Drupal 7 - Organic groups - departamental views - drupal-7

I need this functionality:
1 different departments on a node (content type)
2 the content created by a deparment can only be seen-edit-created by a user in the department
3 I need some users that will be on different departments so they can see-edit content on different departments
4 I need a place where all this nodes can be seen (every user will see only the one from their deparments.
5 I need to map on a leaflet map the nodes but a user only will see in the map their deparmentĀ“s nodes.
can you help me?


In MongoDB/React what is the best practice for filtering data?

I came here today with a theoretical question. (hint: it will be long and tough, but to fully understand the problem I think I have to write every important detail. If you read it to the end huge thanks for you, you're not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed)
Story time: I'm currently building an online shop from 0. It has the same principles as an ebay: users can create advertisment for their used products. The problem is that I want to create a filtering feautre.
What is my MongoDB data structure?
My page has products with different attributes, by this I mean that the products have varying categories and values. To imagine here is an example
Product A:
Product B:
To be more complex each user can define maximum 3 more extra category and value for each product. So for example User1 adds 2 new category and the final product will be:
Product A:
Number of seats:4
Fuel type: Gasoline
Because of the above mentioned when a user adds a new product there will be two type of categories: the static ones which are predefined by me(Category,Type,Color -> in car's case) and the dynamic ones which the user adds (Number of seats, Fuel Type or anything else).
Overall: My final data structure in mongoDB is not static, since there are some added categories. Because of this I have a Product collection and each document looks like the above mentioned example
How are the items shown?
I have a main page. When I populate it I make a call with $skip and a $limit attribute set to 8, so for the first time I only query 8 products. If a user clicks on a Load More button it will load another 8 product and so on.
FINALLY: My actual question ...
So at this point I guess you understand everything related to the business logic so it's time for my question: if I want to filter these dynamic products, but i don't know what is the best practice for it?
My idea:
First create a mongoDB collection named Categories. Each main category will be a document in it and we will store static and dynamic categories and values
userdefiend:[{number of seats:[2,4,5,6]},{fuel type:[Gasoline,Air,Diesel]}]
We load the the values in the main page if a user clicks a specific value ex:BMW we set a limit to 8 and go through on our Product collection and get the 8 items which has a Type:BMW. If he selects another option ex: color:Red we loop again through the collection but now with two criteria: Type:BMW and color:Red.
Idea2: Create a Category collection again with this structure
BMW:[prodA, prodC,prodD]
...values:products which contains
categoryName:Number of seats
4:[prodA, prodD],
If a user selects from Type category the BMW we load the products from the BMW fields [prodA,prodC,prodD]. If the user selects Number of seat category with a value 4 we load the [prodA, prodD] and on the webpage we use a filter with our actual products so it remains only [prodA,prodD]. And from our actual list we use findById for the specific products.
I think that these are not the best options from any perspective, but I am really confused.
What do you guys think how should I structure my categories/products to have an efficent read/write/update complexity?
Anyways thank you for reading this and if you made it until here I'm curious about your idea. Have a nice day
The filtering functionality
To don't have any confusion this is my filtering idea: When a user selects a main category for example Car or Electronics I want to show only the relevant filtering categories and options. Filtering categories in Car's case are Type and Color.
I want these filtering options to have pre-poupulated options. By this I mean, that if a filtering category is Type, and there are 2 Products which has Type:BMW and Type:Ferrari I want to show these values as options for filtering. And I don't want to hardcode these options, for example I hardcoded Type:Laborghini and I have no products with type Laborghini.
By the end if a user clicks to a Type:BMW I will filter all of my products based on that criteria.
My filtering side menu will look like this:
Type: BMW,Ferrari (these values exists in my database)
And for user-added categories I will build a searchbar, if a user selects a userdefiened category I want to add to the filtering categories so the overall look would look like this:
Type: BMW,Ferrari (these values exists in my database)
Number of seats:4,6,7 (number of seats category is added by user, 4,6,7 are the existing values to this category)
You could structure Your data like having a generic Products collection. Having both
Product A:
Product B:
rows. Whenever you show the filter component, you can select the available categories by using an Aggregate (https://stackoverflow.com/a/43570730/1859959)
This would generate search boxes like "Creator", "Category", "Type", "Color", "Producer".
The data itself would be as generic as possible.
When the user wants to add a new product, it starts out from a template, like "Car" or "Electronics". The Templates collection gives him the initial values, which should be included. So it would be like:
{Car: [{type:[BMW,Mustang,Ferrari]},{color:[red,green,blue]}],
Electronics: ... }
Selecting a Car would generate the "type" and "color" input boxes. Saving the form would insert the new row into Products.

Populate dependent combox with Unique values VBA excel

I have created a user form for adding inventory.
I have 2 combobox in the form
Category = combobox1 (housekeeping, Electricals, Cafetria etc) for these categories I am populating combox1 with rowsource property
Itemsname - combobox2 - I want to populate this combobox based on the category selected in combobox 1
The problem I am facing is the items name repeat if there are more than 1 itemsname then all items name show up in the combobox2 which i dont want. I want to see unique values. I will give you example of entries
ColumnA(Category) ColumnB(itemsname) ColumnC (Vendorname)
Cafeteria Beans Cafe Coffee Day
Housekeeping liquid soap Sevak Industries
IT Monitors Infotech solutions
IT Keyboard Infotech solutions
IT Monitors Raj computers
see screenshot the above columns gets messed up : https://prnt.sc/10cbh30
Now in the above example I populate categories combobox 1 with unique values because number of categories are fixed so I have saved them separately and I pick them with rowsource
The main problem arises when I populate combobox 2 with items name. Same Item can be bought from different vendors so Monitors we are buying from different vendors so there are two entries. In combox 2 I see 2 entries of monitors but I want to see only one since the name is same.
Note I am using for loop and adding items in the loop in combobox 2 so it scans each entries of monitor twice so it adds up monitor twice
Can anyone help on this I am frustrated I cant figure out how to get unique values

Find and combine results from two columns based on same search criteria

I am setting up a staff database and some of the staff have split roles across two teams in the same department. I am using the QUERY function on the Dashboard tab to bring up details for various teams, searching via manager or team. The problem I have is when trying to factor in the split roles into the searches.
For example, an employee who works part-time in one team and part-time in another will be listed under two managers and two teams in the main database. See image below:
What I want it to come up with is as follows when you search for either Manager or Team:
Staff Member - Hours - Role
Person 1 - - - - 37 - - A
Person 2 - - - - 37 - - A
Person 4 - - - - 10 - - B
So all the people who work for a certain manager, whether the role is 1 or role 2 would be shown.
I have tried the following to combine the two column results:
={query(StaffData2,"select B,AT where K = '"&Dashboard!O8 &"' and AT is not null",1);query(StaffData2,"select B,AU where AO = '"&Dashboard!O8&"' and AU is not null",0)}
It seems to half work when the employee in a team does have a split role but it adds them as another entry on to the bottom of the results eg:
Person 1
Person 2
Person 1
Alternatively, if there are no split roles then the result comes back with an ARRAY LATERAL error.
Any help would be great.
the proper way would be:
=QUERY({B3:E13; B3:B13, F3:H13},
"select Col1,Col2,Col4 where Col3 = '"&C16&"'", 1)

Creating a one-to-many relationship in Drupal 7

I have a content-type Team Members. Each Team Member has a Position. Each Position has a Category.
Category 1
Position 1
Position 2
Category 2
Position 3
Position 4
If you create a new peace of content using the content-type Team Member you should be able to choose one and only one Position.
I then want to render all the Team Members in the order of the above example. So First you'll see the title of the first Category, then the title of the fist Position, then all team members with that position etc.
Can anyone tell me what's the best solution for this?
It sounds like you need to:
create a multilevel taxonomy
add a term reference field to your Team Members content type (you can try
Simple Hierarchical Select module if you have long/complex hierarchy)
use views ( possibly a combination of Views Tree and Views Field View ) to display it the way you want

Database design for voting

I am implementing a voting feature to allow users to vote for their favourite images. They are able to vote for only 3 images. Nothing more or less. Therefore, I am using checkboxes to do validation for it. I need to store these votes in my database.
Here is what i have so far :
|voteID | name| emailAddress| ICNo |imageID
(where imageID is a foreign key to the Images table)
I'm still learning about database systems and I feel like this isn't a good database design considering some of the fields like email address and IC Number have to be repeated.
For example,
|voteID | name| emailAddress | ICNo | imageID
1 BG email#example.com G822A28A 10
2 BG email#example.com G822A28A 11
3 BG email#example.com G822A28A 12
4 MO email2#example.com G111283Z 10
You have three "things" in your system - images, people, and votes.
An image can have multiple votes (from different people), and a person can have multiple votes (for different images).
One way to represent this in a diagram is as follows:
So you store information about a person in one place (the Person table), about Images in one place (the Images table), and Votes in one place. The "chicken feet" relationships between them show that one person can have many votes, and one image can have many votes. ("Many" meaning "more than one").
