How to enable logs on the PC for web based applications - oracle-adf

I access an ADF based application through the Web. The application suddenly goes blank and nothing is written in the server logs. For applications using jnlp or java applet we can enable java trace to find what exactly happened when the request was sent to the server. Is there any way we can get similar trace for this web based application?

ADF generates plenty of logging, but if you get an error and you can't see it in the logs - that developer's fault - bad code that swallows the errors.


View Request Logs on AppEngine Java Dev Server

While it is relatively simple to get the app logs on the AppEngine Java Dev server, I haven't been able to find how to get the request logs. This seems like such a basic feature that there must be an easy way to do it, but so far, I'm stumped. Any help would be appreciated.
There is no nice log viewer, logs are directly dumped to server STDOUT, if you use Idea IDE, you will see logs in Application Servers tab at the bottom. Logs are just dumped as they come in (each"logged event"), it is not possible to view logs per request base.

How to configure datacontrol in ADF mobile to access secured webservice?

1) How can i invoke secured web service using "Webservice datacontrol" in ADF Mobile. I searched in google and got a link by andrejus "", but not understanding about "adfCredentialStoreKey", what is it? and how can i use it?. I set the security policies as mentioned, is it enough to invoke the secured webservices without giving username/password?. When and why we should go with selecting security policy?? what is the use of it? Bit confused, can anyone please tell me more about accessing secured webservices from webservice datacontrol.
2) I deployed on-device mobile application into Android emulator. For remote debugging followed the steps given in ADF mobile developer's guide. However still remote debugging is not working. Throwing this message in console "Debugger unable to connect to remote process" . How can i fix it?
Here is a blog and video demo that shows how to do this -

Permission issue running Wpf application in Vista

I created a WPF Desktop application and have tried deploying it to vista without success. The application performs a scan and uploads the data to a web service on the internet. It should also log any exceptions using NLog to the hard drive. When I run the application it errors out when trying to send the data to the web service. If I run it as administrator it works fine. I have tried a number of things but nothing seems to work. Nlog doesn't log the exception so it's difficult to tell what is happening. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Adding a strong name to my application allowed it to be given full trust on the machine. This solved any issues getting to the external web service. Go here to learn how to sign your application.

Using the EPiServer Communities API from a console app?

I'd like to write a console or winforms application that will interact with the EPiServer database. Since I don't want to muck about in the deep inards of the database I'd like to use the EPiServer API.
However, all the examples are using the "CommunitySystem.CurrentContext" which is null when running outside the website.
Now, I'm going to transfer a large amount of data from a legacy system to EpiServer Community and I really don't want to do that from a web page but from an application I have a little more control of.
Is there any way I can use the API from outside the web context?
I'm not that familiar with the community model. But... I've had no problems at all running huge imports through a web form (or control). The key (besides having disabled execution and database timeouts) has been to run it through Internet Explorer on the site's server and have the site's domain name mapped to in the HOSTS-file. It can run for hours and hours while logging progress to a table or text-file before sending the response.
My colleague Jarle figured out the last bits and blogged the whole process here So if you want to run the EPiServer API outside of IIS, that's the place to start. Works like a charm!

App on IsolatedStorage with ClickOnce won't start

I have created an application that can save data both local drive and isolated storage. Then I have tested it by deploying via ClickOnce with FullTrust. This worked correctly, but when I set it to PartialTrust (Internet zone), the application cannot start up.
How to solve this problem?
I have tried to create empty form Windows application and then deploy using PartialTrust, it still errors when I run the application.
ClickOnce applications do not need full trust permissions to write to isolated storage. However, applications do need full trust for regular file I/O. So I'm guessing that your application will have to request full trust to work.
However, I'm not sure why your empty application won't work with partial trust. What error message do you get?
Are you using the SaveFileDialog? From memory, this throws a UIPermission exception for a partial-trust ClickOnce app deployed from the Internet zone. If that's what is happening, you need to change your app deployment to request this specific permission.
UPDATE: If you do a debug build, the exception stack trace will give the line number that caused the security exception.
