How to render a page to base url in react - reactjs

I need to render a page for base url in react. I defined base url as,
<Router basename="/baseUrl">
<Route path={"/childUrl"}
I am able to render page via /baseUrl/childUrl. When accessing, /baseUrl it redirects to /baseUrl/childUrl. How can I set a different page to /baseUrl

I know this is old, but in case anyone else stumbles upon this I would recommend using redux-first-router. It lets you dispatch actions either by changing the url in your browser, or the regular react way. This lets you control how components are rendered and keep the state of your application in sync with the url, without having multiple sources of truth.
Michael Sargent did a brilliant explanation, which can be found here.
And of course, you can also check out the git repo.


Is there anything special I need to consider when reloading a page rendered by react-router to get the expected behavior on refresh?

I have a react app, and I'm using react-router, I have a few nested routers, that seem to work fine.
However, when I refresh the page, even though the URL of my browser is something like /admin/users/blah/ nothing is loaded by react-router, it's as if none of the <Route> components get triggered when the page is refreshed by the user. I see my site's navigation menu, but the content that is supposed to be rendered with a router is just blank, again, as if no <Route> matched the current URL.
Are there any special considerations or boilerplate I need to add in order to have the expected behavior?
I would expect react-router to match the <Route> components again, and render according to my browser's URL, but it doesn't do that.
I figured out my issue, I had multiple nested <Router> elements. You only actually need one. You can nest as many <Switch> elements as you want, though.

React Router + back button is resetting my app state

I'm using React Router Dom and the BrowserRouter object to enable browser based navigation for a site I'm building. Navigation works well, but if a user hits the back button, the entirety of my App's state is wiped clean.
I'm not sure why this is happening. I've tried searching around, but all of the answers I've found don't mention why App state is getting reset.
Here's my implementation:
<Route path="/" exact render={()=><LandingPage/>}
<Route path="/about" render={()=><About/>}
Am I doing something glaringly wrong? Could anyone with experience working with React Router give me some advice? Thanks so much!
If someone like me has this problem in the future and comes here from Google, here's what's going on:
React Router doesn't store state between page loads. It just routes traffic between components and handles history, among other things.
You need a separate state management store to preserve state changes. (Redux was recommended).
Thanks #charlietfl for the info.

React router dom hijacking my image/pdf/api links

I have a react app, it uses react router dom. I built it and moved it to, say,
http://domain.tld/ the site works fine. I have two problems :
if I visit the app and then click on a pdf linked (which is just a real file on my server) react-router-dom somehow hijacks it, and shows me the 404 page I set up in react router
same goes if I try to access, for example, http://domain.tld/api/whatevs, it doesn't work either
in both case if I empty the cache, I can see my pdf, or the json result of my api then a js is injected, and a refresh gives me my 404 page.
How can I prevent react router to hijack everything ? I already have a mandatory apache rewrite to redirect in case files dont exist.
EDIT: as requested in a comment, here is how my routes are defined :
<Menu />
<Route path="/" exact component={Home}/>
<Route path="/pages/:page_name" component={Page}/>
<Footer />
I removed some routes, but the structure is intact.
from what I gathered, in fact, the service worker 'hijacks' all my static server route, and that's suppose to be normal, so I'll just unregister it, but if I'm correct I can't do that unless I want my app to reload on each link, I'm still looking for a way to tell it : "pretty please, dont touch /api/, /assets/ etc"
and this might just be what I need :
Setting service worker to exclude certain urls only
I'll try when I'm at work tomorrow

What is routing? Why is "routing" needed in single page web apps?

I understood that routing libraries for SPAs like help to parse the URL and put the app into a corresponding state of a state machine.
Is there more to routing than this?
Why is routing needed in the first place?
Why are URLs important? For example in a desktop app there are no URLs, so what's the big deal about them in a web app?
I also have this problem: "Why do we need routing?". You can write apps without routing at all. The code can get messy but still, it is not impossible.
My biggest reason for having routing is because if the user hits the Back button of the browser (Forward button as well, for that matter), he will not be navigating within the app. The user might expect to navigate within the app using the history of the different "pages" he loaded previously. Instead, he will be thrown out of the web app. Hitting the Refresh button would also throw him to the root of the app.
From the user's point of view, it is a regular web app (he doesn't need to know how it is designed: SPA or otherwise) and it should work as any web app/website should work. Routing ensures this, doesn't it?
This is a very good question, and one that I don't see discussed as often as I think it should be. The short answer is that often, in a Single Page Web Application, you don't need routing. If you are building an application which doesn't require its pages to be indexed by Google, and you either don't care, or don't want the user to be able to Bookmark pages, then there is no reason to implement routing.
In an SPA, routing adds additional complexity and effort, so if you can avoid doing it, you should. Of course, modern frameworks such as Angular and React provide facilities for making routing much easier, but even then some things can be hard to do with routing, for example animating between pages.
A good example of a web application where routing would be redundant would be a multi-page form which you want to control the user's passage through and possibly prevent them from returning to pages which have became inapplicable.
Implementing such a form with routes would be a nightmare as you would have to prevent the user from visiting certain pages in their history.
It's useful to ask yourself what a route actually is in a SPA. It's easy to think of it as just a 'web-page', but what it really is is a state, and when you navigate between routes what you are really doing is navigating between different states of the app. The fact that the appearance of the app may change between states is incidental to what is really going on. So what a route does is give the user a means of returning to particular states of the app.
You should only implement a route in an SPA when there is a state of the app which you want the user to be able to return to.
An alternative, and perhaps more useful way of doing this, would be to implement Undo and Redo mechanisms.
Of course, even when you don't have routes you still have to care about what happens when the user clicks the History Back button, but then you simply have a modal alert which warns them that they are about to leave the app should they proceed with the navigation.
In desktop applications you have buttons and other controls to get what you want. So routing in UI apps would be the set of all UI controls.
In web apps on the other hand, all functionality is accessed via some text which is the links and the parameters.
A URL is the path to access a functionality. Routing is like the mechanism to decide which functionality to call based on the provided URL and params.
So basically routing is a mapping between an URL and the functionality of a web server.
Routing in SPAs is used to load certain parts of the web app e.g. will load the profile part of an SPA with the right user profile corresponding to the userid. This can be seen in the GitHub example you provided:
<Router history={browserHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="about" component={About}/>
<Route path="users" component={Users}>
<Route path="/user/:userId" component={User}/>
<Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>
SPA refers to the fact that in general you have an index.html as your "main view" and then depending on the routing you add/remove certain parts from the index.html with frameworks like React or AngularJS etc.
I have the same question from time to time.
I would like to say router in SPA is a component hierarchy helper.
As #tech4242 pointed out, we don't have an something like segue in iOS. So what should we use to help users navigate if we don't use router? We are talking about SPA here. So we can manage this in store or state. Yes, that's feasible but not preferable.
Try to think this from the perspective of using a component-oriented library (either React or Vue). Using router help us use a certain component for a specific route. When users move back and forth between different route, we are relying on the route to tell what component to display. We simply couple a component with a specific route, which makes our root component (normally called App) clear, maintainable and readable. Without router, either the root component or state would be messy and hard to maintain.

Remounting all react child components after root state change

I'm building a pretty large application and would like to get some insight on the best way to re-render the application based on a root component state change.
Sample Architecture
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route component={Layout}>
<IndexRoute component={Page} />
<Route path={page} component={Page}></Route>
<Route component={Layout}>
<IndexRoute component={Page} />
<Route path={page} component={Page}></Route>
In my architecture after a successful login i'm storing the users data in my App component. Every user has a client key which is used as the identifier as to which clients database/data to display. The behavior i would like to accomplish would be to update my current page with the new clients data after the a client change.
Now i could pass my data down to my components as props from my App component but i think this would be inefficient because of two reasons.
I would have to get the data for all my routes before rendering my App component.
My data would become "stale" until i re-render my App component.
Because of these reason i decided to let each page fetch it's own data using the componentWillMount life cycle hook, and passing the data down as props to the pages child components. This works for me because i'm able to fetch fresh data for each page upon navigation.
What i'm currently experiencing is that after a client change my application re-renders but since my current page has already mounted it doesn't fetch the new client data. But everything works as expected if i navigate away from the current page and then back to the page.
One solution i have in mind is to pass the users data down to each page and use the componentWillReceiveProps life cycle hook and perform a comparison check in order to fetch new data. I would like to prevent that if at all possible since my application will have 40+ pages.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What you have mentioned about
pass the users data down to each page and use the
componentWillReceiveProps life cycle hook and perform a comparison
check in order to fetch new data.
is perfectly fine. Few examples of such a pattern in the wild:
Redux repository real world example
React Router core team recommends this method too as per issue here.
