can get very big. So I have created a separate table called a share ID table, and use a share ID instead in the first table (I was reliably informed this would speed up the query, as searching by integer is faster than string).
So, to summarise, I have two tables as follows:
Table 1 = Share_code_ID (int), Date, Price
Table 2 = Share_code_ID (int), Share_name (string)
So let's say I want to update the table/s with today's price for share ZZZ. I need to:
Look for the Share_code_ID corresponding to 'ZZZ' in table 2
If it is found, update table 1 with the new price for that date, using the Share_code_ID I just found
If the Share_code_ID is not found, update both tables
Let's ignore for now how the Share_code_ID is generated for a new code, I'll worry about that later.
I'm trying to use a merge query loosely based on the following structure, but have no idea what I am doing:
MERGE INTO [Table 1]
USING (VALUES (1,23-May-2013,1000)) AS SOURCE (Share_code_ID,Date,Price)
ON Table 2 = 'ZZZ'
Any help would be appreciated.
You use Table1 for target table and Table2 for source table
You want to do action, when given ID is not found in Table2 - in the source table
In the documentation, that you had read already, that corresponds to the clause
and the latter corresponds to
{ UPDATE SET <set_clause> | DELETE }
Ergo, you cannot insert into source-table there.
You could use triggers for auto-insertion, when you insert something in Table1, but that will not be able to insert proper Shared_Name - trigger just won't know it.
So you have two options i guess.
1) make T-SQL code block - look for Stored Procedures. I think there also is a construct to execute anonymous code block in MS SQ, like EXECUTE BLOCK command in Firebird SQL Server, but i don't know it for sure.
2) create updatable SQL VIEW, joining Table1 and Table2 to show last most current date, so that when you insert a row in this view the view's on-insert trigger would actually insert rows to both tables. And when you would update the data in the view, the on-update trigger would modify the data.

SQL Server Trigger - Insert the deleted record into another table with deletetime

Currently I have a Item table and a ItemWaste table.
Both tables will have some fields, such as: Name, Amount, etc. But the ItemWaste table will have one more field, which is the TimeWasted.
I wish to automatically insert the DELETED item from the Item table to the ItemWaste table, and at the same time insert the deletion time to the TimeWasted field.
I got no idea how to do this, is it using trigger???
Hope can get some help here... Appreciate any feedback... Thanks....
Sure - not a problem.
You need a basic AFTER DELETE trigger - something like this:
ON dbo.Item
INSERT INTO dbo.ItemWaste(Name, Amount, TimeWasted)
SELECT d.Name, d.Amount, GETDATE()
FROM Deleted d
That's all there is! One point to remember: the trigger is called once per batch - e.g. if you delete 100 rows at once, it will be called once and the pseudo table Deleted will contain 100 rows. The trigger is not called once per row (a common misconception).
Yes, simply by writting a trigger you can insert a row when an delete action is performed in another table, have a look at Triggers

T-SQL: what COLUMNS have changed after an update?

OK. I'm doing an update on a single row in a table.
All fields will be overwritten with new data except for the primary key.
However, not all values will change b/c of the update.
For example, if my table is as follows:
TABLE (id int ident, foo varchar(50), bar varchar(50))
The initial value is:
id foo bar
1 hi there
I then execute UPDATE tbl SET foo = 'hi', bar = 'something else' WHERE id = 1
What I want to know is what column has had its value changed and what was its original value and what is its new value.
In the above example, I would want to see that the column "bar" was changed from "there" to "something else".
Possible without doing a column by column comparison? Is there some elegant SQL statement like EXCEPT that will be more fine-grained than just the row?
There is no special statement you can run that will tell you exactly which columns changed, but nevertheless the query is not difficult to write:
OldFoo varchar(50),
NewFoo varchar(50),
OldBar varchar(50),
NewBar varchar(50)
SET <some_columns> = <some_values>
OUTPUT deleted.foo, inserted.foo, deleted.bar, inserted.bar INTO #Updates
WHERE <some_conditions>
FROM #Updates
WHERE OldFoo != NewFoo
OR OldBar != NewBar
If you're trying to actually do something as a result of these changes, then best to write a trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER tr_FooBars_Update
ON FooBars
INSERT FooBarChanges (OldFoo, NewFoo, OldBar, NewBar)
SELECT d.foo, i.foo, d.bar, i.bar
FROM inserted i
INNER JOIN deleted d
ON i.id = d.id
WHERE d.foo <> i.foo
OR d.bar <> i.bar
(Of course you'd probably want to do more than this in a trigger, but there's an example of a very simplistic action)
You can use COLUMNS_UPDATED instead of UPDATE but I find it to be pain, and it still won't tell you which columns actually changed, just which columns were included in the UPDATE statement. So for example you can write UPDATE MyTable SET Col1 = Col1 and it will still tell you that Col1 was updated even though not one single value actually changed. When writing a trigger you need to actually test the individual before-and-after values in order to ensure you're getting real changes (if that's what you want).
P.S. You can also UNPIVOT as Rob says, but you'll still need to explicitly specify the columns in the UNPIVOT clause, it's not magic.
Try unpivotting both inserted and deleted, and then you could join, looking for where the value has changed.
You could detect this in a Trigger, or utilise CDC in SQL Server 2008.
If you create a trigger FOR AFTER UPDATE then the inserted table will contain the rows with the new values, and the deleted table will contain the corresponding rows with the old values.
Alternative option to track data changes is to write data to another (possible temporary) table and then analyse difference with using XML. Changed data is being write to audit table together with column names. Only one thing is you need to know table fields to prepare temporary table.
You can find this solution here:
part 1
part 2
If you are using SQL Server 2008, you should probably take a look at at the new Change Data Capture feature. This will do what you want.
OUTPUT deleted.bar AS [OLD VALUE], inserted.bar AS [NEW VALUE]
#Calvin I was just basing on the UPDATE example. I am not saying this is the full solution. I was giving a hint that you could do this somewhere in your code ;-)
Since I already got a -1 from the above answer, let me pitch this in:
If you don't really know which Column was updated, I'd say create a trigger and use COLUMNS_UPDATED() function in the body of that trigger (See this)
I have created in my blog a Bitmask Reference for use with this COLUMNS_UPDATED(). It will make your life easier if you decide to follow this path (Trigger + Columns_Updated())
If you're not familiar with Trigger, here's my example of basic Trigger http://dbalink.wordpress.com/2008/06/20/how-to-sql-server-trigger-101/
