getting incomplete result executing mssql stored procedure in codeigniter - sql-server

this gives accurate result in mssql server
execute proc_Attn_Mon_General 801, '2018-04-14', '2018-05-14', 0
but this gives incomplete result
$query = $this->db->query("execute proc_Attn_Mon_General #emp_id='$emp_id', #date_from='$start_date', #date_to='$end_date', #Aflag=0");
return $query->result_array();
or this
$query = $this->db->query("execute proc_Attn_Mon_General ".$emp_id.",'".$start_date."','".$end_date."', ".$Aflag." ");
return $query->result_array();
am i doing something wrong?

the query works fine but this could be issue of your slow network connection


dbHasCompleted always returns TRUE

I'm using R to do a statistical analysis on a SQL Server 2008 R2 database. My database client (aka driver) is JDBC and thereby I'm using RJDBC package.
My query is pretty simple and I'm sure that query would return a lot of rows (about 2 million rows).
SELECT * FROM [maindb].[dbo].[users]
My R script is as follows.
javaPackageName <- "";
clientJarFile <- "/home/abforce/mystuff/sqljdbc_3.0/enu/sqljdbc4.jar";
driver <- JDBC(javaPackageName, clientJarFile);
conn <- dbConnect(driver, "jdbc:sqlserver://", "username", "password");
query <- "SELECT * FROM [maindb].[dbo].[users]";
result <- dbSendQuery(conn, query);
In the codes above, the last line always returns TRUE. What could be wrong here?
The fact of function dbHasCompleted always returning TRUE seems to be a known issue as I've found other places in the Internet where people were struggling with this issue.
So, I came with a workaround. Instead of function dbHasCompleted, we can use conditional statement nrow(result) == 0.
For example:
result <- dbSendQuery(conn, query);
repeat {
chunk <- dbFetch(result, n = 10);
if(nrow(chunk) == 0){
# Do something with 'chunk';

"Cursor type changed" error on Perl OLE32 MSSQL dateadd function results

The following sql "select DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 2, GETDATE()), '20:00:00') as A" runs perfectly fine in Microsoft sql query.
However in perl, it complains with the following error "Description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Cursor type changed".
I double checked and my code can run select and update statements with no issues so I am a bit stumbled about the cursor error.
Note that I have not included my connection string but have illustrated that I am using win32::OLE.
use Win32::OLE;
$conn->{ConnectionString} = "...";
$conn->open; # open connection to the DB
$state = $conn ->state; #1 means connected
if($state ne "1"){...
$mssql_select = "select DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 2, GETDATE()), '20:00:00')
as A";
$rs->Open( $mssql_select, $conn);
my $error_collection = $conn->Errors();
my $ecount = $error_collection->Count;
my ($is_message, $real_error_found);
foreach my $error (in $error_collection)
#output error statements
$is_message = ($error->{SQLState} eq "01000" && $error->{NativeError}==0);
$real_error_found=1 unless $is_message;
$status = "ERROR # " . $error->{Number}
. "\n Description: " . $error->{Description}
. "\nSource: " . $error->{Source} . "\n";
Results in "Description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Cursor type changed".
Any brainstormnig ideas the group can provide would be appreciated.
I figured it out, see below
Solved it, turns out this is just a warning, sql server does not know what type of cursor will be returned, the results actually get returned. See

Multiple result sets and return value handling while calling sql server stored procedure from Groovy

I have MS SQL Server stored procedure (SQL Server 2012) which returns:
return value describing procedure execution result in general (successfull or not) with return #RetCode statement (RetCode is int type)
one result set (several records with 5 fields each)
another result set (several records with 3 fields each)
I calling this procedure from my Groovy (and Java) code using Java's CallableStatement object and I cannot find right way to handle all three outputs.
My last attempt is
CallableStatement proc = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call Procedure_Name($param_1, $param_2)}")
proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER)
boolean result = proc.execute()
int returnValue = proc.getInt(1)
ResultSet rs = proc.getResultSet()
result = proc.getMoreResults()
And now I get exception:
Output parameters have not yet been processed. Call getMoreResults()
I tried several approaches for some hours but didn't find correct one. Some others produced another exceptions.
Could you please help me with the issue?
Thanks In Advance!
Update (for Tim):
I see rc while I launched code:
Connection connection = dbGetter().connection
CallableStatement proc = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call Procedure_Name($param_1, $param_2)}")
boolean result = proc.execute()
ResultSet rs = proc.getResultSet()
result = proc.getMoreResults()
I see rc as object: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsResultSet#1937bc8

Joomla DB Object with where and Now()

can someone help me with this? I want to query some data for my joomla 2.5
template from the db.
The known mysql syntax
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `jos_fieldsattach_values` WHERE value > NOW() and value < NOW() + INTERVAL 5 DAY");
works as expexted but if I try to write this in the joomla db syntax the query fails
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where('WHERE value > NOW() and value < NOW() + INTERVAL 5 DAY');
$result = $db->loadObjectList();
It seems somethings wrong with the where clause ?
Thankful for you answers,
First of all. When you develop anything with Joomla you should turn on FULL Error reporting (Configuration/Server/Error Reporting/Development) then set system debugging (Configuration/System/Debug System/Yes). It will show all errors, those from system and those from php/mysql. But remember make sure website is not visible for other users to. Now, your code should look more like this:
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select("*")->from('#__fieldsattach_values')->where('value > NOW() AND value < DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)');
$result = $db->loadObjectList();

Codeigniter - pass single query result to controller with json - if exists

Wanting to pass a single codeigniter query result to my controller using json.
my model function is:
function get_linked_loads_qty($q){
$sql = $this->db->query("
select qtylinkedorders
from Linked_Order_Summary
join Linked_Order_lines
on Linked_Order_Summary.linkedorderid= Linked_Order_lines.linked_order_id
where load_number='$q'
select qtylinkedorders
from Linked_Order_Summary
join Linked_Order_lines
on Linked_Order_Summary.linkedorderid= Linked_Order_lines.linked_order_id
where load_number='$q'
select 1 as qtylinkedorders
from customer_Order_lines
where CustomerOrderID='$q'
group by CustomerOrderID
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows > 0){
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row){
$row_set[] = htmlentities(stripslashes($row[qtylinkedorders])); //build an array
return $row_set;
and my controller is:
function get_linked_loads_qty(){
if (isset($_POST['data'])){
$q = strtolower($_POST['data']);
$data = $this->Sales_model->get_linked_loads_qty($q);
The sql works 100% in mssql. the codeigniter error is:
<p>Error Number: 42000</p><p>[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Must specify table to select from.</p><p>SELECT *</p>
as mentioned the query executes perfectly in mssql.
any assistance welcome. Thanks.
I believe the $this->db->get() is not needed, and is what causes the error. The $this->db->query("blah...") will run the query and return the result. See CodeIgniter DB Query Docs
