Async loading of components in react-virtualized? - reactjs

I have a react-virtualized masonry grid implemented in a component as follows:
const MasonrySubmissionRender = (media: InputProps) => {
function cellRenderer({ index, key, parent, style }: MasonryCellProps) {
//const size = (media.submissionsWithSizes && media.submissionsWithSizes.length > index) ? media.submissionsWithSizes[index].size : undefined
//const height = size ? (columnWidth * (size.height / size.width)) : defaultHeight;
function getCard(index: number, extraProps: any) {
var Comp = media.cardElement ? media.cardElement : SubmissionCard
return <Comp submission={[index]} {} />
return (
<div style={style}>
{getCard(index, media.customCardProps)}
return (
style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}
It renders a list of fairly complicated components which contain an array of chips, css animations, etc.
Due to this rendering is very slow even with react-virtualized.
I'd like to implement a system like in where the component itself won't necessary load immediately displaying only a silhouette while I can have the component preparing to render in the background.
I know there's a way to swap out the component during scrolling butt his hides all components including ones which have already rendered.

Like all react-virtualized cell/row renderers, masonry's cell render is passed an isScrolling property. When the masonry is scrolling you can render a place holder instead of the cell content:
if (isScrolling) return (
In addition, you are recreating all functions whenever the stateless component is rerendred. This causes an extra overhead for the garbage collector, and might also cause components to rerender unnecessarily.
Convert the component to a class component. The cellRenderer should be an instance method (use class properties or bind in constructor). The getCard can be a class method, or you can extract it from the component, and pass the media when you call the function.
Your code should be something like this (not tested):
function getCard(media: InputProps, index: number) {
var Comp = media.cardElement ? media.cardElement : SubmissionCard
return <Comp submission = {[index]
} { }
class MasonrySubmissionRender extends React.Component {
cellRenderer = ({
}: MasonryCellProps) => {
if (isScrolling) return (
return (
<div style={style}>
{getCard(media, index)}
render() {
return (
style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}


Rendering different html in reusable components

So I'm trying to make a reuseable component, which takes in an array and a variable, then i want to map through that array and return html.
But when i reuse this component, the html wont necesarly be the same each time i use it. For example:
Home Component
<div className='home'>
<Mappedarray array={list} pattern={pattern}/>
Account Component
<div className='account'>
<Mappedarray array={users} pattern={pattern}/>
function Mappedarray(props) {
const {array, pattern} = props
const arrayrow = array?.map(el=>{
So this is the basic set up, now for the VARIABLE_HTML, I want to return different html elements, for example, in the Home Component I want to return
<Link to={}>
<i className={el.src}'></i>
But for the User Component, I want to return
<div className='usercont'>
<img src={el.src}/>
I've been using a solution like passing a boolean variable to the component to determine what html should be used, but the component will get very messy and doesn't seem like a good solution.
For example, in the Home Component I would pass down:
<Mappedarray array={list} pattern={pattern} home={true} />
Then in the Mappedarray Component I would do
function Mappedarray(props) {
const {array, pattern, home, user} = props
const arrayrow = array?.map(el=>{
return <>
<Link to={}>
<i className={el.src}'></i>
<div className='usercont'>
<img src={el.src}/>
Therefore, by doing it like this it would get very messy and disorganized, looking to a more dynamic way of doing this
Well since you are mapping trough same array and want different result maybe reusable component is not for this the best case. But if you want to have this united into one component like this you can just add a flag isLink to your reusable component and you are done:
function Mappedarray(props) {
const { array, pattern, isLink } = props;
const arrayrow = array?.map((el) => {
return isLink ? (
<Link to={}>
<i className={el.src}></i>
) : (
<div className="usercont">
<img src={el.src} />
Than this would be usage of that component in two cases:
Home Component
<div className='home'>
<Mappedarray array={list} pattern={pattern} isLink={true}/>
Account Component
<div className='account'>
<Mappedarray array={users} pattern={pattern} isLink={false}/>
If you just put isLink with no ={true} it will be implicitly true. But for this example i added it explicitly
You can accept a render function as a prop. But if you are doing that then your Mappedarray isn't doing much of anything.
function Mappedarray({ array = [], render }) {
return (
You can define render components for various types. Make sure that you are setting a key property since we will use this as a callback for .map.
const MyLink = ({ link, title, src }) => (
<Link to={link} key={link}>
<i className={src}></i>
You would call Mappedarray by passing the function component as the render prop. Your array prop would be an array of props for that component.
const Test = () => {
return (
array={[{ link: "/", title: "home", src: "/images/home.jpg" }]}
With Typescript Types
You could also tweak this slightly to pass the array index as a prop to the render component instead of passing it as a second argument. This version allows for both class components and function components to be passed to render.
function Mappedarray<T>({ array = [], render: Render }: Props<T>) {
return (
<div>{, index) => (
<Render {...props} index={index} />
With Typescript Types

how to pass prop into rowrender of react-virtualized

I'm trying to render a card list with react-virtualized. The posts data on this particular component is passed as a prop from the parent. This is what I currently have in my component class.
state = {
listHeight: 1000,
listRowHeight: 800,
listRowWidth: 1000,
rowCount: 10
rowRenderer ({ index, key, style, posts }) {
if (!posts) {
return <div></div>
} else {
return (
<PostItem key={key} style={style} post={posts[index]}/>
render() {
return (
<div className="ui container">
<div id="postListContainer" className="ui relaxed list">
I hardcoded the rowCount since I know I have 10 items in my posts array currently. Just for context, this was my original code that renders the entire list successfully.
renderPosts() {
return => {
return (
<PostItem key={post._id} post={post}/>
render() {
return (
<div className="ui container">
<div id="postListContainer" className="ui relaxed list">
The issue i'm currently having is that I can't access the props passed down into this component from my rowRenderer function so it gives me an undefined error. So my question is, how do I access the posts props in the rowRenderer function? I'm just trying to return a PostItem component for each post in the posts prop array.
The signature for rowRenderer looks like this:
function rowRenderer ({
index, // Index of row
isScrolling, // The List is currently being scrolled
isVisible, // This row is visible within the List (eg it is not an overscanned row)
key, // Unique key within array of rendered rows
parent, // Reference to the parent List (instance)
style // Style object to be applied to row (to position it);
// This must be passed through to the rendered row element.
}) { .. }
So you don't get access to the props through the arguments. You can access the props via the instance variable, this.
You should bind your handler when you pass it into List like this:
then inside of rowRenderer you can simpy access this.props.posts
You can access the properties sent from List tag in rowRenderer method using parent that is received in rowRenderer.Checkout signature here
rowRenderer ({ index, key, style, parent }) {
const posts = parent.props.posts;
if (!posts) {
return <div></div>
} else {
return (
<PostItem key={key} style={style} post={posts[index]}/>
That should solve your problem.Also you can access props either by binding this variable to rowrenderer method or by ES6 syntax
rowRenderer = ({ index, key, style, parent }) => {
const posts = parent.props.posts;
const { someThing } = this.props;
if (!posts) {
return <div></div>
} else {
return (
<PostItem key={key} style={style} post={posts[index]}/>

If statement which determines which React element to be rendered, weird behaviour

I created a Sprite component which takes in 'icon' as a prop and determines which svg to render but I'm experiencing some weird behaviour.
I've had to resort to this method because I haven't been able to find a way to work with svg's (how to change their fill color!)
const Sprite: React.SFC<ISpriteProps> = (props: ISpriteProps) => {
const color = props.color || '#ACACAC'
let icon
if (props.icon === 'pin') {
icon = <Pin color={color} />
} else if (
props.icon === 'profile'
) {
icon = <Profile color={color} />
return (
export default Sprite
Using the <Sprite/> in my <Navigation/> component like so
<Nav styles={this.state.styles}>
<ProfileIcon onClick={this.onProfileSelected}>
<Sprite icon='profile'
color={this.state.viewing === 'profile' ? '#5A4DB2' : ''} />
<LogoIcon onClick={this.onLogoSelected}>
<img src={logo} alt="zestly" />
<img src={chat} onClick={this.onMessageSelected}
alt="messages" />
and in my <CardBlock/> component like so
const Card: React.SFC<{}> = (place) => {
return (
<Sprite icon='pin' color='#fff' />Fitzroy</span>
<h3>Vegie bar</h3>
<ProfileIcons />
For some reason the icon prop I choose to pass in to the Navigation component Sprite is determining what is rendered for the Sprite's in CardBlock as well.
E.g if I make it 'profile' in Navigation it will make all sprites render the profile icon for Sprite as well even though I specifically pass in 'pin'. If I switch it to 'pin' in Navigation, all CardBlock sprites will render the pin icon.
I don't understand, is this some weird React render quirk?
EDIT: So I thought it was something to do with stateless functional component rendering so I changed Sprite to a Component
class Sprite extends React.Component<ISpriteProps, {}> {
public render() {
const color = this.props.color || '#ACACAC'
const icons = {
'profile': Profile,
'pin': Pin
const ActiveIcon = icons[this.props.icon]
return (
<ActiveIcon color={color} />
Still no love, it's rendering ALL of them as profile icons if I pass 'profile' as icon prop to Sprite in Navigation component.
EDIT: Solved. It was something wrong with the svg's
you could use classnames library to select what class should be added to React element, including svg. And in css you give fill rule that you want.

semantic-ui-react List onClick declaration

i'm trying to create a list of documents dynamically with semantic-ui-react. I'd like to get the document title back when the list item is clicked. According to the documentation:
there is an onItemClick prop for this reason, however when im using it i get a warning when it's rendered:
Warning: Failed prop type: Prop onItemClick in List conflicts with props: children. They cannot be defined together, choose one or the other.
Also clicking on the list item does nothing (atm i just want to log the doc title to the console). Here is the code:
handleListItemClick(event, data) {
console.log("list item clicked: " + data.value);
buildResultsContainer() {
return,index) =>
return (
<Icon name='file' />
render() {
return (
<List onItemClick={this.handleListItemClick}>
Can you please tell me how to use properly the onItemClick prop for the List component?
Less important, do you have any tip how to refactor the list rendering? Just wanted to keep the render function short and clean, but this function call looks a bit overkill....
Thanks a lot!
I think maybe the intent when using onItemClick is that you would use the items prop on List since then you wouldn't have any children e.g.
render() {
const items = => {
return {
icon: 'file',
onClick: e => console.log(document.title)
return <List items={items} />
If you had your listOfResults prop in the above format, you wouldn't even need to do this map and your render function would be super tight:
render() {
return <List items={this.props.listOfResults} />;
Alternately, List.Item takes an onClick prop that you could define in your buildResultsContainer() function. Because each onClick function is unique based on the current document object, you will need to use an anonymous function to call your handleClick function as follows:
onClick={() => this.handleClick(document.title)}
You would then have:
handleClick = docTitle => {
If what you wanted was obtainable from, you could just pass the reference of handleClick to the onClick i.e.
handleClick = event => {

Calling a function for ALL child components

I have 3 components. They parent layout, a select box, and a panel this is generated x times from some data.
I'm trying to make it so when the select value changes, the contents of each panel changes. The changes are made by doing some math between the new select value, and data that is stored in the panel component. Each panel has different data.
return (
<div class="row">
Show me the true cost in
<CurrencyDrop currencyChange = {(e) => this.updateTrueCost(e)} data = {} />
<div class="row">
{, index) => (
<Panel ref="panel" key = {index} paneldata= {item} />
//Do some math
this.setState({truecost: mathresult})
options={options} />
The current result is only the last panel updates when the select changes. I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with the ref handling, but I must not be searching the right terms because I can't find any related questions.
Instead of calling ref's method use React build-in lifecycle methods.
class Panel extends React.Component {
componentWillReceiveProps (newProps) {
// compare old and new data
// make some magic if data updates
if (this.props.panelData !== newProps.panelData) {
this.setState({trueCost: someMath()});
render () {
return <div>{this.state.trueCost}</div>
Then just change input props and all data will be updated automatically.
