max. queries running parallel in SQL Server - sql-server

We have a C# app using Hangfire to run report on SQL Server.
Hangfire simply runs tasks parallel. Currently it is set up to run 20 reports parallel, and that's what I see on the dashboard, 20 reports are running, and some are waiting.
but if I open SQL Server, I see that only 2 report-related queries are actually running. And I usually see 1 or 2 report queries in "suspended" or "runnable" status.
What is the reason of this? Is it because somehow SQL Server thinks that more parallelism wouldn't help? Or is it because of configuration? I couldn't really find anything relevant, articles are usually talk about "Max. degree of parallelism", but that is the level of parallelism within the query. It is set to 0.


Running queries through JTDS is extremely slow, queries seem to be in 'sleeping' status

I am running my spring application on tomcat7. I use java7, and jtds1.3.1.
I am using sqlserver2014, and the instance is running on a separate machine.
Sometimes, when i run queries through my application, a simple select query (no joins, literally just a select) that takes 1 second if I run it through SQL Server Management Studio, will take 20 minutes or more to complete.
If i check the query on the the sqlserver instance, I see that the total elapsed time keeps incrementing, but the cpu time never increases. Also the status of the query always seems to be 'sleeping'.
I know this is most likely not a problem with SQL Server, as the exact same query finishes instantly when run through SQL Server Management Studio. The fact that the query status seems to constantly be "sleeping" always makes me suspect this.
But beyond this i have no idea how to try and debug what is going on here. Is there anything I can try to change that might help with this issue?

SQL Server and DMO using ADODB

I'm maintaining a legacy server app that generate DMO files from SQL Server views.
Sometimes the server crashes because SQL Server consumes all cpu resources.
Using the SQL Server monitor I see that the problem is in SQLDMO connections that are consuming all cpu time and blocking the server.
I don't understand the reason of that because the dmo connection is with TRANSACTION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED and these SQLs never finish, during weeks. The only solution is to shutdown the server.
I would suggest looking into the code why these connections are not closed. I'm guessing there's no proper closing at the end or something along those lines.
If that is not an option, you could consider running a scheduled job that kills off these specific jobs every so often if they ran for longer than say, 24 hours.

SQL Server Agent Job Running Slow

I am executing a stored procedure using SQL Server Agent Job in SQL Server 2005.
This job was running fast until yesterday. Since yesterday this job is taking more than 1 hour instead of 2 mins.
I executed the stored procedure in SSMS, it just took less than 1 minute to execute.
I could not figure out why it is taking more than 1 hour when executed as a SQL Server Agent job?
After some time commenting and assuming that the SP performs with the same input parameters and data well when executed in SSMS, I finnaly think I can give a last tip:
Depending on what actions are performed within the SP (e.g. inserting/updating/deleting a lot of data within a loop or cursor), you should set nocount on at the beginning of your code.
set nocount on
If this is not the case or does not help, please add more information, already mentioned in the comments (e.g. all settings of the Job and each Jobstep, what has been logged, what is in the Jobhistory, check SQLerrorlogs, eventlogs,....).
Also take a look at the "SQL Server Logs" maybe you can gather some info here. Also a look into the Application/System eventlo of the Databaseserver is always a good idea.
To get a basic overview you can use the Activitymonitor in SSMS, by selecting the Databaseserver and selecting "Activity monitor" from contextmenu and search for the sql agent.
My last try would be to try to run a sql trace for the agent. In this case you would start a trace and filter e.g. by the user that the SQLAgent Service runs. There are so many options you can set for traces, so I would recommend to google for it, search on MSDN or ask another question here on stackoverflow.
We have a large proc that runs in 88 seconds in SSMS and 30-45 minutes in SQL Server Agent. I added the dbo. prefix on all the table names and now it runs just as fast as SSMS.
I've noticed that SQL Agent jobs ignore the server's MAXDOP setting and run everything with a MAXDOP of 1. If I run a stored procedure in a query windows, it obeys the server settings and uses 4 processes. If I use SQL Agent, any stored procedure I run uses only one process.
I have a similar issue with a script that calls a number of UDFs that I created. The UDF's themselves normally run subsecond under SSMS. Likewise, running the reports I generate with them is bearable under SSMS (30d data in 8s, 365d data in 22s). I've always done NOCOUNT ON with my SQL Agent jobs as they normally generate text files out for pickin up by other processes or Excel and I do not want the extra data at the end, so it was not a solution for me.
In this case, when we run the exact same script under SQL Agent as a job, my times grow exponentially. My 8s script takes 2m30s and my 22s script takes 2h20m. This is the same whether I run it midday with other user activity and jobs or after hours with no user activity, nor jobs or backups running. Our server is idle and at best I get one of the 8 cores being utilized when run. DB is only about 10GB running on SSD with a cached RAID card and 16 of 32GB RAM is free. Since my SQL runs efficiently in SSMS, I am pretty well of the belief that I am hitting a threading limit of some sort. I have researched and tried adjusting MAXDOP just prior to the scripts in the SQL Agent with no luck.
Since this is an activity I want to schedule, it needs to be automated one way or another. I could let these scripts take the hours they need to run as SQL steps in SQL Agent jobs, but I decided to run from command line instead and I get the same performance I see in SSMS.
sqlcmd -S SQLSRVRHost -i "C:\My Script Loc With Spaces.sql" -v MyVar="VarValue" >"C:\MyOutputFile.txt"
So I created a batch script with the SQL jobs run from sqlcmd. Then I run the batch script from a SQL Agent job, so I still have the same management and control in place. My 4 SQL jobs that collectively took over 3 hours to run complete in 1 min and a few seconds from a single batch script executed by SQL Agent.
I hope this helps...

One in Ten Query in SQL Server very slow

When running a very simple query in SQL Server 2000.
SELECT getDate()
Most queries are sub second, but one query randomally in 10 takes about five seconds.
I am running these queries from SQL Server 2008 Management studio, but it occurs in other clients and on other machines as well, so it is not client specific.
The query is running to a server which is on the same network and there is no significant load on the server.
Can anyone tell me why this might be happening?
Sounds like network issues. We had the same thing happen when I worked for a large bank. Due to politics, it was out of our control.
You can do a few things to confirm this, like try running the queries from the server, etc.
The two things I would suspect without more information right off the bat are network latency and server load. Do you get this behavior when running the query from the database server machine itself? Do you get this behavior when running in single-user mode?

Determine if a specific Windows application is running using SQL Server 2005

I need to determine if a specific application is running from a SQL Server 2005 job. The issue is that one of our applications we use to send data will hang, causing problems with any subsequent jobs that invokes it. If I can also obtain the CPU time, I can determine if it's likely a hung process.
A list of running applications would be good, but being able to lookup a specific executable name with the CPU time would be fantastic!
Any application launched by a job step will show as being run by the same logon account as the SQL Server Agent. Use a specific service account for the SQL Server Agent that won't be used for any other services. This willallow you to monitor the applications launched from by a job using Task Manager, Performance Monitor, etc.
Try opening the SQL Server Activity Monitor. You can also get some of the information from the stored proc sp_who2.
Have the job run an external script (batch file, KSH script) instead of a TSQL script.
I think the best approach is to run SQL Server Profiler as well as performance monitor and wait for the specified job to run. Then import the perfmon stats into profiler. You can do this from SQL Server profiler by going to File–> Import Performance Data… and point it to your Performance Monitor logs.
You should be able to choose the Process(all) counter to give you a list of all running processes, as well as getting CPU time for the processes. You can then correlate this to the application name and/or hostname from the Profiler logs to see whats going on.
I use the (free) replacement to task manager "Process Explorer" to get a better look at exe's and their dependencies.
Might be worth monitoring your issue with this.
