How to get all users - I only get admins? - azure-active-directory

I'm trying to get a list of all users in my organization (~300), but the /users endpoint only returns two admin accounts.
Our administrator has given the application consent.
Does it have something to do with the "(Admin only)" marking on the screenshot below?
/v1.0/users returns:

Some permissions do require an Admin Consent and thus have the marking "(Admin only)".
"Admin only" means that only an administrator can consent this permission.
Most delegated permissions (access on behalf a user) do not need an Admin consent, but some like e.g. Agreement.Read.All are only available for administrators.
Since you are using Application Permissions (and getting access without a user) all permissions will have the "(Admin only)" mark. But this does not mean that the returned results are limted to admins.
Seeing you have given the app the permission User.Read.All your app should be able to request a list of all Users with /v1.0/users/ (it will definitely return all users).
The most likely explanation for your results is that you only have two users in your Office365 AD.
Maybe there was an error setting up the users?
I would suggest to login into the Graph-Explorer and check if you get the same results.
And to check in your Azure Admin Portal if all users registered in your AD.


Getting user role in Team or channel

I have a Microsoft Teams group tab and I'd like to implement a permission system in which users can do different things in the tab depending on their role in the team (or channel). The context I get from the Teams JavaScript API cannot be trusted, so I have to check group/team/channel role through the MS Graph API.
The only way I've found to check whether a user is an owner or only a member of a team is to call /teams/{groupId}/channels/{channelId}/members. In the response I can see which roles users have and I so I can find out if the current user has owner privileges.
The problem is that this endpoint requires admin consent (I guess because it displays data of other users). I'd like to avoid having to ask for admin consent, however. Is there another way of finding out about the role of a user in a team without admin consent? (As private channels behave differently in Teams, this would be the same as finding out about the role in a channel)
I know that I can get if a user is in a group through the optional group claims that are added to the ID token but this doesn't include the rule inside the group/team/channel.
To read a user's role in a channel currently requires admin consent, the permission needed is ChannelMember.Read.All see list conversation member documentation here. Admin consent is also required to get a member of a team or list members in a team. For your particular use case, I would recommend asking your admin to grant these permissions.

Running into 'serviceUnavailable' SharePoint graph query forever when combining Azure AD App permissions

This situation made me create a real monstrous work-around, but sometimes, you don't have an option right?
The problem is basically bumping into 503: 'serviceUnavailable' messages when several (specific?) Azure AD Application permissions are set in your Azure AD Application, which should not happen.
Context and technical queries
The context is specifically for Application permissions (app-only auth) and NOT delegated permissions. Token is retrieved by:
client_id=<App GUID>
client_secret=<App SECRET>
/sites/root query retrieved by:
headers: Authorization=Bearer <AccessToken>
Reproduce this situation:
Create an Azure AD Application
Add Application Permission > Sites.ReadWrite.All
Grant Admin Consent for
Create Secret
Generate Access Token (using)
Run Query with token (works)
Forcing it to break (either add all at once or 1-by-1)
Add Application Permission > Group.Create
Grant Admin Consent for
Generate Access Token
Run Query with token (fails?)
Does it work?
Add Application Permission > Group.ReadWrite.All
Grant Admin Consent for
Generate Access Token
Run Query with token (fails?)
Repeat for another permission. until it breaks.
Does it break?
Fails forever
Split up App Permission across multiple AD applications.
I tested this and the issue is there but a workaround is you don't need Group.Create permission if you have Group.ReadWrite.All.
So in summary a single AD app can have Group.ReadWrite.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permission and it will work but a single AD app will fail if it has all three permissions of Group.Create, Group.ReadWrite.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All
Based on my test (Did not test all permissions), the issue does exist.
There are two main permissions that affect the calling of this API endpoint.
They are Group.Create and Group.Selected.
I'm not sure why they cause the failure of the calling of /sites/root. But it's strongly recommended to remove these two permissions (maybe there are some more other permissions) from the Azure AD app which is used to access /sites/root.
At the same time, opening a support ticket on Azure portal for your Graph request is a good choice.
Unfortunately this was a previously known issue in SharePoint. A fix is on its way but I don't have an ETA for rollout to share.

Restricting claims in Azure App Registration?

Within Azure Active Directory, I have created an App Registration.
For most users, this works great. They can login to my application via federating in from Azure AD, and their claims are coming through.
For some users, however, they have over 150 group memberships in Azure AD. For them, they receive an HTTP 400 bad request. I've increased the maxRequestBytes and maxFieldLength of my server according to this post:, but it didn't solve the issue for all users. Some received access after this, but there's a handful that still cannot login.
My application only has ~10 groups in Azure AD that it cares about. I customized my App Registration's manifest to have "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup".
Is there a way I can restrict the claims coming out of Azure AD to only the 10 groups that I care about?
Per my understanding, this issue is due to too many groups claim in some your Azure AD user access token and you want to limit the group claims.
As far as I know, there is no way to do that. But there will be two workarounds here :
1. this official doc which indicated claims about groups and hasgroups, maybe provides some tips to handle your scenario. As the doc indicated, it suggested you to call an API to fetch all user groups if a user has too many group claims.
In your scenario, you will need to check about 10 groups membership with a user. To avoid the issue that too many group claims in your user's token, you can just remove group claims in token and check groups membership with a user with this API.
2. Using Azure AD app roles claim instead of groups claim. In Azure AD application, we can create Add app roles and assign the role to users or groups. Once be assigned the role , role claim will be added in users' token.
As you only care about 10 groups, you can create corresponding app roles and assign the roles to your groups that you cared about(i,e role1 assign to group1).With this,users in groups will have corresponding role claim(i,e , users in group1 will have a role claim:role1) so that we can use this claim to replace groups claim .
What's more
except for increasing maxRequestBytes and maxFieldLength of your server, you can try to modify maxAllowedContentLength , details see this post .

Identify admin permissions required by an Azure AD app registration

How can I find out what admin permissions are blocking the user from signing in to an Azure AD app?
I am setting up an App Registration in the Azure AD portal to be used with my Service Fabric cluster. The app registration does basic auth and only has one Required Permission configured: Sign in and read user profile (which does NOT require admin permission).
My tenant has the "Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf" setting to "Yes", so it's not that.
Also, the /authorize request doesn't have any resource parameter, so it's implicitly asking for the permission I configured: Azure AD's Sign in and read user profile.
However when an non-admin user attempts to sign it, I still get the error:
AADSTS90094: The grant requires admin permission
I reproduced the scenario and this is what I observed. Found a workaround, hope it helps.
First I created a Service Fabric (SF) cluster secured with AAD authentication using the steps described here, using an AAD tenant where I am not a global admin.
Then I tried to login to Service Fabric Explorer (SFX) and I got this error:
AADSTS50105: The signed in user is not assigned to a role for the
application 'f8c79129-deb7-4a21-a6e0-ec29e88298ef'
This is expected, because the user must be assigned to a role (Admin or ReadOnly) in the SF application that represents the cluster. So I went to AAD > Enterprise Applications > found my cluster app and under Users and Groups I added myself to the Admin role. Notice that the fact that a regular user can administer the roles of an application that the user owns is something new, it's available since a month or so -- before that, a regular user couldn't administer the roles of an application.
Then I tried to login again to SFX and I got a different error:
AADSTS65005: Invalid resource. The client has requested access to a
resource which is not listed in the requested permissions in the
client's application registration. Client app ID:
f8c79129-deb7-4a21-a6e0-ec29e88298ef. Resource value from request: .
Resource app ID: 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000. List of valid
resources from app registration: .
00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 is Windows Azure Active Directory. For some reason SetupApplications.ps1 doesn't assign the Sign in and Read User Profile permission to the SF cluster application. So I edited the application and I assigned that permission, just like you showed in your print screen. Notice that SetupApplications.ps1 has a parameter AddResourceAccess (not mentioned in the doc) that adds that permission, not sure why it doesn't add it by default. Perhaps it isn't needed when you run SetupApplications.ps1 as a global admin, and the scripts/doc assumes that you are a global admin.
Then I tried to login to SFX again and I got the same error that you observed:
AADSTS90094: The grant requires admin permission.
So I checked the SF application under AAD > Enterprise Applications > found the SF cluster app > Properties. User assignment required is configured "Yes". I changed it to "No" and tried to login to SFX. This time it worked OK, I could consent and access the SFX console. Then I changed User assignment required again to "Yes".
One can argue if the SF app really needs User assignment required > Yes because anyway if a user is not assigned to the Admin or ReadOnly role, SFX will try to fallback to client certificate authentication.
In either way, the AAD behavior is confusing. At least, the error should be more descriptive and point to the User assignment configuration. Perhaps the current behavior has to do with what I mentioned before, that regular users can now administer roles. Perhaps the behavior is being improved.

Permissions for creating OAuth credentials in Google Cloud

Using IAM, I am trying to allow certain users to access API's and allow them to create OAuth client credentials. Is there a predefined role for allowing this? I don't want to use the role of project editor, because I'm trying to allow access to only the necessary services.
It's when the user is in their project, and they go to "APIs and Services" > Credentials, the user receives this error:
You don't have permission to view API keys, OAuth clients, and service account keys.
-App Engine Admin
-Cloud Functions Developer
-Cloud Datastore Owner
-Service Account Admin
-Source Repository Administrator
-Storage Admin
So I believe I've come across the solution. After failing to find a predefined role or any answers online, I started to delve into creating custom roles. If anyone has issues with this in the future, here is what I have done.
I went to Project Settings > Roles > Create Role. I then created 2 custom Roles, here are all the permissions I assigned to them:
"Custom API"
"Custom Client Auth"
*Note that at the time of writing, these individual permissions are in a "testing" state, and may not work as intended.
You can go to the roles page:[your-project-id]
And there you can filter for the permission you need:
Now you can see in the list all the roles include the permission you need, and you can return to the IAM page:[your-project-id]
And select one of those rules:
