difference yap and swi-prolog reading canonical lists - file

I have the following test code trying to read file into a list
open('raw250-split1.pl', read, Stream),
length(TrainXs, MaxTrain).
I will omit part of the output due to the file is quite large.
It works well with yap,
➜ chill git:(master) ✗ yap [18/06/19| 5:48PM]
% Restoring file /usr/lib/Yap/startup.yss
YAP 6.2.2 (x86_64-linux): Sat Sep 17 13:59:03 UTC 2016
?- open('raw250-split1.pl', read, Stream),
read(Stream, train_xs(TrainXs)),
length(TrainXs, MaxTrain).
MaxTrain = 225,
Stream = '$stream'(3),
TrainXs = [[parse([which,rivers,run,through,states,bordering,new,mexico,/],answer(_A,(river(_A),traverse(_A,_B),next_to(_B,_C),const(_C,stateid('new mexico')))))],
<omited output>
But on swi-prolog, it will produce Type error
➜ chill git:(master) ✗ swipl [18/06/19| 7:24PM]
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.6.4)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.
For online help and background, visit http://www.swi-prolog.org
For built-in help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
?- open('raw250-split1.pl', read, Stream),
read(Stream, train_xs(TrainXs)),
length(TrainXs, MaxTrain).
ERROR: raw250-split1.pl:4:
Type error: `list' expected, found `parse(which.(rivers.(run.(through.(states.(bordering.(new.(mexico.((/).[])))))))),
<omited output>
,answer(_67604,(state(_67604),next_to(_67604,_67628),const(_67628,stateid(kentucky))))).[].(parse(what.((is).(the.(largest.(state.(capital.(in.(population.((?).[])))))))),answer(_67714,largest(_67720,(capital(_67714),population(_67714,_67720))))).[].[]))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))' (a compound)
[10] throw(error(type_error(list,...),context(...,_67800)))
[7] <user>
Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.
What might be the problem for the error here?
File raw250-split1.pl can be found from the ftp url below, if you'd like to try it.
Thank you for the help!
I am trying to migrate an earlier code to SWI-Prolog, which was written in
SICStus 3 #3: Thu Sep 12 09:54:27 CDT 1996 or earlier
by Raymond J. Mooney ftp://ftp.cs.utexas.edu/pub/mooney/chill/.
All the questions with this tag are all related to this task. I'm new to prolog, helps and suggestions are welcomed!

The raw250-split1.pl was apparently written using canonical notation. The traditional list functor is ./2 but SWI-Prolog 7.x changed it to '[|]'/2 in order to use ./2 for other purposes. This results in the the variable TrainXs being instantiated by the read/2 call to a compound term whose argument is not a list:
?- open('raw250-split1.pl', read, Stream), read(Stream,train_xs(TrainXs)).
Stream = <stream>(0x7f8975e08e90),
TrainXs = parse(which.(rivers.(run.(through.(states.(bordering.(... . ...)))))), answer(_94, (river(_94), traverse(_94, _100), next_to(_100, _106), const(_106, stateid('new mexico'))))).[].(parse(what.((is).(the.(highest.(point.(... . ...))))), answer(_206, (high_point(_204, _206), const(_204, stateid(montana))))).[].(parse(what.((is).(the.(most.(... . ...)))), answer(_298, largest(_300, (population(_298, _300), state(...), ..., ...)))).[].(parse(through.(which.(states.(... . ...))), answer(_414, (state(_414), const(..., ...), traverse(..., ...)))).[].(parse(what.((is).(... . ...)), answer(_500, longest(_500, river(...)))).[].(parse(how.(... . ...), answer(_566, (..., ...))).[].(parse(... . ..., answer(..., ...)).[].(parse(..., ...).[].(... . ... .(... . ...))))))))).
YAP still uses the ./2 functor for lists, which explains why it can handle it. A workaround for SWI-Prolog is to start it with the --traditional command-line option:
$ swipl --traditional
?- open('raw250-split1.pl', read, Stream), read(Stream,train_xs(TrainXs)).
Stream = <stream>(0x7faeb2f77700),
TrainXs = [[parse([which, rivers, run, through, states, bordering|...], answer(_94, (river(_94), traverse(_94, _100), next_to(_100, _106), const(_106, stateid('new mexico')))))], [parse([what, is, the, highest, point|...], answer(_206, (high_point(_204, _206), const(_204, stateid(montana)))))], [parse([what, is, the, most|...], answer(_298, largest(_300, (population(_298, _300), state(...), ..., ...))))], [parse([through, which, states|...], answer(_414, (state(_414), const(..., ...), traverse(..., ...))))], [parse([what, is|...], answer(_500, longest(_500, river(...))))], [parse([how|...], answer(_566, (..., ...)))], [parse([...|...], answer(..., ...))], [parse(..., ...)], [...]|...].
The type error you get is due to the length/2 expecting a list when the first argument is bound.

There is a tilde as last character in that file, causing the syntax being invalid, so you should remove it before reading. I don't know why YAP accept the file as valid, should raise an error AFAIK.

There is a read option dotlists/2 in SWI-Prolog:
If true (default false), read .(a,[]) as a
list, even if lists are internally nor constructed
using the dot as functor. This is primarily intended
to read the output from write_canonical/1 from
other Prolog systems. See section 5.1.
This gives you the desired result, without changing the mode:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.1.0)
?- read_term(X, [dotlists(true)]).
|: .(a,.(b,.(c,[]))).
X = [a, b, c].


UIOP does not recognize local-nicknames keyword

I'm attempting to make a Lisp package with uiop/package:define-package. I'm using SBCL, and have confirmed that package-local nicknaming ought to be supported:
* *features*
* (uiop:featurep :package-local-nicknames)
Nevertheless, when I try to define a package that has local nicknames, it doesn't work:
(uiop/package:define-package #:foo
(:use #:cl)
(:local-nicknames (#:b #:binparse)))
debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001878103}>:
unrecognized define-package keyword :LOCAL-NICKNAMES
Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.
restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
source: (ERROR "unrecognized define-package keyword ~S" KW)
0] 0
(binparse being another package I've made, which worked fine, but which did not happen to use local nicknaming).
What I've found of the uiop/package source seems to indicate that this shouldn't happen? Going by that, it should either work, or have a specific error message indicating the non-supported-ness of local nicknames (if somehow uiop:featurep is inaccurate or changing), but it shouldn't give a generic unknown-keyword error. At this point I'm not sure what I could be getting wrong.
The version of asdf that's included in releases of sbcl is based on asdf version 3.3.1 (November 2017), except bundled into only two (larger) lisp files (one for asdf and one for uiop) rather than breaking them up by purpose as is done in official releases of asdf. asdf added #+sbcl support for package-local nicknames in (August 2019), and switched to the more general #+package-local-nicknames in (April 2020) (the latest release version is 3.3.4, though, so that wouldn't be in yet anyway). So it's "just" a delay in pulling from upstream. Following the instructions on upgrading ASDF did the trick – extract the latest release tarball into ~/common-lisp/asdf and run (load (compile-file #P"~/common-lisp/asdf/build/asdf.lisp")) once, and future shells will use the updated version.

What is the difference between kobject, device_create and my code?

I am currently reading a book entitled "Linux device drivers" from O'Reilly.
Thing is that this book imo isn't really a guide on how to write drivers but it instead explains all the apis and their prinicples.
So I tried writing a small driver -which doesn't do anything interesting -with what I read so far.
Thing is:
I don't know which file I can execute cat on or echo to in order to invoke my callback functions
it looks nothing like all the other code snippets I found online
The different pieces of code:
my code (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8tVyTJTPBQ/)
$ls /sys/module/main/
oresize holders initsize initstate notes refcnt sections srcversion taint uevent
no new entry in /dev
code snippet using device_create: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cJxjdyXjhX/ source
$ ls /sys/module/main/
coresize holders initsize initstate notes refcnt sections srcversion taint uevent
$ ls -l /dev/ebbchar
crw------- 1 root root 238, 0 Mai 28 07:52 /dev/ebbchar
code using kobjects: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nt3XvZs7vF/ source
$ls -l /sys/kernel/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Dec 17 16:29 etx_sysfs
I can see that my code successfully created a bunch of files under /sys/kernel. Now what is the difference in endgoal between my code and the two other snippets? Should I use device_create/kobjects or maybe none of those? The book I am reading doesn't mention anywhere the functions used by the 2 other pieces of code. So not sure which way I am supposed to follow...
device_create() creates a device and registers it with sysfs, and create necessary kobjects.
To create necessary kobjects, kobject-related functions(kobject_init(), kobject_add(), ...) are called in device_create().
If you need to create a device, you should call one of device creation functions like device_create().
Answering your question of how to keep up with latest api- Most api if renamed or updated retain similar name and reside mostly in the same header file so a quick grep on the source or easier is http://elixir.bootlin.com/ and search the source doc for a particular function in the Linux release you are working on. if you cant find the API in that release then go through the header to find the new API as the name will almost be the same for example when you will read the Timer chapter , you will find that setup_timer() has been changed to timer_setup(). and few other changes here and there.
If you feel like you can keep up with the latest discussion by subscribing to the kernel maillist or reading the documentation.

Topic Modling: How to use the LDA in C for example data?

I want to try the LDA -c code by Blie .et.al. as it is in this link.
I have compiled the code, and when I run ./lda in my terminal, the following result is displayed.
usage : lda est [initial alpha] [k] [settings] [data] [random/seeded/manual=filename/*] [directory]
lda inf [settings] [model] [data] [name]
Which means that, it has been complied correctly.
However, in spite reading the README.txt file there, I am not being able to succesfully run the LDA code.
Either it says Segmentation fault (core dumped) or killed.
What am I missing? How to use it on the example data they have given?
I have read the stack overflow answer to the question asked here, but it was not useful as I dont know the default values.
P.S: I am a beginer.
Are you using ap.txt instead of ap.dat by any chance? lda-c doesn't take raw sentences or marked up data as input; it takes a sequence of bag of words information for each document. When ap.dat has a line like
186 0:1 6144:1 3586:2 ..., it means that the corresponding document has 186 distinct words, word 0 appears once, word 6144 appears once, word 3586 appears twice, and so on.
This command works for me (using Blei's original code):
./lda est 0.1 10 settings.txt ap.dat random modeldir
(Feel free to tweak the initial alpha (0.1) and number of topics (10) as you wish.)

Regex lines for PC Lint prints in Eclipse

What kind of regex spells I need to put to Eclipse 'Regex error parser' to get PC Lint prints to "problems" view (in Eclipse C/C++ Kepler).
Current lint format is -"format=LINT %t%(: %f:%l %) %n %m"
which prints:
LINT Info: Y:\path\to\file.c:91 732 Loss of sign (assignment) (int to unsigned long)
What I need is first identify that is it info, warning or error and then get:
1. File: 'Y:\path\to\file.c'
2: line: '91'
3: description: '732 Loss of sign ...'
I found one example which did not work for me (most likely the format is different) and I've tried to create my own regex command unsuccessfully.
It is also possible to change the PC-Lint format if it helps.
We are using the following format option:
-"format=\q%f\q,%l %t[%n]: \t%m\n"
And our Eclipse regex is:
"(.*\\.*\\.*(h|cpp))",([0-9]*).*((Note|Warning|Error|Info)\[[0-9].*\]): *(.*)
File is $1 Line is $3 and as Description we used Lint $4 $6
Which turns into something like:
Lint Warning[534] Ignoring return value of function...
In the problems overview of Eclipse.

Emacs lisp - problems with filename-string on win7

On Win7 with Emacs24 I encounter problems when Emacs programs want to open (pdf) files. The problems remain when I activate or deactivate openwith-mode. I either get a 'wrong-type-argument arrayp nil' message inside Emacs or Acrobat Reader is started but gives an error message 'can't open/find that file'.
I tried to debug it and always ended up in files.el.
It seems that the name of the pdf-file to be opened is constructed by concatenating the absolute filename and the file extension .pdf. However, the filename-string given to AcroRd32 appears to look like this:
AcroRd32 "c:\\absolute\file\name".pdf
This doesn't work on the command line either. I have to change it (manually) to
AcroRd32 "c:\\absolute\file\name.pdf"
or to
AcroRd32 c:\\absolute\file\name.pdf
to make it work.
I don't know if this is considered a bug, or if it is a problem only for me. I tried to change the elisp code to something like
(format "%s" (concat absolute-filename file-extension))
to get rid of those double-quotes, but to no avail. And anyway, I don't feel comfortable to mess around in a basic library like files.el, and its really hard to edebug that library since its invoked permanently.
Maybe somebody encountered the same problem and found a solution?
[I use GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2011-11-22 on MARVIN.]
PS 1 Test Case 1
I get the following error message when I do M-x toggle-debug-on-error and then try to open a pdf file in dired:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer test.pdf<4>> "~/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/test.pdf" nil nil "~/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/test.pdf" ((2816 7 . 27468) (16087 . 35227)))
find-file-noselect("c:/Users/tj2/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/test.pdf" nil nil nil)
call-interactively(dired-find-file nil nil)
and the following message:
Openwith mode enabled
find-file-noselect-1: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil
Does it matter that my .emacs.d is really a windows symlink (mklink) to a Dropboxfolder?
PS 2 Test Case 2
here is the message I get in the maven-compile buffer, when doing C-c C-s (LilyPond-command-view) in a ,ly buffer:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/" -*-
Compilation started at Tue Dec 20 09:16:28
AcroRd32 "c:/Users/tj2/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/2test".pdf
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Tue Dec 20 09:16:35
In the message buffer I find
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1
Error during redisplay: (invalid-regexp "Unmatched ( or \\(")
This error doesn't trigger the debugger, although I did M-x toggle-debug-on-error.
Sounds like a bug, to me. Consider reporting it: M-x report-emacs-bug.
Dunno why Michael H. sent you to a Sunrise Commander page with a tip about OpenWith. Perhaps I'm missing something in your question where you indicate that you use one of those packages?
I would suggest reporting an Emacs bug. And if you want to see more about opening Windows apps associated with file types etc. then I'd suggest consulting this page.
This seems to be a problem with openwith.el, so I don't think you'll get much help with an Emacs bug report since openwith.el is not part of Emacs.
I've found a similar error (I'm on Linux) and decided that it would be better to use a "cleaner" alternative that doesn't tweak find-file-noselect (see that page on emacs.sxe for why). The OpenWith wiki page pointed me to a less-popular little bit of glue code,
https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/run-assoc.el (code)
https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RunAssoc (docs)
By default this package's run-associated-program is not well-integrated with the usual Emacs workflow, but here is how you can integrate it with helm-find-files (also documented at the above link).
(require 'run-assoc)
(setq associated-program-alist
'(("evince" "\\.pdf$")
("play" "\\.mp3$")))
(defun helm-find-files-maybe-run-assoc (orig-fun &rest args)
(let ((sel (helm-get-selection)))
(if (string-match (mapconcat
(lambda (x) (second x))
associated-program-alist "\\|")
(run-associated-program sel)
(apply orig-fun args))))
(advice-add 'helm-execute-selection-action
:around #'helm-find-files-maybe-run-assoc)
