Search specific value in specific field with Azure Search - azure-cognitive-search

I have my data in Azure Search. In my structure there are a lot of fields and I have to filter or search using two of them.
One is Type defined as Edm.String and the other one is memberOf defined as Collection(Edm.String).
Type has values like private:Text, memberOf has values like
I want apply a filter:
filter=Type:'private:Text' AND memberOf:''
as result I receive all records. I read Microsoft's documentation but I can't find a solution.
In my code I have
SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters()
SearchMode = SearchMode.Any,
Skip = currentPage - 1,
IncludeTotalResultCount = true
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery))
sp.Filter = searchQuery;
DocumentSearchResult<VuSearchData> result =
await client.Documents.SearchAsync<VuSearchData>(searchText, sp);

The syntax for filters is different than for full-text search. Filters use OData syntax. The subset of OData supported by Azure Search is documented here.
The filter you want to execute looks like this in OData syntax:
Type eq 'private:Text' and memberOf/any(m: m eq '')
Note the use of any and a lambda expression since memberOf is a collection field.


How to get all vector ids from Milvus2.0?

I used to use Milvus1.0. And I can get all IDs from Milvus1.0 by using get_collection_stats and list_id_in_segment APIs.
These days I am trying Milvus2.0. And I also want to get all IDs from Milvus2.0. But I don't find any ways to do it.
milvus v2.0.x supports queries using boolean expressions.
This can be used to return ids by checking if the field is greater than zero.
Let's assume you are using this schema for your collection.
as of 3/8/2022
fields = [
FieldSchema(name="pk", dtype=DataType.INT64, is_primary=True, auto_id=False),
FieldSchema(name="random", dtype=DataType.DOUBLE),
FieldSchema(name="embeddings", dtype=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, dim=dim)
schema = CollectionSchema(fields, "hello_milvus is the simplest demo to introduce the APIs")
hello_milvus = Collection("hello_milvus", schema, consistency_level="Strong")
Remember to insert something into your collection first... see the pymilvus example.
Here you want to query out all ids (pk)
You cannot currently list ids specific to a segment, but this would return all ids in a collection.
res = hello_milvus.query(
expr = "pk >= 0",
output_fields = ["pk", "embeddings"]
for x in res:
print(x["pk"], x["embeddings"])
I think this is the only way to do it now, since they removed list_id_in_segment

Order by best match of string column in EF Core

I am implementing a search feature for the users in our api. The search will query our db to fetch the first N users matching the search term. I want to order the user after "best match" so the most relevant user is on top.
What I'd like to do is something like:
var users = await _dbContext.Users
.Where(u => u.Name.Contains(searchTerm))
.OrderBy(u => u.Name.IndexOf(searchTerm)) <- This row is not possible
Where basically a name that contains the search term early is ordered before a user whose name contains the term late.
Simon Carlsson should come before Carl Simonsson if the searchTerm is "Simon"
Using SQL Server as the DB provider
How would I achieve an order by query where users with names better matching the searchTerm are sorted higher up in the list?
After some more searching this method of importing functions from the DB provider was found:
[DbFunction("CHARINDEX", IsBuiltIn = true)]
public static long CHARINDEX(string substring, string str)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Put this in user dbContext class. It will bind to the CHARINDEX function in SQL Server.
Then use it to sort the query:
.sortBy(u => DbContext.CHARINDEX(searchTerm,
Have you tried the LIKE operator?
You may find this useful
Entity framework EF.Functions.Like vs string.Contains

Is it possible to use $filters with msgraph /groups/delta?

I am writing an application that is expected to sync user's detail from a group present in AAD under a given group. The plan is to use the /groups/delta endpoint.
I am trying to look for an equivalent of the following /groups query parameter for a group in /groups/delta:$filter=displayName+eq+'someGroup'&$expand=members
The expectation is that the response should return newly added/removed members under 'someGroup' and optionally expand some fields ... Any ideas?
There is limited support for $filter and $orderby:
- The only supported $filter expression is for tracking changes on a specific object: $filter=id+eq+{value}. You can filter multiple objects. For example,$filter= id eq '477e9fc6-5de7-4406-bb2a-7e5c83c9ffff' or id eq '004d6a07-fe70-4b92-add5-e6e37b8affff. There is a limit of 50 filtered objects.
Source: microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs
Support for $filter operators varies across Microsoft Graph APIs. The following logical operators are generally supported:
equals (eq)
not equals (ne)
greater than (gt)
greater than or equals (ge)
less than (lt)
less than or equals (le)
and (and)
or (or)
not (not)
Source: Use query parameters to customize responses

Sitecore Solr Search by Multilist with Values from Another Multilist

I have a set of product items. Each product item has a multilist field that points to a set of product type items. When on a product page, I want to show a paged list of related items. These should be items that share a product type with the currently selected item. I'm running into some trouble because products can have multiple types. I need to split the type list on the current item and check that against the list of products in an expression. For some reason split and contains are throwing runtime exceptions and I can't really figure out why. I saw some things about the predicate builder being used for dynamic queries and I will try to use that with what I currently have but I'd like to know why this can't be done straight in the where clause.
Another issue I ran into is that the list of ids stored in solr are being stripped of their '{', '}', and '-' characters.
If you are already on the product page I assume you already have the product item and that product item should have a "ProductType" multilist field. You can use Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistFiled to avoid worrying about have to split the raw values.
You can then use Sitecore's Predicate Builder to build out your search predicate, which I assume you want to find all products that have one similar product type. You should adjust this search logic as needed. I am using the ObjectIndexerKey (see more here -> to go after a named field, but you should build out a proper search model and actually define ProductTypes as a List< ID> or something similar. You may need to add other conditions to the search predicate as well such as path or templateid to limit your results. After that you can just execute the search and consume the results.
As far as Solr stripping the special characters, this is expected behavior based on the Analyzer used on the field. Sitecore and Solr will apply the proper query time analyzers to match things up so you shouldn't have to worry about formatting as long as the proper types are used.
var pred = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField multilistField = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields["ProductTypes"];
if (multilistField != null)
foreach (ID id in multilistField.TargetIDs)
pred = pred.Or(x => ((ID)x[(ObjectIndexerKey)"ProductType"]).Contains(id);
ISearchIndex _searchIndex = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index"); // change to proper search index
using (var context = _searchIndex.CreateSearchContext())
var relatedProducts = context.GetQueryable<SearchResultItemModel>().Where(pred);
foreach(var relatedProduct in relatedProducts)
// do something here with search results
Just an Improvement to #Matt Gartman code,
The error (ID doesn't contain a definition for Contains) which keeps popping up is because .Contains is not a functionality of Type ID, I recommend you to Cast it in string type as below
foreach (ID id in multilistField.TargetIDs)
pred = pred.Or(x => (Convert.ToString((ID)x[(ObjectIndexerKey)"ProductType"]).Contains(id.toString())));

Solr: how to get total number of results for grouped query using the Java API

I have the following:
43 documents indexed in Solr
If I use the Java API to do a query without any grouping, such as:
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("*:*");
I can then obtain the total number of matching elements like this:
solrServer.query(query).getResults().getNumFound(); //43 in this case
The getResults() method returns a SolrDocumentList instance which contains this value.
If however I use grouping, something like:
query.set("group", "true");
query.set("group.format", "simple");
query.set("group.field", "someField");
Then the above code for retrieving query results no loger works (throws NPE), and I have to instead use:
List<GroupCommand> groupCommands = solrServer.query(query).getGroupResponse().getValues();
List<Group> groups = groupCommand.getValues();
Group group = groups.get(groupIndex);
I don't understand how to use this part of the API to get the overall number of matching documents (the 43 from the non-grouping query above). First I thought that with grouping is no longer possible to get that, but I've noticed that if I do a similar query in the Solr admin console, with the same grouping and everything, it returns the exact same results as the Java API and also numFound=43. So obviously the code used for the console has some way to retrieve that value even when grouping is used:
My question is, how can I get that overall number of matching documents for a query using grouping executed via Solr Java API?
In looking at the source for Group that is returned from your groups.get(groupIndex) call, it has a getResults() method that returns a SolrDocumentList. The SolrDocumentList has a getNumFound() method that should return the overall number, I believe...
So you should be able to get this as the following:
int numFound = group.getResults().getNumFound();
Hope this helps.
Update: I believe as OP stated, group.getResults().getNumFound() will only return the number of items in the group. However, on the GroupCommand there is a getMatches() method that may be the corresponding count that is desired.
int matches = groupCommands.getMatches();
If you set the ngroups parameter to true (default false) this will return the number of groups.
solrQuery.set("group.ngroups", true);
this can then be retrieved from your responding GroupCommand with:
int numGroups = tempGroup.getNGroups();
At least that was my understanding?
