Folding input lines every nth column (K&R 1-22) in C - c

Write a program to "fold" long input lines into two or more shorter lines after the last non-blank character that occurs before the n-th column of input. Make sure your program does something intelligent with very long lines, and if there are no blanks or tabs before the specified column.
The algorithm I decided to follow for this was as follows:
If length of input line < maxcol (the column after which one would have to fold), then print the line as it is.
If not, from maxcol, I check towards it's left, and it's right to find the closest non-space character, and save them as 'first' and 'last'. I then print the character array from line[0] to line[first] and then the rest of the array, from line[last] to line[len] becomes the new line array.
Here's my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXCOL 5
int getline1(char line[]);
int main()
char line[1000];
int len, i, j, first, last;
len = getline1(line);
while (len > 0) {
if (len < MAXCOL) {
printf("%s\n", line);
else {
for (i = MAXCOL - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (line[i] != ' ') {
first = i;
for (j = MAXCOL - 1; j <= len; j++) {
if (line[j] != ' ') {
last = j;
//printf("first %d last %d\n", first, last);
for (i = 0; i <= first; i++)
for (i = 0; i < len - last; i++) {
line[i] = line[last + i];
len -= last;
first = last = 0;
return 0;
int getline1(char line[])
int c, i = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n')
line[i++] = c;
if (c == '\n')
line[i++] = '\n';
line[i] = '\0';
return i;
Here are the problems:
It does not do something intelligent with very long lines (this is fine, as I can add it as an edge case).
It does not do anything for tabs.
I cannot understand a part of the output.
For example, with the input:
asd de def deffff
I get the output:
defff //Expected until here
//Unexpected lines below
Question 1 - Why do the unexpected lines print? How do I make my program/algorithm better?
Eventually, after spending quite some time with this question, I gave up and decided to check the clc-wiki for solutions. Every program here did NOT work, save one (The others didn't work because they did not cover certain edge cases). The one that worked was the largest one, and it did not make any sense to me. It did not have any comments, and neither could I properly understand the variable names, and what they represented. But it was the ONLY program in the wiki that worked.
#include <stdio.h>
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
int main(void)
int TCOL = 8, ch, co[3], i, COL = 19, tabs[COL - 1];
char bls[COL - 1], bonly = YES;
co[0] = co[1] = co[2] = 0;
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
if (ch != '\t') {
else {
co[0] = co[0] + (TCOL * (1 + (co[2] / TCOL)) - co[2]);
i = co[2];
co[2] = TCOL + (co[2] / TCOL) * TCOL;
if (ch != '\n' && ch != ' ' && ch != '\t')
if (co[0] >= COL) {
co[0] = 1;
co[1] = 0;
for (i = co[1]; co[1] > 0; --co[1])
if (bls[i - co[1]] == ' ')
putchar(bls[i - co[1]]);
for (; tabs[i - co[1]] != 0;)
if (tabs[i - co[1]] > 0) {
putchar(' ');
--tabs[i - co[1]];
else {
tabs[i - co[1]] = 0;
putchar(bls[i - co[1]]);
if (bonly == YES)
bonly = NO;
else if (ch != '\n')
if (co[0] >= COL)
if (bonly == NO) {
bonly = YES;
co[0] = co[1] = 0;
else if (bonly == NO) {
bls[co[1]] = ch;
if (ch == '\t') {
if (TCOL * (1 + ((co[0] - (co[2] - i)) / TCOL)) -
(co[0] - (co[2] - i)) == co[2] - i)
tabs[co[1]] = -1;
tabs[co[1]] = co[2] - i;
co[0] = co[1] = 0;
else {
if (bonly == NO)
bonly = YES;
co[0] = co[1] = co[2] = 0;
return 0;
Question 2 - Can you help me make sense of this code and how it works?
It fixes all the problems with my solution, and also works by reading character to character, and therefore seems more efficient.

Question 1 - Why do the unexpected lines print? How do I make my program/algorithm better?
You are getting the unexpected lines in the output because after printing the array, you are not terminating the new line array with null character \0 -
Here you are copying character from starting from last till len - last, creating a new line array:
for (i = 0; i < len - last; i++) {
line[i] = line[last + i];
You have copied the characters but the null terminating character is still at its original position. Assume the input string is:
asd de def deffff
So, initially the content of line array will be:
"asd de def deffff\n"
null character is here
Now after printing asd, you are copying characters from last index of line till len - last index to line array itself starting from 0 index. So, after copying the content of line array will be:
"de def deffff\n deffff\n"
|____ _____|
This is causing the unexpected output
(null character is still at the previous location)
So, after for loop you should add the null character just after the last character copied, like this:
line [len - last] = '\0';
With this the content of line array that will be processed in the next iteration of while loop will be:
"de def deffff\n"
One more thing, in the line array you can see the \n (newline) character at the end. May you want to remove it before processing the input, you can do:
line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;
Improvements that you can do in your program:
1. One very obvious improvement that you can do is to use pointer to the input string while processing it. With the help of pointer you don't need to copy the rest of the array, apart from processed part, again to the same array till the program process the whole input. Initialize the pointer to the start of the input string and in every iteration just move the pointer to appropriate location and start processing from that location where pointer is pointing to.
2. Since you are taking the whole input first in a buffer and then processing it. You may consider fgets() for taking input. It will give better control over the input from user.
3. Add a check for line array overflow, in case of very long input. With fgets() you can specify the maximum number of character to be copied to line array from input stream.
Question 2 - Can you help me make sense of this code and how it works?
The program is very simple, try to understand it at least once by yourself. Either use a debugger or take a pen and paper, dry run it once for small size input and check the output. Increase the input size and add some variations like multiple space characters and check the program code path and output. This way you can understand it very easily.

Here's another (and I think better) solution to this exercise :
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXCOL 10
void my_flush(char buf[]);
int main()
int c, prev_char, i, j, ctr, spaceleft, first_non_space_buf;
char buf[MAXCOL+2];
prev_char = -1;
i = first_non_space_buf = ctr = 0;
spaceleft = MAXCOL;
printf("Just keep typing once the output has been printed");
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
if (buf[0] == '\n') {
i = 0;
//printf("Prev char = %c and Current char = %c and i = %d and fnsb = %d and spaceleft = %d and j = %d and buf = %s \n", prev_char, c, i, first_non_space_buf, spaceleft, j, buf);
if ((((prev_char != ' ') && (prev_char != '\t') && (prev_char != '\n')) &&
((c == ' ') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\n'))) ||
(i == MAXCOL)) {
if (i <= spaceleft) {
printf("%s", buf);
spaceleft -= i;
else {
spaceleft = MAXCOL;
for (j = first_non_space_buf; buf[j] != '\0'; ++j) {
spaceleft -= ctr;
i = 0;
buf[i++] = c;
first_non_space_buf = j = ctr = 0;
else {
if (((prev_char == ' ') || (prev_char == '\t') || (prev_char == '\n')) &&
((c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != '\n'))) {
first_non_space_buf = i;
buf[i++] = c;
buf[i] = '\0';
prev_char = c;
printf("%s", buf);
return 0;
void my_flush(char buf[])
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXCOL; ++i)
buf[i] = '\0';

Below is my solution, I know the thread is no longer active but my code might help someone who's facing issues to grasp the already presented code snippets.
Keep reading input unless the input contains '\n', '\t' or there've been
atleast MAXCOl chars.
Incase of '\t', use expandTab to replace with required spaces and use printLine if it doesn't exceed MAXCOl.
Incase of '\n', directly use printLine and reset the index.
If index is 10:
find the last blank using findBlank ad get a new index.
use printLine to print the current line.
get new index as 0 or index of newly copied char array using the newIndex function.
/* fold long lines after last non-blank char */
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXCOL 10 /* maximum column of input */
#define TABSIZE 8 /* tab size */
char line[MAXCOL]; /* input line */
int expandTab(int index);
int findBlank(int index);
int newIndex(int index);
void printLine(int index);
void main() {
int c, index;
index = 0;
while((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
line[index] = c; /* store current char */
if (c == '\t')
index = expandTab(index);
else if (c == '\n') {
printLine(index); /* print current input line */
index = 0;
} else if (++index == MAXCOL) {
index = findBlank(index);
index = newIndex(index);
/* expand tab into blanks */
int expandTab(int index) {
line[index] = ' '; /* tab is atleast one blank */
for (++index; index < MAXCOL && index % TABSIZE != 0; ++index)
line[index] = ' ';
if (index > MAXCOL)
return index;
else {
return 0;
/* find last blank position */
int findBlank(int index) {
while( index > 0 && line[index] != ' ')
if (index == 0)
return MAXCOL;
return index - 1;
/* re-arrange line with new position */
int newIndex(int index) {
int i, j;
if (index <= 0 || index >= MAXCOL)
return 0;
else {
i = 0;
for (j = index; j < MAXCOL; ++j) {
line[i] = line[j];
return i;
/* print line until passed index */
void printLine(int index) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < index; ++i)
if (index > 0)


How to print a string based on the postion in c?

I am working on a question which requires me to print a string given a field-number at that position. The strings should be read from a file.
C is a language.
lex lexical analyser
(blank line)
gcc is good
If the field-number is 2 (i.e the second word in the sentence). The program should output
I wrote a function but don't think its the correct way and that it would work for all cases. It should handle extra blanks or newlines.
while (fgets(buffer, MAX, file) != NULL) {
for (int i = 1; i < strlen(buffer); i++) {
if (count == field_number - 1) {
int j = i;
while (j < strlen(buffer) && buffer[j] != ' ') {
printf("%c", buffer[j++]);
count = 0;
if (buffer[i] == ' ' && buffer[i - 1] != ' ') {
I am a beginner. This code should be easy to understand.
This should work for all the cases,
int main() {
//FILE* file = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
//int field_number = 2;
int new_line = 0; // var to keep track of new line came or not
int word = 0;
int count = 0;
char c, prev_c;
while ((c = fgetc(file)) != EOF) {
// printf("[%c]", c);
// if a new line char comes it means you entered a new line
if(c == '\n') {
// you have to print the new line here on the output to handle
// empty line cases
new_line = 1; // when line changes
word = 0; // no word has come in this new line so far
count = 0; // count becomes 0
} else if( c == ' ' && prev_c != ' ') {
if(count == field_number) // if count exceeds field_number
new_line = 0; // wait till next line comes
} else if (new_line && count == field_number - 1) {
printf("%c", c);
} else {
word = 1; // fi a not new line or non space char comes, a word has come
prev_c = c;
return 0;

Program to count length of each word in string in C

I'm writting a program to count the length of each word in array of characters. I was wondering if You guys could help me, because I'm struggling with it for at least two hours for now and i don't know how to do it properly.
It should go like that:
(number of letters) - (number of words with this many letters)
2 - 1
3 - 4
5 - 1
char tab[1000];
int k = 0, x = 0;
printf("Enter text: ");
fgets(tab, 1000, stdin);
for (int i = 2; i < (int)strlen(tab); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < (int)strlen(tab); j++)
if (tab[j] == '\0' || tab[j]=='\n')
if (tab[j] == ' ')
k = 0;
else k++;
if (k == i)
k = 0;
if (x != 0)
printf("%d - %d\n", i, x);
x = 0;
k = 0;
return 0;
By using two for loops, you're doing len**2 character scans. (e.g.) For a buffer of length 1000, instead of 1000 character comparisons, you're doing 1,000,000 comparisons.
This can be done in a single for loop if we use a word length histogram array.
The basic algorithm is the same as your inner loop.
When we have a non-space character, we increment a current length value. When we see a space, we increment the histogram cell (indexed by the length value) by 1. We then set the length value to 0.
Here's some code that works:
#include <stdio.h>
int hist[100] = { 0 };
char buf[1000];
char *bp;
int chr;
int curlen = 0;
printf("Enter text: ");
bp = buf;
for (chr = *bp++; chr != 0; chr = *bp++) {
if (chr == '\n')
// end of word -- increment the histogram cell
if (chr == ' ') {
hist[curlen] += 1;
curlen = 0;
// got an alpha char -- increment the length of the word
curlen += 1;
// catch the final word on the line
hist[curlen] += 1;
for (curlen = 1; curlen < sizeof(hist) / sizeof(hist[0]); ++curlen) {
int count = hist[curlen];
if (count > 0)
printf("%d - %d\n",curlen,count);
return 0;
and i don't really understand pointers. Is there any simpler method to do this?
Pointers are a very important [essential] tool in the C arsenal, so I hope you get to them soon.
However, it is easy enough to convert the for loop (Removing the char *bp; and bp = buf;):
for (chr = *bp++; chr != 0; chr = *bp++) {
for (int bufidx = 0; ; ++bufidx) {
chr = buf[bufidx];
if (chr == 0)
The rest of the for loop remains the same.
Here's another loop [but, without optimization by the compiler] double fetches the char:
for (int bufidx = 0; buf[bufidx] != 0; ++bufidx) {
chr = buf[bufidx];
Here is a single line version. Note this is not recommended practice because of the embedded assignment of chr inside the loop condition clause, but is for illustration purposes:
for (int bufidx = 0; (chr = buf[bufidx]) != 0; ++bufidx) {

My attempt to KandR C ex1-21 entab needs assistance

Hi Gigantic C Newborn here
I am trying to solve the entab question in KandR C Programming and I have run into a rather silly problem.
In trying to solve it I am counting all the spaces when they get up to multiples of 8, and if they are, I have a loop that should step backward and remove the prior seven spaces, and then make the zeroth space a '#' to represent a tab. If the spaces dont count up to 8, the spaces should be represented by a '.' If the tab key is pressed, the user also gets a '#'.
My problem is when I count up to 8, the spaces do not get removed, and if I count up to 9, I get a '.#'.
Please can you show me what is wrong with my newbie code?
#define TAB 8
#define SPACE 1
#define MAXLINE 10000
int entab(char line[], int limit);
int main(void)
char aline[MAXLINE];
int lenline = 0;
while((lenline = entab(aline, MAXLINE)) > 0)
return 0;
int entab(char line[], int limit)
int count = 0;
int c, a;
while((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n' && count < limit - 1)
case ' ':
if(count != 0 && (count % TAB == 0))
a = count;
while(a > (count - TAB) -1)
line[a] = '\0';
line[count] = '#';
line[count] = '.';
case '\t':
if (count < TAB)
line[count] = '#';
line[count] = c;
line[count] = '\0';
for(int each = 0; each < count; ++each)
printf("%c", line[each]);
return count;
My output is:
When typing 8 spaces:
When typing 9 spaces:
Grateful for any pointers!
You forgot to move count backwards near
a = count;
while(a > (count - TAB) -1)
line[a] = '\0';
line[count] = '#';

Getc() reading \n improperly

I am creating a program that prints each line of a file one by one in reverse word order. i.e. "The big black moose" prints as "moose black big The".
However, in the code below, it does not print the last word of lines that do not have a delimiter before the line break. A delimiter in this case is defined as any whitespace character such as space or tab.
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) return 0;
int i = 0, c;
int isD = 0, wasD = 1;
int count = 0;
FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
while ((c = getc(file)) != EOF) {
isD = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n';
if (!isD) {
chars[i++] = c;
if (isD && !wasD) {
shiftInsert(i++, count);
count = 0;
wasD = isD;
return 0;
int shiftInsert(int length, int shift) {
int word[shift+1], i;
printf("\n----------\nL:%d,S:%d\n", length, shift);
for (i = 0; i < shift; i++)
word[i] = chars[length-shift+i];
word[shift] = ' ';
for (i = 0; i < shift; i++)
printf("%c", word[i]);
for (i = length; i >= 0; i--)
chars[i+shift+1] = chars[i];
for (i = 0; i <= shift; i++)
chars[i] = word[i];
This happens, because you don't enter the loop when getc finds the end of the file. If wasD is false, you'll have one unprocessed word in the buffer.
You could treat EOF as whitespace and place the terminating condition at the end of the loop:
do {
c = getc(file);
isD = (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == EOF);
// ...
} while (c != EOF);
This works, because you use the value of c only if it is not a delimiter. (The special value EOF is outside the valid range of (unsigned) chars and should not be inserted into strings or printed.)
stdout is not getting flushed because your last output didn't contain a newline...
Change this line

C for loop to iterate array different from putc

I'm trying to read from a text file and for non printing ascii characters I would like to print out "^" + "G" as an example of the BELL character. Much like the cat -v command of unix. The problem happens in the for loop where I am supposed to store chars until I hit a newline and then print them out. The for loop is printing "G " for ctrl+G and "t " "e " "s " "t " for test.
int readFile(FILE* inputFile) {
char input[5];
char *arrayEnd = &input[5]+1;
int anyChanges = 1;
int iochar = 0;
int i = 0;
//get index of new line
//substring of position until new line
//print substring position to end.
int printedColumns = 0;
//credit Foster Chapter 2
while (( iochar = getc(inputFile) ) != EOF )
{ //Returns 1 if no changes made, return 0 if any changes have been made.
//printf("character --> %c\n",iochar);
if(iochar != '\n') {
//This if statement checks for normal ascii characters.
//If the output is less than 72 it prints it and increments printedColumns.
if (( ' ' <= iochar ) && ( iochar <= 126 ) ) {
if(*(input + i) == *arrayEnd)
i = 0;
*(input +i) = iochar;
//printf("input array ---> %c\n",input[i]);
//putc(*(input+i), stdout);
//This if statement checks for the non-printing characters.
//New line is not included because it is a special case that is accounted for below
if (iochar <= 31) {
if (*(input + i) == *arrayEnd)
i = 0;
*(input + i) =94;
putc(*(input+i), stdout);
if(*(input+i)== *arrayEnd)
i = 0;
*(input + i) = iochar + 64;
putc(*(input+i), stdout);
int b = 0;
for (b = 0;b<6;b++){
}//end if != '\n'
}//end while
return anyChanges;
}//end function
This seems to do a lot of what you're looking for:
#include <stdio.h>
int readFile(FILE *inputFile)
int numChanged = 0;
int iochar = 0;
while ((iochar = getc(inputFile) ) != EOF)
if ((' ' <= iochar && iochar <= 126) || iochar == '\n')
putc(iochar, stdout);
else if (iochar < ' ')
putc('^', stdout);
putc(iochar + 'A' - 1, stdout);
return numChanged;
int main(void)
printf("Number of changed characters: %d\n", readFile(stdin));
return 0;
It worked correctly on its own source code (no characters to change — no tabs in the source), and it seemed to work correctly on its own binary too. Neither output is exciting enough to quote here. Note that it deletes characters from code 0x7F through 0xFF. You can amend that by adjusting the else clause appropriately for whatever rules you choose to specify. The question was silent on the treatment of such characters.
If you need the last 72 characters of a line, then you need to read whole lines; roll in fgets():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int readFile(FILE *fp)
int numChanged = 0;
char line[4096];
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != 0)
size_t len = strlen(line);
if (line[len-1] != '\n')
break; // Damn! Line to long
size_t start = 0;
if (len > 72)
start = len - 72;
for (size_t i = start; i < len; i++)
/* The next line is only 70 characters long, but this comment should be truncated */
if ((' ' <= line[i] && line[i] <= 126) || line[i] == '\n')
putc(line[i], stdout);
else if (line[i] < ' ')
putc('^', stdout);
putc(line[i] + 'A' - 1, stdout);
return numChanged;
int main(void)
printf("Number of changed characters: %d\n", readFile(stdin));
return 0;
This code, run on its own, carefully kludged source, yields the interesting part:
start = len - 72;
for (size_t i = start; i < len; i++)
ine is only 70 characters long, but this comment should be truncated */
if ((' ' <= line[i] && line[i] <= 126) || line[i] == '\n')
putc(line[i], stdout);
else if (line[i] < ' ')
You can decide if I've got an off-by-one error in counting the lengths.
