How to preserve initial state in React Component? - reactjs

I ran into a use case where I have to reset the current state to initial state. I tried preserving in an instance variable but forgot that it works through reference and when the state updates the instance variable will also update. When the user hits reset button the state should refer to initial state which is stored in this.reset. But I couldn't find a workaround.
class MyApp extends {Component} {
this.state = {
data: null
this.reset = null;
this.resetData = this.resetData.bind(this);
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const {data} = nextProps;
this.reset = data;
data: this.reset
render() {
<button onClick={this.resetData}> {}</button>

Are you able to use a third party library?
Lodash provides the deepClone() method that would be useful to you for this, and would allow you to reset your component's state, regardless of the shape of data that is passed in.
You'll also want to make sure you use deepClone() each time you invoke resetData() to ensure that the data reference passed to .setState() is to a copy (clone) of your this.reset data, rather than a direct reference to the this.reset data:
import _ from 'loadash'
class MyApp extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const {data} = nextProps;
// Invoke cloneDeep to get a clone of data that is also a unique
// reference
this.reset = _.cloneDeep(data);
// Remember to clone reset data each time you reset data, so that
// data is a reference to a new copy of this.reset, rather than
// the reset data you stored when componentWillReceiveProps was
// called
data: _.cloneDeep(this.reset)


Setting the state in a component from localStorage

I'm building a multi-step form in React and one of my objectives is to save the user's input if they haven't finished filling in the form. I have saved the user's input in the browser's localStorage by using setItem().
The input fields set the local state which in turn get saved to the localStorage.
However, when the page is refreshed, I want to retrieve the data from localStorage and set the state variables from there so that it pre-fills the input fields with the saved data (if that makes sense)
I'm using setState() in componentDidMount() to do this, although I think that's creating an anti-pattern and I'm not entirely sure what that is. It works fine when I use UNSAFE_componentWillMount but I don't want to use a deprecated lifecycle method.
This is my code :
componentDidMount() {
this.formData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('form'));
type: this.formData.type,
subtype: this.formData.subtype,
brand: this.formData.brand
the idea to use componentDidMount is correct. There is another anti-pattern.
Don't use this.formData = ... outside of component's constructor -
Whole working example would look like this. I added callback after setState to show that loading & saving to localStorage actually works.
export default class Hello extends React.Component {
state = {
type: undefined,
subtype: undefined,
brand: 0,
componentDidMount() {
const formData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('form')) ?? {};
if (formData) {
formData.brand += 5
type: formData.type,
subtype: formData.subtype,
brand: formData.brand,
}, () => {
console.log('newState', this.state)
localStorage.setItem('form', JSON.stringify(this.state))
render() {
return <h1>Hello {this.state.brand} </h1>
you can use constructor function if you do not want to retrieve local storage data in componentDidMount()
const formData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('form'));
const { type, subtype, brand } = formdata;
this.setState({ type, subtype, brand });
Though I'd suggest to go with didMount.
componentDidMount() {
const formData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('form'));
const { type, subtype, brand } = formdata;
this.setState({ type, subtype, brand });

Accessing JSON Array Data in React.js/Next.js Combo

Given an API which returns JSON data like:
The length of the array is unknown.
I am fetching data via isomorphic-fetch like this:
displayPosts.getInitialProps = async function() {
const res = await fetch('.../post');
const data = await res.json();
posts: data.posts
which is working (console.log.stringify(data)).
Now i want to display such posts on my displayPosts page.
Therefore i am using the following React Component.
class Posts extends React.Component {
stat = {
// here i don't know how to set the state
render() {
return (
// i want to render the data here
export default Posts;
Question: How do i set a state, so that i can neatly display every post in my displayPosts.js page with
<Posts posts={props.Posts}/>
class Posts extends React.Component {
state = {
posts: []
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
savePosts = () => {
//do any other processing here first if you like
posts: this.props.posts
You probably don't need to save the posts in state, since you could just pull them from props directly. But if you need to process or transform them somehow, it might make sense.
In either case, you just hook into the lifecycle methods to do this.
Note: This will set the state every time the component updates. Often you only want to update the state when that specific prop changes. If so, you can first compare the old and new props to see if it has changed in a way that means you want to update your state.

State not changing after calling this.setState

I am getting the data from my form component and trying to set the state of my app component with this data.
However, the is an empty object and is not updating the data. I console log the model data before setting it to check if it exists. Their is data within the model.
import React, { Component, Fragment } from "react";
import Form from "../components/Form";
import product from "./product.json";
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
data: {}
onSubmit = (model) => {
console.log("Outer", model);
data: model
console.log("Form: ", this.state);
render() {
const fields = product.fields;
return (
onSubmit={(model) => {this.onSubmit(model);}}
export default App;
setState() is an async call in React. So you won't likely get the updated state value in the next line. To check the updated value on successful state update, you could check in the callback handler.
Change this
onSubmit = (model) => {
console.log("Outer", model);
data: model
console.log("Form: ", this.state);
onSubmit = (model) => {
console.log("Outer", model);
data: model
}, () => {
console.log("Form: ", this.state);
As per the react docs, setState is an asynchronous call. You can ensure your state has updated to perform a particular action in two ways as shown below:
You can pass the setState a function which will have your current state and props and you the value you return will be your next state of the component.
Keep in mind following:
state is a reference to the component state at the time the change is
being applied. It should not be directly mutated. Instead, changes
should be represented by building a new object based on the input from
state and props.
Following is an example:
this.setState((state, props) => {
//do something
return {counter: state.counter + props.step};
You can pass a callback to the setState function as mentioned in Dinesh's
answer. The callback will be executed once the state has been updated successfully hence ensuring you will have the updated state in the call back.
Following is an example:
this.setState({ state }, () => {
// do something
Hope it helps.
I just want to add, that if you will do like this its not going to work:
this.setState({things} , console.log(this.state))
You have to pass a refarence to the call back and not the exscutable code itself. If you won't do so, the function will envoke before the state is updated,even you will see the log.

Reset the state before render in reactjs

I am using react with Meteor and my data is coming from createContainer
export default createContainer((props) => {
const { search } = props.dataTables.favorites;
let data = [];
data = Meteor.user().favorites;
return { data };
}, StarredListView);
Now I wanted to do some processing on the data after state intialization
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
this.resetOldData = this.resetOldData.bind(this);
Now how can I make sure that before render the data my resetOldData called and reset the state. Where can I call this this function to reset my state.
resetOldData() {'', (err, res) => {
if (err) { this.props.renderAlert(err.reason, null, true); }
if (res) {
this.setState({ data: res });
You need to take a look at React lifecycle documentation:
There are very specific places where you will want to respond to data coming in and how that should effect the state of your component.
Certain changes to the state only belong in very specific places in the lifecycle of a component.

Best practice for making small changes in UI with React and Redux

I'm using Redux and React to load data from a web service which is working well. I'd like to make small non-webservice-based changes in the UI in response to an action. A simplified example:
class SmartComponent extends React.Component {
handleClick = (e) => {
// how to best handle a simple state change here?
render() {
const { displayMessage } = this.props
return (
<DumbComponent message={displayMessage}/>
<button onclick={this.handleClick}>Change Message</button>)
const mapStateToProps = state => {
// state variables linked in the reducer
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SmartComponent)
let DumbComponent = ({ message }) => {
return ({message})
If I modify the state in SmartComponent, for instance, by using this.setState, the props of SmartComponent will not be automatically updated. I believe it's a React anti-pattern to directly modify the props of SmartComponent. Is the best way to update the message in DumbComponent to make an action creator and link it in the reducer? That seems a bit overkill for a simple message change.
Yes, you should link it to the reducer.
However this is not mandatory:
How to do it
One other way to do this would be to store the message in the state of the SmartComponent.
Beware about the fact that Redux is no longer the single source of truth for the message.
class SmartComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Initialize state based on props
this.state = {
message: props.message,
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// Handle state update on props (ie. store) update
this.setState({ message: ... })
handleClick = (e) => {
this.setState({ message: ... })
render() {
const { displayMessage } = this.state
return (
<DumbComponent message={displayMessage}/>
<button onclick={this.handleClick}>Change Message</button>)
const mapStateToProps = state => {
// state variables linked in the reducer
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SmartComponent)
let DumbComponent = ({ message }) => {
return ({message})
Should you do it ?
If the data you display in this component can be completely isolated from the rest of your application, that is to say no dispatched action could modify it, and no other component need it, keeping this data in the store can be unnecessary.
I mostly use this method to perform optimistic updates to the view component without altering the store until new value is saved by the server.
