Get document's fields has more than N elements - solr

In SOLR I have documents has fields like below;
"geolocation": [
I would like to get documents have geolocation field has more than 3 items, such as above.
How can I write this filter in solr?
I am looking something like;
len(geolocation) >= 3

upon indexing, just add the length of that field to another, custom field, then query the later one. There are several ways you can do this:
prepare the new field value on the client side
using the built in CountFieldValuesUpdateProcessorFactory. The example in the docs does exactly what you want


How can I query Solr to get a list with all field-names prefixed by a string?

I would like to create an output based on the field-names of my Solr index objects.
What I have are objects like this e.g.:
Whereby the Price* fields may vary from object to object, some might have more than three of those, some less, however they would be always prefixed with Price.
How can I query Solr to get a list with all field-names prefixed by Price?
I've looked into filters, facets but could not find any clue on how to do this, as all examples - e.g. regex facet - are in regard to the field-value, not the field-name itself. Or at least I could not adapt it to that.
You can get a comma separated list of all existing field names if you query for 0 documents and use the csv response writer (wt parameter) to generate the field name list.
For example if you request /solr/collection/select?q=*:*&wt=csv you get a list of all fields. If you only want fields prefixed with Price you could also add the field list parameter (fl) to limit the fields.
So the request to /solr/collection/select?q=*:*&wt=csv&fl=Price*should return the following response:
With this solution you get all fields existing including dynamic fields.

Filter in Graphical Query parser Solr

I have a structure where I want to search my documents and filter/rank/set conditions on my parents. Example, a doc is a match because it contains my searched string, but also because its parent contains a certain value.
Using the graph parser and experimenting with the filter is the best way I have noticed doing this. I tried block join child parser first but it wouldn't do it for me.
The problem I am facing now is that I can't seem to get the filter to work in this way:
traversalFilter="(-field:x) OR (field2:y)"
Meaning, if field does not have value x it is ok, if field has value x and field2 has y its also ok. Other cases is filtered away.
But it won't work. Any help is appreciated!
Edit for more information:
I have set up a test core with all my fields stored in a text_general field. Default solrconfig. I have a simple chaining I'm using from parameter as document id. And a to field storing all ids of each documents children. And the graph parser works fine, its just this kind of filter that does not work for me.
I have documents with field with value a or b.
A query like this:
fq={!graph from=id to=to returnRoot=false traversalFilter="(field:b)" }id:0
This query filters away any document and its children that do not have b as value on field.
fq={!graph from=id to=to returnRoot=false traversalFilter="(-field:b)" }id:0
Should then work in the opposite. Filter away documents with b as value. But this does not work for some reason.
from solrquerysyntax:
Pure negative queries (all clauses prohibited) are allowed.- inStock:false finds all field values where inStock is not false
Which is why q=* fq=-(field:x) works fine, in returning all documents not containing value x in field.
So why can't I add the same filter in the graph traversal
I have now started looking on the graph parser and have noticed that when filtering -(-field:x) is the same as +field:x. But +(-field:x) is not the same as -field:x and does not work.

Filter Solr Documents before sending it to the user

I want to perform a comparison based on one field in a Solr document before it is sent to the Writer or to the user. I want to have the final result object, probably SolrDocumentList, so that I can loop through all the SolrDocument objects and perform a field to field comparison. For instance, if my search returns 10 documents and 5 documents have myfield="myValue", my final list should contain 6 documents with only one document having myfield="myValue", the other 4 documents should be discarded, regardless of what the other fields' contents are.
Is there any plugin for this?
If not, where should I place my code?
You can use Result Grouping / Field Collapsing. Try some thing like this: &q=solr+memory&group=true&group.field=manu_exact&group.main=true
More documenation here:

Solr: where to store additional information?

I want to provide additional information per each indexed document during index time.
And access this information in the same analyzer during query time to compare it.
So. Theoretically it would be great to write this value into some field present in this document and at query time search this field also.
f.e. I have an animals db. I want to find all documents with 3 words 'dog' inside. (just an example). I can setup for my "animals" field my custom BaseTokenFilterFactory which will produce my custom TokenFilter which will just count all 'dog' words and store this number somewhere. So. Where I can store this value to access it at searching time?
Your example sounds like something which will be better suited to be handled by custom Similarity or a query function in Solr and not as a custom analyzer.
For example if using Solr 4.0 you can use the function termfreq(field,term) to order by the number of times dog appears. or you can use it as a filter like so:
fq={!frange l=3 u=100000}termfreq(animals,"dog")
This will filter all documents whose animals field doesn't have at least 3 occurrences of the word dog.
The advantage of using this method is that you don't affect the scoring of the documents only filter them.
The ability to filter by function exists since Solr 1.4 so even if you are using an earlier version of Solr (>1.4) you can easily write the "termfreq" function query yourself

Custom fields with sub-fields in Solr 1.4

does anyone know how to create a custom field in solr 1.4? I need to create a field containing sub values of the same type, say 3 strings.
The problem is abt something like this: suppose i want to declare in the schema an "image" field, which has 3 sub-fields (strings) like "path", "title", "thumb_path".
Any ideas?
I know in solr 1.5 there will be probably the concept of LatLon object, to contain the 2 values -doubles- of latitude and longitude. Have you seen something like that?
Sounds like you should consider creating an index of "image" documents in your SOLR index.
Each image "doc" would have the fields:
where [gallery] is a multi-value field (assuming images can appear in more than one gallery)
To construct a gallery page, you run the query "gallery:foo" and then iterate over the list of images, populating the HTML elements from the fields: title, path, etc.
Note: SOLR does not limit you to having a single document type in its index (whether its best practice is another matter). So you could also index other non-image documents as well. In this case its advisable to have a field like "doc_type" so you can limit searches to that type
