Equal connection distribution is not happening in Aurora autoscaled insatnces - database

We are running a REST API based spring boot application using AWS Aurora as Database. Our application connects to read-only Aurora MySQL RDS instances.
We are doing load testing on it. Initially we have one database and we have autoscaling in place, which is triggered on high CPU.
Now we are expecting that if we are getting some X throughput with one db instance then we should be getting approx 1.8X when autoscaling happens, and connections should be distributed equally among with the newly created database instances.
But it is not happening, instead DB connections are going up and down on both database instances erratically. Due to which our load is not getting distributed equally and we are not getting desired throughput. Sometimes one database is running on 100 % CPU while the other is still on 20% CPU and after few minutes it is reversed.
Below are the database connection cofiguration :-
Driver - com.mysql.jdbc.driver
Maximum active connections=100
Max age = 300000
Initial pool size = 10
Tomcat jdbc pool is used for connection pooling
1) We have also disabled jvm network DNS caching.
2) we also tried refreshing the database connections every 5 minutes,
Even the active ones.
3) We have tried everything suggested by AWS but nothing is working.
4)We have even written a lambda code to update Route 53 when new db instance comes up to avoid cluster endpoint caching but still same issue.
Can anyone please help what is the best practice for this as currently we cannot take this into production.

This is not a great answer, but since you haven't gotten any replies yet some thoughts.
1) The behavior you are seeing replicates bad routing logic of load balancers
This is no surprise you, but this used to be much more common with small web server deployments – especially long running queries. With connection pooling, you mirror this situation.
2) Taking this assumption forward, we need to guess on how Amazon choose to balance traffic to read only replicas.
Even in their white paper, they don't mention how they are doing routing: https://www.allthingsdistributed.com/files/p1041-verbitski.pdf
Likely options are route53 or an NLB.
My best guess would be that they are using an NLB. NLBs became available to us only in Q3 2017 and Aurora was 2 years before, but it still is a reasonable guess.
NLBs would let us balance based on least connections (far better than round robin).
3) Validating assumptions
If route53 is being used, then we would be able to use DNS to find out.
I did a dig against the route53 end point and found that it gave me an answer
dig +nocmd +noall +answer zzz-databasecluster-xxx.cluster-ro-yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
zzz-databasecluster-xxx.cluster-ro-yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com. 1 IN CNAME zzz-0.yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com.
zzz-0.yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com. 5 IN A
I did it again and got a different answer.
dig +nocmd +noall +answer zzz-databasecluster-xxx.cluster-ro-yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
zzz-databasecluster-xxx.cluster-ro-yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com. 1 IN CNAME zzz-2.yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com.
zzz-2.yyy.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com. 5 IN A
What you can see is that the read only endpoint is giving me a CNAME result to
Zzz is name of my cluster, yyy came from my cloudformation stack formation, and yyy comes from amazon.
Note: zzz-0 and zzz-2 are the two read only replicas.
What we can see here is that we have route53 for our load balancing.
4) Route53 Load Balancing
They are likely setting up Route53 with round robin on all healthy read only replicas.
The TTL is likely 5s.
Healthy nodes will get removed, but there is no balancing based on
5) Ramifications
A) Using the Read Only end point can only balance traffic away from unhealthy instances
B) DB Pools will keep connections for a long time which means that new read replicas won’t be touched
If we have a small number of servers, we will be unbalanced – which we can’t do much against.
6) Thoughts on what you can do
A) Verify yourself with dig that you are getting correct DNS resolution that keeps rotating between replicas every 5s.
If you don’t, this is something you need to fix
B) Periodically recycle DB Clients
New replicas will get used and while you will be unbalanced, this will help by keeping changing.
What is critical though is you MUST not have all your clients recycle at the same time. Otherwise, you run the risk of all getting the same time. I would suggest doing some random ttl per client (within min/max).
C) Manage it yourself
Summary: When you connect, connect directly to the read replica with least connection/lowest CPU.
How you do this is slightly not simplistic. I would suggest a lambda function that keeps this connection string in a queryable location. Have it update at some frequency. I would say the frequency of updating the preferred DB is 1/10 of the frequency you are recycle the DB connections. You could add logic if the DBs are running similarly, you give the readonly end point..and only give an explicit one when there is significant inequity.
I would caution when a new instance comes up you want to be careful of floating.
D) Increase number of clients or number of read only copies
Both of these would decrease the chance that two boxes would get significant differences.


How do I find the cause of an IIS/SQL timeout?

I have a web service sitting on IIS that has been quite happy for months but now I'm getting timeouts and I don't know how to diagnose what the problem is.
The client sends up basic information in a 'heartbeat' message to IIS which then updates this in a SQL database (on a different server). There are 250 clients in the wild, all sending up their heartbeat every 5 minutes ... so there's only 250 rows in the table, with appropriate indexing on the column being used for the update.
Ordinarily it only takes 50-100ms to do the update, but since last week you can see that the response time in the IIS log has increased and I'm also getting timeouts too.
Nothing has changed with the setup so I don't know what I'm looking for to determine the reason. The error I get back is:
System.ServiceModel.FaultException: An error occurred while updating
the entries. See the inner exception for details.An error occurred
while updating the entries. See the inner exception for
details.Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to
completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The
statement has been terminated.The wait operation timed out
Any advice on where to start looking? I did enable the failed request log trace in IIS but I don't know what it all means if I'm perfectly honest. The difference between a successful requiest and a failed one is that the request log stops after the 'AspNetStart' entry.
There are lots of reasons a service can gradually or suddenly become slow. Poor code structure can lead to things like memory leaks on the server, small enough they don't really show up or cause problems during testing, but when run over weeks/months start to stack up. Unauthorized requests could be targeting your server if this is a public-facing service, or has a link to public-facing services.
Things to look at:
Does this happen at certain times of the day or throughout the day?
Is this a load issue that starts occurring when multiple users are sending updates concurrently? 250 users isn't a lot. Has the # of users grown over the last few months or has it been relatively stable since the start?
What is the memory and CPU usage looking like on the Web server(s) and DB server?
This is the first clue to check to see if either server is under considerable load. From there you can investigate why it might be under load or if it possibly needs a bit more grunt to deal with the load. Look at the running processes. If these servers are managed by an IT department or such some culprits can include things like Virus Scanners hogging resources. (I.e. policy changes in the last few months have lead to additional load on the servers)
What recovery model is your database set up for?
What is the size of your Tx Log (.mdx file)
Do you have a regular scheduled database backup and index maintenance?
This is one that new projects tend to forget. An empty database is small and has no Tx Log history being recorded, but as it runs over time that Tx Log grows silently in the background, especially with Full recovery. Larger Tx Logs can lead to slower performance over time especially if the log file needs to be enlarged. A good thing to check is whether the log file is set to grow by a # of bytes or percentage. Percentage is I believe the default but this can cause exponential "grow" time/space issues so it's better to set it to a fixed size per grow. You'll want regular backups being done that allow the Tx Log to reset. Ideally don't shrink the file if the Log size between backups stays consistent.
How many records across all tables are being inserted or updated in a given day?
This is important to build a picture of how much the database will be tracking through the day between backups. You may have 250 clients, but every heartbeat is potentially updating a row and inserting others.
What are you using for PKs for inserted records? (Ints vs. UUIDs) If using UUIDs are you using NEWSEQUENTIALID() or NEWID()/Guid.New()?
GUIDs can be a time bomb for indexing if done poorly. A GUID combined with NEWID() or Guid.New() will lead to considerable index fragmentation when inserting rows. Provided the GUIDs are not visible to clients you should use NEWSEQUENTIALID(). If IDs are set via code then there are implementations you can find to generate sequential GUIDs. (It's a matter of re-arranging the parts that make up the GUID) Regular index maintenance is a requirement for using UUID columns in indexed fields.
Are you using Dependency Injection in your web service?
What is the lifetime scope of the DbContexts performing the updates?
This is a potential time bomb for web servers if the lifetime scope for a DbContext is set up incorrectly. You want a DbContext to be alive for no longer than it is needed. At a maximum the lifetime scope should be set to PerRequest. A DbContext set up for Singleton for instance would be tracking entities across requests. The more entities a DbContext is tracking, the slower read and update operations become. This would be a possible culprit if the web server memory usage is climbing.
Are you running an SQL Profiler?
In a test environment with nothing else touching the database, running scenarios through the application with an SQL Profiler can reveal potential issues such as unexpected queries being kicked off due to things like lazy loading. For one operation you might expect one or a small number of queries to be run, only to find dozens or even hundreds. Multiply this across concurrent requests and you have a recipe for the database server to say "Just sit down and wait, dammit!" :) Any queries you don't expect based on the code that is running should be investigated for either eager loading relationships or implementing projection. (Recommended for best performance)
Do the web servers get restarted periodically?
For some tricky to debug issues and memory leaks, sometimes the easiest "fix" is to schedule regular restarts of the web server. It's a hack, but compared to the considerable cost of trying to track down memory leaks or fix up inefficient code that slows down over time, it is a cheap and effective fix. (At least while you do research options to address the issues and optimize the code)
That should give you a start into things to check with the service & database.

Database connection pool strategy for micro services

We are trying to convert our monolithic application to a micro services based architecture. We use Postgresql as one of our database in the monolithic application with BoneCP for connection pooling.
When this monolith is split to a number of independent micro-services with each of them running in a different JVM, I can think about two options for connection pooling
BoneCP or any decent connection pool for each microservice - My initial research shows that this is the primary choice. It is possible to have a fine grained control of connection requirements for each service.But, down side is that as the number of services increase, number of connection pool also increases and eventually there will be too many idle connections assuming that minimum connections in each pool is greater than 0.
Rely on database specific extensions like PGBouncer - This approach has the advantage that connection pool is managed by a central source rather than a pool for each micro service and hence number of idle connections can be brought down. It is also language/technology agnostic. Down side is that these extensions are database specific and some of the functionalities in JDBC may not work. For eg: Prepared statments may not work with PGBouncer in Transaction_Pooling mode.
In our case most of the micro-services(at least 50) will be connecting to the same Postgres server even though the database can be different. So, if we go with option 1, there is a higher chance of creating too many idle connections.The traffic to most of our services are very moderate and the rationale behind moving to micro-service is for easier deployment, scaling etc.
Has anyone faced a similar problem while adopting micro-services architecture? Is there a better way of solving this problem in micro-service world?
I don't see how pgbouncer will solve any of the problems you would have with the first approach. There are many reasons to use pgbouncer but I don't think they are really applicable here.
Also, in my experience, while idle connections can be an issue, they probably will not be on the scale you are talking about. I mean we are not talking hundreds of idle connections right?
More critically, one key thing that a microservices approach would give you is an ability to move dbs off to other servers. If you do this, then having your connection pool centrally managed makes this harder to do.
Per-service pool is generally more flexible and it makes your infrastructure quite a bit more flexible too.
I have responded a similar question here: Microservices - Connection Pooling when connecting to a single legacy database
"I am facing a similar dilemma at my work and I can share the conclusions we have reached so far.
There is no silver bullet at the moment, so:
1 - Calculate the number of connections dividing the total desired number of connections for the instances of microservices will work well if you have a situation where your microservices don't need to drastically elastic scale.
2 - Not having a pool at all and let the connections be opened on demand. This is what is being used in functional programming (like Amazon lambdas). It will reduce the total number of open connections but the downside is that you lose performance as per opening connections on the fly is expensive.
You could implement some sort of topic that let your service know that the number of instances changed in a listener and update the total connection number, but it is a complex solution and goes against the microservice principle that you should not change the configurations of the service after it started running.
Conclusion: I would calculate the number if the microservice tend to not grow in scale and without a pool if it does need to grow elastically and exponentially, in this last case make sure that a retry is in place in case it does not get a connection in the first attempt.
There is an interesting grey area here awaiting for a better way of controlling pools of connections in microservices.
In time, and to make the problem even more interesting, I recommend reading the
article About Pool Sizing from HikariCP: https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP/wiki/About-Pool-Sizing The ideal concurrent connections in a database are actually smaller than most people think."
Maybe group some smaller number of microservices into modulith and use karaf, or other osgi container as a runtime for them. Then you can create bundle that will represent a connection-pool for your database so other bundles — microservices can use it. But I'm not sure if it will solve your architecture problem.
Let's say you have the limiting requirement - only 10 connections to the database.
You can run 10 instances of the microservice with the connection pool limited to 1 connection max. Or you can run 3 instances with pool max=3.
The centralized connection pool, which would serve multiple services in the cloud, sounds bad (the typical single point of failure).

Issue with reading data from Apache cassandra

I have some trouble using apache cassandra. I have been trying to solve this problem for several weeks now.
This is my setup. I have 2 computers running apache cassandra(lets call the computer C1 and Computer C2), I create a keyspace with replication factor 2. This is so that each computer has a local copy of the data.
I have a program that reads a fairly large amount of data say about 500MB.
Scenario 1)
Say only computer C1 has cassandra is running, I run the read program on computer C1 then this read occurs with half a minute to a minute.
Scenario 2)
I now start the cassandra instance on the computer C2 and run the read program on computer C1 again- it now takes a very long time to complete in the order of 20 minutes.
I am not sure why this is happening. The read consistency is set to "One"
Expected performance
Ideally the read program on both computers C1 and C2 has to complete fast. This should be possible as both computers have a local copy of the data.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction? I really appreciate the help,
Update: Network Usage
This may not mean much, but I monitored the internet connection using nethogs and when both cassandra nodes are up, and I read the database, bandwidth is used by cassandra to communicate with the other node - presumably this is read repairs occuring in the background as I've used the read consistency level 'One' and in my case the closest node with the required data is the local computer's cassandra instance (all nodes have all the data) - so the source of data should be from the local computer...
Update: SQLTransentExceptions: TimedOutException()
When both nodes are up, the program that reads the database, however, has several SQLTransentExceptions: TimedOutException(). I use the default timeout of 10 sec. But that raises a question of why the SQL statements are timing out, when all data retrieval should be from the local instance. Also, the same SQL code runs fine, if only one node is up.
There is no such thing as a read consistency of "ANY" (that only applies to writes). The lowest read consistency is ONE. You need to check what your read consistency really is.
Perhaps your configuration is setup in such a way that a read requires data from both servers to be fetched (if both are up), and fetching data from C2 to C1 is really slow.
Force set your read consistency level to "ONE".
You appear to have a token collision, which in your case translates to both nodes owning 100% of the keys. What you need to do is reassign one of the nodes such that it owns half the tokens. Use nodetool move (use token 85070591730234615865843651857942052864) followed by nodetool cleanup.
The slow speeds most likely are from the high network latency, which when multiplied across all your transactions (with some subset actually timing out) result in a correspondingly large job time. Many client libraries use auto node discovery to learn about new or downed nodes, then round robin requests across available nodes. So even though you're only telling it about localhost, it's probably learning about the other node on its own.
In any distributed computing environment where nodes must communicate, network latency and reliability are a huge factor and must be dealt with.

What is a Google App Engine instance?

I am trying to estimate the monthly costs for having GAE for in-app store and I do not really understand what is an instance and what can I do within one instance.
Can I just have one instance with multiple threads to deal with multiple clients? And as I have 28 hours of free instance per app per day (http://cloud.google.com/pricing/), does it mean that I would not pay for my server app running all the time?
An instance is an instance of a virtual server, running your code, that is able to serve requests to clients. This is usually done in parallel (Goroutines, Java threads, Python threads with 2.7) for most efficient usage of available resources.
Response times depends on what you're doing in your code, and it's usually IO dependent. If you have a waterfall of serial database lookups, it takes longer than if you only have a single multiget and perhaps an async write.
Part of the deal with GAE is that Google handles the elasticity for you. If there are a lot of connections waiting, new instances will start as needed (until your quota is exhausted). That means it can be difficult to estimate cost upfront, because you don't know exactly how efficient your code is and how much resources you'll need. I recommend a scheme where more usage means more income, and income per request is higher than cost per request. :)
You can tweak settings, saying you want requests to wait in queue, or always have a couple of spare instances ready to serve new requests, which will affect cost for you and response times for users.
In an IaaS scenario you could say that you will use five instances and that's the cost, but in reality you might need only 1 at night local time, and 25 the rest of the day, which means your users would most likely see dropped connections or otherwise have a negative user experience.
A free instance is normally able to handle test traffic during development without exhausting the quota.
Well AppEngine may decide you need to have more than one instance running to handle the requests and so will start another one. You won't be able to limit it to one running instance. In fact, it's sometimes unclear why AE starts another instance when it seems like the requests are low, but it will if it decides it needs another warm instance to be ready to handle requests if the serving instance(s) are too near their limit.

simple Solr deployment with two servers for redundancy

I'm deploying the Apache Solr web app in two redundant Tomcat 6 servers,
to provide redundancy and improved availability. At this point, scalability is not a issue.
I have a load balancer that can dynamically route traffic to one server or the other or both.
I know that Solr supports master/slave configuration, but that requires manual recovery if the slave receives updates during the master outage (which it will in my use case).
I'm considering a simpler approach using the ability to reload a core:
- only one of the two servers is receiving traffic at any time (the "active" instance), but both are running,
- both instances share the same index data and
- before re-routing traffic due to an outage, the now active instance is told to reload the index core(s)
Limited testing of failovers with both index reads and writes has been successful. What implications/issues am I missing?
Your thoughts and opinions welcomed.
The simple approach to redundancy your considering seems reasonable but you will not be able to use it for disaster recovery unless you can share the data/index to/from a different physical location using your NAS/SAN.
Here are some suggestions:-
Make backups for disaster recovery and test those backups work as an index could conceivably have been corrupted as there are no checksums happening internally in SOLR/Lucene. An index could get wiped or some records could get deleted and merged away without you knowing it and backups can be useful for recovering those records/docs at a later time if you need to perform an investigation.
Before you re-route traffic to the second instance I would run some queries to load caches and also to test and confirm the current index works before it goes online.
Isolate the updates to one location and process and thread to ensure transactional integrity in the event of a cutover as it could be difficult to manage consistency as SOLR does not use a vector clock to synchronize updates like some databases. I personally would keep a copy of all updates in order separately from SOLR in some other store just in case a small time window needs to be repeated.
In general, my experience with SOLR has been excellent as long as you are not using cutting edge features and plugins. I have one instance that currently has 40 million docs and an uptime of well over a year with no issues. That doesn't mean you wont have issues but gives you an idea of how stable it could be.
I hardly know anything about Solr, so I don't know the answers to some of the questions that need to be considered with this sort of setup, but I can provide some things for consideration. You will have to consider what sorts of failures you want to protect against and why and make your decision based on that. There is, after all, no perfect system.
Both instances are using the same files. If the files become corrupt or unavailable for some reason (hardware fault, software bug), the second instance is going to fail the same as the first.
On a similar note, are the files stored and accessed in such a way that they are always valid when the inactive instance reads them? Will the inactive instance try to read the files when the active instance is writing them? What would happen if it does? If the active instance is interrupted while writing the index files (power failure, network outage, disk full), what will happen when the inactive instance tries to load them? The same questions apply in reverse if the 'inactive' instance is going to be writing to the files (which isn't particularly unlikely if it wasn't designed with this use in mind; it might for example update some sort of idle statistic).
Also, reloading the indices sounds like it could be a rather time-consuming operation, and service will not be available while it is happening.
If the active instance needs to complete an orderly shutdown before the inactive instance loads the indices (perhaps due to file validity problems mentioned above), this could also be time-consuming and cause unavailability. If the active instance can't complete an orderly shutdown, you're gonna have a bad time.
