My Toaster component is not creating multiple toasters on multiple clicks. Reactjs - reactjs

I have made a toaster component which is only rendering 1 toaster on 1 or multiple clicks, but I need a component the renders multiple toasters on multiple clicks.
This is my Toaster Component.
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import '../stylesheets/adminlte.css'
ToastMsg = (props) => (
<div className=" snackbar" key={props.idx}>
<div className="card-header">
<h3 className="card-title">Toast</h3>
<div className="card-body">{props.message}</div>
<div className="card-footer"/>
createtoaster = () => {
if ( {
return this
.map((msg, idx) => <ToastMsg idx={idx} message={msg}/>)
} else {
return null;
render() {
return (
<div className="col-md-2 offset-md-9">
<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={this.handleOpen}></button>
I am providing this.state.message from another component and passsing it via props. I cannot use any Library as per the requirement so if anyone can help me with this, It is appreciated. Also feel free to point out any mistakes in my code.

missing array element 'picker': < div className="card-body">{this.state.message [i] }
I would use map, too ... with key property for each item.
Are you sure you're receiving array with more elements ?


NextJS: Replace

I have a div in a Next JS application that displays the currency and price of a product once a user enters a product page.
<div className="flex">
<Image src={EuroCurrency} alt="Euro Sign} />
<h1 className="ml-5>9.800,00</h1>
Through an onClick event on a button, I want to exchange this div with another, evenly formatted but contextually different, div.
<Image src={DollarCurrency} alt="Dollar Sign} />
<h1 className="ml-5>9,500.00</h1>
This div would need to be hidden until the user clicks the aforementioned button.
I'm aware that this would be achieved through a state - but I'm uncertain on how to hide (and exchange) a complete div.
this is how you can use conditional rendering and useState together to switch the component
import React from 'react'
export default function App() {
const [toggle, setToggle] = React.useState(false);
return (
<div className="App">
{toggle ? ( <div >
<h1 >9.800,00</h1>
</div>): (<div><h1>9,500.00</h1></div>)
<button onClick={()=>{setToggle(!toggle)}}>Toogle</button>
Here you need to change the conditional rendering that suits you like
{toggle ? ( COMPONENT 1 ): ( COMPONENT 2 )}
I'm making a few guesses at what you're asking, but hopefully this example helps.
This is an example of a functional component that uses state to switch between rendering euro and dollars components:
import { useState } from 'react';
function MyAwesomeComponent(){
// expected state values are "dollar" or "euro"
// if you use TypeScript, you can enforce that,
// but I'm just a TypeScript shill :P
// "dollar" is the initial state
const [currency, setCurrency] = useState("dollar");
<div className="flex">
{ currency === "dollar"
? <Image src={DollarCurrency} alt="Dollar Sign" />
: <Image src={EuroCurrency} alt="Euro Sign" />
<h1 className="ml-5">9.800,00</h1>
<button onClick={
() => currency === "dollar" ? setCurrency("euro") : setCurrency("dollar")
Click to Switch Currency
There are plenty of other ways to do it. But notice how, instead of having the whole div rendered conditionally and duplicating code, I just render the specific Image component conditionally. Depending on your use case, you could conditionally render divs instead, any component can go in the two slots of the terney expression.

How to NOT render/ hide a React component when no prop is passed?

TLDR: Cannot figure out why component is still being rendered while no props are passed.
So I have been building a NextJS application, and I have this banner component that is shown on every page of my website. It has some header text, buttons and an image:
const Banner = (props) => {
return (
<div className={bannerStyles.wrapper}>
<div className={classnames(bannerStyles.banner, "wrap", "center")}>
<div className={bannerStyles.banner_left}>
<div className={bannerStyles.button_wrapper}>
<div className={bannerStyles.button}>
<Button>{props.button || null}</Button>
<div className={bannerStyles.button}>
<Button>{props.scnd_button || null}</Button>
<div className={bannerStyles.banner_right}>
<Image src={props.image} alt=""></Image>
Inside of this, as you can see I have two Button components (The MDEast thing is an arrow icon):
const Button = ({children}) => {
return (
<div className={buttonStyles.button}>
<Link href="/"><a>{children} <MdEast /></a></Link>
Now I want the option that if no prop is passed, that the Button component(s) do(es) not render/ is hidden from the page, so that it is optional per page. Yet the Button does still render, even though I am not passing any props on my About page. My about page:
const About = () => {
return (
header="Hello this is my code"
PS. I am fairly new to React and NextJS, so this might be a beginner mistake, or I am not understanding the fundamentals well enough, but could someone point me in the right direction please?
To conditionally render the button you can use:
props.button && <Button>{props.button}</Button>
When props.button is falsy, then button will not get rendered.

Switch to different component after button click with React

I am absolutely new to React and need to create a button to take the user from a current component (MovieView) to the main one (MainView). I managed to create it properly and I used onClick to trigger the display of MainView. I know I cannot call a class from a function (so as console says), so I created a second function to be called and trigger MainView. But as you may wonder, it does not work. This is the code I am using:
import React from 'react';
import { MainView } from '../main-view/main-view';
function NewButton() {
return <MainView />;
export class MovieView extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {};
render() {
const { movie } = this.props;
if (!movie) return null;
return (
<div className="movie-view">
<img className="movie-poster" src={movie.imagePath} />
<div className="movie-title">
<span className="label">Title: </span>
<span className="value">{movie.title}</span>
<div className="movie-description">
<span className="label">Description: </span>
<span className="value">{movie.plot}</span>
<div className="movie-genre">
<span className="label">Genre: </span>
<span className="value">{}</span>
<div className="movie-director">
<span className="label">Director: </span>
<span className="value">{}</span>
<div className="back-movies">
<button onClick={NewButton}>Back</button>
Could you any seeing this to point the path to take or how I can call this MainView class properly. I understand it's a simple task, but I am afraid I still haven't absorbed React principles yet. Thanks in advance to you all.
Without introducing additional dependencies, probably the easiest way for this example is to use state to track if the button has been clicked. If it has been clicked, render MovieView, if not render MainView.
For this you need to following:
Set state variable that tracks that MainView should be rendered in onClick event. (boolean will probably suffice)
in render():
if the state var is false, render the content of MovieView.
if the state var is true, render the MainView component.
Implementation details are left as an exercise :)
If you're using a router already (like react-router) you could probably just update the url to an url that is linked to the MainView component..
I make the Class into a Function Component instead, and implement it like this :-)
import React from "react";
import { MainView } from '../main-view/main-view';
export const MovieView = ({ movie }) => {
const { showMainView, setShowMainView } = React.useState(false);
if (!!movie) {
return null;
function toggleMainView() {
return (
{ showMainView ? (
<MainView />
) : (
<div className="movie-view">
<img className="movie-poster" src={movie.imagePath} />
<div className="movie-title">
<span className="label">Title: </span>
<span className="value">{movie.title}</span>
<div className="movie-description">
<span className="label">Description: </span>
<span className="value">{movie.plot}</span>
<div className="movie-genre">
<span className="label">Genre: </span>
<span className="value">{}</span>
<div className="movie-director">
<span className="label">Director: </span>
<span className="value">{}</span>
<div className="back-movies">
<button onClick={() => toggleMainView()}>Back</button>
export default MovieView;
If you need to add or remove components or show a new view based on an user action in react we need to do this via state .
import React from 'react';
import { MainView } from '../main-view/main-view';
export class MovieView extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
showMainView: false;
toggleMainView = () => this.setState(prevState => ({ showMainView:
render() {
const { movie } = this.props;
const { showMainView } = this.state;
if (!movie) return null;
return (
<div className="movie-view">
<img className="movie-poster" src={movie.imagePath} />
<div className="movie-title">
<span className="label">Title: </span>
<span className="value">{movie.title}</span>
<div className="movie-description">
<span className="label">Description: </span>
<span className="value">{movie.plot}</span>
<div className="movie-genre">
<span className="label">Genre: </span>
<span className="value">{}</span>
<div className="movie-director">
<span className="label">Director: </span>
<span className="value">{}</span>
<div className="back-movies">
<button onClick={this.toggleMainView}>Back</button>
// render the mainView based on the state
{ showMainView && <MainView />}
I reached a solution that I'd not do with the help I had here. I have first pasted here some pieces of code but, I believe it can be helpful to give the whole answer.
So, the question I placed here was regarding a component called <MovieView, that was a part of an app that interacted with another component (in another file) called MainView.
The solution was the insertion of the method onClick on the live 14 of <MovieView> and the button on line 39 that you can see at this file on Github. If the file was updated, check the version for November 22nd.
The solution had, however, been found in the main component, <MainView>, adding code on lines 48 and 49. Here is the link to the file:
The repository with the whole app is on this page:
And sorry for the reviewers (I had accidentally deleted part of the fantastic answer submitted by #nick-miller.

React/Redux Form ReRender Method

I would like to insert advertisement block (such as Google Adsense) inside of items list. I am using the react-redux & react-connect. Even if I need to refresh the feed and rerender, I would like to run the render of ad-block div only one time. Is there any way we can do this?
const { feed } = this.props;
<div class="ad-block"><!-- Need To Render one time --></div>
<div class="items">
{, item => {
return <div class="item">.......</div>
<div class="ad-block"><!-- Need To Render one time --></div>
How about to split it in 3 components?
export const Something = () => (
And connect Feed separately through Redux.

Calling a function for ALL child components

I have 3 components. They parent layout, a select box, and a panel this is generated x times from some data.
I'm trying to make it so when the select value changes, the contents of each panel changes. The changes are made by doing some math between the new select value, and data that is stored in the panel component. Each panel has different data.
return (
<div class="row">
Show me the true cost in
<CurrencyDrop currencyChange = {(e) => this.updateTrueCost(e)} data = {} />
<div class="row">
{, index) => (
<Panel ref="panel" key = {index} paneldata= {item} />
//Do some math
this.setState({truecost: mathresult})
options={options} />
The current result is only the last panel updates when the select changes. I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with the ref handling, but I must not be searching the right terms because I can't find any related questions.
Instead of calling ref's method use React build-in lifecycle methods.
class Panel extends React.Component {
componentWillReceiveProps (newProps) {
// compare old and new data
// make some magic if data updates
if (this.props.panelData !== newProps.panelData) {
this.setState({trueCost: someMath()});
render () {
return <div>{this.state.trueCost}</div>
Then just change input props and all data will be updated automatically.
