I want to edit a specific lines (multiple) with sed command - file

I have a test file having around 20K lines in that file I want to change some specific string in specific lines I am getting the line number and strings to change.here I have a scenario where I want to change the one string to another in multiple lines. I used earlier like
sed -i '12s/stringone/stringtwo/g' filename
but in this case I have to run the multiple commands for same test like
sed -i '15s/stringone/stringtwo/g' filename
sed -i '102s/stringone/stringtwo/g' filename
sed -i '11232s/stringone/stringtwo/g' filename
Than I tried below
sed -i '12,15,102,11232/stringone/stringtwo/g' filename
but I am getting the error
sed: -e expression #1, char 5: unknown command: `,'
Please some one help me to achieve this.

To get the functionality you're trying to get with GNU sed would be this in GNU awk:
awk -i inplace '
split("12 15 102 11232",tmp)
for (i in tmp) lines[tmp[i]]
NR in lines { gsub(/stringone/,"stringtwo") }
' filename
Just like with a sed script, the above will fail when the strings contain regexp or backreference metacharacters. If that's an issue then with awk you can replace gsub() with index() and substr() for string literal operations (which are not supported by sed).

You get the error because the N,M in sed is a range (from N to M) and doesn't apply to a list of single line number.
An alternative is to use printf and sed:
sed -i "$(printf '%ds/stringone/stringtwo/g;' 12 15 102 11232)" filename
The printf statement is repeating the pattern Ns/stringone/stringtwo/g; for all numbers N in argument.

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '12ba;15ba;102ba;11232ba;b;:a;s/pattern/replacement/' file
For each address, branch to a common place holder (in this case :a) and do a substitution, otherwise break out of the sed cycle.
If the addresses were in a file:
sed 's/.*/&ba/' fileOfAddresses | sed -f - -e 'b;:a;s/pattern/replacement/' file


Sed - Invalid preceding regular expression

I have a problem with sed code.
I wan't to do here:
I'm use this code because I view the error with sed.
sed -r 's/(.+\/).+?(?=\.)(.+)/\\1*\\2/g' uri.csv
sed: -e expression #1, char 31: Invalid preceding regular expression
Can you help me?
Lookarounds are not supported by POSIX ERE that you are using (enabled with -r option).
Your regex matches one or more chars, as many as possible, up to / (with (.+\/)), then 1+ chars as few as possible are matched with .+?, then (?=\.) just requires a . to appear immediately on the right, and (.+) captures into Group 2 any 1+ chars as many as possible.
You may use
sed -r 's,(.*/)?.*\.,\1*.,' uri.csv
Or, with -E option:
sed -E 's,(.*/)?.*\.,\1*.,' uri.csv
Or using POSIX BRE:
sed 's#\(.*/\)\{0,1\}.*\.#\1*.#' uri.csv
See the online sed demo.
NOTE: When using , as delimiters, there is no need to escape / chars.
You can't use Look Around with sed. Better use a perl one-liner :
$ perl -pe 's/(.+\/).+?(?=\.)(.+)/$1*$2/g' file

Shell Script regex matches to array and process each array element

While I've handled this task in other languages easily, I'm at a loss for which commands to use when Shell Scripting (CentOS/BASH)
I have some regex that provides many matches in a file I've read to a variable, and would like to take the regex matches to an array to loop over and process each entry.
Regex I typically use https://regexr.com/ to form my capture groups, and throw that to JS/Python/Go to get an array and loop - but in Shell Scripting, not sure what I can use.
So far I've played with "sed" to find all matches and replace, but don't know if it's capable of returning an array to loop from matches.
Take regex, run on file, get array back. I would love some help with Shell Scripting for this task.
Based on comments, put this together (not working via shellcheck.net):
examplearr=($(sed 'asset\((.*)\)' $examplefile))
for el in ${!examplearr[*]}
echo "${examplearr[$el]}"
This works in bash on a mac:
examplearr=(`echo "$examplefile" | sed -e '/.*/s/asset(\(.*\))/\1/'`)
for el in ${examplearr[*]}; do
echo "$el"
Note the wrapping of $examplefile in quotes, and the use of sed to replace the entire line with the match. If there will be other content in the file, either on the same lines as the "asset" string or in other lines with no assets at all you can refine it like this:
examplearr=(`echo "$examplefile" | grep asset | sed -e '/.*/s/^.*asset(\(.*\)).*$/\1/'`)
for el in ${examplearr[*]}; do
echo "$el"
and achieve the same result.
There are several ways to do this. I'd do with GNU grep with perl-compatible regex (ah, delightful line noise):
mapfile -t examplearr < <(grep -oP '(?<=[(]).*?(?=[)])' <<<"$examplefile")
for i in "${!examplearr[#]}"; do printf "%d\t%s\n" $i "${examplearr[i]}"; done
0 '1a/1b/1c.ext'
1 '2a/2b/2c.ext'
2 '3a/3b/3c.ext'
This uses the bash mapfile command to read lines from stdin and assign them to an array.
The bits you're missing from the sed command:
$examplefile is text, not a filename, so you have to send to to sed's stdin
sed's a funny little language with 1-character commands: you've given it the "a" command, which is inappropriate in this case.
you only want to output the captured parts of the matches, not every line, so you need the -n option, and you need to print somewhere: the p flag in s///p means "print the [line] if a substitution was made".
sed -n 's/asset\(([^)]*)\)/\1/p' <<<"$examplefile"
# or
echo "$examplefile" | sed -n 's/asset\(([^)]*)\)/\1/p'
Note that this returns values like ('1a/1b/1c.ext') -- with the parentheses. If you don't want them, add the -r or -E option to sed: among other things, that flips the meaning of ( and \(

Bash edit last character in file at specified line

I use a .txt filet as database like this:
is-program-installed= 0
is-program2-installed= 1
is-script3-runnig= 0
is-var5-declared= 1
But what if i uninstall program 2 and i want to set its database value to "0"?
One way to do using sed:
sed -e '/is-program2-/ s/.$/0/' -i file.txt
It works like this:
The s/.$/0/ replaces the last character with 0: the dot matches any character, and the $ matches the end of the line--hence .$ is the last character on the line.
The /is-program2-/ is a filter, so that the replacement is only executed for matching lines.
The filter pattern I used is a bit lazy: it's short but inaccurate. A longer, more strict solution would be:
sed -e '/^is-program2-installed= / s/.$/0/' -i file.txt
You can wrap a sed command (see #janos' answer) in a function for ease of use:
function markuninstalled () {
PROGRAM=${1?Usage: markuninstalled PROGRAM [FILE]}
sed -e "/^is-$PROGRAM-/ s/.$/0/" -i.bak $FILE
and then, use it like this:
markuninstalled program2
and it will modify the default file file.txt and create a copy.

sed counting lines incorrect

Running sed for counting lines in my file returns 1, but Sublime and Textedit count more than 88000 lines. Why does sed do that? How can I fix it?
$sed -n '$=' out_data1.txt
I use sed to count lines of a very large file ~10GB of mongodb query result to split it later for multithread.
You command should work, but try:
wc -l out_data1.txt
or just for test
awk 'END {print NR}' data1.txt
sed have some buffer limit but try (i don't recommand sed on huge file especially just for counting lines)
sed -u -n "$="
maybe a "s/.*//;$=" if there is also a buffer problem on line size itself

How to find and remove line from file in Unix?

I have one file (for example: test.txt), this file contains some lines and for example one line is: abcd=11
But it can be for example: abcd=12
Number is different but abcd= is the same in all case, so could anybody give me command for finding this line and remove it?
I have tried: sed -e \"/$abcd=/d\" /test.txt >/test.txt but it removes all lines from my file and I also have tried: sed -e \"/$abcd=/d\" /test.txt >/testNew.txt but it doesn't delete line from test.txt, it only creates new file (testNew.txt) and in this file it removes my line. But it is not what I want.
Based on your description in your text, here is a cleaned-up version of your sed script that should work.
Assuming a linux GNU sed
sed -i '/abcd=/d' /test.txt
If you're using OS-X, then you need
sed -i "" '/abcd=/d' /test.txt
If these don't work, then use old-school sed with a conditional mv to manage your tmpfiles.
sed '/abcd=/d' /test.txt > test.txt.$$ && /bin/mv test.txt.$$ test.txt
Not sure why you're doing \"/$abcd=/d\", you don't need to escape " chars unless you're doing more with this code than you indicate (like using eval). Just write it as "/$abcd=/d".
Normally you don't need '-e'
If you really want to use '$abcd, then you need to give it a value AND as you're matching the string 'abcd=', then you can do
sed -i "/${abcd}/d" /test.txt
I hope this helps.
Here's a solution using grep:
$ grep -v '^\$abcd=' test.txt
Proof of concept:
$ cat test.txt
$ grep -v '^\$abcd=' test.txt
As far as I know, this command can be used to create some other file with the deleted lines. Now that we have another file we can rename that file and delete the original file if we want.
You will just have to do this
grep -v '^\$abcd=' test.txt > tmp.txt
now tmp.txt will have contents
If you want you may rename this to test.txt after deleting test.txt
