'Failed to minify the code from this file' appearing in create-react-app when trying to build production - reactjs

I have created a react project using Create-React-App and now would like generate the production build. When I use npm run build I am getting the error:
Failed to minify the code from this file:
Create-React-App suggests the following corses of action:
To resolve this:
Open an issue on the dependency's issue tracker and ask that the package be published pre-compiled.
Fork the package and publish a corrected version yourself.
If the dependency is small enough, copy it to your src/ folder and treat it as application code.
will take to long and seems to already be a issue (#50) raised for pify.
I am not sure how I would approach but I think it may be the best option
is not going to work because it is a dependency of a different package.
What I am looking for is come guidance on how to solve this solution before I use option 2 and rewrite a whole package.
I belive the solution would involve ejecting from create-react-app and messing with the webpack config file.


Typescript Deployment issues (no issues local deployment)

I am working on a typescript website that is hosted on AWS amplify through a Github repo and I have been having intermittent issues deploying the site. Normally, the site builds properly and without major issues/impediments, but occasionally, the site will fail on the frontend portion of the build.
The primary error that it gives is:
2021-09-24T02:11:16.620Z [WARNING]: There might be a problem with the project dependency tree.
It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally.
The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:
"babel-loader": "8.1.0"
Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it automatically.
However, a different version of babel-loader was detected higher up in the tree:
/codebuild/output/--/--/--/node_modules/babel-loader (version: 8.2.2)
Manually installing incompatible versions is known to cause hard-to-debug issues.
It goes on to detail some steps to take in order to remedy the issue, which I have tried unsuccessfully a number of times (delete locks, node module folder, remove babel-loader from package.json) I also tried adding SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to a .env file. Doing this resolved that error, but brought up another error as detailed here:
2021-09-24T02:07:11.394Z [INFO]: ./node_modules/#usedapp/core/node_modules/ethers/lib.esm/utils.js 30:0-32:73
Attempted import error: 'TransactionTypes' is not exported from '#ethersproject/transactions'.
Again, the compilation works on my personal machine, and only presents (intermittent) issues upon attempting to build the same Github repo on Amazon Amplify
Please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions!
Looks like the lib you are using didn't export something you need, if you control the lib you should export it.
Make sure you set "isolatedModules": true in your tsconfig.json

React app is failing to compile, it appears typescript not being transpiled to JS?

I am working on a react app with a couple of colleagues, and after the latest pull I am no longer able to compile the app, but my colleagues are not having any issues.
On my end the app fails to compile because some #material-ui components are displayed as missing in the node_modules/#material-ui directory. However, when I search the folder, I see the files there, they are just shown in typescript format instead of js. However, when comparing my working directory with a colleague's it appears there are also files completely missing on my end that exists on theirs.
For example, when the app fails to compile I see this:
Failed to Compile
Module not found: Can't resolve '../FilledInput' in
When I search this folder, the file is there but labelled 'FilledInput.d.ts'.
Has anyone encountered something like this? I have recompiled the app, and deleted the branch and recloned from remote but the issue remains.
Have you tried removing node_modules and installing dependencies again?
Does npm install give any peer dependency warnings? Does this help?
npm i #material-ui/core --save

How to edit config files in react-create-app?

I want to use some third-party packages upon react, which are:
https://ant.design/ - a design system
https://github.com/vazco/uniforms - for generating and validating forms.
I am using create-react-app for as a boilerplate
After installing all packages (with yarn) and running yart start I am getting this error:
How can I add #babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties without running yarn eject to modify .babelrc file?
Or is there any other solution for this problem?
It looks like the only way is to eject. CRA has purposely avoided too much customization. See https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/167

Installing npm package from fork with yarn + webpack - Can't resolve './dist/

I want to contribute to an open source React Component and I'd like to use a fork of the project in my webpack bundle.
I am using yarn and I tried to install my fork using
yarn add github:Startouf/react-coverflow
However, when webpack tries to compile my bundle, it raises weird errors
ERROR in ./~/react-coverflow/main.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './dist/react-coverflow' in '/Users/Cyril/dev/MyApp/client/node_modules/react-coverflow'
Did I miss something ?
EDIT : when I use the released package from npm, the node module folder contains
LICENSE README.md dist main.js package.json
When I use my fork, it seems like the project isn't compiled and contains
LICENSE README.md package.json src webpack.config.js
Makefile main.js site test
Seems like I'm missing a step... I though doing yarn add with a github fork would automatically make a release but seems like I'm wrong ?
Unfortunately, using a repository directly as source can result in execution error. This is because it's not bundled at all, while the package expects an prebuilt version existing in dist. The bundling scripts are often executed before publishing releases to npm.
Some workarounds are:
execute the prepublish step in the target directory (this depends on
what the project uses)
of course, using the published version is the best. create your own package on npm and upload it.
References: npm issue
The package should be updated to include a prepare step.
A prepare step does exactly what you want in all cases.
You can add the prepare script in package.json#scripts yourself that runs the build. Npm and Yarn will then automatically run the prepare script on install directly from GitHub. You can then treat it like any other package and it will always just work™.
Don't forget the package.json#files section. See the linked answer for more details.

Trying to NPM publish and install a custom angular2 component with Angular-CLI; only compiles the first time

I'm having a most unusual and frustrating problem.
I have an Ng2 component called via-date-picker that I am trying to NPM publish so that it can be easily used in other projects. In order to do so, I have made it into an Angular2 component library. The via-date-picker exports a module called ViaDatePickerModule, which I want to import elsewhere.
In order to test and make sure that it is being published correctly, I am NPM-installing and importing it into an otherwise empty Angular-CLI project that I am calling npm-test.
So I run my npm-test application using "ng serve", and I get this error:
ERROR in ViaDatePickerModule is not an NgModule
webpack: Failed to compile
Yet despite that error, the project compiles anyway:
And when I open up my project, lo and behold, everything works!!
But this only happens the first time that I run the project. On successive attempts to run the project via "ng serve", I get the same compilation error, but this time the project just flat-out refuses to complete it's compilation:
I have no idea why I'm getting this error, and why Angular-CLI will run my project sometimes but not others.
I've scoured the web for answers and tried every solution I can find for this error, as well as every other thing I can think of:
I've tried adjusting the tsConfig settings in my component library
I've tried using rollup.js instead of gulp.js to build my component library
I've tried copying existing, working component libraries, then carefully swapping out the existing code for my own
I've downgraded Angular CLI
I've upgraded Angular CLI
I've downgrade Typescript
I've upgraded Typescript
I've deleted and re-installed node_modules several times
I've deleted and re-started my whole project twice
No matter what I do, I keep coming to the same webpack error that I posted above; that ViaDatePickerModule is not an NgModule. I'm completely out of ideas. Any help that anyone could provide would be crazy helpful.
For the sake of complete thoroughness, I've created a public repo on github here containing all the files involves, divided into two main directories:
COMPONENT_BEFORE_PUBLISHING: contains the component library from which I am running "npm publish"
WHAT_IS_IMPORTED_INTO_NODE_MODULES: contains the resulting directory that is being imported into the node_modules directory of my npm-test project
Again, any help that anyone could provide would be extremely, extremely appreciated! Really, I would be eternally grateful.
If you are %100 sure that ALL of your consumers will import your components, modules ...etc from a TS project such as angular-cli. You can publish your TS source directly without transpiling. Ie. you'll be publishing static .ts files that can be imported in any project that will do the transpiling for you.
However, if your want your library to also be consumed as a JS es5 or es6 module, then you should transpile.
Also, you can try the angular compiler ngc instead of the typescript compiler tsc? ngc is a wrapper around tsc. You could start there, There are many library starters put there that can help you start an angular library and get it optimized for AOT compilation.
