Database design, an included attribute vs multiple joins? Confused - database

So I am taking a class in database design and management and am kind of confused from a design perspective. My example is an invoice system. I just made it up quick so it doesn't have a ton of complexity in it.
There are Customers, Orders, Invoices and Payments entities
Customer entity has a one to many relationship with Orders
Purchases entity has a one to many relationship with Invoices
Invoices Entity has a one to many relationship with Payments.
To get the results of a query to list all Payments made by a Customer the query would have to join Payments with the Invoice table, the Invoice table with the Orders table and the Orders table with the Customer table.
Is this the correct way to do it? One could also just put a custID in the payment entity which would then just require one join, but then there is unneeded information in the payment entity. Is this just a design thing or is it a performance issue?
Bonus question. Lets say there should be a report that says what the total customer balance is. Does there need to be a customer balance field in the database or can this be a calculated item that is produced by joining tables and adding up the amount billed vs amount paid?

Is this the correct way to do it?
Yes. Based on the information provided, it looks reasonable.
One could also just put a custID in the payment entity which would then just require one join, but then there is unneeded information in the payment entity. Is this just a design thing or is it a performance issue?
The question you're asking falls under "normal forms", often called normalization. Your target should be Boyce-Codd normal form (similar to 3NF), which should be described in your textbook. I will warn you that misinformation and misuderstanding of database design issues is very abundant on the interwebs, so beware of which answers you pay attention to.
The goal of normalization is to eliminate redundancy, and thus to eliminate "anomaliies", whereby two logically equivalent queries produce inconsistent results. If the same information is kept in two places, and is updated in only one, then two queries against the two different values will produce different -- i.e, inconsistent -- results.
In your example, if there is a Payments.CustID, should I believe that one, or the one derived from joining Payments to Orders? The same goes for total customer balance: do I believe the stored total, or the one I computed from the consituents?
If you are going to "denomalize for performance", as is so often alleged to be necessary, what are you going to do to ensure the redundant values are consistent?
Bonus question. Lets say there should be a report that says what the total customer balance is.
As a matter of fact, in practice balances are sort of a special case. It's often necessary to know the balance at points in time. While it's possible to compute, say, monthy account balances from inception based on transactions, as a practical matter applications usually "draw a line in the sand" and record the balance for future reference. Step are taken -- must be, for the sake of the business -- to ensure the historical information does not change or, if it does, that the recorded balance is updated to reflect the change. From that description alone, you can imagine that the work of enforcing consistency throughout the system is much more work than relying on the DBMS to enforce it. And that is why, insofar as is feasible, it's better to elimate all redundant data, and let the DBMS do the job it was designed to do.
In your analysis, seek Boyce-Codd normal form. Understand your data, eliminate the redundancies, and recognize the relations. Let the DBMS enforce referential integrity. Countless errors will be avoided, and time saved. Only when specific circumstances conspire to show that specific business requirements cannot be satisfied on a particular system with a given, correct design, does one begin the tedious and error-prone work of introducing redundant information and compensating for it with external controls.

"Is this the correct way to do it?" Of course, given your current design. But it's not the ONLY way. So you're studying DB "normalization" and seeing the pros and cons of the various "forms" of normalization. In the "real world" things can change on a dime, due to a management decision or whatever. I tend to use "compound primary keys" instead of simply one field for primary and others as FK. I handle my "FK" programmatically instead of relegating that responsibility to the DB.
I also create and utilize a number of "intermediate" tables, or sometimes "VIEWS", that I use more easily than a bunch of code with too many JOINs. (3rd Normal form addicts can hate, but my code runs faster than a scalded rabbit).
An Order means nothing without a Customer; an Invoice means nothing without an Order; a Payment is great, but means nothing without both an Order and Invoice. So lemme throw this out there -- what's wrong with having a "summary" type of entity that has Cust, Order, Invoice #, and Payment Id ?


Modeling Fact Tables that have direct relationships, but at a detail and not a dimension layer

This is very similar to my issue.
I’ve got a fact table for POs, Supplier Invoices, Payments, Receipts, etc. They have some dimensions in common, others not. Problem is, for example, say if they are looking at invoices by their gl account, (using an excel pivot table connected to the cube) then they expect to be able drop in a column for the PO number, the buyer of the PO, etc. Even though the buyer dimension is only related to the PO, and the account dimension is only related to the invoice. But they say, well the PO is related to the invoice, so you should be able to pull it in.
I do have a PO Ref field on the invoice fact table, but it is only filled out 50% of the time. Even when it is, you could have a one to many relationship in either way between a PO and an invoice, as far as I understand it at least.
Anyway, they expect to be able to throw in any measure from any measure group, and every single possible dimension to work, and then be able to drill down to the detail to see the POs, Invoices, Payments and Receipts and how they match up. Best practice is to keep the fact tables separate if they are different grains according to Kimball, but then all the business problems aren't solved this way.
The only solutions I can come up with are:
to either tack on a bunch of detail related columns to the degenerate dimensions when I load them. i.e. add PO to invoice and invoice to PO etc., but have it as a comma separated list in that column when it is many to one.
Create every possible relationship with every fact and dimension table. This would be a lot of work though, and some still may not have a relationship to certain dimensions.
Create a monstrous fact table with all the current ones joined together, and somehow figure out logic to only display the measure values once for the many to one joins.
This is probably a bad idea, but thought maybe somehow I could create a relationship between every measure group and the corresponding degenerate dimensions reference field. Like create a relationship between the supplier invoice degenerate dimension PO Ref field and the purchase order line measure group PO field.
Lower their expectations, lol.
Here's a screen shot of the dimension usage tab to give an idea of what it looks like currently.
I tried option 3 once. The performance was terrible. The output was misleading. Never ever again.
Your best bet is to work with the business. Where the data is not readily available (invoice without PO, for example) agree what should be done. You could show a default value (PO not recorded on invoice). You could agree on a logic, implemented in the ETL, that extracts the most likely PO.
Whatever approach you choose you must discuss it. If you do not the business will make decisions based on false assumptions. The business will find itself looking at reporting it does not understand. You must help your users to avoid these outcomes.
Once the approach has been agreed, document it. When queries arise, share the documentation. Make sure the documentation highlights all calculations, difficulties and missing source data.
Work with the teams that generate your source date. If an important field is sparsely populated arrange a meeting. See if the capture processes can be improved. Let your users know that you are investigating this area. Keep them informed of the outcome. If the source data cannot be improved (invoices continue to be raised without a PO), inform your users of the reasons for this.
Managing your customers can be challenging. Especially those who hold senior positions in the company. Transparency and solid documentation will help you.

Database performance concerns - repeated data

I have some database performance concerns (not yet a real issue but I would like to make sure everything is good enough).
I have around 10 tables that are connected. There is one main object/table that is 'mother' of all and contains the userID (these records are user specific). So, if I want to get any record from any table for specific user I would have to do lets say 5+ joins.
I decided to avoid complications with joins so I added this userID to all tables. Now if I want to get records from a specific table for specific user I wont need any joins.
Would this cause any issues and is it bad practice is my question.
Microsoft technologies used for both application and database.
A little hard to say without understanding the structure of your joins. I take it from your question that you have a hierarchy of tables like:
Customers -> Invoices -> Orders -> OrderItems, (where -> = 1 to many) and the question is it problematic to include sy, customer ID in the OrderItems table because without it, to determine customerID for a particular order item you'd have to traverse back up the chain to get Order, then Invoice in order to get customer ID (give that CustomerID is the join column between Customers and Invoices.)
The answer is probably "it depends". If you are purist you would probably avoid that, but if you often find you have an OrderItem record, but the you don't thave the invoiceID to hand. and you need to find say "customer address" from the customer table, then maybe its worth it.
things to think about is whether or not the relationships are volatile or not, e.g. whether or not say, an an invoice can be transferred from one customer to another, or an order can be transferred from one invoice to another. If that were the case, then you would have ot make sure to remember to change not only the customerID in Invoices, but also the customerID on all of the orders on that invoice, and all of the orderitems in each order. If you take the fully normalized approach, you only have 1 update to make. If not, you could have many writes to many different tables depending on how deep you go into the hierarchy and how many records are on the many side in your db. If you have sprinkled customerIDs sprinkled liberally all over the hierarchy, that could be a lot of writes, and keeping everything in synch could be a pain in the neck.
If the folks who are writing code against your db don't really understand exactly what you've done, it could turn inot a bloody mess and I think that's why people would tend to avoid it.
I would say to be practical about it. How often do you find you need to traverse the hierarchy to do something you want to do, and whether or not the the foreign key you are replicating is ever likely to change.

Is it a good idea to remove a Many-Many relationship by doing de-normalization

I have a Message and a Contract, Message is sent with many contracts, and a Contract can belong to several messages. It is not a straight forward many to many relation.
A contract is having a status. I should keep track of Contract status for each message. Also Contract Start and End Date can be changed based on business logic and each message should have its versions of those values.
Contract parties is only depending on ContractID, it will not be changed per message.
Thus I made ERD like this:-
The many to many relationship requires more complicated logic. Can I just move Contract columns to MessageContract and remove Contract table? De-normalization principles allows me to do that?
Contract table is only used to hold these three columns, it does not have a relation with other tables except MessageContract and it will require me to select a contract before putting it in MessageContract, and I will do that a lot because I have like 20,000 message per day. I need every processor cycle to get a good throughput. I am just worry about scalability for the case a Contract is having a new relation with a new table. I can't see a reason to put a new table, but what if the system is live and I just need to add a new table. I mean what is the good practice for this case.
With 20k messages/day I think your laptop can bear this workload. Don't worry too much about performance in this low-demanding regime.
Keeping data normalized has many benefit including faster writes and less risk for bugs.
Also Contract Start and End Date can be changed based on business
Inlining the contracts table would force you to update those dates in many places. That is more dev work, slower and more potential for bugs. This is the prime argument for normalization.
I am just worry about scalability for the case a Contract is having a
new relation with a new table.
Adding a new relation with contracts will make a normalized approach even more attractive. You don't want contracts data to be inlined into multiple other tables.
Denormalization is also a valid technique but I don't think it applies to your case.
I recommend that you start with a normalized data model, index it well and do a quick performance test. You'll likely find that everything is fine.

Why use a 1-to-1 relationship in database design?

I am having a hard time trying to figure out when to use a 1-to-1 relationship in db design or if it is ever necessary.
If you can select only the columns you need in a query is there ever a point to break up a table into 1-to-1 relationships. I guess updating a large table has more impact on performance than a smaller table and I'm sure it depends on how heavily the table is used for certain operations (read/ writes)
So when designing a database schema how do you factor in 1-to-1 relationships? What criteria do you use to determine if you need one, and what are the benefits over not using one?
From the logical standpoint, a 1:1 relationship should always be merged into a single table.
On the other hand, there may be physical considerations for such "vertical partitioning" or "row splitting", especially if you know you'll access some columns more frequently or in different pattern than the others, for example:
You might want to cluster or partition the two "endpoint" tables of a 1:1 relationship differently.
If your DBMS allows it, you might want to put them on different physical disks (e.g. more performance-critical on an SSD and the other on a cheap HDD).
You have measured the effect on caching and you want to make sure the "hot" columns are kept in cache, without "cold" columns "polluting" it.
You need a concurrency behavior (such as locking) that is "narrower" than the whole row. This is highly DBMS-specific.
You need different security on different columns, but your DBMS does not support column-level permissions.
Triggers are typically table-specific. While you can theoretically have just one table and have the trigger ignore the "wrong half" of the row, some databases may impose additional limits on what a trigger can and cannot do. For example, Oracle doesn't let you modify the so called "mutating" table from a row-level trigger - by having separate tables, only one of them may be mutating so you can still modify the other from your trigger (but there are other ways to work-around that).
Databases are very good at manipulating the data, so I wouldn't split the table just for the update performance, unless you have performed the actual benchmarks on representative amounts of data and concluded the performance difference is actually there and significant enough (e.g. to offset the increased need for JOINing).
On the other hand, if you are talking about "1:0 or 1" (and not a true 1:1), this is a different question entirely, deserving a different answer...
See also: When I should use one to one relationship?
Separation of duties and abstraction of database tables.
If I have a user and I design the system for each user to have an address, but then I change the system, all I have to do is add a new record to the Address table instead of adding a brand new table and migrating the data.
Currently right now if you wanted to have a person record and each person had exactly one address record, then you could have a 1-to-1 relationship between a Person table and an Address table or you could just have a Person table that also had the columns for the address.
In the future maybe you made the decision to allow a person to have multiple addresses. You would not have to change your database structure in the 1-to-1 relationship scenario, you only have to change how you handle the data coming back to you. However, in the single table structure you would have to create a new table and migrate the address data to the new table in order to create a best practice 1-to-many relationship database structure.
Well, on paper, normalized form looks to be the best. In real world usually it is a trade-off. Most large systems that I know do trade-offs and not trying to be fully normalized.
I'll try to give an example. If you are in a banking application, with 10 millions passbook account, and the usual transactions will be just a query of the latest balance of certain account. You have table A that stores just those information (account number, account balance, and account holder name).
Your account also have another 40 attributes, such as the customer address, tax number, id for mapping to other systems which is in table B.
A and B have one to one mapping.
In order to be able to retrieve the account balance fast, you may want to employ different index strategy (such as hash index) for the small table that has the account balance and account holder name.
The table that contains the other 40 attributes may reside in different table space or storage, employ different type of indexing, for example because you want to sort them by name, account number, branch id, etc. Your system can tolerate slow retrieval of these 40 attributes, while you need fast retrieval of your account balance query by account number.
Having all the 43 attributes in one table seems to be natural, and probably 'naturally slow' and unacceptable for just retrieving single account balance.
It makes sense to use 1-1 relationships to model an entity in the real world. That way, when more entities are added to your "world", they only also have to relate to the data that they pertain to (and no more).
That's the key really, your data (each table) should contain only enough data to describe the real-world thing it represents and no more. There should be no redundant fields as all make sense in terms of that "thing". It means that less data is repeated across the system (with the update issues that would bring!) and that you can retrieve individual data independently (not have to split/ parse strings for example).
To work out how to do this, you should research "Database Normalisation" (or Normalization), "Normal Form" and "first, second and third normal form". This describes how to break down your data. A version with an example is always helpful. Perhaps try this tutorial.
Often people are talking about a 1:0..1 relationship and call it a 1:1. In reality, a typical RDBMS cannot support a literal 1:1 relationship in any case.
As such, I think it's only fair to address sub-classing here, even though it technically necessitates a 1:0..1 relationship, and not the literal concept of a 1:1.
A 1:0..1 is quite useful when you have fields that would be exactly the same among several entities/tables. For example, contact information fields such as address, phone number, email, etc. that might be common for both employees and clients could be broken out into an entity made purely for contact information.
A contact table would hold common information, like address and phone number(s).
So an employee table holds employee specific information such as employee number, hire date and so on. It would also have a foreign key reference to the contact table for the employee's contact info.
A client table would hold client information, such as an email address, their employer name, and perhaps some demographic data such as gender and/or marital status. The client would also have a foreign key reference to the contact table for their contact info.
In doing this, every employee would have a contact, but not every contact would have an employee. The same concept would apply to clients.
Just a few samples from past projects:
a TestRequests table can have only one matching Report. But depending on the nature of the Request, the fields in the Report may be totally different.
in a banking project, an Entities table hold various kind of entities: Funds, RealEstateProperties, Companies. Most of those Entities have similar properties, but Funds require about 120 extra fields, while they represent only 5% of the records.

Should I just use a single table?

I have an entity Order.
The order has information on date, client, associate who handled order etc.
Now the order also needs to store a state i.e. differentiate between won orders and lost orders.
The idea is that a customer may submit an order to the company, but could eventually back out.
(As domain info, the order is not of items. It is a services company that tries to handle clients and makes offers on when they can deliver an order and at what price etc. So the customer may find a better burgain and back up and stop the ordering process from the company).
The company wants data on both won orders and lost orders and the difference between a won order and a lost order is just a couple of more attributes e.g. ReasonLost which could be Price or Time.
My question is, what would be the best representation of the Order?
I was thinking of using a single table and just have for the orders won, the ReasonLost as null.
Does it make sense to create separate tables for WonOrder and LostOrder if the difference of these new entities is not significant?
What would be the best model for this case?
Use one table. Add an OrderState Field.
Caveat: If you are doing millions of transactions per day, then decisions like this need much more attention and analysis.
There is another alternative design that you might consider. In this alternative you keep a second table for the order lost reason and relate it to your order table as an optional 1:1. Note that this is effectively an implementation of a supertype/subtype pattern where the lost order subtype has one additional attribute.
It looks like this:
This alternative might be attractive under any of the following circumstances:
You lose very few orders.
Your order table isn't wide enough to hold a long enough lost order reason.
Your lost order reason is very, very big (even BLOB).
You have an aesthetic objection to maintaining a lost order reason in your order table.
