How to add and remove active class in navigation in react js - reactjs

<Link to={'/home'}>
<Link to={'/story'}>
About us
I have above navigation tab in reactjs and I would like to toggle active class on click between links. I have been go through on various stacks but not able to find proper answer for above scenerio.

One can use react-router/web#NavLink instead react-router/web#Link.
Attach the class that you want to use as a active class using activeClassName property of NavLink.
<NavLinkto={'/home'} activeClassName="selected">Home</NavLink>
<NavLinkto={'/story'} activeClassName="selectedSec">About us</NavLink>


In React: How can I either stop React from adding a wrapping div, or add a classname to the wrapping div?

I've created a component that outputs a navigation menu.
I'm calling this component from within another component that outputs a website header.
export default function HeaderNav() {
<nav className={styles.headerNav}>
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/tests/test001">Test 1</Link>
<Link to="/tests/test002">Test 2</Link>
<Link to="/tests/test003">Test 3</Link>
I've found that React is wrapping my navigation component in a parent div:
The addition of this wrapping div creates problems for styling. Especially when it comes to layout for the header.
Ideally I'd like to additional wrapper to not exist. But if there's no way to prevent it from existing, then giving it a classname might help to reduce the issues for styling it.
How can I do either of these things?
Enclose your navigation component between <React.Fragment></React.Fragment> or with shorthand <></>. To further read about React.Fragment

React router dom LINK concatunates

I'm trying to create navigation between some categories while changing the link on click
I need to get this localhost/blog/category/:category1 it works for the first category selected but when I click again I get this localhost/blog/category/blog/category/:category2.
I'm using LINK for redirection
thank you
try this :

React hyperlink in a NavLink

I need your suggestions and ideas please. I'm using a long sentence in a react <NavLink> to point to a page. I'm supposed to make just the "Click here" show the hand and make it clickable to the component. Any ideas would be appreciated.
<NavLink to="/page">
This is long sentence but "click here" to get to the page
Have you tried this?
This is long sentence but <NavLink to="/page">click here</NavLink> to get to the page
You can just wrap "click here" with the NavLink:
This is long sentence but
<NavLink to="/page">
"click here"
to get to the page
NavLinks are essentially just anchor tags and function the same way

add active class to menu item clicked add remove from others

I want to add isActive class to an item menu when user click on this item, and remove isActive class from all others items.
I am trying to compare the id, this is the angularJS code:
$rootScope.isActive = function(idVal, event){
return idVal ===;
This is a part from Menu Html code:
<ul class="sidebar-nav">
<a ui-sref="" id='101' ng-class="{active: isActive($event, 101)}">
<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle glyph-sidebar'></span>
<ul class='dropdown sidebar-nav-dropdown' >
Transaction Mapping
File Setup
Code Setup
<a href="#" id='102' ng-class="{active: isActive($event, 102)}">
<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle glyph-sidebar'></span>
Administrative Rules
<ul class='dropdown sidebar-nav-dropdown'>
<a ui-sref="admin.mapping-rules">Transaction Mapping</a>
<a ui-sref="admin.mapping-rules">File Setup</a>
<a ui-sref="admin.mapping-rules">Code Setup</a>
First of all, you shouldn't use the root scope. You should use the scope of the controller associated to that view.
Second, your code doesn't make much sense. $event can be used as a parameter of a function called... to react to an event:
But with ng-class, there is no $event.
All you need to have in your scope is the ID (or name, or whatever identifies a menu item) of the selected menu item:
$scope.selectedMenuItem = null;
When an item is clicked, you need to change the selected menu item:
$scope.selectMenuItem(item) {
$scope.selectedMenuItem = item;
Then to associated a css class with the selected menu item, you simply need
ng-class="{active: selectedMenuItem === 101}"
That said, if all your links navigate to a given router state, you don't even need that selectedMenuItem. All you need is to add the active class if the current router state is the one the that the link allows navigating to (assuming $state is on your scope):
ng-class="{active: $state.includes('admin.mapping-rules')}

AngularJS - Change navigation menu based on user logged

I am using SpringBoot and Angular JS for my web application and I would like to know a good way to change the navigation menu based on the user logged.
I was placing the navigation bar inside all the views but im sure there is a better way to do it.
public class Usuario implements Serializable {
private Rol rol; -> This can be "UserA","UserB","UserC"
And my different navigation menus are
Navigation for UserA
<nav id="nav">
Navigation for UserB
<nav id="nav">
Navigation for UserC
<nav id="nav">
You can use ng-show, ng-if or ng-switch. Beter use ng-if or ng-switch as it doesn't create html for other roles and other users wont be able to see links for other roles if they do inspect element. ng-show will just hide only(adds the display:none style)
In controller get the role
$scope.role = $http.get("some url to get role");
<nav id="nav" ng-switch='role'>
<ul ng-switch-when='userA'>
<ul ng-switch-when='userB'>
<ul ng-switch-when='userC'>
<ul ng-switch-default='userDefault'>
Default is optional
For all nav add ng-show and control your rol. And you have set your rol to $scope.role
<nav id="nav" ng-show="role=='userA'">
If you don't want to use ajax call;You can set $scope.role value on your jsp and when user changed result will be changed. You can use "JSTL" or "Jsp shortTag" shortTag example;
<nav id="nav" ng-show="<%=rol%>=='userC'">
