getting Objects are not valid as a React child error - reactjs

I'm trying to make a fetch request to my server and set the response json as the component's state.
I get this error
Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {description,
id, matched_substrings, place_id, reference, structured_formatting, terms, types}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
in li (at Search.js:25)
in ul (at Search.js:30)
in div (at Search.js:28)
in Search (at index.js:8)
this is my code -
import React from 'react'
import { ReactDOM } from "react-dom";
export default class Search extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
places: []
this.handleUserInput = this.handleUserInput.bind(this)
handleUserInput(e) {
var searchInput =;
var url = '/searchLocation/autocomplete?text=' + (searchInput)
if (searchInput.length > 2) {
fetch(url).then(function(response) {return response.json()})
.then((responseJson) => this.setState({places: responseJson["predictions"]}));
//.then( responseJson => console.log(responseJson["predictions"]))
render() {
const placeList = =>
return <li>{place}</li>
return (
<input onChange={this.handleUserInput} type="text" id="PlaceSearch" />
{ placeList }
I found similiar errors by googling it but none helped..
Thank you very much for helping

This issue is you are trying to render place which I assume is an object inside the li.
you need to choose which property to render
return <li>{}</li>

I think you're missing parenthesis;
const placeList = =>
return ( <li>{place}</li> )


How to filter data from an object array according to their property values, in ReactJs?

I wrote a simple code to just pass all the data taken from a firebase real time database into a react component, which is called cubetemplate, via an object array. Here is a screenshot of the firebase I used to do the test:
Here's the code I used:
<div className="gal">
.map(item => {
//inserting into the component
return <Cubetemplate source={[item]["img"]} key={item}/>;
Now, the problem is that, I want to pass only the objects which verify the condition "type"="vid", into the Cubetemplate component. How do I accomplish this?
Here's the full code to take a better understanding of the situation:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Cubetemplate from './components/cubes/Cubetemplate';
import './Gallery.css';
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
class Gallery extends Component {
//this is the place where you declar your vars
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
loading: false,
list: [1, 2, 3],
value: '',
isLoggedIn: false,
this.readDB = this.readDB.bind(this); //no idea what the hell this is
readDB() {
var that = this;
var starCountRef = firebase.database().ref("/gallery");
//the values from the firebase will be printed in the console
starCountRef.once('value', snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(function (childSnapshot) {
var childKey = childSnapshot.key;
var childData = childSnapshot.val();
console.log("Key: " + childKey + " Title: " + childData.title);
that.setState({ isLoggedIn: true });
//just to check the values of snapshot
// console.log(snapshot.val());
//takes the data from friebase to snapshot to news.
this.setState({ gallery: snapshot.val() });
}, err=> {
render() {
return (
<div className="gallerycontainer">
<div className="gal">
.map(item => {
//inserting into the component
return <Cubetemplate source={[item]["img"]} key={item}/>;
export default Gallery;
Thanks in advance stackoverflowers!
You could use firebase filtering like Frank mentioned or you could simply do some conditional rendering like this:
<div className="gal">
.map(item => {
//Only render if the item type is 'vid'
if ([item]["type"] == "vid") {
<Cubetemplate source={[item]["img"]} key={item}/>;
To load only the gallery child nodes with type equal to vid, you'd use a Firebase query like this:
var galleryRef = firebase.database().ref("/gallery");
var query = galleryRef.orderByChild("type").equalTo("vid");
query.once('value', snapshot => {
For more on this, I highly recommend studying the Firebase documentation on ordering and filtering data.

Rendering loop error with react axios setState

I have different ingredients(vodka, gin, whiskey...) json files in a dummy folder.
I have an IngredientList.js where I select one ingredient and pass it down to
The IngredientSearch.js gets the relevant json file based on the ingredient name and then I set the state of ingredientRes to the
Problem I am getting is that when I print the console.log(newVals) --> the console logs the arrays from the json infinitely. Seems like I am rerendering something infinitely.
What is wrong with my setup?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
class IngredientSearch extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
ingredientRes: []
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
let ingredient = this.props.ingredient; //for example: vodka
getIngredient_drinks = (ingredient) => {
if(ingredient !== null) {
let newVals = [];
//console.log(newVals); // keeps relogging the arrays
this.setState({ ingredientRes: newVals });
render() {
return (
IngredientSearch Results
I want to map the ingredientRes here
export default IngredientSearch;
You may call setState() immediately in componentDidUpdate() but note that it must be wrapped in a condition like -
if (this.props.ingredient !== prevProps.ingredient) {
Otherwise it will cause an infinite loop.
For reference -

select tag with function

I have a question about the getHashes(), there is a map-function that I want to list the hashes in a tag. The listItems is not defined... why?
Can I get some help with this?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
class Filter extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
hash: [
"aSj1T", "CD6oL"
const hashes = this.state.hash;
const listItems = => <option>{hashes}</option>);
for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++){
const hashUrl = "https://api/v1/hashes/" + hashes[i];
.then((response) => {
const data =[0];
.catch((error) => {
render() {
return (
<select name="select"
type="select" value={this.getHashes}>
export default Filter;
I stripped down the code, it is with reux axios and much more on my text editor. But i hope you can run this in your text editor to help. It is not tested. If you just explain it is also cool.
1- this.state.hash.push(data.hash); is not a good idea you are mutating the state not changing it by setState
2- listItems is defined inside the function getHashes but never been added to the state or the component instance so you don't have access to it inside the render function
It is not obvious what you are trying to achieve by setting the value of select to a function

React component will mount is not getting called

I have been working on a chat application using react and websockets, My problem is the method
doesn't get called when the state changes and component re-renders.
I have been trying to add 'li' elements to my chatArea component for every new message coming in a chat, and as soon as I am selecting another chat, I want to remove all those 'li' elements that were rendered in previous chat, for that I have tried 2 things, one to remove all child of or I am changing the state. But componentWillUnmount is not getting called. And i am not able to remove li elements.
Below is my code
import React from 'react'
export default class ChatArea extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
currentUser: this.props.currentUser,
selectedUser: this.props.selectedUser,
messages: []
this.handleMessage = this.handleMessage.bind(this)
handleMessage (obj) {
let messages = this.state.messages
messages: messages
componentWillMount () {
window.socket.on('show message', obj => {
componentDidMount () {
window.socket.emit('join', {
sender: this.state.currentUser,
receiver: this.state.selectedUser
componentWillUnmount () {
const chatList = this.refs.chatList
while (chatList.hasChildNodes()) {
console.log('removing children', chatList.lastChild)
messages: []
render () {
console.log('chatARea state', this.state)
let messages = this.state.messages
let i = 0
return (
<div className='row chat-area'>
<ul className='col m12' ref='chatList'>
{ => <li key={i++}>{msg.sentBy.firstname + ': ' + msg.message}</li>)}
module.exports = ChatArea
I found out the answer of my own question, the state of the component was not getting changed, so the method componentWillMount() was not getting called.
Thanks everyone for the help

React filtering the state without ruining it

Im trying to make a search function that renders the name of the people that is matched in a search text input.
The problem is that I set the state to the items that match the search, and then the initial state is lost so no more searching can be done since the state will be empty. So how do I "fill up" the state each time?
Or maybe there is some other way without actually setting the state that im not aware of.
I tried to fix this with an attempt to reset to initial state when the handleSearch function is called right before the filter but that doesnt work.
import React from 'react';
import Header from './Header';
import peopleData from '../persons.json';
class App extends React.Component {
this.handleSearch = this.handleSearch.bind(this);
this.state = {
people: peopleData
this.setState({ people: peopleData }); //Attempt to reset to initial state
const result = this.state.people.filter(d => {
const regex = new RegExp(wordToMatch, 'gi');
return d.Name.match(regex);
this.setState({ people: result })
render() {
const list =, i) => <li key={i}>{d.Name}</li>);
return (
<div className="myApp">
<ul className="contentBody">
export default App;
Component with the search input:
import React from 'react';
class Header extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
ref={(input) => this.searchInput = input}
onChange={() => this.props.handleSearch(this.searchInput.value)}
export default Header;
How my data looks like
"Name": "Adam",
"Born": 1971
"Name": "Bob",
"Born": 1999
etc etc for 20 more names
The setState function won't immediately update the state object. So when you reference this.state.people, it will reference the state prior to the setState call. You can update your code to:
handleSearch(wordToMatch) {
const result = peopleData.filter(d => {
const regex = new RegExp(wordToMatch, 'gi');
return d.Name.match(regex);
people: result
In the handleSearch set the state for the searchString variable. Then in the render method, instead of simply mapping the state, you first filter the people list, and that result is what you map.
const list =, i) => <li key={i}>{d.Name}</li>);
into this:
const list = this.state.people.filter(d => {
const regex = new RegExp(this.state.searchString, 'gi');
return d.Name.match(regex);
}).map((d, i) => <li key={i}>{d.Name}</li>);
This way, the list in the state is left unaltered, and you filter when rendering.
