SAS: set statement point = _N_ - arrays

I'm trying to understand a friend's code to see if I can find some inspiration for my dissertation. He runs a section where he creates a dataset and inputs 3 datasets. However, what I don't understand is that he uses 3 set statements and the latter datasets use point = "_ N _"
What is the use of the following code?
data Other;
set One;
set Two point = _N_;
set Three point = _N_;
array Rating[*] Unrated;
array Amortising[*] '1'n;
array Rating_old[*] old_Unrated;
AM = 0;
do i = 1 to dim(Rating);
Rating[i] = Rating[i] + Rating_old[i] * Amortising[i];
The input datasets look like this
data one;
input Segment count weight ;
1 0 0.1
99 1 0.2
data two;
input block $ type '0'n '1'n '99'n;
50 A 100% 10% 0%
50 S 100% 10% 0%
51 S 100% 10% 0%
52 S 100% 10% 0%
132 S 100% 12% 0%
data three;
input DPD $ block type $ segment count weight;
AM 50 S 1 0 0.1
Unrated 51 S 99 0.2
NPE 132 S 1 0.5
Just looking to see what the point = _ N _ would be used for!

In this program it does nothing. The program would run exactly the same without the point= option on the last two set statements.
The POINT= let's you access observations directly. The _N_ automatic variable is incremented once for each iteration of the data step. So on the first iteration the step will read the first observation from each of the three inputs. Which is exactly what would happen without the point= option.
Note that this program will stop when the first SET statement reads past the end of the file. Without the POINT= then it would stop when ANY of the three set statements attempted to read past the end of the input file. You could do the same and avoid the ERRORs in the SAS log by using and testing the NOBS= options.
set One;
if _n_ <= nobs2 then set Two nobs=nobs2;
if _n_ <= nobs3 then set Three nobs=nobs3;

Given the datasets shown, it doesn't do anything.
However, if the ONE dataset had more rows than one or both of the other two datasets, it would avoid the data step stopping when it ran out of rows from the shortest dataset. For example, run this:
data Other;
set Two;
set One point = _N_;
set Three point = _N_;
array Rating[*] Unrated;
array Amortising[*] '1'n;
array Rating_old[*] old_Unrated;
AM = 0;
do i = 1 to dim(Rating);
Rating[i] = Rating[i] + Rating_old[i] * Amortising[i];
Just swapping TWO and ONE. Now you get 5 rows, while if you took off the point=_n_, you'd only get two still. So the program is likely being written to ensure all of ONE's rows are represented (similar to a left join in SQL except you're not joining to anything here). This would probably be more clearly written as a merge, even without a by statement if it's just a one-to-one merge. Usually, though, there's a valid merge key to merge on.


Macro loop in SAS - passing value to condition

I'm a beginner in SAS and I am struggling a bit with the macro loop in SAS. The problem is illustrated by the code below. The task here is to create separate subsets and save them as libraries for later post-processing. Additionally I added graphs for visualization. I am operating on a huge database but for this post I create a sample at the beginning of the code for simplification.
However, it seems that the internal condition (IF ID = i ) doesn't filter out the data. Instead the internal loop creates empty tables (but with correct names: "SUB1", "SUB2", "SUB3") with a column (variabale) called "i".
1 01012011 100
1 01022011 400
1 01032011 678
2 01012011 678
2 01022011 333
2 01032011 333
3 01012011 733
3 01022011 899
3 01032011 999
%MACRO filter(number);
%DO i=1 %TO &number;
IF ID = i;
reg x=DATE y=VALUE;
%mend filter;
If I manually copy and paste the part inside macro and manually change i to numbers 1 to 3 it creates correct graphs. What is wrong in this code? How can I pass the value from the DO statement inside the code?
I am using SAS Studio.
The macro is creating empty data sets because the code that the macro eventually writes contains the subsetting if statement
if ID = i;
Because the data set does not contain a variable i a new variable named i is added to the PDV and the output data sets SUB1, SUB2, SUB3. The default value for i is missing and no ID value is missing, thus no rows pass the test and you get empty data sets. The log will also provide clues to the situation:
NOTE: Variable i is uninitialized.
When abstracting a code segment for 'macroization' be sure to use & in front of the macro variables. Thus, when the macro contains
if ID = &i;
The eventual code written by the macro system will have your 3 similar code operations with the different values of the macro variable.
if ID = 1;
if ID = 2;
if ID = 3;
Right now you are producing the same graph three times because the datasets SUB1, SUB2, SUB3 all use the same set of data. That is because the only thing in your data step that depends on the value of the macro variable I is the name.
You are currently selecting the observations where the variable ID matches the variable I. Perhaps you meant to select the observations where the variable ID matches the macro variable used in the %DO loop?
IF ID = &i;
One tip for debugging your macro code is to add the statement
options mprint;
This will show the code that SAS is actually using.
For example in the log:
70 options mprint;
71 %MACRO filter(number);
72 %DO i=1 %TO &number;
73 DATA SUB&i;
75 IF ID = &i;
77 reg x=DATE y=VALUE;
78 RUN;
79 %END;
80 %mend filter;
82 %filter(2);
NOTE: There were 9 observations read from the data set WORK.EXAMPLE.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SUB1 has 3 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds

Link two tables based on conditions in matlab

I am using matlab to prepare my dataset in order to run it in certain data mining models and I am facing an issue with linking the data between two of my tables.
So, I have two tables, A and B, which contain sequential recordings of certain values in a certain timestamps and I want to create a third table, C, in which I will add columns of both A and B in the same rows according to some conditions.
Tables A and B don't have the same amount of rows (A has more measurements) but they both have two columns:
1st column: time of the recording (hh:mm:ss) and
2nd column: recorded value in that time
Columns of A and B are going to be added in table C when all the following conditions stand:
The time difference between A and B is more than 3 sec but less than 5 sec
The recorded value of A is the 40% - 50% of the recorded value of B.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For the first condition you need something like [row,col,val]=find((A(:,1)-B(:,1))>2sec && (A(:,1)-B(:,1))<5sec) where you do need to use datenum or equivalent to transform your timestamps. For the second condition this works the same, use [row,col,val]=find(A(:,2)>0.4*B(:,2) && A(:,2)<0.5*B(:,2)
datenum allows you to transform your arrays, so do that first:
A(:,1) = datenum(A(:,1));
B(:,1) = datenum(B(:,1));
you might need to check the documentation on datenum, regarding the format your string is in.
time1 = [datenum([0 0 0 0 0 3]) datenum([0 0 0 0 0 3])];
creates the datenums for 3 and 5 seconds. All combined:
A(:,1) = datenum(A(:,1));
B(:,1) = datenum(B(:,1));
time1 = [datenum([0 0 0 0 0 3]) datenum([0 0 0 0 0 3])];
[row1,col1,val1]=find((A(:,1)-B(:,1))>time1(1)&& (A(:,1)-B(:,1))<time1(2));
[row2,col2,val2]=find(A(:,2)>0.4*B(:,2) && A(:,2)<0.5*B(:,2);
The variables of row and col you might not need when you want only the values though. val1 contains the values of condition 1, val2 of condition 2. If you want both conditions to be valid at the same time, use both in the find command:
[row3,col3,val3]=find((A(:,1)-B(:,1))>time1(1)&& ...
(A(:,1)-B(:,1))<time1(2) && A(:,2)>0.4*B(:,2)...
&& A(:,2)<0.5*B(:,2);
The actual adding of your two arrays based on the conditions:
C = A(row3,2)+B(row3,2);
Thank you for your response and help! However for the time I followed a different approach by converting hh:mm:ss to seconds that will make the comparison easier later on:
dv1 = datevec(A, ' HH:MM:SS.FFF ');
secs = [3600,60,1];
dv1(:,6) = floor(dv1(:,6));
timestamp = dv1(:,4:6)*secs.';
Now I am working on combining both time and weight conditions in a piece of code that will run. Should I use an if condition inside a for loop or is a for loop not necessary?

Get rid of kth smallest and largest values of a dataset in SAS

I have a datset sort of like this
obs| foo | bar | more
1 | 111 | 11 | 9
2 | 9 | 2 | 2
I need to throw out the 4 largest and 4 smallest of foo (later then I would do a similar thing with bar) basically to proceed but I'm unsure the most effective way to do this. I know there are functions smallest and largest but I don't understand how I can use them to get the smallest 4 or largest 4 from an already made dataset. I guess alternatively I could just remove the min and max 4 times but that sounds needlessly tedious/time consuming. Is there a better way?
PROC RANK will do this for you pretty easily. If you know the total count of observations, it's trivial - it's slightly harder if you don't.
proc rank data=sashelp.class out=class_ranks(where=(height_r>4 and weight_r>4));
ranks height_r weight_r;
var height weight;
That removes any observation that is in the 4 smallest heights or weights, for example. The largest 4 would require knowing the maximum rank, or doing a second processing step.
data class_final;
set class_ranks nobs=nobs;
if height_r lt (nobs-3) and weight_r lt (nobs-3);
Of course if you're just removing the values then do it all in the data step and call missing the variable if the condition is met rather than deleting the observation.
You are going to need to make at least 2 passes through your dataset however you do this - one to find out what the top and bottom 4 values are, and one to exclude those observations.
You can use proc univariate to get the top and bottom 5 values, and then use the output from that to create a where filter for a subsequent data step. Here's an example:
ods _all_ close;
ods output extremeobs = extremeobs;
proc univariate data =;
ods listing;
data _null_;
do _N_ = 1 by 1 until (last.varname);
set extremeobs;
by varname notsorted;
if _n_ = 2 then call symput(cats(varname,'_top4'),high);
if _n_ = 4 then call symput(cats(varname,'_bottom4'),low);
data cars_filtered;
If there are multiple observations that tie for 4th largest / smallest this will filter out all of them.
You can use proc sql to place the number of distinct values of foo into a macro var (includes null values as distinct).
In you data step you can use and the macro var to selectively output only those that are no the smallest or largest 4 values.
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct foo) + count(distinct case when foo is null then 1 end)
into :distinct_obs from have;
proc sort data = have; by foo; run;
data want;
set have;
by foo;
if then count+1;
if 4 < count < (&distinct_obs. - 3) then output;
drop count;
I also found a way to do it that seems to work with IML (I'm practicing by trying to redo things different ways). I knew my maximum number of observations and had already sorted it by order of the variable of interest.
EDIT data_set;
DELETE point {{1, 2, 3, 4,51, 52, 53, 54};
close data_set;
I've not used IML very much but I stumbled upon this while reading documentation. Thank you to everyone who answered my question!

How can I "define" SAS data sets using macro variable and write to them using an array

My source data contains 200,000+ observations, one of the many variables in the data set is "county." My goal is to write a macro that will take this one data set as an input, and split them into 58 different temporary data sets for each of the California counties.
First question is if it is possible to specify the 58 counties on the data statement using something like a global reference array defined beforehand.
Second question is, assuming the output data sets have been properly specified on the data statement, is it possible to use a do loop to choose the right data set to write to?
I can get the comparison to work properly, but cannot seem to use a array reference to specify a output data set. This is most likely because I need more experience with the macro environment!
Please see below for the simplistic skeleton framework I have written so far. c_long array contains the names of each of the counties, c_short array contains a 3 letter abbreviation for each of the counties. Thanks in advance!
data splitraw;
length county_name $15;
infile "&path/random.csv" dsd firstobs=2;
input county_name $ number;
%macro _58countysplit(dxtosplit,countycol);
data <need to specify 58 data sets here named something like &dxtosplit_ALA, &dxtosplit_ALP, etc..>;
set &dxtosplit;
do i=1 to 58;
if c_long{i}=&countycol then output &dxtosplit._&c_short{i};
%mend _58countysplit;
The code you provided will need to run through the large dataset 58 times, each time writing a small one. I have done it a bit different.
First I create a sample dataset with a variable "county" this will contain ten different values:
data large;
attrib county length=$12;
do i=1 to 10000;
First, I start with finding all the unique values and constructing the names of all the different tables I would like to create:
proc sql noprint;
select distinct compbl("large_"!!county) into :counties separated by " "
from large;
Now I have a macrovariable "counties" that containes all the different datasets I want to create.
Here I am writing the IF-statements to a file:
filename x temp;
data _null_;
attrib county length=$12 ds length=$18;
file x;
do while(scan("&counties",i," ") ne "");
ds=scan("&counties",i," ");
put "if county=""" county +(-1) """ then output " ds ";";
Now I have what I need to create the small datasets:
data &counties;
set large;
%inc x;
I agree with user667489, there is almost always a better way then splitting one large data set into many small data sets. However, if you want to proceed along these lines there is a table in sashelp called vcolumn which lists all your libraries, their tables, and each column (in each table) that should help you. Also if you want
if c_long{i}=&countycol then output &dxtosplit._&c_short{i};
to resolve you might mean:
if c_long{i}=&countycol then output &&dxtosplit._&c_short{i};
It's likely, depending upon what you're actually trying to do, that BY processing is all you need. Nevertheless, here is a simple solution:
%macro split_by(data=, splitvar=);
%local dslist iflist;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct cats("&splitvar._", &splitvar)
into :dslist separated by ' '
from &data;
select distinct
catt("if &splitvar='", &splitvar, "' then output &splitvar._", &splitvar, ";", '0A'x)
into :iflist separated by "else "
from &data;
data &dslist;
set &data;
%mend split_by;
Here is some test data to illustrate:
options mprint;
data test;
length county $1 val $1;
input county val;
infile cards;
A 2
B 3
A 5
C 8
C 9
D 10
%split_by(data=test, splitvar=county)
And you can view the log to see how the macro generates the DATA step you want:
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): proc sql noprint;
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): select distinct cats("county_", county) into :dslist separated by ' ' from test;
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): select distinct catt("if county='", county, "' then output county_", county, ";", '0A'x) into :iflist separated
by "else " from test;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): data county_A county_B county_C county_D;
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): set test;
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): if county='A' then output county_A;
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): else if county='B' then output county_B;
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): else if county='C' then output county_C;
MPRINT(SPLIT_BY): else if county='D' then output county_D;
NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK.TEST.
NOTE: The data set WORK.COUNTY_A has 2 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.COUNTY_B has 1 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.COUNTY_C has 2 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.COUNTY_D has 1 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.05 seconds

SAS: sum all values except one

I'm working in SAS and I'm trying to sum all observations, leaving out one each time.
For example, if I have:
Count Name Grade
1 Sam 90
2 Adam 100
3 John 80
4 Max 60
5 Andrea 70
I want to output a value for Sam that is the sum of all grades but his own, and a value for Adam that is a sum of all grades but his own - etc.
Any ideas? Thanks!
You can do it in a single proc sql instead, using key word calculated:
data have;
input Count Name $ Grade;
1 Sam 90
2 Adam 100
3 John 80
4 Max 60
5 Andrea 70
proc sql;
create table want as
select *, sum(grade) as all_grades, calculated all_grades-grade as minus_grade
from have;
Here's a nearly one pass solution (it will be about the same speed as a one pass solution if the dataset fits in the read buffer). I actually calculate the mean here instead of just the sum, as I feel that's a more interesting result (and the sum is of course the mean without the division).
data have;
input Count Name $ Grade;
1 Sam 90
2 Adam 100
3 John 80
4 Max 60
5 Andrea 70
data want;
retain grademean;
if _n_=1 then do;
do _n_ = 1 to nobs_have;
set have(keep=grade) point=_n_ nobs=nobs_have;
set have;
grade_noti = ((grademean*nobs_have)-grade)/(nobs_have-1);
Calculate the mean, then for each record subtract the portion that record contributed to the mean. This is a super useful technique for stat testing when you want to compare a record to the rest of the population, and you have a complicated class combination where you'd rather do the mean first. In those cases you use PROC MEANS first and then merge it on, then do this subtraction.
proc sql;
create table temp as select
sum(grade) as all_grades
from orig_data;
proc sql;
create table temp2 as select
(b.all_grades-a.grade) as sum_other_grades
from orig_data a
left join temp b;
Haven't tested it but the above should work. It creates a new dataset temp that has the sum of all grades and merges that back to create a new table with the sum of all grades less the current students grade as sum_other_grades.
This solution performs takes each observation of your starting dataset, and then loops through the same dataset summing up grade values for any records with different names, so beginning with 'Sam', we only add the oth_g variable when we find names that are NOT 'Sam':
data want;
set have;
do i=1 to n;
set have
(keep=name grade rename=(name=name_loop grade=grade_loop))
nobs=n point=i;
if name^=name_loop then oth_g+grade_loop;
drop grade_loop name_loop i n;
This is a slight modification to the answer #Reese provided above.
proc sql;
create table want as
select *,
(select sum(grade) from have) as all_grades,
calculated all_grades - grade as minus_grade
from have;
I've rearranged it this way to avoid the below message being printed to the log:
NOTE: The query requires remerging summary statistics back with the original data.
If you see the above message, it almost always means that you have made a mistake. If you actually did mean to remerge summary stats back with the original data, you should do so explicitly (like I have done above by refactoring #reese 's query.
Personally I think the refactored version is also easier to understand.
