I have file C:/test.txt which is having content as below.
05/13/2017 07:29:34 Value= \\america.com\efpf_share\efpf\ipm_files
05/13/2017 07:29:41 Value= \\america.com\efpf_share\efpf\ipm_files
05/17/2017 08:31:54 Value= \\america.com\efpf_share\efpf\ipm_files
05/17/2017 08:32:03 Value= \\america.com\efpf_share\efpf\ipm_files
I want to extract 'epfp' or any string comes at this place and convert this into upaercase also if its have test attached (as epfptest) then it it should split EPFP-TEST. For extracting I am running the below code and redirecting the output in temp1.txt file
findstr "Value=" C:\test.txt| findstr america > "C:\temp.txt" && for /l %l in (1,1,1) do #for /f "tokens=3* delims=." %a in ('findstr /n /r "^" "C:\temp.txt" ^| findstr /r "^%l:"') do #echo %b > c:\temp1.txt
now temp1.txt file having the content as below :
Now finally I am exracting efpf from below code it gives me the output as below :
for /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %a in (c:\temp1.txt) do #echo %a
I want this output or to be converted as EPFP (in uppercare) and if this output does not having test string attached then it should only split as EPFP-TEST
Note: Final output can be anything (in this case epfp) and I want this convert in uppercase also if this output containing 'test' string attached then that should be split in "STRING-TEST"
This test file modification task should be definitely not done using a batch file and pure Windows command processor commands. There are much better scripting languages for this task.
It would be also much more useful to do this file content modification with a powerful text editor like UltraEdit or any other text editor with Perl regular expression support. Searching for (\\[^\\]+\\)(?=ipm_files) and using as replace string \U$1\E changes the directory name left to ipm_files to upper case and searching for (?<!\\|-)TEST(?=\\ipm_files) and using as replace string -TEST inserts the hyphen character left to TEST if there is not already a hyphen and the entire folder name is not TEST.
However, here is a commented batch file solution for this task:
#echo off
if not exist "%~dp0Test.txt" goto :EOF
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "Modified=0"
set "DataFile=%~dp0Test.txt"
set "TempFile=%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp"
del "%TempFile%" 2>nul
for /F delims^=^ eol^= %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /N "^" "%DataFile%" 2^>nul') do (
set "Line=%%I"
call :ProcessLine
if %Modified% == 1 move /Y "%TempFile%" "%DataFile%"
del "%TempFile%" 2>nul
goto :EOF
rem The subroutine ProcessLine removes first line number and colon inserted
rem by FINDSTR at beginning of each line to process correct also empty lines
rem in data file. The subroutine jumps to output of line in case of current
rem line is an empty line.
rem Next the line is split up into substrings using backslash as delimiter.
rem Of interest are only the fourth and fifth substrings. The fifth substring
rem should be ipm_files to identify the current line as a line to process.
rem A jump to writing the line into temporary file is done if this condition
rem is not true. Otherwise the fourth substring is assigned to a variable
rem because that string is the folder name to modify by this batch file.
rem Each ASCII character in the folder name is replaced by its upper case character.
rem If the entire new folder name is TEST, just do the replace and don't change
rem the folder name to -TEST. If the new folder name ends already with -TEST,
rem just do the replace. But if new folder name ends with only TEST, replace
rem just TEST by -TEST with hyphen.
rem A case-sensitive comparison of current and new folder name is done before
rem running the folder replace on line to determine if the replace is really
rem necessary at all. The modification information is saved in an environment
rem variable which is passed over local environment of subroutine to main code
rem above. This information is used finally to determine if the data file must
rem be replaced at all by the temporary file because of a modification is made
rem or the temporary file can be simply deleted as being equal with data file.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "Line=!Line:*:=!"
if not defined Line goto WriteLine
for /F "tokens=4,5 delims=\" %%A in ("!Line!") do (
if /I not "%%B" == "ipm_files" goto WriteLine
set "CurFolderName=%%A"
set "NewFolderName=%CurFolderName%"
for %%C in (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do set "NewFolderName=!NewFolderName:%%C=%%C!"
if "%NewFolderName%" == "TEST" goto DoReplace
if "%NewFolderName:~-5%" == "-TEST" goto DoReplace
if "%NewFolderName:~-4%" == "TEST" set "NewFolderName=%NewFolderName:~0,-4%-TEST"
if "%CurFolderName%" == "%NewFolderName%" goto WriteLine
set "Modified=1"
set "Line=!Line:%CurFolderName%\ipm_files=%NewFolderName%\ipm_files!"
endlocal & set "Modified=%Modified%"
goto :EOF
%~dp0Test.txt must be two times replaced by real file name of data file with relative or absolute path.
The purpose of first FOR loop in main code at top is described in my answer on:
How to read and print contents of text file line by line?
The other command lines are explained by the remarks between main code and subroutine.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
del /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
findstr /?
goto /?
if /?
move /?
rem /?
setlocal /?
I play Fallout 4 VR with Mod Organizer 2 (mo2), and most mods require
at the top of the file plugins.txt, but mo2 keeps removing it.
So I downloaded a batch file which adds that line at the top of the file on execution.
But the problem is that mo2 has this at the top:
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
This is the code in the batch file:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
TITLE FO4VR Launch Codes
REM Find plugins.txt
set "file=C:\Modding\MO2\profiles\Default\plugins.txt"
if not exist "%file%" (
echo ERROR - Could not find %file%
goto FAIL
) else (
findstr /b /l /i /n "*Fallout4_VR.esm" %file%
if !errorlevel! == 0 (
echo VR ESM entry already exists. Good to go.
) else (
REM needs to add
(echo *Fallout4_VR.esm) >plugins.txt.new
type %file% >>plugins.txt.new
move /y plugins.txt.new %file%
echo VR ESM entry prepended to %file%.
What do I need to edit so *Fallout4_VR.esm is below the whole line with generated by Mod Organizer instead of top of the file?
The file plugins.txt should be finally:
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
The task to add at top the line with *Fallout4_VR.esm to contents of the file plugins.txt below the comment line(s) could be done with the following code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
title FO4VR Launch Codes
rem Find plugins.txt
set "PluginsFile=C:\Modding\MO2\profiles\Default\plugins.txt"
rem Use the line below instead of the line above if the file
rem plugins.txt is always in the same directory as the batch file.
rem set "PluginsFile=%~dp0plugins.txt"
if not exist "%PluginsFile%" echo ERROR: Could not find: "%PluginsFile%"& goto EndBatch
%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /B /I /L /C:"*Fallout4_VR.esm" "%PluginsFile%" >nul
if not errorlevel 1 echo VR ESM entry already exists. Good to go.& goto EndBatch
set "LineInsert=1"
(for /F usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%I in ("%PluginsFile%") do (
if defined LineInsert (
set "CommentLine=1"
for /F "eol=#" %%J in ("%%~I") do set "CommentLine="
if not defined CommentLine (
echo *Fallout4_VR.esm
set "LineInsert="
) else echo(%%I
if not exist "%PluginsFile%.tmp" echo ERROR: Could not create temporary file: "%PluginsFile%.tmp"& goto EndBatch
%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -r "%PluginsFile%"
move /Y "%PluginsFile%.tmp" "%PluginsFile%" >nul 2>nul
if not errorlevel 1 echo VR ESM entry added to: "%PluginsFile%"& goto EndBatch
del "%PluginsFile%.tmp"
echo ERROR: Could not update: "%PluginsFile%"
if /I not "%~1" == "/N" pause
ATTENTION: The result is only correct if
plugins.txt is not a Unicode encoded text file with encoding UTF-16
and has DOS/Windows line endings (carriage return + line-feed).
It is advisable to avoid command blocks starting with ( and ending with a matching ) because that makes it possible to do the task without usage of delayed variable expansion and therefore the batch file works also with plugins.txt stored in a directory with a path like C:\Temp\Development & Test(!) 100%. It is of course necessary to use command blocks for the for /F loop processing the lines in the text file to modify.
The outer FOR loop processes the lines in the text file with skipping empty lines and assigning each non-empty line completely to the specified loop variable I. The option usebackq instructs FOR to interpret the string in double quotes as file name of which lines to process and not as string to process. The option delims= defines an empty list of delimiters to prevent splitting the lines up on normal spaces and horizontal tabs. The option eol= defines no character as end of line character. The unusual syntax without " around the three options must be used in this special case which requires escaping the spaces and the equal signs with caret character ^ to get usebackq delims= eol= interpreted as one argument string with the three options for command FOR.
The first IF condition is true as long as the line with *Fallout4_VR.esm is not output. In this case there is first defined the environment variable CommentLine with a value whereby the value itself does not matter.
The inner for /F processes the current line as string with ignoring the line on starting with # after zero or more leading spaces/tabs. So if the current line is a comment line, the environment variable CommentLine is still defined after execution of the inner for /F while this environment variable is deleted on current line is not a comment line.
If the current line is not a comment line, there is output *Fallout4_VR.esm to insert that as line into the temporary file and the environment variable LineInsert is deleted before next is output in any case the current line.
All other lines of the text file are just output after inserting the line with *Fallout4_VR.esm detected by environment variable InsertLine no longer existing.
Everything output during execution of the outer FOR loop is written by cmd.exe into a temporary file in same directory as the text file to update which should work as long as the directory is not write-protected for the user or there is already a directory with the name of the temporary file (very unlikely) or a read-only file with that name (also very unlikely).
The read-only file attribute is removed from the file to update if it would have the read-only file attribute set.
Next the temporary file is moved over the existing file to update which can fail like on write access to file is denied because of the file is currently opened by an application which denies the shared file write access.
The batch file can be started with the option /N to avoid the user prompt with command pause at end of the batch file.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
attrib /?
call /? ... for %~dp0 ... drive and path of argument 0 ... batch file path
cls /?
copy /?
del /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
findstr /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
move /?
pause /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?
title /?
See also:
DosTips forum topic: ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line - Instead use ECHO/
Microsoft documentation about Using command redirection operators
Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file
I have a script which will check if the file names and the content of the files are same or not, below is the code and it is working fine
for %%i in (C:\Users\f1ym41a\Documents\deep\*.DAT) do (
fc C:\Users\f1ym41a\Documents\deep\MOVE.DAT %%i > NUL
if errorlevel 1 (
CALL :error
echo C:\Users\f1ym41a\Documents\deep\MOVE.DAT and %%i are different >>output.log
) ELSE (
CALL :next
echo C:\Users\f1ym41a\Documents\deep\MOVE.DAT and %%i are same >>output.log
timeout 5
What i need to do is if the file names are same then it will change the flag in the ini file to 1. Below is the ini file (deep.ini)
flag = 0
Since i am new to batch scripting. Can somebody help me out with this?
You can try with replacer.bat:
call replacer.bat move.dat "flag = 0" "flag = 1"
This is an easy to achieve task with using JREPL.BAT written by Dave Benham which is a batch file / JScript hybrid to run a regular expression replace on a file using JScript.
#echo off
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\deep\MOVE.DAT" goto :EOF
if not exist "%~dp0jrepl.bat" goto :EOF
call "%~dp0jrepl.bat" "^(flag *= *)0" "$11" /F "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\deep\MOVE.DAT" /O -
The batch file first checks if the file to modify exists at all and immediately exits if this condition is not true, see Where does GOTO :EOF return to?
The batch file JREPL.BAT must be stored in same directory as the batch file with the code above. For that reason the batch file checks next if JREPL.BAT really exists in directory of the batch file and exits if this condition is not true.
The meaning of the regular expression search string is:
^ ... find at beginning of a line
(...) ... a string referenced in replace string with $1 to keep this part of found string unmodified
flag ... case-sensitive the string flag
* ... with 0 or more spaces
= ... and an equal sign
* ... and once more 0 or more spaces
0 ... and the character 0.
The replace string back-references the found string between beginning of line and character 0 with $1 and replaces 0 by 1.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /? ... explains also %~dp0 ... drive and path of argument 0 which is the batch file path always ending with a backslash.
echo /?
goto /?
if /?
jrepl.bat /?
:: 1st need remove some possible space in the string to got more precision
when compare them: "flag = 0" will became "flag=0", no
space and no tab.
:: 2nd for to do this, use this "' (2 characters) to set a variable that
use "=" to string instead a special character,
by set "'=flag=0" (very old technical!)
:: 3rd treat equal, treat tab character, and to remove it, because some time
this is a invisible and possible character that can eventually occur
in file dat, see in this question 10878138
:: 4th Compare the strings by string from file by file, line by line...
:: finely You need replace line in the file (.dat or .ini) this part I´m really confuse, but the code are above, sorry if my error!
Obs: use the conversion of this "flag = 0" this this one "flag=0", only for processing comparatives operation, wend the %%i match flag = 0 then only changed to replace to files by flag = 1, bat, a specific thing here is the command fc are comparing %%i, by the same file in looping for with no other file.
#echo off && setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "'=flag=0"
set _file_new_flag1="%temp%\Flag1.dat"
set _path_to_dats=C:\Users\f1ym41a\Documents\deep\
for /f "delims= " %%T in ('forFiles /p "." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo(0x09"') do set "_tab=%%T"
type nul >output.log && set "_tab=%_tab:~0,1%"
cd /d "!_path_to_dats!"
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%x in ('dir /o-d /on /b "*.dat"') do (
if defined _file_new_flag (
move /y "!_file_new_flag1!" "!_file_now!"
set _file_now=<nul
set "_file_now=%%~x"
) else (
set "_file_now=%%~x"
call :_file_compare_:
endlocal & goto :_end_of_file_:
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%X in ('type "!_file_now!"') do (
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%i in ('echo/"%%~X"') do (
set "_to_compare=%%~i"
call set "_to_compare=!_to_compare: =!"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%I in ('echo/%_tab%') do call set "_to_compare=!_to_compare:%%I=!"
if ["!_to_compare!"] equ ["%'%"] (
echo/C:\Users\f1ym41a\Documents\deep\MOVE.DAT and %%i are same >>output.log
) else (
echo/C:\Users\f1ym41a\Documents\deep\MOVE.DAT and %%i are different >>output.log
echo/flag = 1>>!_file_new_flag1!
timeout /t 5
set _to_compare=<nul
exit /b
So sorry about my English.
I would like to create a batch file that will search in a dir for all .pdf files that have a name of 10 characters as we have many .pdf's with different characters in name so I need to sort them out and move (cut and paste) them to a 2nd directory that is prepared. Can you please help me with this batch file?
setdir test contain .pdfs
target dir - test2 - where need to be moved .pdf with 10 characters
Thank you so much
Running from the current directory you could probably do this using Where and Move:
#Echo Off
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Where/F .:??????????.pdf'
) Do Move /Y %%A "Test2">Nul
(for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d *.pdf') do call :select10 "%%a") >filename.txt
... more processing if required
goto :eof
set "name=%~n1"
set "name=%name:~9%"
if not defined name goto :eof
set "name=%name:~1%"
if not defined name echo %~1
goto :eof
This should solve the problem.
perform a dir list of *.pdf, selecting filenames only. Pass the filename found to subroutine :select10, in quotes in case of spaces in filename.
The subroutine set name first to the name part of the filename received, then removes the first 9 characters. If the result is an empty variable, skip to end-of-file. If not, select all but the first character. If the result is not an empty string, the name must be 11 or more characters - if it's empty, then echo the name passed in the first instance.
The parentheses around the for command will cause the echoed data to be accumulated into the file nominated.
If you want to move the file to the destination, not simply list the selections, remove the ( before the for, and the ) >filename.txt after and replace the echo with move "%1" destination\
You could also do the same without using a subroutine as:
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a-d *.pdf') do (
set "name=%%~na"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "name=!name:~9!"
if defined name (
set "name=!name:~1!"
if not defined name move "%%a" destination\
Using delayed expansion to process the substringing operations.
I've been working on a BAT file which will delete old files based on creation date. To do this I've generated a list of all files and paths, then a list of files names to be protected. FINDSTR is then used to remove these files from the list of files and paths.
This system works fine until I encounter a file with a dash (or so it seems!)
Here's an example:
cleaner_protect.txt contains:
New File.txt
New File - Copy.txt
cleaner_fullpath.txt contains:
P:\New File.txt
P:\New File - Copy.txt
P:\Old File.txt
I want to remove the New Files stored in cleaner_protect.txt from the cleaner_fullpath.txt, leaving the Old Files behind which I will later delete (not up to that bit yet lol). Here is my code so far:
:: Remove protected files from list to be deleted (fullpath)
:: load string into variable
set /p target= <cleaner_protect.txt
:: remove protected file from full path list
echo -----------------------------
echo Searching for: "%target%"
echo -----------------------------
findstr /v ".\<%target%\>." cleaner_fullpath.txt > cleaner_temp.txt
echo -----------------------------
type cleaner_temp.txt
echo -----------------------------
del cleaner_fullpath.txt
ren cleaner_temp.txt cleaner_fullpath.txt
:: Count remaining lines in list
Set target=cleaner_protect.txt
Set /a lines=0
For /f %%j in ('Find "" /v /c ^< %target%') Do Set /a lines=%%j
Echo %target% has %lines% lines.
:: Loop until completed
IF %lines% GTR 0 (
:: Remove line from protected list
more +1 cleaner_protect.txt > cleaner_temp.txt
del cleaner_protect.txt
ren cleaner_temp.txt cleaner_protect.txt
set /a lines-=1
GOTO :RemoveFile
Pauses and echos are for debugging purposes... I want this to run almost invisibly.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I need this code to repeatedly go through a dropbox and delete old files which may be in various levels of structure.
Maybe this simple line does all you want:
findstr /E /V /G:cleaner_protect.txt cleaner_fullpath.txt > cleaner_temp.txt
Sample output:
P:\Old File.txt
I would do it as follows:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem /* Prepend each line of `cleaner_protect.txt` with `\\`, remove a trailing space,
rem if applicable, and write result to `cleaner_temp.txt`: */
> "cleaner_temp.txt" (
for /F "usebackq delims= eol=|" %%E in ("cleaner_protect.txt") do (
set "ITEM=\\%%E|"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo !ITEM: ^|=!
rem /* Search `cleaner_fullpath.txt` for lines that do not end in any of the lines of
rem `cleaner_temp.txt` and process the returned items only: */
for /F "delims= eol=|" %%F in ('
findstr /V /I /E /L /G:"cleaner_temp.txt" "cleaner_fullpath.txt"
') do (
ECHO del "%%F"
rem // Clean up temporary file `cleaner_temp.txt`:
del "cleaner_temp.txt"
exit /B
After having tested the script, remove the upper-case ECHO command.
Supposing cleaner_protect.txt contains this:
New File.txt
New File - Copy.txt
The temporary file cleaner_temp.txt is going to contain this:
\\New File.txt
\\New File - Copy.txt
So having the text file cleaner_fullpath.txt:
P:\New File.txt
P:\New File - Copy.txt
P:\Old File.txt
Only the following items are processed:
P:\Old File.txt
The leading \\ is taken as one literal \ by findstr (as it uses the \ as an escape character).
The prefix \\ is implemented in order to cover also the following situations:
Let us assume cleaner_protect.txt holds this:
New File.txt
And cleaner_fullpath.txt holds this:
P:\New File.txt
P:\Very New File.txt
Without the prefix, P:\Very New File.txt would also match New File.txt at the end, hence it would not become deleted erroneously.
Then let us assume cleaner_protect.txt holds this:
And cleaner_fullpath.txt holds this:
With a \ prefix, P:\Other.File.txt would also match \.File.txt at the end, because . is a meta character to findstr (even though literal search strings are defined by /L, but escaping like \. still applies and results in a literal .), hence it would also not become deleted erroneously. However, with a \\ prefix, escaping applies to the second \, so a literal \ is the result; the . does not need to be escaped with the /L option.
I have a requirement to, within a windows batch file, read the first available line from a text file, pass it to a variable and mark the name\line as used
An example of the file is below.
The script would start with 'apple', pass 'apple' to a variable to be used later in the script (I know how to do that bit), and then write back that line to read &apple, the '&' works as a marker to say it's been used.
The file would then look like:
the next time the batch file is run it would take 'pear', pass it to a variable and mark it with a & making it look like:
I started by trying to find '&' and then trying to move to the next line, but I'm failing after about 12 hours of trying. This is what I got so far .. not much:
for /f "tokens=1" %l in ('name.txt') do (Find /v "&" /v "^---- ^$") (For /F %n in (%l) do (set NewName=%n))
Running this on the.file would modify each line in turn;
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
type nul > the.file.temp
set last=
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (the.file) do (
set line=%%A
if "!line:~0,1!" neq "&" if "!last!" equ "" (
set last=!line!
set line=^&!line!
echo !line! >> the.file.temp
echo last value is !last!
type the.file.temp > the.file
(If the line does not begin with & and the variable last is empty, put the line in last & modify line with a leading &. Always append line to a temp file, renaming when done)
Alex k. has a good answer that is probably fine for most situations. (I upvoted.)
However, it will corrupt any text containing !. That limitation can be fixed by toggling delayed expansion on and off within the loop.
The solution is likely to be fast enough for most reasonably sized files. But a FOR loop can become quite slow for large files.
I tested a 190kb file containing 2817 lines, and the Alex K. solution took 20 seconds for one run.
Here is a completely different solution without using any loops that processes the same 190kb file in 0.07 seconds - 285 times faster :)
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "file=test.txt"
findstr /bv "$ &" "%file%" >"%file%.available"
set "var="
<"%file%.available" set /p "var="
if defined var (
>"%file%.new" (
findstr /b "&" "%file%"
<nul set /p "=&"
type "%file%.available"
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
del "%file%.available"
echo var=!var!
Update: As requested in comment, here is a heavily commented version of the code.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: Define the file to process
set "file=test.txt"
:: Write the unused lines to a temporary "available" file. We don't want any
:: empty lines, so I strip them out here. There are two regex search strings;
:: the first looks for empty lines, the second for lines starting with &.
:: The /v option means only write lines that don't match either search string.
findstr /bv "$ &" "%file%" >"%file%.available"
:: Read the first available line into a variable
set "var="
<"%file%.available" set /p "var="
:: If var defined, then continue, else we are done
if defined var (
REM Redirect output to a "new" file. It is more efficient to redirect
REM the entire block once than it is to redirect each command individulally
>"%file%.new" (
REM Write the already used lines to the "new" file
findstr /b "&" "%file%"
REM Append the & without a new line
<nul set /p "=&"
REM Append the unused lines from the "available" file. The first appended
REM line is marked as used because of the previously written &
type "%file%.available"
REM Replace the original file with the "new" content
move /y "%file%.new" "%file%" >nul
:: Delete the temp "available" file
del "%file%.available"
:: Display the result
echo var=!var!
I haven't tested this, but I just realized I could have written the line that writes the available lines to look for lines that start with a character other than &:
findstr "^[^&]" "%file%" >"%file%.available"