Failed to instantiate module ui-mask angulajs with rquirejs - angularjs

I need to mask my input in my application. I was using ngMask in angularjs. But i found an issue in ngMask is that if we update the mid value the cursor move to end. I tried to resolve the issue but did not find anything. Even on github this issue has reported but still not resolved. Here is the link
ngMask Issue
Then i decided to use another mask library. I found ui-mask and trying to use in my application but i am getting error when i include in my project. My application is in angularjs and i am using requirejs as well to load the modules.
This is what i have done in main.js:
paths: {
"angular-ui-mask": "../../lib/ui-mask/ui-mask.min",
'angular-ui-mask': {
deps: ['angular'],
exports: 'angular-ui-mask'
in app.js i have done:
var app = angular.module("app",
"scrollable-table", //for alert triggering
"rzModule", //slider for SEMI diagram
"cgBusy", "dndLists", 'apm-kpi-widget',
This is exact i was doing for ngMask. But in this case i am getting error
at angular.js:38
at angular.js:4587
at q (angular.js:322)
at g (angular.js:4548)
at bb (angular.js:4470)
at c (angular.js:1746)
at Object.yc [as bootstrap] (angular.js:1767)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (angularAMD.js:449)
at i (jquery-1.12.3.min.js?v=1531811705531:2)
at Object.add [as done] (jquery-1.12.3.min.js?v=1531811705531:2)
What's the issue?


AngularJS component won't instantiate, "'module' is not a function"

I've been asked to do a project in Angular 1, and I've been having a nightmare of a time just trying to get the page to load the app code from bundle.js. I've currently got an error along the lines of
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module {"_invokeQueue":
[],"_configBlocks":[],"_runBlocks":[],"name":"approveComponent"} due to:
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'module' is not a function, got Object
but the only approveComponent I've got is essentially a blank placeholder -
import angular from 'angular';
const approve = angular.module('approveComponent', []);
export default approve;
What can I do to get this actually running?
I'm using Webpack 4 to bundle everything. (NO errors from webpack.)
I have seen this error earlier.You need to pass module name not module in the dependency
ngModule = angular.module('webpack', [
require('./webpack/photocrop/client')//this is a object
You can simply require the file and just inject by name Like this
var firstModule = require('./webpack/myapp/client')
ngModule = angular.module('webpack', [
'firstModule'//this is should work

Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module yeomanTestApp due to: Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: e

I'm using yeoman generator for scaffolding angular web application with requirejs. Its working fine but when I tried to concat and minifying all the js file into a single file through grunt task runner its started giving me above mentioned error. I've researched online about the issue and common solution is I may be mis-spelled any service injecting in the module or service does not exists, I've cross checked again all the spelling, quotation marks etc everything seems fine but still I'm unable to resolve this issue.
Here is my app.js file where my main module with dependencies is listed.
return angular
.module('arteciateYeomanApp', [
here is grunt task which I'm running for minifying the js files.
registering task
grunt.registerTask('dev', ['requirejs' ]);
Here is task running script
requirejs : {
compile : {
options : {
baseUrl : "<%= %>/scripts",
mainConfigFile : "<%= %>/scripts/main.js",
name : "main",
out : "requireArterciate.js"
Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong here.
If you need to minify the angularjs code, then use the following standard format syntax to define the controller and to inject the dependencies. Refer Dependency Injection
angular.module('test').controller('testController', testController);
testController.$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope'];
function testController($scope, $rootScope) {};

Angular using ui.router injection issue

I have built a simple angular and am trying to implement ui-router and specifically, $UrlRouteProvier.otherwise to redirect to a certain url if something nonexistent is entered. I am getting the following exception when trying to load my page now and can't seem to find the error. All help is appreciated. Code and error below.
Angular app:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router','ngAnimate', 'ui.bootstrap']);
app.config(['$urlRouterProvider', '$stateProvider', function($urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider){
Failed to instantiate module myApp due to:
Error: [$injector:nomod]$injector/nomod?p0=gcIm...
at Error (native)
at a (
at r (
at g (
at Lb (
at d (
note: everything works fine if I remove ui.router from the list of dependencies
It looks like you don't have ui-router code loaded. Try to include:
<script src=""></script>
Try writing your config line like this:
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

facebookConnectPlugin is not defined (ngCordova, Ionic app)

I'm trying to add native fb connect to my ionic app.
I'm using:
- Ionic
- ngCordova
This is my code:
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['ngCordova'])
.config(function($cordovaFacebookProvider) {
var appID = 123456789;
var version = "v2.0"; // or leave blank and default is v2.0
$cordovaFacebookProvider.browserInit(appID, version);
Which leads to this error >
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module starter due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module starter.controllers due to:
ReferenceError: facebookConnectPlugin is not defined
at browserInit (http://localhost:8100/lib/ngCordova/dist/ng-cordova.js:1576:7)
at http://localhost:8100/js/controllers.js:6:30
at Object.invoke (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11994:17)
at runInvokeQueue (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11900:35)
at http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11909:11
at forEach (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:8147:20)
at loadModules (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11890:5)
at http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11907:40
at forEach (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:8147:20)
at loadModules (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11890:5)
Tried a couple of things but without any positive result:
- When I build it and run it on my device the app displays a blank screen
Tried the normal cordova js code:
Changed $cordovaFacebookProvider to $cordovaFacebook (based on this thread:
And this is a another related thread, but doesn't help me thought..
I already have a prototype working with the fb auth in the in-app-browser. But I really want to have a native fb connect functionality.
i found a way to resolve this issue.
Thanks to this thread :
and this tutorial :
1st step : Don't forget the <div id="fb-root"></div> after ur body.
2nd step : I added facebookConnectPlugin to my bower dependencies
See my bower.json :
"dependencies": {
"angular-google-maps": "~2.0.13",
"google-map": "~0.4.1",
"facebook-connect-plugin": ""
See my app.config + code to init:
app.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ionicConfigProvider, $animateProvider, $httpProvider, $cordovaFacebookProvider) {
var appID = 597135743751760;
var version = "v2.0"; // or leave blank and default is v2.0
$cordovaFacebookProvider.browserInit(appID, version);
$cordovaFacebookProvider call facebookConnectPlugin()
3th step : After changing this dependencies, don't forget to call bower update from ur CLI.
4th step : Include the new facebookblablabla.js in your index.html.
it can be
<script src='bower_components/facebook-connect-plugin/index.js'></script>
for me it was
<script src='lib/facebook-connect-plugin/index.js'></script>
5th step : add in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field at your Facebook App :
Hope it works for you :) !
My answer is not providing a solution for your issue but an advice.
Why using facebook Cordova when you can use HelloJS?
faceBook Cordova is platform dependant, much slower as it runs cordova true node.js and not evolutive.
HelloJS permits to integer various Oauth2 authentication very easily including, facebook / google / twitter / instagram ...
Without to tell that the compilation for facebook cordova is very tricky with the facebook key app. On HelloJS, this is only a parameter that you can easily change.
I don't know if someone still stuck with this thing then please follow the method mentioned my #Alexy and then edit the 'lib/facebook-connect-plugin/index.js' file line from :
if(cordova.platformId === 'browser')
if(!window.cordova || (window.cordova && window.cordova.platformId === 'browser'))
Hope this Helps :)

Cordova/phonegap application with yeoman/backbone/handlebars/require

I've tried to follow this tutorials:
to develop my test cordova application with yeoman and backbone...I've followed all steps but when I've tried to insert my first view the console gives me error about template...I'm novice in this and I don't understand where I wrong.
If I execute the code in my app source the console error is:
**GET http://localhost:8888/LABS_and_TRAINING/TEST/pgyo-test03/PgYoTest/src/app/scripts/templates.js 404 (Not Found) require.js:1880
Uncaught Error: Script error for: templates require.js:163**
If I execute the code in the dist, the error is:
**Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'template' of undefined**
Here you can download the src(without the node modules)
I was only receiving the "Cannot call method 'template' of undefined" error when viewing dist build. I came across the solution, but am not sure why it works.
Your RequireJS Shim for Handlebars should look like this
shim: {
handlebars: {
exports: 'Handlebars',
init: function() {
this.Handlebars = Handlebars;
return this.Handlebars;
This solution is still being discussed, but it works for now.
The problem is the define block in your AppView-view, where you try to load a file called templates.
'templates',// there is no file called templates
], function ($, _, Backbone, JST) {
'use strict';
This file isn't present so you get the 404. I assume you want to load handlebars instead, that you define in your requirejs.config block.
