How to slow down all SQL Queries? - sql-server

For testing purposes, is there a way to slow down all SQL queries? There are ways to slow down specific queries but is there a way to slow down ALL queries?
Ideally it would be nice to have a simple way to say, all queries by [N] milliseconds.
Sloppier ways might include...
- Lower SQL Server's available memory
- Loop through other SQL statements to have an artificial load
- Create/run a seperate CPU/IO/Memory heavy process on the SQL server
However... these seem very rough and not very elegant all. Is there something more exacting?

There's actually a tool which was created for this purpose, aptly name, SQL Query Stress. It's available on Github.
Github link:
I've been introduced to it by Brent Ozar and company. Please see the link to the article in which he introduces it and shows some of its use.


Third Party Tools for Monitoring SQL Server Performance

I'm in a situation where I came into a new job and I have to support several legacy systems. The original developer is no longer around. These legacy systems are really hammering away at our SQL Server and killing performance. I know that there are a lot of things that can be done in the code, but rewriting code is really my last resort.
What I'm looking for is some sort of tool that will monitor the queries coming into the server and give recommendations on indexing solutions. I know I can use the SQL Server Profiler but I'm looking for something a little more user friendly and something that can help me make the indexing decisions.
I know I didn't explain it very well, but I'm sure this is a common request. I'd like to make informed decisions on what to index and avoid "shooting from the hip" and indexing everything in sight. Thanks for any recommendations!
You don't need a third party tool for this.
Assuming SQL Server 2005+ as long as you can use SQL Profiler (actually SQL Trace - Don't use the Profiler GUI for this to reduce tracing overhead as much as possible) to collect a representative workload you can use the Database Tuning Advisor to automate analysis of the workload and make indexing recommendations.
You can also use the Missing Index DMVs for a quick overview of areas to investigate but the DTA will do more holistic analysis and take into account possible adverse effects of indexes on data modification statements.
+1 for Martin's answer, but since you asked about 3rd party tools, I'll mention one of my favorites (and no, I don't work for the company). Ignite for SQL Server does an excellent job of analyzing server activity in terms of wait time analysis. It won't make recommendations for you, but it will quickly identify the worst performing queries where you need to focus your effort.
SQL Server 2005+ has a lot of DMV's (Dynamic Management views) that you can query to get server info, as well as the Profiler / SQL Trace tool.
We administer several large database servers.
Idera is a good tool to manage multiple database servers easily.
I think you'd make a much better DBA if you learn more about the inbuilt functionality of SQL server.
Have a browse of
to find out more about DMV's and functions.
Another common issue with performance could be your indexes.
Theres a great tutorial that combines the DMV's with improving indexes here:
Idera is really worth checking out though as a good starting point. Combined with DMV's & SQL trace there shouldn't be much you won't be able to fix.
Idera just takes most of the leg work out of doing things.
Idera: SQL Diagnostic Manager

SQL Server Query Execution flow

I am looking for information about how SQL Server actually handles query execution in finer details (like what data is kept in buffer/memory and how does it decide to get fresh data even if there is an update change in only one column of a table involved in a query etc)
If anyone knows sources please let me know?
We have an web application using sql server 2000, it has heavy frequent reads almost 70% of the tables(dashboard) every 30 seconds. and at the same time lot of writes are happening.
Please let me know any tips for optimization of above scenario?
No one is going to be able to give you an answer on how to solve your optimization problem. This requires access to your database server. To solve your problems you need to understand roughly how the database works, and for this you need to do some reading.
On-line resources are OK, however the following three books are priceless. The first two books have very detailed information about how SQL Server works. The last ones is a guide of how to write queries but with a discussion on how the engine views queries as well.
Kalen Daleney: Sql Server 2008 Internals
Sql Server 2005: Practical Troubleshooting:
Ben Gan et al: Inside SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying
It would take a lot of posts to answer the internal's type questions, I suggest you start reading some of the white papers / blogs and some books.
For 2000 Ken Henderson's SQL Server Architecture will give you deep internal details, for the more recent editions of SQL, he did a 2005 practical trouble shooting which isn't bad, and Kalen Delaney's SQL 2008 Internals book is very good.
You should examine the execution plan.
Press Ctrl-L in the SSMS or issue SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON before executing the query.
This will give you detailed information of what indexes are used, which join algorithms applied etc.
You may also want to see the statistics:
, which will give you the information on how many reads were done from actual tables, cache etc., and how much time (actual and CPU time) did every query take.
About SQL Server 2008 buffer management:
Then you can browse with the left sidebar for information on other subjects.
As far as external sources go, MSDN has a comprehensive resource on optimising your SQL Server 2000 installation, particularly the Patterns & Practices paper on performance and scalability.
If you know where to start looking, take a bottom-up approach with examining SQL profiles and query plans as has been mentioned. Otherwise, start from the top down and learn about the costs involved in recompiling queries, how to index effectively, and how the query optimiser uses statistics.

How do you gather statistics from SQL Server?

sys.dm_exec_query_stats seems to be a very useful function to gather statistics from your database which you can use as a starting point to find queries which need to be optimized. selecting * gives somewhat cryptic results, how do you make the results readable? What type of queries do you get from it? Are there other functions or queries you use to gain performance statistics?
To make the results useful, you need to cross reference the information with a few other DMV's and also concentrate your analysis and tunning efforts on the most poorly performing queries.
Here is (one I made earlier) an example of using the DMV you have mentioned to identify the most costly SQL Server queries.
How to identify the most costly SQL Server queries using DMV’s
You can easily extend this to look at other metrics too.
If you want to make performance tuning a breeze for yourself, you should consider installing the freely available SQL Server Performance Dashboard Reports.
These can be used to identify SQL Server Waits, the queries that consume the most I/O, the longest running queries by duration etc.
Why don't you first use 'set pagesize 0'.

Can SQL server 2008 handle 300 transactions a second?

In my current project, the DB is SQL 2005 and the load is around 35 transactions/second. The client is expecting more business and are planning for 300 transactions/second. Currently even with good infrastructure, DB is having performance issues. A typical transaction will have at least one update/insert and a couple of selects.
Have you guys worked on any systems that handled more than 300 txn/s running on SQL 2005 or 2008, if so what kind of infrastructure did you use how complex were the transactions? Please share your experience. Someone has already suggested using Teradata and I want to know if this is really needed or not. Not my job exactly, but curious about how much SQL can handle.
Its impossible to tell without performance testing - it depends too much on your environment (the data in your tables, your hardware, the queries being run).
According to its possible for SQL Server 2005 to get 1,379 transactions per second. Here is a link to a system that's done it. (There are SQL Server based systems on that site that have far more transactions... the one I linked was just the first I one I looked at).
Of course, as Kragen mentioned, whether you can achieve these results is impossible for anyone here to say.
Infrastructure needs for high performance SQL Servers may be very differnt than your current structure.
But if you are currently having issues, it is very possible the main part of your problem is in bad database design and bad query design. There are many way to write poorly performing queries. In a high transaction system, you can't afford any of them. No select *, no cursors, no correlated subqueries, no badly performing functions, no where clauses that aren't sargeable and on and on.
The very first thing I'd suggest is to get yourself several books on SQl Server peroformance tuning and read them. Then you will know where your system problems are likely to be and how to actually determine that.
An interesting article:

Instrumenting Database Access

Jeff mentioned in one of the podcasts that one of the things he always does is put in instrumentation for database calls, so that he can tell what queries are causing slowness etc. This is something I've measured in the past using SQL Profiler, but I'm interested in what strategies other people have used to include this as part of the application.
Is it simply a case of including a timer across each database call and logging the result, or is there a 'neater' way of doing it? Maybe there's a framework that does this for you already, or is there a flag I could enable in e.g. Linq-to-SQL that would provide similar functionality.
I mainly use c# but would also be interested in seeing methods from different languages, and I'd be more interested in a 'code' way of doing this over a db platform method like SQL Profiler.
If a query is more then just a simple SELECT on a single table I always run it through EXPLAIN if I am on MySQL or PostgreSQL. If you are using SQL Server then Management Studio has a Display Estimated Execution Plan which is essentially the same. It is useful to see how the engine will access each table and what indexes it will use. Sometimes it will surprise you.
Recording the database calls, the gross timing and the number of records (bytes) returned in the application is useful, but it's not going to give you all the information you need.
It might show you usage patterns you were not expecting. It might show where your using "row-by-row" access instead of "set based" operations.
The best tool to use is SQL Profiler and analyse the number of "Reads" vs the CPU and duration. You want to avoid high CPU queries, high Read's and long durations (duh!).
The "group by reads" is a useful feature to bring to the top the nastiest queries.
If you're writing queries in SQL Management Studio you can enter: SET STATISTICS TIME ON and SQl Server will tell you how long the individual parts of a query took to parse, compile and execute.
You might be able to log this information by handling the InfoMessage event of the SqlConnection class (but I think using the SQL Profiler is much easier.)
I would have thought that the important thing to ask here is "what database platform are you using?"
For example, in Sybase, installing MDA tables might solve your problem, they provide a whole bunch of statistics from procedure call usage to average logical I/O, CPU time and index coverage. It can be as clever as you want it to be.
I definitely see the value in using SQL Profiler while you're app is running, and EXPLAIN or SET STATISTICS will give you information about individual queries, but does anyone routinely put measurement points into their code to gather information about database queries ongoing - that would pick up on for example, a query on a table that performs fine initially, but as the number of rows grows, becomes slower and slower.
If you're using MySQL or Postgre there's various tools for seeing query activity in real time, but I haven't found a tool as good as the SQL Profiler for measuring query performance over time.
I'm wondering if there is (or should be?) something similar to ELMAH in the way it just plugs in and gives you information without much additional effort?
If you're into Firebird you may want to watch
We'll soon launch a real-time monitoring tool for Firebird DBAs.
< /shameless plug>
If you use Hibernate (I use the Java version, I'd imagine NHibernate has something similar), you can have Hibernate collect statistics about lots of different things. See, for example:
