How to find the intersection between two MATLAB tall arrays? - arrays

In common arrays the intersection function would have worked great, but for tall arrays this function has not been implemented yet. So is there an other way to find the common elements of these two?

Use a for-loop to do the checks
n = 1e4;
m = 1e3; %Batchsize
a = tall(randi(n,n,1));
b = tall(randi(n,1,n));
idx = tall(false(n,1));
for ii = 1:n/m
idx = idx | any(a==b(1,(ii-1)*m+1:ii*m),2);
inter = a(idx);
Where m controls how much of the array you can load into the memory at the time. The more the faster, but you will need to have enough memory for it.


Matlab variable size arrays

I am very new to Matlab, and I feel completely overwhelmed by the use of arrays. What is the most efficient implementation of the following C++ code in Matlab?
A = std::vector<double>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (complicatedBoolFunction(i)) {
Edit: By efficiency I mean to use as little resources as possible to grow the array A - that is, to avoid copy-pasting it into temporary memory
You can do this 2 ways
Pre-allocating for the maximum size, and removing unused elements. This has the advantage of pre-allocating memory in case the condition is often met...
A = NaN(100,1)
for ii = 0:99
if rand > 0.5 % some condition
A(ii+1) = ii; % some value
A(isnan(A)) = []; % remove unused elements
Appending to the array. This avoids making A way too large if appending is unlikely...
A = []; % empty array
for ii = 0:99
if rand > 0.5 % some condition
A(end+1, 1) = ii; % some value. Equivalent to 'A = [A; ii];'
A better, and more Matlab-esque way of doing this would be to vectorise your conditional function. This way you avoid looping and allocation issues...
ii = 0:99;
A = ii(rand(100, 1) > 0.5);
You can use any Boolean function you like as an indexing array, as long as it returns a logical array with the same number of elements as the array you're indexing (ii here) or integer indices of the elements to choose.
The most efficient implementation of such C++ code would be
i = 0:99;
A = i(complicatedBoolFunction(i));
Anyway you can grow an array with concatenation, which is (or was) usually not recommended, like the following
A = [];
for i = 0:99
if (complicatedBoolFunction(i))
A = [A i];
or much more efficiently like this:
A = [];
for i = 0:99
if (complicatedBoolFunction(i))
A(end + 1) = i;

placing specific number randomly in array in matlab

how to do this?
i want to place a specific number, like number 2 randomly into a 3x3 of zeros array,
it did came out, but the coding still not right and somehow number 1 also appear.
rows = 3;
cols = 3;
M = zeros(rows,cols);
p = randi(2);
rV = randperm(rows);
cV = randperm(cols);
where did i do wrong? any suggestion
You could also use randi together with linear indexing
m = zeros(3);
m(randi(numel(m))) = 2;
No need - I've already solved it!

Grow 3D array in Matlab

Is there a way to grow a 3D array in the third dimension using the end index in a loop in Matlab?
In 2D it can be done like
a = [];
for x = y
a(end + 1, :) = f(x);
But in 3D the same thing will not work as a(1,1,end) will try to index a(1,1,1) the first iteration (not a(1,1,0) as one might expect). So I can't do
im = [];
for x = y
im(:, :, end + 1) = g(x);
It seems the end of a in third dimension is handled a bit differently than in the first two:
>> a = [];
>> a(end,end,end) = 1
Attempted to access a(0,0,1); index must be a positive integer or logical.
Am I missing something about how end indexing works here?
What you're asking...
If you know the size of g(x), initialize im to an empty 3d-array:
im = zeros(n, m, 0); %instead of im = [];
I think your code should work now.
A better way...
Another note, resizing arrays each iteration is expensive! This doesn't really matter if the array is small, but for huge matrices, there can be a big performance hit.
I'd initialize to:
im = zeros(n, m, length(y));
And then index appropriately. For example:
i = 1;
for x = y
im(:, :, i) = g(x);
i = i + 1;
This way you're not assigning new memory and copying over the whole matrix im each time it gets resized!

Elegant way of creating an array full of one number in MATLAB?

I know that to get 10 0's, one can do
A = zeros(10, 1);
To get 10 1's, one can do
A = ones(10, 1);
What about any arbitrary number? Say, I want 10 3's. I have come up with a way of doing it.
A = linspace(3, 3, 10);
Is this satisfactory? Is there a more elegant way of doing this?
Some alternatives:
Using repmat:
A = repmat(3, [5 7]); %// 5x7 matrix filled with the value 3
Using indexing:
A(1:m, 1:n) = x;
Following is a timing comparison between all proposed approaches. As you can see, #Dennis' solutions are the fastest (at least on my system).
function y = f1(x,m,n) %// Dennis' "ones"
y = x*ones(m,n);
function y = f2(x,m,n) %// Dennis' "zeros"
y = x+zeros(m,n);
function y = f3(x,m,n) %// Luis' "repmat"
y = repmat(x,[m n]);
function y = f4(x,m,n) %// Luis' "dirty"
y(m,n) = 0;
y(:) = x;
function y = f5(x,m,n) %// Luis' "indexing"
y(1:m,1:n) = x;
function y = f6(x,m,n) %// Divakar's "matrix porod"
y = x*ones(m,1)*ones(1,n);
Benchmarking script for square arrays:
x = 3;
sizes = round(logspace(1,3.7,10)); %// max limited by computer memory
for s = 1:numel(sizes)
n = sizes(s);
m = sizes(s);
time_f1(s) = timeit(#() f1(x,m,n));
time_f2(s) = timeit(#() f2(x,m,n));
time_f3(s) = timeit(#() f3(x,m,n));
time_f4(s) = timeit(#() f4(x,m,n));
time_f5(s) = timeit(#() f5(x,m,n));
time_f6(s) = timeit(#() f6(x,m,n));
loglog(sizes, time_f1, 'r.-');
hold on
loglog(sizes, time_f2, 'g.:');
loglog(sizes, time_f3, 'b.-');
loglog(sizes, time_f4, 'm.-');
loglog(sizes, time_f5, 'c.:');
loglog(sizes, time_f6, 'k.:');
xlabel('Array size')
legend('ones', 'zeros', 'repmat', 'dirty', 'indexing', 'matrix prod')
For column arrays: just change the following lines:
sizes = round(logspace(1,3.7,10)).^2; %// max limited by computer memory
n = 1;
m = sizes(s);
For row arrays:
sizes = round(logspace(1,3.7,10)).^2; %// max limited by computer memory
n = sizes(s);
m = 1;
Results for a dual-core CPU, 2-GB RAM, Windows Vista, Matlab R2010b:
Square arrays;
Column arrays;
Row arrays.
There are two basic ways to do this:
A = ones(10,1)*3
B = zeros(10,1)+3
The first one is most commonly used in examples, yet if I am not mistaken, the second one performs slightly better. All in all it is just a matter of taste.
Of course, if you have an existing matrix, there is another simple way:
C = zeros(10,1)
C(:) = 3;
And for completeness, the repmat solution as suggested by #Luis is also fine.
As an alternative, a matrix multiplication (which is supposed to be pretty fast on MATLAB) based method could be also be suggested for 2D or multidimensional array assignment work.
Thus, assuming m as rows, n as columns and x as the value to be assigned for all elements, the code would be -
y = x*ones(m,1)*ones(1,n);

How to do a simple random sort of values within an array

I need to sort these values randomly in an array.
int [] d = new int[26];
Assuming you are writing this in C++ you can use random_shuffle function template from the Standard library.
If you want to write your own function, simply take two random indices and swap their values. Put that in a loop and do it as many times as think necessary for the array to be well shuffled (I would say a number of times equal to two times the number of elements in the array).
In psudo-code (since you haven't indicated the language)
for(ix = 0; ix < NUMBER_OF_SHUFFLES * myArray.length; ix++)
index1 = random(myArray.length)
index2 = random(myArray.length)
temp = index1
myArray[index1] = myArray[index2]
myArray[index2] = temp
There are more sophisticated ways of doing it as well. Check out this discussion: An Efficient way of randomizing an array - Shuffle code
If it's java you may use
