Update table with random numbers in kdb+q - database

when I run the following script:
tbl: update prob: 1?100 from tbl;
I was expecting that I get a new column created with each row having a random number. However, I get back a column containing the same number for all the rows in the table.
How do I resolve this? I need to update my existing table and not create a table from scratch.

When you are using 1?100 you are only requesting 1 random value within the range of 0-100. If you use 10?100, you will be returned a list of 10 random values between 0-100.
So to do this in an update you want to use something like this
time sym price qty
2012.02.19D18:34:27.148501760 gkn 8.376952 9
2008.07.29D20:23:13.601434560 odo 7.041609 3
2007.02.07D08:17:59.482332864 pbl 0.955069 9
2001.04.27D03:36:44.475531384 aph 1.127308 2
2010.03.03D03:35:55.253069888 mgi 0.7663449 6
update r:abs count[i]?0h from tbl
time sym price qty r
2012.02.19D18:34:27.148501760 gkn 8.376952 9 23885
2008.07.29D20:23:13.601434560 odo 7.041609 3 19312
2007.02.07D08:17:59.482332864 pbl 0.955069 9 10372
2001.04.27D03:36:44.475531384 aph 1.127308 2 25281
2010.03.03D03:35:55.253069888 mgi 0.7663449 6 27503
Note that I am using type short and abs to return positive values.

You need to seed your initial data, using something like rand(time), otherwise it will use the same seed, and thus, give the same sequence of random numbers.
EDIT: Per https://code.kx.com/wiki/Reference/SystemCommands
Use \S?n, where n is any integer.
EDIT2: Check out https://code.kx.com/wiki/Reference/SystemCommands#.5CS_.5Bn.5D_-_random_seed for how to use random numbers, please.

Just generate as many random numbers as you have rows using count tbl:
First create your table tbl:
tbl:([]date:reverse .z.d-til 100;price:sums 100?1f)
date price
2018.04.26 0.2426471
2018.04.27 0.6163571
2018.04.28 1.179559
Then add a column of random numbers between 0 and 100:
update rdn:(count tbl)?100 from tbl
date price rdn
2018.04.26 0.2426471 25
2018.04.27 0.6163571 33
2018.04.28 1.179559 13


How can I identify three highest values in a column by ID and take their squares and then add them in SAS?

I am working on injury severity scores (ISS) and my dataset has these four columns: ID, High_AIS, Dxcode (diagnosis code), ISS_bodyregion. Each ID/case has several values for "dxcode" and respective High_AIS and ISS_bodyregion - which means each ID/case has multiple injuries in different body regions. The rule to calculate ISS specifies that we have to select AIS values of three different ISS body regions
For some IDs, we have only one value (of course when a person only has single injury and one associated dxcode and AIS). My goal is to calculate ISS (ranges from 0-75) and in order to do this, I want to tell SAS the following things:
Select three largest AIS values by ID (of course when ID has more than 3 values for AIS), take their squares and add them to get ISS.
If ID has only one injury and that has the AIS = 6, the ISS will automatically be equal to 75 (regardless of the injuries elsewhere).
If ID has less than 3 AIS values (for example, 5th ID has only two AIS values: 0 and 1), then consider only two, square them and add them, as we do not have third severely ISS body region for this ID.
If ID has only 3 AIS (for example, 1,0,0) then consider only three, square them and add them even if it is ISS=1.
If ID has all the injuries and AIS values equal to 0 (for example: 0,0) then ISS will equal to 0.
If ID has multiple injuries, and AIS values are: 2,2,1,1,1 and ISS_bodyregion = 5,5,6,6,6. Then we see that ISS_bodyregion repeats itself, the instructions suggest that we only select highest AIS value of ISS body region only once, because it has to be from DIFFERENT ISS body regions. So, in such situation, I want to tell SAS that if ISS_bodyregion repeats itself, only select the one with highest AIS value and leave the rest.
I am so confused as I am telling SAS to keep account of all these aforementioned considerations and I cannot seem to put them all in a single code. Thank you so much in advance. I have already sorted my data by ID descending high_AIS.
So if you are trying to implement this algorithm https://aci.health.nsw.gov.au/networks/institute-of-trauma-and-injury-management/data/injury-scoring/injury_severity_score then you need data like this:
data have;
input id region :$20. ais ;
1 FACE 1
3 FACE 1
So first find the max per id per region. For example by using PROC SUMMARY.
proc summary data=have nway;
class id region;
var ais;
output out=bodysys max=ais;
Now order by ID and AIS
proc sort data=bodysys ;
by id ais ;
Now you can process by ID and accumulate the AIS scores into an array. You can use MOD() function to cycle through the array so that the last three observations per ID will be the values left in the array (skips the need to first subset to three observations per ID).
data want;
do count=0 by 1 until(last.id);
set bodysys;
by id;
array x[3] ais1-ais3 ;
x[1+mod(count,3)] = ais;
if ais>5 then iss=75;
else do count=1 to 3 ;
iss + x[count]**2;
keep id ais1-ais3 iss ;
Obs id ais1 ais2 ais3 iss
1 1 2 3 4 29
2 2 3 . . 9
3 3 1 2 . 5
4 4 6 . . 75

Need to generate from and to numbers based on the result set with a specified interval

I have below requirement.
Input is like as below.
Create table Numbers
Num int
Insert into Numbers
values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15)
Create table FromTo
FromNum int
,ToNum int
Select * From FromTo
Output should be as below.
FromNum ToNum
1 5
6 10
11 15
Actual Requirement is as below.
I need to load the data for a column into a table which will have thousands of records with different no's.
Consider like below.
1,2,5,7,9,11,15,34,56,78,98,123,453,765 etc..
I need to load these into other table which is having FROM and TO columns with the intervals of 5000. For example in the first 5000 if i have the no's till 3000, my 1st row should have FromNo as 1 and ToNum as 3000. second row: if the data is not having till 10000 and the next no started as 12312(This is the 2nd Row FromNum) the ToNum value should be +5000 i.e 17312. Here also if we don't have the no's data till 17312 it need to consider the ToNum between the 12312 and 17312
Output should be as below.
FromNum ToNum
1 3205
1095806 1100805
1100808 1105806
1105822 1110820
Can you guys please help me with the solution for the above.
Thanks in advance.
What you may try in this situation is to group data and get the expected results:
DECLARE #interval int = 5
INSERT INTO FromTo (FromNum, ToNum)
SELECT MIN(Num) AS FromNum, MAX(Num) AS ToNum
FROM Numbers
GROUP BY (Num - 1) / #interval

Array formula using multiplication and division across 3 columns

I have Inventory data that is in the following format:
Column D | Column E | Column F
Pack Qty | Pack Price | Total Qty
This is followed by multiple rows with various numerical values, with the odd blank row.
To calculate the stock value of any particular product/line, I use =F2/D2*E2.
To calculate the total value of stock I tried {=Sum(F:F/D:D*E:E)} but it returns a #Div/0! error.
As mentioned, some rows are blank. Some items have 0 price, others have 0 stock on hand.
I would like to avoid having to total each line in a new column then total that column.
Try this:
You can simply wrap your division inside IFERROR() and return 0.

Adding Numbers to get the target Numbers

I want to generate a random number against StudentID, I am using the following SQL
The Result i am getting is :
Please Help.
You're just setting that column to the column index of the partitioned row_number, which is 1. If you want a random number for each row, it would be easier to do this:
Just change the multiplication to whatever range you want. This range is 1-10.

In SSRS, how can I add a row to aggregate all the rows that don't match a filter?

I'm working on a report that shows transactions grouped by type.
Type Total income
------- --------------
A 575
B 244
C 128
D 45
E 5
F 3
Total 1000
I only want to provide details for transaction types that represent more than 10% of the total income (i.e. A-C). I'm able to do this by applying a filter to the group:
Type Total income
------- --------------
A 575
B 244
C 128
Total 1000
What I want to display is a single row just above the total row that has a total for all the types that have been filtered out (i.e. the sum of D-F):
Type Total income
------- --------------
A 575
B 244
C 128
Other 53
Total 1000
Is this even possible? I've tried using running totals and conditionally hidden rows within the group. I've tried Iif inside Sum. Nothing quite seems to do what I need and I'm butting up against scope issues (e.g. "the value expression has a nested aggregate that specifies a dataset scope").
If anyone can give me any pointers, I'd be really grateful.
EDIT: Should have specified, but at present the dataset actually returns individual transactions:
ID Type Amount
---- ------ --------
1 A 4
2 A 2
3 B 6
4 A 5
5 B 5
The grouping is done using a row group in the tablix.
One solution is to solve that in the SQL source of your dataset instead of inside SSRS:
WHEN CAST([Total income] AS FLOAT) / SUM([Total income]) OVER (PARTITION BY 1) >= 0.10 THEN [Type]
ELSE 'Other'
END AS [Type]
, [Total income]
FROM Source_Table
See also SQL Fiddle
Try to solve this in SQL, see SQL Fiddle.
WHEN I.TotalIncome >= (SELECT Sum(I2.TotalIncome) / 10 FROM Income I2) THEN 10
) AS TotalIncomePercent
FROM Income I
After this, create two sum groups.
SUM(TotalIncome * TotalIncomePercent) / 10
SUM(TotalIncome * TotalIncomePercent)
Second approach may be to use calculated column in SSRS. Try to create a calculated column with above case expression. If it allows you to create it, you may use it in the same way as SQL approach.
1) To show income greater than 10% use row visibility condition like
=iif(reportitems!total_income.value/10<= I.totalincome,true,false)
here reportitems!total_income.value is total of all income textbox value which will be total value of detail group.
and I.totalincome is current field value.
2)add one more row to outside of detail group to achieve other income and use expression as
= reportitems!total_income.value-sum(iif(reportitems!total_income.value/10<= I.totalincome,I.totalincome,nothing))
