I know how to find the file size in scala.But how to find a RDD/dataframe size in spark?
object Main extends App {
val file = new java.io.File("hdfs://localhost:9000/samplefile.txt").toString()
val distFile = sc.textFile(file)
but if i process it not getting file size. How to find the RDD size?
If you are simply looking to count the number of rows in the rdd, do:
val distFile = sc.textFile(file)
If you are interested in the bytes, you can use the SizeEstimator:
import org.apache.spark.util.SizeEstimator
Yes Finally I got the solution.
Include these libraries.
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.rdd
How to find the RDD Size:
def calcRDDSize(rdd: RDD[String]): Long = {
.reduce(_+_) //add the sizes together
Function to find DataFrame size:
(This function just convert DataFrame to RDD internally)
val dataFrame = sc.textFile(args(1)).toDF() // you can replace args(1) with any path
val rddOfDataframe = dataFrame.rdd.map(_.toString())
val size = calcRDDSize(rddOfDataframe)
Below is one way apart from SizeEstimator.I use frequently
To know from code about an RDD if it is cached, and more precisely, how many of its partitions are cached in memory and how many are cached on disk? to get the storage level, also want to know the current actual caching status.to Know memory consumption.
Spark Context has developer api method getRDDStorageInfo()
Occasionally you can use this.
Return information about what RDDs are cached, if they are in mem or
on disk, how much space they take, etc.
For Example :
scala> sc.getRDDStorageInfo
res3: Array[org.apache.spark.storage.RDDInfo] =
Array(RDD "HiveTableScan [name#0], (MetastoreRelation sparkdb,
firsttable, None), None " (3) StorageLevel: StorageLevel(false, true, false, true, 1); CachedPartitions: 1;
TotalPartitions: 1;
MemorySize: 256.0 B; ExternalBlockStoreSize: 0.0 B; DiskSize: 0.0 B)
Seems like spark ui also used the same from this code
See this Source issue SPARK-17019 which describes...
With SPARK-13992, Spark supports persisting data into
off-heap memory, but the usage of off-heap is not exposed currently,
it is not so convenient for user to monitor and profile, so here
propose to expose off-heap memory as well as on-heap memory usage in
various places:
Spark UI's executor page will display both on-heap and off-heap memory usage.
REST request returns both on-heap and off-heap memory.
Also these two memory usage can be obtained programmatically from SparkListener.
I'm very new to TFX, but have an apparently-working ML Pipeline which is to be used via BulkInferrer. That seems to produce output exclusively in Protobuf format, but since I'm running bulk inference I want to pipe the results to a database instead. (DB output seems like it should be the default for bulk inference, since both Bulk Inference & DB access take advantage of parallelization... but Protobuf is a per-record, serialized format.)
I assume I could use something like Parquet-Avro-Protobuf to do the conversion (though that's in Java and the rest of the pipeline's in Python), or I could write something myself to consume all the protobuf messages one-by-one, convert them into JSON, deserialize the JSON into a list of dicts, and load the dict into a Pandas DataFrame, or store it as a bunch of key-value pairs which I treat like a single-use DB... but that sounds like a lot of work and pain involving parallelization and optimization for a very common use case. The top-level Protobuf message definition is Tensorflow's PredictionLog.
This must be a common use case, because TensorFlowModelAnalytics functions like this one consume Pandas DataFrames. I'd rather be able to write directly to a DB (preferably Google BigQuery), or a Parquet file (since Parquet / Spark seems to parallelize better than Pandas), and again, those seem like they should be common use cases, but I haven't found any examples. Maybe I'm using the wrong search terms?
I also looked at the PredictExtractor, since "extracting predictions" sounds close to what I want... but the official documentation appears silent on how that class is supposed to be used. I thought TFTransformOutput sounded like a promising verb, but instead it's a noun.
I'm clearly missing something fundamental here. Is there a reason no one wants to store BulkInferrer results in a database? Is there a configuration option that allows me to write the results to a DB? Maybe I want to add a ParquetIO or BigQueryIO instance to the TFX pipeline? (TFX docs say it uses Beam "under the hood" but that doesn't say much about how I should use them together.) But the syntax in those documents looks sufficiently different from my TFX code that I'm not sure if they're compatible?
(Copied from the related issue for greater visibility)
After some digging, here is an alternative approach, which assumes no knowledge of the feature_spec before-hand. Do the following:
Set the BulkInferrer to write to output_examples rather than inference_result by adding a output_example_spec to the component construction.
Add a StatisticsGen and a SchemaGen component in the main pipeline right after the BulkInferrer to generate a schema for the aforementioned output_examples
Use the artifacts from SchemaGen and BulkInferrer to read the TFRecords and do whatever is neccessary.
bulk_inferrer = BulkInferrer(
output_column='output_label_column_name', )]))]
statistics = StatisticsGen(
schema = SchemaGen(
After that, one can do the following:
import tensorflow as tf
from tfx.utils import io_utils
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import schema_utils
# read schema from SchemaGen
schema_path = '/path/to/schemagen/schema.pbtxt'
schema_proto = io_utils.SchemaReader().read(schema_path)
spec = schema_utils.schema_as_feature_spec(schema_proto).feature_spec
# read inferred results
data_files = ['/path/to/bulkinferrer/output_examples/examples/examples-00000-of-00001.gz']
dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(data_files, compression_type='GZIP')
# parse dataset with spec
def parse(raw_record):
return tf.io.parse_example(raw_record, spec)
dataset = dataset.map(parse)
At this point, the dataset is like any other parsed dataset, so its trivial to write a CSV, or to a BigQuery table or whatever from there. It certainly helped us in ZenML with our BatchInferencePipeline.
Answering my own question here to document what we did, even though I think #Hamza Tahir's answer below is objectively better. This may provide an option for other situations where it's necessary to change the operation of an out-of-the-box TFX component. It's hacky though:
We copied and edited the file tfx/components/bulk_inferrer/executor.py, replacing this transform in the _run_model_inference() method's internal pipeline:
| 'WritePredictionLogs' >> beam.io.WriteToTFRecord(
os.path.join(inference_result.uri, _PREDICTION_LOGS_FILE_NAME),
with this one:
| 'WritePredictionLogsBigquery' >> beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
(This works because when you import the BulkInferrer component, the per-node work gets farmed out to these executors running on the worker nodes, and TFX copies its own library onto those nodes. It doesn't copy everything from user-space libaries, though, which is why we couldn't just subclass BulkInferrer and import our custom version.)
We had to make sure the table at 'our_project:namespace.TableName' had a schema compatible with the model's output, but didn't have to translate that schema into JSON / AVRO.
In theory, my group would like to make a pull request with TFX built around this, but for now we're hard-coding a couple key parameters, and don't have the time to get this to a real public / production state.
I'm a little late to this party but this is some code I use for this task:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_log_pb2
import pandas as pd
def parse_prediction_logs(inference_filenames: List[Text]): -> pd.DataFrame
inference files: tf.io.gfile.glob(Inferrer artifact uri)
a dataframe of userids, predictions, and features
def parse_log(pbuf):
# parse the protobuf
message = prediction_log_pb2.PredictionLog()
# my model produces scores and classes and I extract the topK classes
predictions = [x.decode() for x in (message
# here I parse the input tf.train.Example proto
inputs = tf.train.Example()
# you can pull out individual features like this
uid = inputs.features.feature["userId"].bytes_list.value[0].decode()
feature1 = [
x.decode() for x in inputs.features.feature["feature1"].bytes_list.value
feature2 = [
x.decode() for x in inputs.features.feature["feature2"].bytes_list.value
return (uid, predictions, feature1, feature2)
return pd.DataFrame(
[parse_log(x) for x in
tf.data.TFRecordDataset(inference_filenames, compression_type="GZIP").as_numpy_iterator()
], columns = ["userId", "predictions", "feature1", "feature2"]
The blockwise docs mention that with concatenate=False:
In the case of a contraction the passed function should expect an iterable of blocks on any array that holds that index.
My question then is whether or not there is a fundamental limitation that would prohibit this "iterable of blocks" from loading the blocks one at a time rather than keeping them all in a list (i.e. in memory). Is this possible? It does not look like blockwise works this way now, but I am wondering if it could:
import dask.array as da
import operator
# Create an array and write to disk
x = da.random.random(size=(10, 6), chunks=(5, 3))
da.to_zarr(x, '/tmp/x.zarr', overwrite=True)
x = da.from_zarr('/tmp/x.zarr')
y = x.T
def fn(x, y):
print(type(x), type(x[0]))
x = np.concatenate(x, axis=1)
y = np.concatenate(y, axis=0)
return np.matmul(x, y)
da.blockwise(fn, 'ik', x, 'ij', y, 'jk', concatenate=False, dtype='float').compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
# <class 'list'> <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
Is it possible for these lists to be generators instead?
This was true very early on in Dask, but we switched to concrete lists eventually. Today a task does not start until all of its dependency tasks are available in memory.
Given the context of your question I'm guessing that you're running up against memory issues with tensordot style applications. The memory use of tensordot style applications depends heavily on chunk structure. I encourage you to look at this issue, and especially at the talk referenced in the first post: https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/2225
I'd like to write a Flink streaming operator that maintains say 1500-2000 maps per key, with each map containing perhaps 100,000s of elements of ~100B. Most records will trigger inserts and reads, but I’d also like to support occasional fast iteration of entire nested maps.
I've written a KeyedProcessFunction that creates 1500 RocksDb-backed MapStates per key, and tested it by generating a stream of records with a single distinct key, but I find things perform poorly. Just initialising all of them takes on the order of several minutes, and once data begin to flow async incremental checkpoints frequently fail due to timeout. Is this is a reasonable approach? If not, what alternative(s) should I consider?
Functionally my code is along the lines of:
val stream = env.fromCollection(new Iterator[(Int, String)] with Serializable {
override def hasNext: Boolean = true
override def next(): (Int, String) = {
(1, randomString())
.process(new KPF())
class KFP extends KeyedProcessFunction[Int, (Int, String), String] {
var states: Array[MapState[Int, String]] = _
override def processElement(
value: (Int, String),
ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[Int, (Int, String), String]#Context,
out: Collector[String]
): Unit = {
if (states(0).isEmpty) {
// insert 0-300,000 random strings <= 100B
val state = states(random.nextInt(1500))
// Read from R random keys in state
// Write to W random keys state
// With probability 0.01 iterate entire contents of state
if (random.nextInt(100) == 0) {
state.iterator().forEachRemaining {
// do something trivial
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
states = (0 until 1500).map { stateId =>
getRuntimeContext.getMapState(new MapStateDescriptor[Int, String](stateId.toString, classOf[Int], classOf[String]))
There's nothing in what you've described that's an obvious explanation for poor performance. You are already doing the most important thing, which is to use MapState<K, V> rather than ValueState<Map<K, V>>. This way each key/value pair in the map is a separate RocksDB object, rather than the entire Map being one RocksDB object that has to go through ser/de for every access/update for any of its entries.
To understand the performance better, the next step might be to enable the RocksDB native metrics, and study those for clues. RocksDB is quite tunable, and better performance may be achievable. E.g., you can tune for your expected mix of read and writes, and if you are trying to access keys that don't exist, then you should enable bloom filters (which are turned off by default).
The RocksDB state backend has to go through ser/de for every state access/update, which is certainly expensive. You should consider whether you can optimize the serializer; some serializers can be 2-5x faster than others. (Some benchmarks.)
Also, you may want to investigate the new spillable heap state backend that is being developed. See https://flink-packages.org/packages/spillable-state-backend-for-flink, https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-50%3A+Spill-able+Heap+Keyed+State+Backend, and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12692. Early benchmarking suggest this state backend is significantly faster than RocksDB, as it keeps its working state as objects on the heap, and spills cold objects to disk. (How much this would help probably depends on how often you have to iterate.)
And if you don't need to spill to disk, the the FsStateBackend would be faster still.
So I am trying to read a rather large XML file into a String. Currently joining a list of .readLines() like this:
def is = zipFile.getInputStream(entry)
def content = is.getText('UTF-8')
def xmlBodyList = content.readLines()
return xmlBodyList[1..xmlBodyList.size].join("")
However I am getting this output in console:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: toIndex = 21859
I don't need any explanation on IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions, but I am having a hard time figuring out how to program around this issue.
How can I implement this differently, so it allows for a large enough file size?
About Good way to avoid java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
error is here:
return xmlBodyList[1..xmlBodyList.size].join("")
A good way to check variables before accessing and you can use relative range accessor:
assert xmlBodyList.size>1 //check value
return xmlBodyList[1..-1].join("") //use relative indexes -1 = the last one
About large files processing
If you need to iterate through all the lines and execute some operation here is an example:
def stream = zipFile.getInputStream(entry)
stream.eachLine("UTF-8"){line, index->
if(index>1){ //skip first line
//do something here with each line from file
println "$line $index"
there are a lot of additional groovy methods over java.io.InputStream that could help you to process large file without loading it into memory:
The issue is a bit complicated so I need to give you the full story:
I'm trying to create basic sound using the package pyaudio.
The pyaudio module asks for a callback function that reads audio data.
It basically looks like this:
def callback():
return sound.readframes()
I have a class that provides audio data. It creates a signal by indexing a numpy array that contains a wave length of a basic wave form. It basically looks like this:
class Wave(object):
data = [] # one wavelength of a basic waveform like a sine wave will be stored here
def readframes(self):
indices = # the indices for the next frames
# based on a frequency and the current position
return self.data[indices]
class SineWave(Wave):
data = # points of a sine wave in a numpy array
sound = SineWave()
# pyaudio now reads audio data in a non-blocking callback mode
Now to the problem:
There was noise between each call to readframes or each block of audio data. The sound itself was still intact, but there was an additional clicking. Increasing the size of the returned data block also increased the time between each click. I still don't quite know what caused the noise, but I fixed it by storing the returned numpy array in the instance instead of returning it directly.
This causes noise:
return self.data[indices]
This does not cause noise:
+ self.result = self.data[indices]
+ return self.result
It can't be an alteration of the data that causes the noise or else this wouldn't fix it. Why does the result have to be stored in the instance?
I also have to mention that the noise doesn't occur everytime I run the script. It occurs randomly about 50% of the runs. Either the noise appears right at the start and won't go away or it doesn't appear at all.
It looks like an issue with the initialization of the sound device, but how that could be related to my fix is a mistery.
Here is code that reproduces the noise problem:
import pyaudio
import time
from numpy import sin, linspace, arange, pi, float32, uint32
SR = 44100 # sampling rate
FPB = 2048 # frames per buffer
class SineWave(object):
"""A sine wave"""
data_size = 2**10
data = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, data_size, endpoint=False, dtype=float32))
def __init__(self, frequency):
self.pos = 0
self.fq = frequency
self.ppf = self.data_size * self.fq / SR # points per frame
def readframes(self):
size = FPB
pos = self.pos
indices = (arange(pos, size+pos)*self.ppf).astype(uint32) & (self.data_size-1)
self.pos = (self.pos + size) % SR
self.result = self.data[indices]
return self.data[indices]
def callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
return sound.readframes(), pyaudio.paContinue
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(4),
sound = SineWave(440)
On my system the noise appears in about 90% of the runs.
return self.data[indices]
return self.result
fixes it.
There shouldn't be a difference whether you store the intermediate array in the instance or not. I suspect there is some other problem going on that causes the error you're experiencing. Can you provide code that actually runs and exhibits the problem?
If you want to see a (hopefully!) working implementation, have a look at the play() function of the sounddevice module, especially at the loop argument. With this, you should be able to play your waveform repeatedly.
The only thing you need to store in the instance, is the frame index where you left off, just to continue with the following frame index in the next callback (and of course wrap around in the end). You should also consider the case where your wave form is shorter than an audio block. It might even be much shorter. I solved that by using a recursive function call, see the code.
It's indeed quite strange that assigning to self "solves" your problem. I think this has something to do with how PyAudio interprets the returned array as Python buffer.
You should rewrite your code using the sounddevice module, which properly supports NumPy arrays and has a sane API for the callback function.
It's easy, just use this callback function:
def callback(outdata, frames, time, status):
if status:
outdata[:, 0] = sound.readframes()
And start the stream with:
import sounddevice as sd
stream = sd.OutputStream(
channels=1, samplerate=SR, callback=callback, blocksize=FPB)
Apart from that, your code is flawed since it doesn't do any interpolation when reading from the wavetable.