How to get the count of property in a Kind? - google-app-engine

I have a Kind Students which stores the details of favorite colors of all students. They are allowed to pick their favorite color from a set of three colors : {Red,Blue,Green}
Let us assume there are 100 students, my code is like this for every student :
Entity arya = new Entity("Student","Arya");
Entity robb = new Entity("Student","Robb");
Entity jon = new Entity("Student","Jon");
How to find out how many students liked a particular color(say Red) in this Student Kind ? What Query I should write to fetch the count ?
Thanks in advance

The number you seek would be the number of items in the result of a query with an equality filter on the Color property.
You could use a keys-only query (a special kind of projection query) for this purpose, faster and less expensive:
Keys-only queries
A keys-only query (which is a type of projection query) returns just
the keys of the result entities instead of the entities themselves, at
lower latency and cost than retrieving entire entities.
A keys-only query is a small operation and counts as only a single
entity read for the query itself.
Something along these lines (but note that I'm not a java user, the snippet is based only on the documentation examples)
Query<Key> query = Query.newKeyQueryBuilder()
.setFilter(PropertyFilter.eq("Color", "Red")

I agree with the Dan Cornilescu's answer. Here is a direct Datastore API usage. I have prepared the request body for your use-case. You can run it by just adding your Project Id. This will return the entities that matches with the filter then you can count the number of them.


Django Query Optimisation

I am working currently on telecom analytics project and newbie in query optimisation. To show result in browser it takes a full minute while just 45,000 records are to be accessed. Could you please suggest on ways to reduce time for showing results.
I wrote following query to find call-duration of a person of age-group:
for i in range(popn)]
for card in card_list:
Above code is within for loop to iterate over age-groups.
Model is as follows:
class Demo(models.Model):
class Fact_table(models.Model):
Try that:
demo_by_age = Demo.objects.filter(age_group=age);
popn=demo_by_age.count() #One
card_list = demo_by_age.values_list('card_no', flat=True) # Two
dic = Fact_table.objects.filter(card_no__in=card_list).aggregate(Sum('duration') #Three
sigma = dic['duration__sum']
A statement like card_list=[Demo.objects.filter(age_group=age)[i].card_no for i in range(popn)] will generate popn seperate queries and database hits. The query in the for-loop will also hit the database popn times. As a general rule, you should try to minimize the amount of queries you use, and you should only select the records you need.
With a few adjustments to your code this can be done in just one query.
There's generally no need to manually specify a primary_key, and in all but some very specific cases it's even better not to define any. Django automatically adds an indexed, auto-incremental primary key field. If you need the card_no field as a unique field, and you need to find rows based on this field, use this:
class Demo(models.Model):
card_no = models.SlugField(max_length=20, unique=True)
SlugField automatically adds a database index to the column, essentially making selections by this field as fast as when it is a primary key. This still allows other ways to access the table, e.g. foreign keys (as I'll explain in my next point), to use the (slightly) faster integer field specified by Django, and will ease the use of the model in Django.
If you need to relate an object to an object in another table, use models.ForeignKey. Django gives you a whole set of new functionality that not only makes it easier to use the models, it also makes a lot of queries faster by using JOIN clauses in the SQL query. So for you example:
class Fact_table(models.Model):
card = models.ForeignKey(Demo, related_name='facts')
The related_name fields allows you to access all Fact_table objects related to a Demo instance by using instance.facts in Django. (See
With these two changes, your query (including the loop over the different age_groups) can be changed into a blazing-fast one-hit query giving you the average duration of calls made by each age_group:
age_groups = Demo.objects.values('age_group').annotate(duration_avg=Avg('facts__duration'))
for group in age_groups:
print "Age group: %s - Average duration: %s" % group['age_group'], group['duration_avg']
.values('age_group') selects just the age_group field from the Demo's database table. .annotate(duration_avg=Avg('facts__duration')) takes every unique result from values (thus each unique age_group), and for each unique result will fetch all Fact_table objects related to any Demo object within that age_group, and calculate the average of all the duration fields - all in a single query.

About indexes of GAE datastore

I have a following model in the GAE app.
class User
school_name = db.StringProperty(Indexed=True)
country = db.StringProperty(Indexed=True)
city = db.StringProperty(Indexed=True)
sex = db.StringProperty(Indexed=True)
profession = db.StringProperty(Indexed=True)
joined_date = db.DateTimeProperty(Indexed=True)
And I want to filter the users by combinations of these fields. Result of the filter should show a user at first who is joined recently. So which means any query end by order operation, I suppose. like that:
User.all().filter('country =','US').filter('profession =','SE').order('-joined_date')
User.all().filter('school_name =','AAA').filter('profession =','SE').order('-joined_date')
User.all().filter('sex =','Female').filter('profession =','HR').order('-joined_date')
All these fields combination would be C(5,1)+C(5,2)+...+C(5,5) = 31.
My question is to implement it, do I need to create indexes for all these cases(31) in the Google AppEngine. Or can you suggest other way to implement it?
Note: C(n,k) is combination formula, see more on
Thanks in advance!
You have several options:
Create all 31 indexes, as you suggest.
Do the sorting in memory. Without a sort order, all your queries can be executed with the built-in merge-join strategy, and so you won't need any indexes at all.
Restrict queries to those that are more likely, or those that eliminate most of the non-matching results, and perform additional filtering in memory.
Put all your data in a ListProperty for indexing as "key:value" strings, and filter only on that. You will need to create multiple indexes with different occurrence counts on that field (eg, indexing it once, twice, etc), and it will result in the same number of index entries, but fewer custom indexes used.

Datastore fetch on two filters alternative?

I have a datastore entity called Game and two fields in it called playerOne and playerTwo. Either of these fields stores a username.
I need to search on the Game entity and return a MAX of 30 games where the username can be either playerOne OR playerTwo...
So in a relational database you would go:
SELECT * FROM Game WHERE playerOne='username' OR playerTwo='username' LIMIT 30
But in big table you can't filter on more than one field! I can't fetch 10 from one and 10 from the other as the number from each can be variable and in createdDate order.
How would you do this in your datastore?
The quick answer is create a StringListProperty that contains [player_a, player_b] and then simply use the multi-value index made out of that:
games = Game.all().filter("players =", player_find)
You can not do an OR query on the datastore using different fields. If you have to keep your current entity model then you have to do two queries.
1) filtering on playerOne and limiting to 30
2) filtering on playerTwo and limiting to (30 - result size of query one)
Then merge the results in memory to produce the final set of 30.
Now if you also want some ordering by date, then it will get more tricky. However the SQL query you wrote doesn't have any ordering so I omitted it aswell.
However if you can change the entity model then a good way to achive what you want is to have a single field containing a list of both usernames.
Then you can do a simple query in the style of:
SELECT * FROM Game WHERE playerBoth = 'username'

GQL query with "like" operator [duplicate]

Simple one really. In SQL, if I want to search a text field for a couple of characters, I can do:
SELECT blah FROM blah WHERE blah LIKE '%text%'
The documentation for App Engine makes no mention of how to achieve this, but surely it's a common enough problem?
BigTable, which is the database back end for App Engine, will scale to millions of records. Due to this, App Engine will not allow you to do any query that will result in a table scan, as performance would be dreadful for a well populated table.
In other words, every query must use an index. This is why you can only do =, > and < queries. (In fact you can also do != but the API does this using a a combination of > and < queries.) This is also why the development environment monitors all the queries you do and automatically adds any missing indexes to your index.yaml file.
There is no way to index for a LIKE query so it's simply not available.
Have a watch of this Google IO session for a much better and more detailed explanation of this.
i'm facing the same problem, but i found something on google app engine pages:
Tip: Query filters do not have an explicit way to match just part of a string value, but you can fake a prefix match using inequality filters:
db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE prop >= :1 AND prop < :2",
u"abc" + u"\ufffd")
This matches every MyModel entity with a string property prop that begins with the characters abc. The unicode string u"\ufffd" represents the largest possible Unicode character. When the property values are sorted in an index, the values that fall in this range are all of the values that begin with the given prefix.
maybe this could do the trick ;)
Altough App Engine does not support LIKE queries, have a look at the properties ListProperty and StringListProperty. When an equality test is done on these properties, the test will actually be applied on all list members, e.g., list_property = value tests if the value appears anywhere in the list.
Sometimes this feature might be used as a workaround to the lack of LIKE queries. For instance, it makes it possible to do simple text search, as described on this post.
You need to use search service to perform full text search queries similar to SQL LIKE.
Gaelyk provides domain specific language to perform more user friendly search queries. For example following snippet will find first ten books sorted from the latest ones with title containing fern
and the genre exactly matching thriller:
def documents = {
select all from books
sort desc by published, SearchApiLimits.MINIMUM_DATE_VALUE
where title =~ 'fern'
and genre = 'thriller'
limit 10
Like is written as Groovy's match operator =~.
It supports functions such as distance(geopoint(lat, lon), location) as well.
App engine launched a general-purpose full text search service in version 1.7.0 that supports the datastore.
Details in the announcement.
More information on how to use this:
Have a look at Objectify here , it is like a Datastore access API. There is a FAQ with this question specifically, here is the answer
How do I do a like query (LIKE "foo%")
You can do something like a startWith, or endWith if you reverse the order when stored and searched. You do a range query with the starting value you want, and a value just above the one you want.
String start = "foo";
... = ofy.query(MyEntity.class).filter("field >=", start).filter("field <", start + "\uFFFD");
Just follow here:">
It works!
class Article(search.SearchableModel):
text = db.TextProperty()
article = Article(text=...)
To search the full text index, use the SearchableModel.all() method to get an
instance of SearchableModel.Query, which subclasses db.Query. Use its search()
method to provide a search query, in addition to any other filters or sort
orders, e.g.:
query = article.all().search('a search query').filter(...).order(...)
I tested this with GAE Datastore low-level Java API. Me and works perfectly
Query q = new Query(Directorio.class.getSimpleName());
Filter filterNombreGreater = new FilterPredicate("nombre", FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, query);
Filter filterNombreLess = new FilterPredicate("nombre", FilterOperator.LESS_THAN, query+"\uFFFD");
Filter filterNombre = CompositeFilterOperator.and(filterNombreGreater, filterNombreLess);
In general, even though this is an old post, a way to produce a 'LIKE' or 'ILIKE' is to gather all results from a '>=' query, then loop results in python (or Java) for elements containing what you're looking for.
Let's say you want to filter users given a q='luigi'
users = []
qry = self.user_model.query(ndb.OR( >= q.lower(), >= q.lower(),self.user_model.username >= q.lower()))
for _qry in qry:
if q.lower() in or q.lower() in or q.lower() in _qry.username.lower():
It is not possible to do a LIKE search on datastore app engine, how ever creating an Arraylist would do the trick if you need to search a word in a string.
public ArrayList<String> searchName;
and then to search in the index using objectify.
List<Profiles> list1 = ofy().load().type(Profiles.class).filter("searchName =",search).list();
and this will give you a list with all the items that contain the world you did on the search
If the LIKE '%text%' always compares to a word or a few (think permutations) and your data changes slowly (slowly means that it's not prohibitively expensive - both price-wise and performance-wise - to create and updates indexes) then Relation Index Entity (RIE) may be the answer.
Yes, you will have to build additional datastore entity and populate it appropriately. Yes, there are some constraints that you will have to play around (one is 5000 limit on the length of list property in GAE datastore). But the resulting searches are lightning fast.
For details see my RIE with Java and Ojbectify and RIE with Python posts.
"Like" is often uses as a poor-man's substitute for text search. For text search, it is possible to use Whoosh-AppEngine.

Co-occurrence of words in documents with Google big table

Given document-D1: containing words (w1,w2,w3)
and document D2 and words (w2,w3..)
and document Dn and words ( w1,w2, wn)
Can I structure my data in big table to answer the questions like:
which words occur most frequently with w1,
or which words occur most frequently with w1 and w2.
What I am trying to achieve is to find the third word Wx (suggestion) which ocures most frequently in documents togehter with given words W1 and W2
I know the solution in SQL, but is it possible with google-big table?
I know I would have to build my indices by myself, the question is how should I structure them to avoid index explosion
The only way to do this that I'm aware of is to index all 3-tuples of words, with their counts. Your kind would look something like this:
class Tuple(db.Model):
words = db.StringListProperty()
count = db.IntegerProperty()
Then, you need to insert or update the appropriate tuple entity for each set of 3 unique words in your text. Eg, the string "the king is dead" would result in the tuples (the, king, is), (the, king, dead), (the, is, dead), (king, is, dead)... This obviously results in an exponential explosion in entries, but I'm not aware of any way around that for what you want to do.
To find the suggestions, you'd do something like this:
q = Tuple.all().filter('word =', w1).filter('word =', w2).order('-count')
In the broader sense of recommendation algorithms, however, there is a lot of research into more efficient ways to do this. It's an open question, as evidenced by the existence of the Netflix challenge.
Using list-properties and merge-join is the best way to answer set membership questions in Google App Engine: Building Scalable, Complex Apps on App Engine.
You could setup your model as follows:
class Document(db.Model):
word = db.StringListProperty()
name = db.StringProperty()
doc.word = ["google", "app", "engine"]
Then it would be easy to query for co-occurrence. For example, which documents have the words google and engine?
results = db.GqlQuery(
"SELECT * FROM Documents "
"WHERE word = 'google'"
" and word = 'engine'")
docs = [ for d in results]
There are some limitations, though. From the presentation:
Index writes are done in parallel on
Bigtable Fast-- e.g., update a list
property of 1000 items with 1000 row
writes simultaneously! Scales linearly
with number of items Limited to 5000
indexed properties per entity
But queries must unpackage all result
entities When list size > ~100, reads
are too expensive! Slow in wall-clock
time Costs too much CPU
You could also create a model of words and save in the StringListProperty only their keys, but depending on the size of your documents even that would not be feasible.
There is nothing inherent to the AppEngine datastore that will help you with this problem. You will need to index the words in the documents programatically.
