JSON array keyerror in Python - arrays

I'm fairly new to Python programming and am attempting to extract data from a JSON array. Below code results in an error for
js[jstring][jkeys]['5. volume'])
Any help would be much appreciated.
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
def DailyData(symb):
url = https://www.alphavantage.co/queryfunction=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=MSFT&apikey=demo
stockdata = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = stockdata.read().decode()
js = json.loads(data)
js = None
jstring = 'Time Series (Daily)'
for entry in js:
i = js[jstring].keys()
for jkeys in i:
return (jkeys,
js[jstring][jkeys]['1. open'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['2. high'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['3. low'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['4. close'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['5. volume'])

Looks like the reason for the error is because the returned data from the URL is a bit more hierarchical than you may realize. To see that, print out js (I recommend using a jupyter notebook):
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import ssl
import json
import sqlite3
url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=MSFT&apikey=demo"
stockdata = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = stockdata.read().decode()
js = json.loads(data)
You can see that js (now a python dict) has a "Meta Data" key before the actual time series begins. You need to start operating on the dict at that key.
Having said that, to get the data into a table like structure (for plotting, time series analysis, etc), you can use pandas package to read the dict key directly into a dataframe. The pandas DataFrame constructor accepts a dict as input. In this case, the data was transposed, so the T at the end rotates it (try with and without the T and you will see it.
import pandas as pd
df=pd.DataFrame(js['Time Series (Daily)']).T
Added edit... You could get the data into a dataframe with a single line of code:
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=MSFT&apikey=demo"
data = pd.DataFrame(requests.get(url).json()['Time Series (Daily)']).T
DataFrame: The contructor from Pandas to make data into a table like structure
requests.get(): method from the requests library to fetch data..
.json(): directly converts from JSON to a dict
['Time Series (Daily)']: pulls out the key from the dict that is the time series
.T: transposes the rows and columns.
Good luck!
Following code worked for me
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
def DailyData(symb):
# Your code was missing the ? after query
url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol={}&apikey=demo".format(symb)
stockdata = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = stockdata.read().decode()
js = json.loads(data)
jstring = 'Time Series (Daily)'
for entry in js:
i = js[jstring].keys()
for jkeys in i:
return (jkeys,
js[jstring][jkeys]['1. open'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['2. high'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['3. low'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['4. close'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['5. volume'])
# query multiple times, just to print one item?
open 99.8850
high 101.4300
low 99.6700
close 101.1600
volume 19234627
Without seeing the error, it's hard to know what exact problem you were having.


How to assign multiple variables in a loop for graphs in Python 3

I am relatively new to coding and I have a few issues I don't quite understand how to solve, yet. I'm trying to build code that will make graphs that will produce from a ticker list, with the data downloading from yahoo finance. Taking out of account manually assigning stock1 (and so forth) a ticker for a moment...
I want to figure out how to loop the data going into running the graph, so TSLA and MSFT in my code. So far I have the code below, which I already changed dfs and stocks. I just don't understand how to make the loop. If anyone has some good resources for loops, as well, let me know.
Later, I would like to save the graphs as a png with file names corresponding to the stock being pulled from yahoo, so extra points if someone knows how to change this code (savefig = dict(fname="tsla.png", bbox_inches= "tight") which goes after style = 'default'. Thanks for the help!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import mplfinance as mpf
import yfinance as yf
#yahoo info
start = "2020-01-01"
end = dt.datetime.now()
stock1 = 'TSLA'
stock2 = 'MSFT'
df1 = yf.download(stock1, start, end)
df2 = yf.download(stock2, start, end)
stocks = [[stock1],[stock2]]
dfs = [[df1],[df2]]
changingvars = [[stocks],[dfs]]
short_sma = 20
long_sma = 50
SMAs = [short_sma, long_sma]
for i in SMAs:
dfs["SMA_"+ str(i)] = dfs.iloc[:,4].rolling(window=i).mean()
graph1 = mpf.plot(dfs, type = 'candlestick',figratio=(16,6),
volume=True, title= str(stocks),
Not sure why you are calculating your own SMA's, and grouping your stocks and dataframes, if your goal is only to create multiple plots (one for each stock). Also, if you are using mplfinance, then there is no need to import and/or use matplotlib.pyplot (nor to call plt.show(); mplfinance does that for you).
That said, here is a suggestion for your code. I've added tickers for Apple and Alphabet (Google), just to demonstrate how this can be extended.
stocklist = ['TSLA','MSFT','AAPL','GOOGL']
start = "2020-01-01"
end = dt.datetime.now()
short_sma = 20
long_sma = 50
for stock in stocklist:
df = yf.download(stock, start, end)
filename = stock.lower() + '.png'
volume=True, title=stock,style='default',
The above code will not display the plots for each stock, but will save each one in its own .png file locally (where you run the script) for you to view afterwards.
Note also that it does not save the actual data; only plots the data and then moves on to the next stock, reassigning the dataframe variable (which automatically deletes the previous stock's data). If you want to save the data for each stock in a separate csv file, that is easy to do as well with Pandas' .to_csv() method.
Also, I am assuming you are calling yf.download() correctly. I am not familiar with that API so I just left that part of the code as you had it.
HTH. Let me know. --Daniel

CSV iterate/loop

I am trying to iterate through all the cells of a CSV row ( name, screen_name and image url). Different errors show up, I tried with pandas but still I am unable to finish the job. My CSV looks like this:
greg,Gregory Kara,https://twimg.com/profile_images/60709109/Ferran_Adria_normal.jpg
hillheadshow,Hillhead 2020,https://twimg.com/profile_images/1192061150915178496/cF6jOCRV_normal.jpg
and the part of the code that I need to change is:
import json
import time,os
import pandas as pd
screen_name = 'mylist'
file = pd.read_csv("news2.csv", header=0)
col = file.head(0)
columns = list(col)
while True:
print (i)
The values are ok with #Snake_py code, next i am doing a request:
I get the following error:
raise InvalidSchema("No connection adapters were found for '%s'" % url)requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found for '0 https://requesturl.com/Jan
Name: name, dtype: object'
timeout error caught.
the easiest way to iterate through a csv with Python would be:
name = []
uname = []
urlimage =[]
open with ('url', 'r') as file:
for row in file:
row = row.strip().split(";")
First I created three empty arrays. then I open the file and iterate over each row in the file. Row will be returned as an array. So you can run the normal index command [] to get the needed part of the array to append it to the empty list.
For the method above you might run into an encoding problem, so I would recommend method 2, although you actually do not iterate over the rows then.
Alternatively you could just do:
import pandas as pd
file = pd.read_csv("news2.csv", header=0)
name = file['name']
uname = file['uname']
urlimage = file['urlimage']
For the second method, you need to make sure that your header has the correct spelling

TypeError : List indices must be integers or slices, not str

Here is the code I am writing in Python 3. This is basically utilizing the Google Custom Search API.
I can't seem to get about this issue. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.
import urllib
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import json
import sys
api_key = #key
url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=my_key&q='
print("Search :")
search_query = sys.stdin.readline()
query = urllib.parse.quote(search_query)
rawData = urllib.request.urlopen(url+query).read()
jsonData = json.loads(rawData.decode('utf-8'))
results = jsonData['queries']['request']
for i in results:
title = results['title']
One of these is a list, not a dictionary:
Check the logs, and it will tell you which line of code is causing the key error.
Also, this does nothing but print the title several times (if it even exists):
for i in results:
title = results['title']

Merge results of ExecuteSQL processor with Json content in nifi 6.0

I am dealing with json objects containing geo coordinate points. I would like to run these points against a postgis server I have locally to assess point in polygon matching.
I'm hoping to do this with preexisting processors - I am successfully extracting the lat/lon coordinates into attributes with an "EvaluateJsonPath" processor, and successfully issuing queries to my local postgis datastore with "ExecuteSQL". This leaves me with avro responses, which I can then convert to JSON with the "ConvertAvroToJSON" processor.
I'm having conceptual trouble with how to merge the results of the query back together with the original JSON object. As it is, I've got two flow files with the same fragment ID, which I could theoretically merge together with "mergecontent", but that gets me:
{"my":"original json", "coordinates":[47.38, 179.22]}{"polygon_match":"a123"}
Are there any suggested strategies for merging the results of the SQL query into the original json structure, so my result would be something like this instead:
{"my":"original json", "coordinates":[47.38, 179.22], "polygon_match":"a123"}
I am running nifi 6.0, postgres 9.5.2, and postgis 2.2.1.
I saw some reference to using replaceText processor in https://community.hortonworks.com/questions/22090/issue-merging-content-in-nifi.html - but this seems to be merging content from an attribute into the body of the content. I'm missing the point of merging the content of the original and either the content of the SQL response, or attributes extracted from the SQL response without the content.
Groovy script following appears to do what is needed. I am not a groovy coder, so any improvements are welcome.
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
import java.nio.charset.*
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def flowFile = session.get();
if (flowFile == null) {
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
flowFile = session.write(flowFile,
{ inputStream, outputStream ->
def text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def obj = slurper.parseText(text)
def originaljsontext = flowFile.getAttribute('original.json')
def originaljson = slurper.parseText(originaljsontext)
originaljson.put("point_polygon_info", obj)
} as StreamCallback)
session.transfer(flowFile, ExecuteScript.REL_SUCCESS)
If your original JSON is relatively small, a possible approach might be the following...
Use ExtractText before getting to ExecuteSQL to copy the original JSON into an attribute.
After ExecuteSQL, and after ConvertAvroToJSON, use an ExecuteScript processor to create a new JSON document that combines the original from the attribute with the results in the content.
I'm not exactly sure what needs to be done in the script, but I know others have had success using Groovy and JsonSlurper through the ExecuteScript processor.

How can I scrape an HTML table to CSV?

The Problem
I use a tool at work that lets me do queries and get back HTML tables of info. I do not have any kind of back-end access to it.
A lot of this info would be much more useful if I could put it into a spreadsheet for sorting, averaging, etc. How can I screen-scrape this data to a CSV file?
My First Idea
Since I know jQuery, I thought I might use it to strip out the table formatting onscreen, insert commas and line breaks, and just copy the whole mess into notepad and save as a CSV. Any better ideas?
The Solution
Yes, folks, it really was as easy as copying and pasting. Don't I feel silly.
Specifically, when I pasted into the spreadsheet, I had to select "Paste Special" and choose the format "text." Otherwise it tried to paste everything into a single cell, even if I highlighted the whole spreadsheet.
Select the HTML table in your tools's UI and copy it into the clipboard (if that's possible
Paste it into Excel.
Save as CSV file
However, this is a manual solution not an automated one.
using python:
for example imagine you want to scrape forex quotes in csv form from some site like:fxquotes
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib,string,csv,sys,os
from string import replace
date_s = '&date1=01/01/08'
date_f = '&date=11/10/08'
fx_url = 'http://www.oanda.com/convert/fxhistory?date_fmt=us'
fx_url_end = '&lang=en&margin_fixed=0&format=CSV&redirected=1'
cur1,cur2 = 'USD','AUD'
fx_url = fx_url + date_f + date_s + '&exch=' + cur1 +'&exch2=' + cur1
fx_url = fx_url +'&expr=' + cur2 + '&expr2=' + cur2 + fx_url_end
data = urllib.urlopen(fx_url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
data = str(soup.findAll('pre', limit=1))
data = replace(data,'[<pre>','')
data = replace(data,'</pre>]','')
file_location = '/Users/location_edit_this'
file_name = file_location + 'usd_aus.csv'
file = open(file_name,"w")
edit: to get values from a table:
example from: palewire
from mechanize import Browser
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
mech = Browser()
url = "http://www.palewire.com/scrape/albums/2007.html"
page = mech.open(url)
html = page.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
table = soup.find("table", border=1)
for row in table.findAll('tr')[1:]:
col = row.findAll('td')
rank = col[0].string
artist = col[1].string
album = col[2].string
cover_link = col[3].img['src']
record = (rank, artist, album, cover_link)
print "|".join(record)
This is my python version using the (currently) latest version of BeautifulSoup which can be obtained using, e.g.,
$ sudo easy_install beautifulsoup4
The script reads HTML from the standard input, and outputs the text found in all tables in proper CSV format.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys
import re
import csv
def cell_text(cell):
return " ".join(cell.stripped_strings)
soup = BeautifulSoup(sys.stdin.read())
output = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
for table in soup.find_all('table'):
for row in table.find_all('tr'):
col = map(cell_text, row.find_all(re.compile('t[dh]')))
Even easier (because it saves it for you for next time) ...
In Excel
Data/Import External Data/New Web Query
will take you to a url prompt. Enter your url, and it will delimit available tables on the page to import. Voila.
Two ways come to mind (especially for those of us that don't have Excel):
Google Spreadsheets has an excellent importHTML function:
=importHTML("http://example.com/page/with/table", "table", index
Index starts at 1
I recommend a copy and paste values shortly after import
File -> Download as -> CSV
Python's superb Pandas library has handy read_html and to_csv functions
Here's a basic Python3 script that prompts for the URL, which table at that URL, and a filename for the CSV.
Quick and dirty:
Copy out of browser into Excel, save as CSV.
Better solution (for long term use):
Write a bit of code in the language of your choice that will pull the html contents down, and scrape out the bits that you want. You could probably throw in all of the data operations (sorting, averaging, etc) on top of the data retrieval. That way, you just have to run your code and you get the actual report that you want.
It all depends on how often you will be performing this particular task.
Excel can open a http page.
Click File, Open
Under filename, paste the URL ie: How can I scrape an HTML table to CSV?
Click ok
Excel does its best to convert the html to a table.
Its not the most elegant solution, but does work!
Basic Python implementation using BeautifulSoup, also considering both rowspan and colspan:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
def table2csv(html_txt):
csvs = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_txt)
tables = soup.findAll('table')
for table in tables:
csv = ''
rows = table.findAll('tr')
row_spans = []
do_ident = False
for tr in rows:
cols = tr.findAll(['th','td'])
for cell in cols:
colspan = int(cell.get('colspan',1))
rowspan = int(cell.get('rowspan',1))
if do_ident:
do_ident = False
csv += ','*(len(row_spans))
if rowspan > 1: row_spans.append(rowspan)
csv += '"{text}"'.format(text=cell.text) + ','*(colspan)
if row_spans:
for i in xrange(len(row_spans)-1,-1,-1):
row_spans[i] -= 1
if row_spans[i] < 1: row_spans.pop()
do_ident = True if row_spans else False
csv += '\n'
#print csv
return '\n\n'.join(csvs)
Here is a tested example that combines grequest and soup to download large quantities of pages from a structured website:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys
import re
import csv
import grequests
import time
def cell_text(cell):
return " ".join(cell.stripped_strings)
def parse_table(body_html):
soup = BeautifulSoup(body_html)
for table in soup.find_all('table'):
for row in table.find_all('tr'):
col = map(cell_text, row.find_all(re.compile('t[dh]')))
def process_a_page(response, *args, **kwargs):
def download_a_chunk(k):
chunk_size = 10 #number of html pages
x = "http://www.blahblah....com/inclusiones.php?p="
x2 = "&name=..."
URLS = [x+str(i)+x2 for i in range(k*chunk_size, k*(chunk_size+1)) ]
reqs = [grequests.get(url, hooks={'response': process_a_page}) for url in URLS]
resp = grequests.map(reqs, size=10)
# download slowly so the server does not block you
for k in range(0,500):
print("downloading chunk ",str(k))
Have you tried opening it with excel?
If you save a spreadsheet in excel as html you'll see the format excel uses.
From a web app I wrote I spit out this html format so the user can export to excel.
If you're screen scraping and the table you're trying to convert has a given ID, you could always do a regex parse of the html along with some scripting to generate a CSV.
