Full text index doesn't work at single word? - sql-server

I have a full text index on many columns of the customer table, one of which columns is fname.
The following query:
select * from customer where fname like 'In%' and code='1409584557891'
returns me the line needed, this customer has an fname of 'In' .But if I add this to the end:
and contains((customer.fname) , N'"In*"')
an empty result-set is retuned. Why?
Also: there is another column named lname. If I add the equivelant contains command with the column and its value altered, it works!

There is a good chance "In" is a noise word. I also believe that if you do a fulltextsearch for something too short like the letter 'a' it is simply considered a noise word. See if 'a' or 'I' gives you anything.
Here is a link that can provide information on changing the noise words around if that is the case.
You may also be able to simply turn off noise or 'stop' words:


mssql search a varchar field for invalid typo

I have a field with names in it. They can be last name, first name middle name/initial
Basically I want to find all names that aren't normal spellings so I can tell someone to fix their names in the system.
I don't want to select and find this guy
O'Leary-Smith, Timothy L.
But I would want to find this guy
I can just keep coming up with special characters to search for but then I'm just making this huge query and having to bracket wildcards... it's like 50+ lines long just to say one thing.
Is there something (not some custom function)
that lets me say
where name not like
possibly something that is
where name contains anything but these ascii characters
Hopefully this is a one of fix-up; a negated character class:
where patindex('%[^ A-Za-z,.''-]%', name) > 0
Although more letters than A-Z can appear in names ...
If it's just odd characters you're looking for:
WHERE name like '%[^A-Za-z]%'
The ^ acts as a NOT operator.

Word wrap issues with SSIS Flat file destination

Background: I need to generate a text file with 5 records each of 1565 character length. This text file is further used to feed the data to a software.
Hence, they are some required fields and optional fields. I created a query with all the fields added together to get one single field. I populated optional fields with a blank.
For example:
Here is the sample input layout for each fields
Field CharLength Required
ID 7 Yes
Name 15 Yes
Address 15 No
DOB 10 Yes
Age 1 No
Information 200 No
IDNumber 13 Yes
and then i generated a query for each unique ID with the above fields into a single row which looks like following:
> SELECT Cast(1 AS CHAR(7))+CAST('XYZ' AS CHAR(15))+CAST('' AS CHAR(15))+CAST('22/12/2014' AS
CHAR(10))+CAST('' AS CHAR(1))+CAST(' AS CHAR(200))+CAST('123456' AS CHAR(13))
SELECT Cast(2 AS CHAR(7))+CAST('XYZ' AS CHAR(15))+CAST('' AS CHAR(15))+CAST('22/12/2014' AS
CHAR(10))+CAST('' AS CHAR(1))+CAST(''AS CHAR(200))+CAST('123456' AS CHAR(13))
Then, I created an SSIS package to produce the output text file through Flat file destination delimited.
Even though the flat file is generated as per the desired length(1565). The text file looks differently when the word wrap is ON or OFF. When Word wrap is off , i get the record in single line. If the Word wrap is on, the line is broken into multiple. the length of the record in either case is same.
Even i tried to use VARCHAR + Space in the query instead of CHAR for each field, but there is no success. Its breaking the line for blank fields.
For example: Cast('' as varchar(1)) + Space(200-len(Cast('' as varchar(1)))) for Information field
Question: How do make it into a single line even though the word wrap is ON.
Since its my first post, please excuse me for format of the question
The purpose of word wrap is to put characters on the next line in instances of overflow rather than creating an extremely horizontal scrolling document.
Word wrap is the additional feature of most text editors, word processors, and web browsers, of breaking lines between words rather than within words, when possible.
Because this is what word wrap is there's nothing you can do to change its behavior. What does it matter anyway? The document should still be parsed as you would expect. Just don't turn word wrap on.
As far as I'm aware, having word wrap on or off has no impact on the document itself, it's simply a presentation option.
Applications parsing a document parse it as if word wrap were off. Something that could throw off parsing is breaks for a new line, but that is a completely different thing from word wrap.

What string value will sort after text when using ORDER BY on varchar field

I'm dealing with a table that includes a list of names (type VARCHAR). Some of the names in the list will be replaced with some text due to confidentiality reasons. For one of our reports, we're running the following query (names have been replaced to protect the innocent).
SELECT * from PeopleData
WHERE [location] = 'Somewhere'
Order By [name] ASC
I'm not looking for a new select statement, but a possible value for a [name] cell that will cause the row to be sorted to the bottom of the list when this query is performed. If I use an empty string, it sorts to the top of the list. If I use a space, it sorts to the top of the list. I've even tried using a | character, since it's ASCII value is higher than any text, and it still sorts to the top of the list.
EDIT: The other criteria is that it can't be terribly obvious that the names were removed, since this list data is public. That means no 'ZZZZZZZZZZZ', and no '** CONFIDENTIAL **' values. Looking for something that's not screaming "TOP SECRET".
Any suggestions?
You could use any value you like and add to your ORDER BY statement to force the ordering:
SELECT * from PeopleData
WHERE [location] = 'Somewhere'
ORDER BY CASE WHEN [name] = 'Protected Value' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, Name
You could change the CASE statement to use some other criteria, like a Masked flag value rather than a specific set value if you wanted to randomize the masked names.
I was facing similar problem where I can control the text, but not the SQL Statement and I wanted to force a single entry to the end of this.
A bit kludgy, but I opted to prefix every in the list with hyphen ("-") EXCEPT the one I wanted at the end.
- Apple
- Banana
- Carrot
A thing I wanted to be last

MS SQL : Full Text Search Results are not relevant

I am trying MS SQL Full Text Query on single column.
For this I am using "FREETEXTABLE" function.
When I query "Horse ride" the result set contains videos where title contain the word "ride".
No wonder that when using FREE or "FREETEXTTABLE" the process is to break query string
into words, create inflectional words and that is how the result set get generated.
So my question is if this is the process, why the result set have no video where the "horse" word is
present (I have videos in DB where videos title contains the "horse" word).
Is it because the word breaker gives preference to "verbs" ?
Please comment on how "word breaker" and "stemmer" works for English language.
Links where I could find grate details about "word breaker" and "stemmer" will also be
help full.
This is very important for me to get relevant results every time.
Thank you.
Full text search filters the noise words and punctuations and you have the flexibility of adding more noise words to the default list of noise words. But to manipulate verbs, inflectional or synonyms we can make use of different functions in where clause.
In your case if you are looking for fields where the word "Horse" AND "ride" exists you can simply make use of Contains function, something like this....
SELECT ColumnName
FROM TableName
WHERE Contains(ColumnName, '"horse" AND "ride"')
If you are looking for values where there is word "Horse" and any inflectional form of "ride" say like ride, riding. You can use something like this ....
SELECT ColumnName
FROM TableName
WHERE Contains(ColumnName, '"horse"') AND CONTAINS(ColumnName, 'FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL, ride)')

Ordering by the first alphabetical char in a column in MYSQL

A table in a MYSQL database has address details- eg...
add1, add2, add3, district, postalTown, country
Ordering by postal town is usually fine, but some details have numbers in the postalTown column. For example 1420 Territet or 3100 Overijse. This will mean these will appear at the top above Aberdeen or Bristol. Is there a way of ordering by postalTown but by the first alphabetical character? That would mean the order of the above would be- Aberdeen, Bristol, Overijse, Territet
Write an expression that will return the first alphabetical character, then just Order By [that expression]
Order By substring(LTrim(
colname, '1', ''),'2',''),'3',''),'4,''),'5', ''),
If you want the rows sorted by the entire city name, and not just by the first character (as question title specifies) then use this:
Order By LTrim(
colname, '1', ''),'2',''),'3',''),'4,''),'5', ''),
Above is a guess (I haven't tried it), but the idea is first delete all numeric characters from the column value, then take the first character of whatever is remaining.
Also, if this works, and if you have any development access to the dataabse, (thinking DRY principle), I would add a computed column to this table, (or a separate view against the table), that is defined to use the above expression, so that this "extraction" of the town name is available to all other code that might want to access it without copying this expression everywhere you may need it..
You could write a stored function which returns the remainder of the column starting at the first alphabetic character (perhaps using REGEXP to find that index). Then order by the stored function.
Edit: instead of regexp in your function, depending on data format you could do a 'substring_index' on ' ' (space) and return the index of the first space, then call substring to return the remainder of the string after the first space.
Once you've created a stored function to return the string following the numbers, you can utilize it like this:
order by yourfunctionname(postalTown)
Stored Functions
First thing that comes to mind to me would to do the following on my ORDER BY, obviously, adding numbers 0 through 9. You'll notice crappy schemas produce crappy solutions. :) As the gentleman said above, you should probably think about a redesign of how you are storing your town data.
ORDER BY REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(FieldName, '1', ''),'2',''),'3','') ETC.
Create a view on the table, making whatever translations you need, and then query against the view?
