Index.jsx doesn't rerender on state change - reactjs

I use react-translated as translation provider for my React app, and the index.jsx render method is:
<TranslationProvider language={store.getState().language} translation={translation}>
<MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Provider store={store}>
</ Provider>
Then, I update language on global state via dispatching works (language changes) but this render doesn't invoke again, and text in my app doesn't switch to other language. Shouldn't it rerender whenever state changes in store?

You need to use componentlifecycle method componentWillReceiveProps to listen to state changes are call setstate if there is props change.
For example
this.state ={
language: 'defaultlanguage'
if(nextProps.language !== this.state.props){
language: nextProps.language


React prevent remounting components passed from props

When using React with React Router I run in some mounting issues.
This might not even be a problem with React Router itself.
I want to pass some additional data along with the child routes.
This seems to be working, however the changes on the main page trigger grandchildren to be remounted every time the state is changed.
Why is this and why doe this only happen to grandchildren an not just the children ?
Code example:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Route, Switch, BrowserRouter as Router, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
const MainPage = ({ ChildRoutes }) => {
const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0);
const [data, setData] = useState(0);
const incrementFoo = () => setFoo(prev => prev + 1);
useEffect(() =>{
console.log("mount main")
useEffect(() =>{
setData(foo * 2)
return (
<h1>Main Page</h1>
<p>data: {data}</p>
<button onClick={incrementFoo}>Increment foo {foo}</button>
<ChildRoutes foo={foo} />
const SecondPage = ({ ChildRoutes, foo }) => {
const [bar, setBar] = useState(0);
const incrementBar = () => setBar(prev => prev + 1);
useEffect(() =>{
console.log("mount second")
return (
<h2>Second Page</h2>
<button onClick={incrementBar}>Increment bar</button>
<ChildRoutes foo={foo} bar={bar} />
const ThirdPage = ({ foo, bar }) => {
useEffect(() =>{
console.log("mount third")
return (
<h3>Third Page</h3>
<p>foo: {foo}</p>
<p>bar: {bar}</p>
const routingConfig = [{
path: '/main',
component: MainPage,
routes: [
path: '/main/second',
component: SecondPage,
routes: [
path: '/main/second/third',
component: ThirdPage
const Routing = ({ routes: passedRoutes, }) => {
if (!passedRoutes) return null;
return (
{{ routes, component: Component, ...route }) => {
return (
<Route key={route.path} {...route}>
<Component {} ChildRoutes={props => <Routing routes={routes} {...props}/>}/>
export const App = () => {
<Routing routes={routingConfig}/>
<Route exact path="/">
<Redirect to="/main/second/third" />
export default App;
Every individual state change in the MainPage causes ThirdPage to be remounted.
I couldn't create a snippet with StackOverflow because of the React Router. So here is a codesandbox with the exact same code:
Expected behavior is for every page to only trigger the mounting once.
I know I can probably fix this by using Redux or React.Context, but for now I would like to know what causes this behavior and if it can be avoided.
With React.Context it is working, but I am wondering if this can be done without it?
Working piece:
const ChildRouteContext = React.createContext();
const ChildRoutesWrapper = props => {
return (
{ routes => <Routing routes={routes} {...props} /> }
const Routing = ({ routes: passedRoutes, }) => {
if (!passedRoutes) return null;
return (
{{ routes, component: Component, ...route }) => {
return (
<Route key={route.path} {...route}>
<ChildRouteContext.Provider value={routes}>
<Component {} ChildRoutes={ChildRoutesWrapper}/>
To understand this issue, I think you might need to know the difference between a React component and a React element and how React reconciliation works.
React component is either a class-based or functional component. You could think of it as a function that will accept some props and
eventually return a React element. And you should create a React component only once.
React element on the other hand is an object describing a component instance or DOM node and its desired properties. JSX provide
the syntax for creating a React element by its React component:
<Component someProps={...} />
At a single point of time, your React app is a tree of React elements. This tree is eventually converted to the actual DOM nodes which is displayed to our screen.
Everytime a state changes, React will build another whole new tree. After that, React need to figure a way to efficiently update DOM nodes based on the difference between the new tree and the last tree. This proccess is called Reconciliation. The diffing algorithm for this process is when comparing two root elements, if those two are:
Elements Of Different Types: React will tear down the old tree and build the new tree from scratch // this means re-mount that element (unmount and mount again).
DOM Elements Of The Same Type: React keeps the same underlying DOM node, and only updates the changed attributes.
Component Elements Of The Same Type: React updates the props of the underlying component instance to match the new element // this means keep the instance (React element) and update the props
That's a brief of the theory, let's get into pratice.
I'll make an analogy: React component is a factory and React element is a product of a particular factory. Factory should be created once.
This line of code, ChildRoutes is a factory and you are creating a new factory everytime the parent of the Component re-renders (due to how Javascript function created):
<Component {} ChildRoutes={props => <Routing routes={routes} {...props}/>}/>
Based on the routingConfig, the MainPage created a factory to create the SecondPage. The SecondPage created a factory to create the ThirdPage. In the MainPage, when there's a state update (ex: foo got incremented):
The MainPage re-renders. It use its SecondPage factory to create a SecondPage product. Since its factory didn't change, the created SecondPage product is later diffed based on "Component Elements Of The Same Type" rule.
The SecondPage re-renders (due to foo props changes). Its ThirdPage factory is created again. So the newly created ThirdPage product is different than the previous ThirdPage product and is later diffed based on "Elements Of Different Types". That is what causing the ThirdPage element to be re-mounted.
To fix this issue, I'm using render props as a way to use the "created-once" factory so that its created products is later diffed by "Component Elements Of The Same Type" rule.
renderChildRoutes={(props) => (<Routing routes={routes} {...props} />)}
Here's the working demo:
React Components, Elements, and Instances
Render Props
The culprit is this line:
<Component {} ChildRoutes={props => <Routing routes={routes} {...props}/>}/>
More specifically, the ChildRoutes prop. On each render, you are feeding it a brand new functional component, because given:
let a = props => <Routing routes={routes} {...props}/>
let b = props => <Routing routes={routes} {...props}/>
a === b would always end up false, as it's 2 distinct function objects. Since you are giving it a new function object (a new functional component) on every render, it has no choice but to remount the component subtree from this Node, because it's a new component every time.
The solution is to create this functional component once, in advance, outside your render method, like so:
const ChildRoutesWrapper = props => <Routing routes={routes} {...props} />
... and then pass this single functional component:
<Component {} ChildRoutes={ChildRoutesWrapper} />
Your components are remounting every time because you're using the component prop.
Quoting from the docs:
When you use component (instead of render or children, below) the router uses React.createElement to create a new React element from the given component. That means if you provide an inline function to the component prop, you would create a new component every render. This results in the existing component unmounting and the new component mounting instead of just updating the existing component. When using an inline function for inline rendering, use the render or the children prop (below).
The solution you probably need in your case is to edit your Routing component to use render instead of children.

React constructor(), componentDidmount with props variable

Where I can call the constructor() and componentDidmount event with below code:
export const Home = props => (props.isAuthenticated ? (
<DashBoard {...props} />
) : (<Marketing {...props} />));
What is the meaning of the above code and how it's work?
This is a functional component, correctly formatted is probably a little easier to read:
export const Home = props => (
props.isAuthenticated ? (
<DashBoard {...props} /> // if authenticated return and render Dashboard
) : (
<Marketing {...props} /> // else return and render Marketing
In functional components use the useEffect hook with an empty dependency array to achieve the equivalent of a class-based component's componentDidMount. Hooks are called on mount and whenever a variable in its dependency array are updated.
effect hook
export const Home = props => {
useEffect(() => console.log("I just mounted!", []); // empty so called once when the component is mounted
return (
props.isAuthenticated ? (
<DashBoard {...props} /> // is authenticated return and render Dashboard
) : (
<Marketing {...props} /> // else return and render Marketing
You cannot use react lifecycle hooks in a functional component. Refer to react documentation below for usage of lifecycle hooks, and to convert functional components to class components.
export default class Home extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {}
render() {
const { isAuthenticated } = this.props;
return (
{isAuthenticated ? <DashBoard {...this.props} /> : <Marketing {...this.props} />}
export const Home = props => (props.isAuthenticated ? (
<DashBoard {...props} />
) : (<Marketing {...props} />));
So the above code is a functional component, currently functional components can handle all the lifecycle methods that we use in class based components
So prev, before 16.8 of reactjs we can have state and life cycle methods in a functional components, It was only used for rendering the elements like as a presentational components. So at a point for complex applications we need to convert the functional components to class based components to handle a single state change
So this made the evolution of hooks, you can read more on the official docs of react js
So comming to your case if you need to call the method in componentDidMount, you can call as shown below
useEffect(() => {
// your logic same as componentDidMount in class based components
}, [])
So the second argument is the dependencies for the useEffect to trigger
if you pass it as like this it will call every time
useEffect(() => {})
If you pass it as like this it will call whenever the passed variable changes from props or state
useEffect(() => {}, [data, userName])
I hope this will give a better understanding of the problem

passing redux store in props coming as undefined?

When I am passing the store from let store = createStore(myReducer); in props to other component it is coming undefined. this is happening whenI am using react-router-dom but without that it is coming alright.
The route part
the route is in App component
<Route path={"/layout"} component={Home} />
<Route path={"/form"} component={UserForm} />
<Route exact path={"/"} component={this.layout} />
layout method
return (
<Layout store={} />
I am passing the store in the app component like this
const renderAll = () => {
console.log("inside render all" ,store);
<App store={store} />,
this store is going to body component from layout component like this
<Body ChangeName={this.handleChangeName} store = {} s_key={this.state.inputkey} />
in body component I am fetching from from a api which is running in the node.js server in the componentWillMount()
headers : {
'content-Type': 'application/json',
return res.json();
}).then(users =>{{
type :"FETCH_ALL",
data : users
user: users
// console.log(this.state.user);
I am getting error in the map function
{ => {
return <UserDiv name={} age={u.age} location={u.location} gender={u.gender} job={u.job} />;
Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
the weird part is when I am doing without the route it is coming alright
thanks in advance
Firstly in order to get the updated state from the store, you need to subscribe to it like
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
and hence it is not a React way to handle changes.
Secondly, when you are passing store to Layout component, it is entirely possible that you did not bind the layout function and hence is undefined.
In order to use Redux the react way, you can make use of Provider and connect methods
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
const renderAll = () => {
console.log("inside render all" ,store);
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
and then your Routes can simply be
and you can call Body component from Layout like
<Body ChangeName={this.handleChangeName} s_key={this.state.inputkey} />
and connect the body component like
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
user: state.user
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Body)
Make sure to use the connected Body component in your Layout component.
After this you can use user state in Body component like
{ => {
return <UserDiv name={} age={u.age} location={u.location} gender={u.gender} job={u.job} />;
In case the user value is undefined in the redux store initially, you need to add a check in the Body component before using it like
{this.props.user && => {
return <UserDiv name={} age={u.age} location={u.location} gender={u.gender} job={u.job} />;

Programmatically navigate using react router V4

I have just replaced react-router from v3 to v4.
But I am not sure how to programmatically navigate in the member function of a Component.
i.e in handleClick() function I want to navigate to /path/some/where after processing some data.
I used to do that by:
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
But I can't find such interfaces in v4.
How can I navigate using v4?
If you are targeting browser environments, you need to use react-router-dom package, instead of react-router. They are following the same approach as React did, in order to separate the core, (react) and the platform specific code, (react-dom, react-native ) with the subtle difference that you don't need to install two separate packages, so the environment packages contain everything you need. You can add it to your project as:
yarn add react-router-dom
npm i react-router-dom
The first thing you need to do is to provide a <BrowserRouter> as the top most parent component in your application. <BrowserRouter> uses the HTML5 history API and manages it for you, so you don't have to worry about instantiating it yourself and passing it down to the <BrowserRouter> component as a prop (as you needed to do in previous versions).
In V4, for navigating programatically you need to access the history object, which is available through React context, as long as you have a <BrowserRouter> provider component as the top most parent in your application. The library exposes through context the router object, that itself contains history as a property. The history interface offers several navigation methods, such as push, replace and goBack, among others. You can check the whole list of properties and methods here.
Important Note to Redux/Mobx users
If you are using redux or mobx as your state management library in your application, you may have come across issues with components that should be location-aware but are not re-rendered after triggering an URL update
That's happening because react-router passes location to components using the context model.
Both connect and observer create components whose shouldComponentUpdate methods do a shallow comparison of their current props and their next props. Those components will only re-render when at least one prop has changed. This means that in order to ensure they update when the location changes, they will need to be given a prop that changes when the location changes.
The 2 approaches for solving this are:
Wrap your connected component in a pathless <Route />. The current location object is one of the props that a <Route> passes to the component it renders
Wrap your connected component with the withRouter higher-order component, that in fact has the same effect and injects location as a prop
Setting that aside, there are four ways to navigate programatically, ordered by recommendation:
1.- Using a <Route> Component It promotes a declarative style. Prior to v4, <Route /> components were placed at the top of your component hierarchy, having to think of your routes structure beforehand. However, now you can have <Route> components anywhere in your tree, allowing you to have a finer control for conditionally rendering depending on the URL. Route injects match, location and history as props into your component. The navigation methods (such as push, replace, goBack...) are available as properties of the history object.
There are 3 ways to render something with a Route, by using either component, render or children props, but don't use more than one in the same Route. The choice depends on the use case, but basically the first two options will only render your component if the path matches the url location, whereas with children the component will be rendered whether the path matches the location or not (useful for adjusting the UI based on URL matching).
If you want to customise your component rendering output, you need to wrap your component in a function and use the render option, in order to pass to your component any other props you desire, apart from match, location and history. An example to illustrate:
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'
const ButtonToNavigate = ({ title, history }) => (
onClick={() => history.push('/my-new-location')}
const SomeComponent = () => (
<Route path="/" render={(props) => <ButtonToNavigate {...props} title="Navigate elsewhere" />} />
const App = () => (
<SomeComponent /> // Notice how in v4 we can have any other component interleaved
<AnotherComponent />
2.- Using withRouter HoC
This higher order component will inject the same props as Route. However, it carries along the limitation that you can have only 1 HoC per file.
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
const ButtonToNavigate = ({ history }) => (
onClick={() => history.push('/my-new-location')}
ButtonToNavigate.propTypes = {
history: React.PropTypes.shape({
push: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
export default withRouter(ButtonToNavigate);
3.- Using a Redirect component Rendering a <Redirect> will navigate to a new location. But keep in mind that, by default, the current location is replaced by the new one, like server-side redirects (HTTP 3xx). The new location is provided by to prop, that can be a string (URL to redirect to) or a location object. If you want to push a new entry onto the history instead, pass a push prop as well and set it to true
<Redirect to="/your-new-location" push />
4.- Accessing router manually through context A bit discouraged because context is still an experimental API and it is likely to break/change in future releases of React
const ButtonToNavigate = (props, context) => (
onClick={() => context.router.history.push('/my-new-location')}
Navigate to a new location
ButtonToNavigate.contextTypes = {
router: React.PropTypes.shape({
history: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
Needless to say there are also other Router components that are meant to be for non browser ecosystems, such as <NativeRouter> that replicates a navigation stack in memory and targets React Native platform, available through react-router-native package.
For any further reference, don't hesitate to take a look at the official docs. There is also a video made by one of the co-authors of the library that provides a pretty cool introduction to react-router v4, highlighting some of the major changes.
The easiest way to get it done:
You may want to pass the history prop from parent component down to the component you want to invoke the action if its not available.
I had a similar issue when migrating over to React-Router v4 so I'll try to explain my solution below.
Please do not consider this answer as the right way to solve the problem, I imagine there's a good chance something better will arise as React Router v4 becomes more mature and leaves beta (It may even already exist and I just didn't discover it).
For context, I had this problem because I occasionally use Redux-Saga to programmatically change the history object (say when a user successfully authenticates).
In the React Router docs, take a look at the <Router> component and you can see you have the ability to pass your own history object via a prop. This is the essence of the solution - we supply the history object to React-Router from a global module.
Install the history npm module - yarn add history or npm install history --save
create a file called history.js in your App.js level folder (this was my preference)
// src/history.js
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
export default createHistory();`
Add this history object to your Router component like so
// src/App.js
import history from '../your/path/to/history.js;'
<Router history={history}>
// Route tags here
Adjust the URL just like before by importing your global history object:
import history from '../your/path/to/history.js;'
Everything should stay synced up now, and you also have access to a way of setting the history object programmatically and not via a component/container.
if (navigate) {
return <Redirect to="/" push={true} />
The simple and declarative answer is that you need to use <Redirect to={URL} push={boolean} /> in combination with setState()
push: boolean - when true, redirecting will push a new entry onto the history instead of replacing the current one.
import { Redirect } from 'react-router'
class FooBar extends React.Component {
state = {
navigate: false
render() {
const { navigate } = this.state
// here is the important part
if (navigate) {
return <Redirect to="/" push={true} />
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
return (
<button onClick={() => this.setState({ navigate: true })}>
Full example here.
Read more here.
PS. The example uses ES7+ Property Initializers to initialise state. Look here as well, if you're interested.
Use useHistory hook if you're using function components
You can use useHistory hook to get history instance.
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
const MyComponent = () => {
const history = useHistory();
return (
<button onClick={() => history.push("/about")}>
Click me
The useHistory hook gives you access to the history instance that you may use to navigate.
Use history property inside page components
React Router injects some properties including history to page components.
class HomePage extends React.Component {
render() {
const { history } = this.props;
return (
<button onClick={() => history.push("/projects")}>
Wrap child components withRouter to inject router properties
withRouter wrapper injects router properties to components. For example you can use this wrapper to inject router to logout button component placed inside user menu.
import { withRouter } from "react-router";
const LogoutButton = withRouter(({ history }) => {
return (
<button onClick={() => history.push("/login")}>
export default LogoutButton;
You can also simply use props to access history object: this.props.history.push('new_url')
Step 1: There is only one thing to import on top:
import {Route} from 'react-router-dom';
Step 2: In your Route, pass the history:
render={({history}) => (
<PostAdd history={history} />
Step 3: history gets accepted as part of props in the next Component, so you can simply:
That was easy and really powerful.
My answer is similar to Alex's. I'm not sure why React-Router made this so needlessly complicated. Why should I have to wrap my component with a HoC just to get access to what's essentially a global?
Anyway, if you take a look at how they implemented <BrowserRouter>, it's just a tiny wrapper around history.
We can pull that history bit out so that we can import it from anywhere. The trick, however, is if you're doing server-side rendering and you try to import the history module, it won't work because it uses browser-only APIs. But that's OK because we usually only redirect in response to a click or some other client-side event. Thus it's probably OK to fake it:
// history.js
if(__SERVER__) {
module.exports = {};
} else {
module.exports = require('history').createBrowserHistory();
With the help of webpack, we can define some vars so we know what environment we're in:
plugins: [
new DefinePlugin({
'__SERVER__': 'false',
'__BROWSER__': 'true', // you really only need one of these, but I like to have both
And now you can
import history from './history';
From anywhere. It'll just return an empty module on the server.
If you don't want use these magic vars, you'll just have to require in the global object where it's needed (inside your event handler). import won't work because it only works at the top-level.
I think that #rgommezz covers most of the cases minus one that I think it's quite important.
// history is already a dependency or React Router, but if don't have it then try npm install save-dev history
import createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory"
// in your function then call add the below
const history = createHistory();
// Use push, replace, and go to navigate around.
This allows me to write a simple service with actions/calls that I can call to do the navigation from any component I want without doing a lot HoC on my components...
It is not clear why nobody has provided this solution before. I hope it helps, and if you see any issue with it please let me know.
This works:
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
const SomeComponent = withRouter(({ history }) => (
<div onClick={() => history.push('/path/some/where')}>
some clickable element
export default SomeComponent;
You can navigate conditionally by this way
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
function HomeButton() {
const history = useHistory();
function handleClick() {
return (
<button type="button" onClick={handleClick}>
Go home
I've been testing v4 for a few days now and .. I'm loving it so far! It just makes sense after a while.
I also had the same question and I found handling it like the following worked best (and might even be how it is intended). It uses state, a ternary operator and <Redirect>.
In the constructor()
this.state = {
redirectTo: null
this.clickhandler = this.clickhandler.bind(this);
In the render()
return (
{ this.state.redirectTo ?
<Redirect to={{ pathname: this.state.redirectTo }} /> :
<button onClick={ this.clickhandler } />
In the clickhandler()
this.setState({ redirectTo: '/path/some/where' });
Hope it helps. Let me know.
I struggled with this for a while - something so simple, yet so complicated, because ReactJS is just a completely different way of writing web applications, it's very alien to us older folk!
I created a separate component to abstract the mess away:
// LinkButton.js
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import {Route} from 'react-router-dom';
export default class LinkButton extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Route render={({history}) => (
<button {...this.props}
onClick={() => {
LinkButton.propTypes = {
to: PropTypes.string.isRequired
Then add it to your render() method:
<LinkButton className="btn btn-primary" to="/location">
Button Text
Since there's no other way to deal with this horrible design, I wrote a generic component that uses the withRouter HOC approach. The example below is wrapping a button element, but you can change to any clickable element you need:
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
const NavButton = (props) => (
<Button onClick={() => props.history.push(}>
NavButton.propTypes = {
history: PropTypes.shape({
push: PropTypes.func.isRequired
to: PropTypes.string.isRequired
export default withRouter(NavButton);
<NavButton to="/somewhere">Click me</NavButton>
If you have not found this.props.history available in your component ,
then try this
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom'
export default withRouter(MyComponent)
As sometimes I prefer to switch routes by Application then by buttons, this is a minimal working example what works for me:
import { Component } from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Link } from 'react-router-dom'
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
/** #type BrowserRouter */
this.router = undefined
async handleSignFormSubmit() {
await magic()
render() {
return (
<Router ref={ el => this.router = el }>
<Link to="/signin">Sign in</Link>
<Route path="/signin" exact={true} render={() => (
<SignPage onFormSubmit={ this.handleSignFormSubmit } />
)} />
For those of you who require to redirect before fully initalizing a router using React Router or React Router Dom You can provide a redirect by simply accesing the history object and pushing a new state onto it within your constructur of app.js. Consider the following:
function getSubdomain(hostname) {
let regexParse = new RegExp('[a-z\-0-9]{2,63}\.[a-z\.]{2,5}$');
let urlParts = regexParse.exec(hostname);
return hostname.replace(urlParts[0], '').slice(0, -1);
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
hostState: true
if (getSubdomain(window.location.hostname).length > 0) {
this.state.hostState = false;
window.history.pushState('', '', './login');
} else {
render() {
return (
{this.state.hostState ? (
<Route path="/login" component={LoginContainer}/>
<Route path="/" component={PublicContainer}/>
) : (
<Route path="/login" component={LoginContainer}/>
Here we want to change the output Routes dependant on a subdomain, by interacting with the history object before the component renders we can effectively redirect while still leaving our routes in tact.
window.history.pushState('', '', './login');

Create modal in react-redux using stateless functional components

We are implementing an application in React-Redux with stateless functional components and containers for the ones that need to handle state. The idea is to have all information in the Redux store.
In the application we need to show in several places different modal windows. I have looked into the articles here in stack overflow, but I cannot get this working. I have followed the process described by Dan Abramov in this post.
My main question is where I should render my ModalRoot component inside my application. The process is the following:
I have a button that dispatches an action displayModal in order to display a modal...
clickHandler: modalProps => (
dispatch(displayModal('MODAL_1', modalProps))
export function displayModal(modalType, modalProps) {
return {
payload: {
Then the action gets handled by a reducer that sets the modalType property in the redux-state...
export default function (modal = Map(), action) {
if (!action) {
return modal;
switch (action.type) {
return modal
.set('modalType', action.payload.modalType)
.set('modalProps', action.payload.modalProps);
return modal;
Then I have the ModalRootContainer that passes the state to my ModalRoot component...
const mapStateToProps = state => (
modalType: modalState(state).get('modalType'),
modalProps: modalState(state).get('modalProps')
const ModalRootContainer =
export default ModalRootContainer;
ModalRootComponent is as follows:
const ModalRoot = (modalType, modalProps) => {
if (!modalType) {
return &ltspan />;
switch (modalType) {
case 'MODAL_1':
return &ltMyComponent {...modalProps}/>;
return &ltspan />;
ModalRoot.propTypes = {
modalType: PropTypes.string,
modalProps: PropTypes.object
export default ModalRoot;
My understanding is that this is correct but it does not work. Where should ModalRoot be placed? Inside the Provider tag? What am I missing?
Edit 1:
I am trying to use what Random User is saying in his answer below with no effect. So I have in my index.html:
<div id="modals"></div>
<div id="root"></div>
In my main.js:
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={hashHistory}>{routing(store)}</Router>
<Provider store={store}>
<ModalRootContainer />
And with all the above setup still no modal is being shown. I debug and I see that the action is triggered and the state is updated from the reducer. Is there a way to debug after this point to see if something is wrong with my container and why is the modal not shown?
Edit 2: I have found what was wrong. I was passing wrongly the state to my container. The code seems to work, however now instead of having a modal window show, I am having my component (supposed to be inside the modal) appear above my remaining page. I am just rendering for the moment a simple text "Close modal" and a button to close it. It is shown and hidden correctly but it does not work as a modal, it just shows and hides. Any help on what I am missing?
You should render ModalRootContainer inside your current Provider. You probably have some app.js file with <Provider> ... </Provider> inside. This is the place where you should render your container.
It's because redux shares state through context ( Provider is a component that creates that context and thanks to connect you have its data in props. So to have access to state you must render all containers as children/grandchildren/... of Provider component.
You have declared a ModalRootComponent but to actually use it you have to render it somewhere in your application. What I mean by render is to put it inside reacts ReactDOM.render(...) function.
When you are using redux your rendering function will usually look like this with Provider tag on top of everything:
<Provider store={store}>
What you can do to render the ModalRootContainer component is just to put it inside the Provider tag like this:
<Provider store={store}>
<ModalRootContainer />
But in a more complex scenario you would go with rendering the router here and then inside each route you would actually do the content:
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history}>
Also make sure that you have set up redux store right and it knows about your reducer. You can see working todo example with react and redux here.
