af:table miss aligning headers after adding data to table - oracle-adf

i have an af:table as following :
<f:facet name="first" >
<af:panelCollection id="pc1" styleClass="AFStretchWidth"
<af:table value="#{bindings.list.collectionModel}"
var="row" columnStretching="multiple"
rowSelection="single" width="100%"
<af:column width="21%"
<af:outputText value="#{row.data1}" id="ot2"/>
<af:column width="20%"
<af:outputText value="#{row.data2}"
and so one for the rest of the columns
the problem is after I insert more than one row to the table
the scroll bar appears and the headers are miss-aligned with the contents as shown in the following picture :


ADF: Cannot make panelLabelAndMessage and selectBooleanCheckbox align with each other in panelGridLayout

I have already set the attribute Valign of <af:gridCell> to middle, but still cannot make them line up horizontally.
The code is like:
<af:gridCell valign="middle">
<af:panelLabelAndMessage />
<af:gridCell valign="middle">
<af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true" readOnly="true" selected="true" />
I also tried valign="strectch", however, when the selectBooleanCheckbox is selected the center of tick remains higher than that of panelLabelAndMessage.
Is there something that I didn't take into consideration?
Use labelstyle="width:100px" in your panelLabelAndMessage and selectBooleanCheckbox use pixel value according to your requirement

Oracle ADF: Panel group layout background image is not getting displayed in browser in bounded task-flow

I am developing a web application using ADF (JDeveloper I have created a template in that I have panelGroupLayout. For this grouplayout I have set a background image, and created a test.jsf page from this template.
When I am running this page directly, the background image is getting displayed in the browser. I have placed this page in a bounded taskflow.
My problem is when I running this page from a bounded taskflow the background image is not getting displayed.
Image is getting displayed for this URL:
non-promising local IPv4 URL "login"
Image is not getting displayed for this URL:
non-promising local IPv4 URL "admin-flow-definition"
My code:
<f:facet name="top">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_pgl1" layout="horizontal" valign="top">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_pgl20">
<af:image source="#{resource['images:EasyRUN_Banner_1Part.png']}" shortDesc="EasyRUN Banner "
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_pgl21" layout="horizontal"
<af:spacer width="37" height="103" id="pt_s45"/>
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_pgl19" layout="vertical"
inlineStyle='background-repeat:no-repeat; background-image:url("ERUnBPart2.png");'
<af:spacer width="145" height="20" id="pt_s42"/>
<af:outputText value="#{attrs.user}" id="pt_ot1"/>
<af:spacer width="10" height="20" id="pt_s43"/>
<af:commandLink text="Logout" id="pt_cl1"/>
<af:spacer width="100" height="35" id="pt_s44"/>
Make sure your images are not under WEB-INF folder, but somewhere under public_html folder.
If your image is under a folder structure like:
Your page can reference this way:
<af:commandMenuItem [..] icon="../images/GlobalSearch/key.gif"/>

TaskListener is not working in ADF Project Gantt Chart..?

I have a Project Gantt Chart in One Page with Tasks. Also I have added TaskListener to that. My requirement is When i click on the Task listener, It should go to the corresponding Task in the next page. Instead of that its showing same Task(1st Task) eveytime in the next page.
My Bean Code :
public void doSelectTasks(TaskSelectionEvent taskSelectionEvent) {
if (!queueActionOnCommandComponmentById(HIDDEN_NAV_BUTTON)) {
_logger.severe("Error: unable to locate hidden havigation component " + HIDDEN_NAV_BUTTON);
I have added a Hidden Button. to Navigate to the Next Page
My Gantt Chart Code :
<dvt:projectGantt id="gantt1" value="#{bindings.JobsVO2.projectGanttModel}"
dataChangeListener="# {bindings.JobsVO2.projectGanttModel.processDataChanged}" var="row"
startTime="1975-04-22" endTime="2015-07-21" summary="Check"
taskSelectionListener="# {backingBeanScope.TaskSelectListener.doSelectTasks}" rowSelection="single">
<f:facet name="major">
<dvt:timeAxis scale="weeks" id="ta1"/>
<f:facet name="minor">
<dvt:timeAxis scale="days" id="ta2"/>
<f:facet name="nodeStamp">
<af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
headerText="#{bindings.JobsVO2.hints.JobId.label}" id="c1">
<af:outputText value="#{row.JobId}" shortDesc="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.JobId.tooltip}" id="ot1"/>
<af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
headerText="#{bindings.JobsVO2.hints.JobTitle.label}" id="c2">
<af:outputText value="#{row.JobTitle}" shortDesc="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.JobTitle.tooltip}" id="ot2"/>
<af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
headerText="#{bindings.JobsVO2.hints.MinSalary.label}" id="c3">
<af:outputText value="#{row.MinSalary}" shortDesc="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.MinSalary.tooltip}" id="ot3">
<af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.MinSalary.format}"/>
<af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
headerText="#{bindings.JobsVO2.hints.MaxSalary.label}" id="c4">
<af:outputText value="#{row.MaxSalary}" shortDesc="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.MaxSalary.tooltip}" id="ot4">
<af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.JobsVO2.hints.MaxSalary.format}"/>
<af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
headerText="#{bindings.JobsVO2.hints.StartDate.label}" id="c5">
<af:outputText value="#{row.StartDate}" shortDesc="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.StartDate.tooltip}" id="ot5">
<af:convertDateTime pattern="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.StartDate.format}"/>
<af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
headerText="#{bindings.JobsVO2.hints.EndDate.label}" id="c6">
<af:outputText value="#{row.EndDate}" shortDesc="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.EndDate.tooltip}" id="ot6">
<af:convertDateTime pattern="# {bindings.JobsVO2.hints.EndDate.format}"/>
<af:button text="Hidden Navigation" id="h_navb2" action="toF2" visible="false"/>
Can somebody tell me where Im wrong and Is there anything else i have to do..?
Please help....
You need your selectionListener to fire a setCurrentRowWithKey operation so your second page will know which task to show.
This shows you the declarative way of using that method - you'll need to call that operation from your backing bean.

Create html like table in Oracle ADF

How to create html like table in Oracle ADF? The following
adds also headers, which is not desired in my case. I need just a simple table like layout, with no margins between rows and cells. Something like this (note: instead of text may be anything, layouts, imags, etc.):
I can create something similar with panelGridLayout, but when adding borders, the margins between rows still remain.
<af:panelGridLayout id="pgl3">
<af:gridRow height="auto" id="gr4">
<af:gridCell id="gc9"
inlineStyle="padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; padding-right:20px; padding-left:20px; border-right:solid thin; border-left:solid thin; border-top:solid thin; border-bottom:solid thin; border-color:Silver;">
<af:outputText value="Text1"/>
<af:gridCell id="gc8"
inlineStyle="padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; padding-right:20px; padding-left:20px; border-right:solid thin; border-top:solid thin; border-bottom:solid thin; border-color:Silver;">
<af:outputText value="Text2"/>
<af:gridRow height="auto" id="gr6">
<af:gridCell id="gc10"
inlineStyle="padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; padding-right:20px; padding-left:20px; border-right:solid thin; border-left:solid thin; border-top:solid thin; border-bottom:solid thin; border-color:Silver;">
<af:outputText value="Text3"/>
<af:gridCell inlineStyle="padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; padding-right:20px; padding-left:20px; border-right:solid thin; border-top:solid thin; border-bottom:solid thin; border-color:Silver;"
<af:outputText value="Text4"/>
Which will look like:
Also,I noticed this solution (, but I would prefer to avoid ADF table, since I only need layout.
Use JSF <h:panelGrid>, It will give the look and feel of an html table:
<h:panelGrid columns="2" id="pg1" width="100%" frame="box" rules="all">
<af:outputText value="Text1" id="ot1"/>
<af:outputText value="Text2" id="ot2"/>
<af:outputText value="Text3" id="ot3"/>
<af:outputText value="Text4" id="ot4"/>
I'm not sure it will work or not, but trying it does not hurt,
put your html tags inside the value attribute of <af:outputFormatted> for example:
<af:outputFormatted styleUsage="yourStyle"
value="<b>any output</b>"/>
Trinidad table will give you exact html-table layout.
However you should avoid using html things in your adf application if possible. If your requirements is only to have table without header, you can style af:table and turn off headers layer in your skin like this:
.noHeader af|column::column-header-cell{
display: none;
af:panelGroupLayout in layout=horizontal mode will render html table around its content too, however you will have only one row and almost no control of it behavior.
af:panelGridLayout will render grid that may be used as table layout too.
How about using the listView component -

Center the <af:outputText> element in ADF template

How can I center the in adf template ?
Following is the code
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_g1" layout="horizontal" valign="middle" halign="start" rendered="true">
<af:spacer width="15" id="pt_s1"/>
<af:image id="pt_i1" source="/images/logo.png" inlineStyle="height:70px; width:70px;"/>
<af:outputText value="My First Application" id="pt_ot1" inlineStyle="font-size:x-large; color:White;" noWrap="true"/>
I am using JDeveloper 12c
--- UPDATE ---
I've tried following. But it gives slight different behaviour than expected.
<af:panelStretchLayout id="pt_psl2" startWidth="33%" endWidth="33%">
<f:facet name="center">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_pgl1" inlineStyle="min-width:33%;" halign="center" valign="middle">
<af:outputText value="test application" id="pt_ot1" inlineStyle="font-size:x-large; color:White;" noWrap="true"/>
<f:facet name="start">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_pgl3" inlineStyle="min-width:33%;">
<af:spacer width="15" id="pt_s1"/>
<af:image id="pt_i1" source="/images/test_logo.png" inlineStyle="height:70px; width:70px;"/>
<f:facet name="end">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_pgl2" inlineStyle="min-width:33%;" halign="end" valign="middle">
<af:image source="images/home.png" id="pt_i2"/>
<af:link text="Home" id="pt_l5" inlineStyle="color:White;"/>
As we can see in output it starts content from the left side, while I want logo to start from left side, Application title in middle of the page and other links section from right side of the page.
How can I achieve the same ?
Use a af:panelStretchLayout instead of af:panelGroupLayout. It has 5 facets. You can put your content in the "center" facets and either remove the others or put a spacer in them.
Assuming on one of the later releases of ADF you should be looking into af:panelGridLayout to implement those type of UIs.
