What do I set the binary path for when using postgres via docker? - pgadmin-4

I'm trying to export table schema via pgadmin 4. I am running postgres in docker though so I don't have direct access to the filepath.

Setting it to /usr/bin worked for me..


AIP backup - using Docker

I am using the cloned dspace 6-x branch and installed it via docker. Can someone help me with the backup of my local database (Communities, collections, items)to a remote database?
According to the documentation we need to use the command:
dspace packager -s -t AIP -e eperson -p parent-handle file-path
But it returns an error: dspace is not a command
Anyone could help me transfer my local database to my remote repo?
Moving publications to a new repository will be a more substantial undertaking!
But your recent problem seems just that you are either not on the right container or in the right directory for executing the dspace command. Thus it is "not found". Make sure to execute dspace on the dspace container and specify the right/complete path. The dspace command is located in

Unable to mount data directory in MSSQL RC1 server setup in linux

I'm trying to change the default data directory for MSSQL Server RC1 2017 after installation and setup in linux (Ubuntu-16.10).
I used the following command to set the default data directory. Then restarted the mssql server.
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultdatadir /mnt/var/opt/mssql/data/
systemctl restart mssql-server.service
After this I tried to create a simple database "test"
sqlcmd -s localhost -U sa -P "someStrongPassword" -Q "CREATE DATABASE test"
The error returned is as follows:
MODIFY FILE encountered operating system error 31(A device attached to
the system is not functioning.) while attempting to expand the
physical file '/mnt/var/opt/mssql/data/test.mdf'.
failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related
The error log indicates an OS error:
/mnt/var/opt/mssql/data/test.mdf: Operating system error 31(A device
attached to the system is not functioning.) encountered.
I cannot mount the data directory by any means. The permissions to "/mnt" directory are set to 777 too. Changing the default data directory to any other folder, works perfectly fine. Is this a known or recent bug with mssql server?
Yes, there is an issue with using remote storage through NFS and SMB that came up in CTP 2.1 and was not yet fixed in RC1. See release notes: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/sql-server-linux-release-notes#a-idrc1-rc1-july-2017-a
The only workarounds are to use local storage or CTP 2.0. We are working on a fix. Release ETA is TBD ATM.

postgreSQL error initdb: command not found

i was installing postgresql on ubuntu using linuxbrew:
brew install postgresql
it seems to work fine but after that because i was installing PostgreSQL for the first time i tried creating a database:
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
but it returned as:
initdb: command not found
i tried running the command with sudo but that doesn't helped
run locate initdb it should give you the list to chose. smth like:
MacBook-Air:~ vao$ locate initdb
So in my case I want to run
If you don't have mlocate installed, either install it or use
sudo find / -name initdb
There's a good answer to a similar question on SuperUser.
In short:
Postgres groups databases into "clusters", each of which is a named collection of databases sharing a configuration and data location, and running on a single server instance with its own TCP port.
If you only want a single instance of Postgres, the installation includes a cluster named "main", so you don't need to run initdb to create one.
If you do need multiple clusters, then the Postgres packages for Debian and Ubuntu provide a different command pg_createcluster to be used instead of initdb, with the latter not included in PATH so as to discourage end users from using it directly.
And if you're just trying to create a database, not a database cluster, use the createdb command instead.
I had the same problem and found the answer here.
Ubuntu path is
Edit: Sorry, Ahmed asked about linuxbrew, I'm talking about Ubuntu.
I Hope this answer helps somebody.
I had a similar issue caused by the brew install postgresql not properly linking postgres. The solve for me was to run:
brew link --overwrite postgresql
you can add the PATH to run from any location
sudo nano ~/.profile
inside nano go to the end and add the following
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/" ] ; then
and configure the alternative
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/initdb initdb /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/initdb 1

connect SQL to apache nifi

I'm new to nifi and i want to connect SQL server database to nifi and create a data flow with the processors. how can I do this, can any one Help me with this clearly.
Thanks in Advance
Here are two great articles on getting information in and out of databases with NiFi:
They describe/illustrate how to configure a DBCPConnectionPool service to provide connection(s) to an RDBMS, and example flows to extract data and ingest data.
Expanding on mattyb answer
If you are using the latest Hortonworks sandbox, or other setup that uses docker containers, read below.
You have to install the JDBC jar file inside the docker. For SQL Server, it should be 6.2 or above.
docker ps
docker exec -it <mycontainer uuid> bash
How do I get into a Docker container's shell?
will help you log into the container.
cd file:///usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/
mkdir jdbc
cd ./jdbc
wget https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/F/7/3F74A9B9-C5F0-43EA-A721-07DA590FD186/sqljdbc_6.2.2.0_enu.tar.gz
tar xvzf sqljdbc_6.2.2.0_enu.tar.gz
cp ./sqljdbc_6.2/enu/mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar ./
jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=[your database]
You might need to replace the ip address with IPv4 address of your host found under ipconfig in Windows or ifconfig in Mac/Linux.
You may change file:///usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/ to any path you desire.
Expanding on TamusJRoyce's answer
If you are running nifi via a docker image like apache/nifi or the aforementioned Hortonworks sandbox, the following should help you get the required driver on the image so that you don't need to exec into the container to do it manually.
See the comments below the docker file
FROM apache/nifi
USER root
RUN mkdir /lib/jdbc
WORKDIR /lib/jdbc
RUN wget https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/F/7/3F74A9B9-C5F0-43EA-A721-07DA590FD186/sqljdbc_6.2.2.0_enu.tar.gz
RUN tar xvzf sqljdbc_6.2.2.0_enu.tar.gz
RUN cp ./sqljdbc_6.2/enu/mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar ./
USER nifi
EXPOSE 8080 8443 10000 8000
ENTRYPOINT ["../scripts/start.sh"]
The above image uses apache/nifi as the base image. You can use any nifi docker image has a base if you would like.
You can specify any location for lib/jdbc, just remember that you need to use this as the reference for the file location so that it is referenced as file:///lib/jdbc/mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar
Lastly, switch back to the nifi user and finish off with the standard nifi image details. This will allow the image to run correctly.

How to update database with script

I need to create Postgre DB in Windows. So I've downloaded the windows tools from the official site, created server and the problem appeared. When I try to create db in pgAdmin III I'm getting syntax errors while copying data. So I need to run the whole thing in the console. But pgAdmin only allows console mode for db already created and when I run it I have shell for my empty database:
How can I now run my script ?
Have you tried using psql.exe? Given psql.exe is on your path try:
c:\> psql.exe -h localhost -U username -f c:\mysqlscript.sql database_name
In windows try this:
\i c:/somedir/script2.sql
