Override styling for md-autocomplete (change clear button icon) - angularjs-material

I have a component that contains an md-autocomplete. This component is essentially being used as a searchable select list.
So, I'd like to change the icon of the clear-button from the 'X' to a down arrow.
I've tried the solution mentioned here, but that doesn't work for me, because I need the button to remain clickable.
Is there a way I can override the button styling in the component's CSS to specify a different icon to be used?


Hide the correct menu nav bar - react

I am trying to write a react component to render a menu, but I need to use just CSS for controlling the visibility, but I have a problem that I cannot able to solve.
I have set a hover on the element with the class menu, then it set the child called wrapSubMenu to visible but it is setting all menu's children. I pretend to Do it just on the first wrapSubMenu of the menu.
Playground here
They have the same class style, you cannot complete that on this way.
Try to do it with state toggling on hover, instead of css

React AntD Select Component: hover state

I've just started using React AntD library Select component. I noticed that when you have the select dropdown open and if you mouse leave it, the last hovered on option stays visible. Is there a way to override this behaviour? I want to remove the hovered on styling once my mouse leaves the select component...
Thanks in advance!
The last hovered on option stays visible only if you've clicked that placement. If you don't clicked that placement and just hover on option, then your last hovered on option will not stay visible. So, you can't override this behaviour.

Getting Tab Component To Consume UIID

I have tried everything possible to style my Tab component but its not getting reflected. I want my selected Tab to have a white background and red foreground. Even though I have edited Style using Theme designer. Its still doesnt work. I read the docs and I am aware Tab component is now like a toggle. I did the suggestion to setTabUIID(null) but still cant get it to work. How can this be done.
You don't need the setTabUIID(null); just make sure to style both selected and unselected styles. Also override the Border to Empty if you don't define a border.

Changing icon place in MenuButton

I'm having some troubles doing a very simple MenuButton. When I use a MenuButton the icon comes after the label (I mean right), instead of being left to it, as in qx.ui.form.Button.
Is there a simple way to put this icon in the right place ?
MenuButton inherits from Button, which has a property iconPosition - API docs here. Just set it to wherever you want your icon to appear.

ng-class removes a class but does not put it back

In angular.js, I'm trying to apply a set of classes based on the value of a variable on $scope. But when I set a pair of space-delimited classes, ng-class seems to be removing any that are already present (and it doesn't put them back).
See the Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/fLf0fenj/
Try clicking any of the gray buttons. An icon will appear. It's one from Font Awesome, and the class is fa fa-whatever. Now click another of the gray buttons. The icon should turn into another Font Awesome icon, but instead of that element having two classes (fa fa-something-else), it just has the fa-something-else, so it looks like a square.
If you instead click a gray button, and then the green button, it's all fine. Because that green button uses a glyphicons icon, and so the class names are all being switched out each time.
How do I get around this behavior?
And here's a working fiddle
