How do I completely delete Cloud Datastore from a project? - google-app-engine

I want to create a Firestore in Native mode in an existing project.
I don't have any data in Cloud Datastore, but it blocks me, saying
This project uses another database service
Your current project is set up to use Cloud Datastore or Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode. You can access data for this project from the Cloud Datastore console.
when going through
Cannot enable Firestore for this project
Currently Firestore cannot be enabled in projects already using Cloud Datastore or App Engine
when going through
I've tried it with writes to datastore enabled and disabled
I just want to completely purge the Cloud Datastore product from my project.

Unfortunately, there is no way to purge the previous existence of a Cloud Datastore database to try either Cloud Firestore in native or Datastore mode. You'll have to use a new project to try Cloud Firestore in either native or Datastore mode.

You can switch using the below command
$ gcloud alpha firestore databases update --type=firestore-native

This is the response I got from Google Cloud Support today (February 16th, 2021):
Generally, we do recommend to create a new project and enable Firestore therein. Nonetheless I may submit a request to delete your existing database which may allow you to change the database to the desired mode. However, please keep in mind that I’m unable to guarantee it’s approval.

I just tried it on my end. I deleted all my entities (test project) and disabled my Datastore API, same issue as you when I visit the page.
This is likely an issue that needs to be reported either through support (if you have a support package for Google Cloud Platform), or through our issue tracker.

Still the same as of 10 June 2020.

If you have an empty Datastore database and you never executed a write to the database, you can upgrade to Firestore in Datastore mode or Native mode.
If you do not receive this option, then your database instance will be automatically upgraded at a future date.
If you upgrade from Datastore to Firestore in Datastore mode or from Datastore mode to Native mode, you cannot undo the operation.
See this page for additional details:

If you just want to lock down use the following security rule it will not delete but lock down your firestore so no one can write to it. Its not the answer you are looking for but in the same spirit.
// Deny read/write access to all users under any conditions
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;

Just visit by clicking on the button, if you have not added any data it will show option to switch to native


GAE: Restore ah-builtin-python-bundle and ah-builtin-datastoreservice

I have accidentally deleted the two versions ah-builtin-datastoreservice and ah-builtin-python-bundle in one of my GAE projects (written in Go). The implication is that my auto-backups (implemented as described in Scheduled Backups and Google BigQuery Analytics by Jordan Tigani, Siddartha Naidu) are not working anymore and the datastore admin is not available (response code 404).
It seems that the ah-builtin-python-bundle is created when "Enabling the datastore admin" in the Datastore Admin interface:
Unfortunately, this button is not available anymore - only "Open Datastore Admin" and "Disable writes" buttons are available.
My question is pretty simple: How do I re-enable the deleted versions ah-builtin-datastoreservice and ah-builtin-python-bundle again?
Old question, but to handle getting your data into BigQuery and having a copy outside of Cloud Datastore, you are best to use the Managed Import/Export service.

How can we use Google Datastore Objectify remotely?

I am trying to use Google Objectify for Datastore ( My app is not hosted on GAE, but I still make use of Datastore, so I need to use the remote API. Right now, I use the low level API and connect successfully like this :
DatastoreOptions options = DatastoreOptions.builder()
Datastore client = options.service();
And the library used is My application defaults for "AuthCredentials.createApplicationDefaults()" is in my home folder in development as well as on the server.
In the doc I saw for Objectify, I did not see anyway of specifying the connection like above, thus no way of telling to use the credentials file in our home folder. The code I see for Objectify is mostly like this Objectify.ofy(). So I see no way with this method of telling to use the auth credentials defaults.
Thank you very much.
Use the Google App Engine remote api:
You could try gcloud-java datastore module.
But I encounter some performance issues on outside of Google Sandbox (GAE-Compute Engine)

How can we take a backup of the application data from the Google App Engine DataStore?

I read about the DataStore admin, but can't find it in the console. Also, the doc says the feature is experimental?
More clarification:
We have an enterprise application, and we need to be able to take backups of our data at a certain frequency. Since we are using Google App Engine, we need to be able to take a backup off the App Engine DataStore. When I go into the Admin console, I can see the option to view the entities, I see "Dashboard","Query" and "Index" but nothing to take a backup of the DataStore data, say to something like CloudStorage. Also, when I go to localhost:8000/datastore, I see the same.
Datastore Admin is only available to Python applications - or rather, applications with a Python version. If your app is Java, you can deploy an empty/trivial app to a non-default version.
There's a note on this in the docs, here.
At the time of your request it was only available in the old GAE console.
Since few weeks it has been integrated in the new console as well.
Go to Storage/Cloud Datastore/Settings, then the first time you'll have to "Enable Datastore Admin", then you'll have a new button "Open Datastore Admin"

Google Cloud Datastore and reports/administration

I'm quite new to Google App Engine and it's cloud Datastore which is used for storing the backend's data by default. As far as I realized you can only view it's content within the developer console and you can create or edit entities there.
But is there any external tool from which you can connect to your datastore to create reports or administer the data? What is your experience?
In fact yes it's true you can only see data's from the admin console.
If you wish to see your data's in Google Drive Table and make a report you can, but for that you need to create a connector to your sheet (I already made one). It's exactly the same if you need update or import data's to your datastore.
I use this Technic to upload or refresh products on my e-shop GAE app.
In general if I need to see a report, I design a specific web page for that and I protect theme via a login / password. To see a well formatted report you can use jquery library or use Google Charts

How can I export data from Google App Engine High Replication datastore?

I am looking into using Google App Engine for a project and would like make sure I have a way to export all my data if I ever decide to leave GAE (or GAE shuts down).
Everything I search about exporting data from GAE points to However, that page contains this note:
Note: This document applies to apps that use the master/slave
datastore. If your app uses the High Replication datastore, it is
possible to copy data from the app, but Google does not currently
support this use case. If you attempt to copy from a High Replication
datastore, you'll see a high_replication_warning error in the Admin
Console, and the downloaded data might not include recently saved
The problem is that recently the master/slave datastore was recently deprecated in favor of the High Replication datastore. I understand that the master/slave datastore is still supported for a little while, but I don't feel comfortable using something that has officially been deprecated and is on its way out. So that leaves me with the High Replication datastore and the only way it seems to export the data is the method above that is not officially supported (and thus does not provide me with a guarantee that I can get my data out).
Is there any other (officially supported) way of exporting data from the High Replication datastore? I don't feel comfortable using Google App Engine if it means my data could be locked in there forever.
It took me quite a long time to setup the download of data from GAE as the documentation is not as clear as it should be.
If you extracting data from a Unix server, you maybe could reuse the script below.
Also, if you do not provide the "config_file" parameter, it will extract all your data for this kind but in a proprietary format which can only be used for restoring data afterwards.
#-- Param 1 : Namespace
#-- Param 2 : Kind (table id)
#-- Param 3 : Directory in which the csv file should be stored
#-- Param 4 : output file name
#------------------------------------------------------------------ download_data --secure --email=$BACKUP_USERID -- config_file=configClientExtract.yml --filename=$3/$4.csv --kind=$2 --url=$BACKUP_WEBSITE/remote_api --namespace=$1 --passin <<-EOF $BACKUP_PASSWORD EOF
Currently app engine datastore supports another option also. Data backup provision can be used to copy selected data into blob store or google cloud storage. This function is available under datastore admin area in app engine console. If required, the backed up data can then be downloaded from the blob viewer or cloud storage. For doing the backup for high replication datastore, it is recommended that datastore writes are disabled before taking the backup.
You need to configure a builtin called remote_api. This article has all the information and guide you need to be able to download all your data today and in the future.
