I downloaded a project by a book writer from internet. If I copied the resource code into my project created by default redux framework “create-react-app”, it works.
But when I changed the default directory of node.js to the demo directory , it threw an error as ”Cannot find module ‘we pack ’”, no matter I installed webpack using “npm install —global webpack” or “npm install webpack”, it still threw the same error when I start the demo.
What’s wrong with my development environment, Please tell me what happened?
Facing issue " Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment " in react native
I have facing an android development error who should I resolve it . I used npx react-native init project name and then I ran react-native run-android I have always seen an error of android development server
It's a common pitfall for beginner. The error
Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment ...
is misleading.
The real error is in the line
What went wrong: The suppplied javaHome seems to be invalid
which suggest that you should check the value of your env variable JAVA_HOME and make sure it points to a valid Java installation directory.
And if you have checked it and cannot figure out the problem, you may find it useful to check this question (IntelliJ Gradle Plugin: The supplied javaHome seems to be invalid) out. For example, someone suggest that its possible root cause is the incompatible version (32/64 bit) of your JDK.
I made a new project in asp.netcore version 3.1 and react in visual studio. I get the following when I run the project:
I tried to delete node_modules and ran npm install, but it did not work. I have also tried to clone my friends github repo (which works on his computer) to mine computer to check if it is possible to run, but it does not work. Hoping for an answer as soon as possible.
I have done several projects in aspnet core and jquery. But it does not work to run a project in react, why do I get this error?
We have recently started to build our project on top of Abp.io. We follwed the instructions to create a new Blazor project like described in the guide https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Getting-Started-Create-Solution?UI=Blazor&DB=EF&Tiered=No and then tried to add the Docs Module to the project, https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Modules/Docs.
The problem is that during the installation of the module, using the CLI command abp add-module Volo.Docs something goes wrong and the module is not fully installed in the Blazor project. Below there is the screenshot of the error.
CMD Error image
And after 5 minutes the proccess continues and it finishes the install.
Is there a solution for the problem?
I've created a simple react app using create-react-kotlin-app. After successful npm start, I tried to get a build of the project using IntelliJ IDEA's Build -> Build Project, but it fails stating
Error:(16, 44) Kotlin: Can't access property 'reactLogo' marked with #JsModule annotation from non-modular project
What am I missing here ?
NOTE: I haven't done any modification in the template comes with create-react-kotlin-app. The project runs successfully, problem only exist when I try to get a build.
I got managed to fix this issue via terminal.
From the project root, run
react-scripts-kotlin build
This will automatically creates a build folder with production ready files.
I'm trying out the much hyped React-Native as an alternative to native development. I have installed nvm, react, react-native, and the cli by following this guide.
I have tried downloading and running several projects from github but no project has ever run (navigate to project directory, npm install then react-native run-ios) successfully. I usually get this error: 'Unable to resolve module'.
The error mentions it may be related to https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/4968. It also provides some solutions, non of which have ever worked. Reinstalling the node modules never works, neither does resetting the cache. I have also tried reinstalling react, rn, and the cli. The last 'solution' is to recreate the project from scratch, which I haven't tried thus far.
The emperor has no clothes.
P.S Even the example iOS project in the react-native github repo throws errors (albeit different ones: No script URL provided.)