index.js - file
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route exact path="/balances" component={Balances} />
On Home Component, I have a button and its event click was send to App Provider successfully.
<button className="btn btn-primary">{context.Process_ToBalances}</button>
And on AppProvider, I have a method like this.
//pre process data
// Redirect to Balance page here
ButI have no idea why all the redirection method failed.
I tried both of browserHistory.push('/Balances') and this.props.push("/Balances") but still failed.
In order to use react-router functionality in AppProvider, your Router must wrap you AppProvider component and you AppProvider must receive the Router Props, you can do so like
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route exact path="/balances" component={Balances} />
and then in AppProvider use withRouter
export default withRouter(AppProvider);
After this you can use this.props.history.push('/balances), note the case sensitive pathname /balances and not /Balances
Refer this question for more details on How to Programmatically navigate using react-router
I’ve got a ReactJS website in which I am trying to use "#azure/msal-react": "^1.0.0-beta.1", and ran into some issues that have me flummoxed.
Most of my pages are open to the public. Some require login. If I add the MSALAuthenticationTemplate as below (but with interactionType=Redirect), as soon as I start the site, it asks me to login. I thought it would only do that if I hit a route that was in the AuthenticationTemplate.
Using InteractionType Popup causes the SPA to throw an exception on startup
Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {login, result, error}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead. in p (at App.tsx:44)
All of my routes are, for some reason, coming back to the home page instead of loading the relevant components, event with the AuthenticationTemplate commented out.
I had this pretty much working using straight Javascript, but was running into ESLint issues when publishing, so I thought Typescript would help me fix those. But now it’s just broke.
render() {
return (
<MsalProvider instance={msalClient} >
<div className="d-flex flex-column h-100">
<TopMenu />
<div className="container-fluid flex-grow-1 d-flex">
<div className="row flex-fill flex-column flex-sm-row">
<Route path="/addevent">
<AddEvent />
<Route path="/mydashboard">
<MyDashboard />
</MsalAuthenticationTemplate >
<Route path='/'>
<Home />
<Route path="/about">
<About />
<Route path="/contactus">
<ContactUs />
<Route path="/faq">
<Faq />
<Route path="/fetchevents">
<FetchEvents />
<Route path="/gettingstarted">
<GettingStarted />
<Route path="/partners">
<Partners />
<Route path="/privacypolicy">
<PrivacyPolicy />
<Route path="/sponsors">
<Sponsors />
<Route path="/termsofservice">
<TermsOfService />
<Route path="/userstories">
<UserStories />
<Footer />
Let's start with the UnauthenticatedTemplate. If the user is authenticated, children of the component will not show. So I guess you don't want to use it there. It's typical usage is for Login/Logout button for example.
Another problem is that if you are using MsalAuthenticationTemplate as the parent of the Switch and Route components. The problem is that you are guarding switch and routes from unauthenticated users, but this components should always be available without authentication, if you don't want to protect whole page.
During rendering React will go through your components one by one and first child of the BrowserRouter component it will try to render is MsalAuthenticationTemplate and since user is not authenticated, it will redirect user to login page.
This is quote from react-router docs:
A Route is always technically “rendered” even though it’s rendering null. When the 's path matches the current URL, it renders its children (your component).
Because of this the children of the route will only be rendered if the route will be hit. So you need to put MsalAuthenticationTemplate component as a direct child of the route, or even inside such component:
<Route path="/addevent">
<AddEvent />
As for all the webpages redirected to your home screen, you should add exact keyword to your Home route. This attribute causes it to not match all other routes also. Single '/' matches all your other routes.
In addition to the answer already provided, there is a way (cleaner in my opinion) you can configure MSAL react to take advantage of the router's navigate functions when MSAL redirects between pages in your app.
Here is how it works:
In your index.js file you can have something like so:
import { PublicClientApplication, EventType } from "#azure/msal-browser";
import { msalConfig } from "./authConfig";
export const msalInstance = new PublicClientApplication(msalConfig);
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<App pca={msalInstance} />
As shown, you need to pass msal instance as props to your main App.
Then in your App.js where you setup your routes, you will need to do the following:
import { MsalProvider } from "#azure/msal-react";
import { CustomNavigationClient } from "NavigationClient";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
function App({ pca }) {
// The 3 lines of code below allow you to configure MSAL to take advantage of the router's navigate functions when MSAL redirects between pages in your app
const history = useHistory();
const navigationClient = new CustomNavigationClient(history);
return (
<MsalProvider instance={pca}>
<Grid container justify="center">
<Pages />
function Pages() {
return (
<Route path="/addevent">
<AddEvent />
<Route path="/mydashboard">
<MyDashboard />
<Route path='/'>
<Home />
<Route path="/about">
<About />
<Route path="/contactus">
<ContactUs />
<Route path="/faq">
<Faq />
// your other routes
And here is the helper function used in App.js that enables navigation by overriding the the default function used by MSAL
import { NavigationClient } from "#azure/msal-browser";
* This is an example for overriding the default function MSAL uses to navigate to other urls in your webpage
export class CustomNavigationClient extends NavigationClient{
constructor(history) {
this.history = history;
* Navigates to other pages within the same web application
* You can use the useHistory hook provided by react-router-dom to take advantage of client-side routing
* #param url
* #param options
async navigateInternal(url, options) {
const relativePath = url.replace(window.location.origin, '');
if (options.noHistory) {
} else {
return false;
You can then use AuthenticatedTemplate on your private pages and UnauthenticatedTemplate on the public pages. For example if you have have addEvent.js (private) and Home.js (public), you will have each components like so:
export function Home() {
return (
<p>Welcome Home - it's public</p>
export function AddEvent() {
return (
<Typography variant="h6">
Add event - it is a private page
Here is a complete example on how to use react-router with msal react for your reference.
I have navigation in react and want to redirect to the listing page on click.using this right now which is loading the page
This is my Header.js file
return (
<Link to="/allusers">All Users</Link>
This is my App.js file
I imported this
import UsersList from './user/UsersList'; //then i defined
class App extends Component {
render () {
return (
<Header />
<Route exact path='/userlist' component={UsersList} />
You can check react-router or #reach/router
For example, in #reach/router, you can use the provided Link component to create the same anchor as in your example:
<Link to="/userlist">All Users</Link>
And create a router with all your routes:
<Router primary={false}>
<Home path="/" />
<AllUsers path="/allusers" />
<NotFound default />
You can play around with this example:
Same thing can be done with react-router.
This achieved through a client side routing: manipulation of the history object of the browser through client side
This is an example rendering a specific component for specific route
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom"
<Route exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
<Route exact path="/allusers" component={AllUsers} />
<Route component={NotFoundPage} />
// then just pair it up with a navigation bar
<Link to="/">All Users</Link>
<Link to="/allusers">All Users</Link>
These components tied up to a route has access to history object as prop where you can call history.push('/allusers') for other use cases
You can do that as follows:
goToUserList = () => {
<button onClick={this.goToUserList}>Go User List</button>
Hope it helps.
Please read this properly before marking as duplicate, I assure you I've read and tried everything everyone suggests about this issue on stackoverflow and github.
I have a route within my app rendered as below;
<Header compact={this.state.compact} impersonateUser={this.impersonateUser} users={users} organisations={this.props.organisations} user={user} logOut={this.logout} />
<div className="container">
{user && <Route path="/" component={() => <Routes userRole={user.Role} />} />}
{ =>
<AlertContainer key={alert.Id} error={alert.Error} messageTitle={alert.Error ? alert.Message : "Alert"} messageBody={alert.Error ? undefined : alert.Message} />)
The route rendering Routes renders a component that switches on the user role and lazy loads the correct routes component based on that role, that routes component renders a switch for the main pages. Simplified this looks like the below.
import * as React from 'react';
import LoadingPage from '../../components/sharedPages/loadingPage/LoadingPage';
import * as Loadable from 'react-loadable';
export interface RoutesProps {
userRole: string;
const Routes = ({ userRole }) => {
var RoleRoutesComponent: any = null;
switch (userRole) {
case "Admin":
RoleRoutesComponent = Loadable({
loader: () => import('./systemAdminRoutes/SystemAdminRoutes'),
loading: () => <LoadingPage />
return (
export default Routes;
And then the routes component
const SystemAdminRoutes = () => {
var key = "/";
return (
<Route key={key} exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
<Route key={key} exact path="/home" component={HomePage} />
<Route key={key} path="/second" component={SecondPage} />
<Route key={key} path="/third" component={ThirdPage} />
<Route key={key} component={NotFoundPage} />
export default SystemAdminRoutes;
So the issue is whenever the user navigates from "/" to "/second" etc... app re-renders Routes, meaning the role switch logic is rerun, the user-specific routes are reloaded and re-rendered and state on pages is lost.
Things I've tried;
I've tried this with both react-loadable and React.lazy() and it has the same issue.
I've tried making the routes components classes
Giving all Routes down the tree the same key
Rendering all components down to the switch with path "/" but still the same problem.
Changing Route's component prop to render.
Changing the main app render method to component={Routes} and getting props via redux
There must be something wrong with the way I'm rendering the main routes component in the app component but I'm stumped, can anyone shed some light? Also note this has nothing to do with react-router's switch.
EDIT: I've modified one of my old test project to demonstrate this bug, you can clone the repo from - once the repo's cloned just run an npm install in root dir and npm start. I've got it logging to console when the Routes and SystemAdminRoutes are re-rendered/remounted
EDIT: I've opened an issue about this on GitHub, possible bug
Route re-rendering component on every path change, despite path of "/"
Found the reason this is happening straight from a developer (credit Tim Dorr). The route is re-rendering the component every time because it is an anonymous function. This happens twice down the tree, both in App and Routes (within Loadable function), below respectively.
<Route path="/" component={() => <Routes userRole={user.Role} />} />
needs to be
<Routes userRole={user.Role} />
loader: () => import('./systemAdminRoutes/SystemAdminRoutes')
Basically my whole approach needs to be rethought
EDIT: I eventually fixed this by using the render method on route:
<Route path="/" render={() => <Routes userRole={user.Role} />} />
Bumped into this problem and solved it like this:
In the component:
import {useParams} from "react-router-dom";
const {userRole: roleFromRoute} = useParams();
const [userRole, setUserRole] = useState(null);
In the routes:
<Route path="/generic/:userRole" component={myComponent} />
This sets up a generic route with a parameter for the role.
In the component useParams picks up the changed parameter und the useEffect sets a state to trigger the render and whatever busines logic is needed.
Just put the "/" in the end and put the other routes above it.
Basically it's matching the first available option, so it matches "/" every time.
<Route key={key} exact path="/home" component={HomePage} />
<Route key={key} path="/second" component={SecondPage} />
<Route key={key} path="/third" component={ThirdPage} />
<Route key={key} exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
<Route key={key} component={NotFoundPage} />
<Route path="/second" component={SecondPage} />
<Route exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} />
Reorder like this, it will start working.
Simple :)
I have a component, App component, NewHome Component and Results component.
My route in component App looks like
<Route exact path="/" component={NewHome} />
<Route path="flights/search/roundtrip" component={Results} />
NewHome Routes look like
<Route path="/flights" component={FlightSearch} />
<Route path="/hotels" component={HotelSearch} />
Results component is class based react component
Only App component gets render, but component inside, I can see null in react devtools and Ui only has the part of App not part of results
<Route path="flights/search/roundtrip" component={Results}>
<Route />
Ideally, it should work, but I am not able to understand what I am doing wrong here. Any pointers or suggetions will be helpful. What can be the probable reasons for this kind of behaviour
This is the code where i am doing reactdom.render in index.js file
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={App} />
{/* {routes} */}
Note: full url is something like this
NewHome gets a match prop. With that, simply contact its url with nested routes you might need.
NewHome component:
render() {
const { match } = this.props
return (
<Route path={`${match.url}/flights`} component={FlightSearch} />
<Route path={`${match.url}/hotels`} component={HotelSearch} />
I think its because you forgot a '/' in your route.
<Route path="/flights/search/roundtrip" component={Results} />
instead of
<Route path="flights/search/roundtrip" component={Results} />
try exporting your component after wrapping your component in withRouter HOC
import { withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
and export the component as follows
export default withRouter(Results);
I have found out the issue, in my app i was importing Route from react-router-dom. Its available in react-router. May be a correct error message would have helped :) Thanks #sujit and #mersocarlin for giving valuable inputs.
I am building a small project to test the React Router 4. So far so good, my url updates and my props.locations shows up with withRouter. But I can't seem to change my navBar base on the props.location.
This is what my Routes look like:
<Provider store={ store }>
<BrowserRouter onUpdate={() => window.scrollTo(0, 0)}>
<div className="root">
<Route exact path="/" component={HomePageContainer}/>
<Route eact path="/signin" component={SignInContainer}/>
<Route eact path="/reviews" component={Reviews}/>
<Route path="/favorites" component={Favorites}/>
<Route render={() => (
<p>Page Not Found</p>
My component basically contains my HeaderBar and navBar, I have messages thats in navBar that I want to change so I would have title of the page, My App looks like this:
const App = (props) => {
let toRender = null;
if(props.location.pathname !== '/signin'){
toRender = (
<HeaderContainer />
<NavBarContainer />
} else {
toRender = null;
<div className="App">
{ toRender }
I can import my navBar container into each of the routes i have for '/', '/reviews', and '/favorites'. But I don't think that would be a modular way to do it. I also have a shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method inside NavBar, and I tested with a console.log to print something when it does update when I switch url, but it doesn't. Does anyone have any suggestions on a clean solution to pass in the props to my NavBar without importing it into every single one of the components? I also tried putting App component in the place of Route so I would have:
<App exact path="/" component={HomePageContainer}/>
<Route eact path="/signin" component={SignInContainer}/>
<App eact path="/reviews" component={Reviews}/>
<App path="/favorites" component={Favorites}/>
But then my Components aren't rendering besides the App. I'm not sure what's happening or why it's not rendering the components. Any suggestions would be much appreciate it. Thank you.