NLog - How to prevent site from crashing when database throws error - sql-server

We currently use NLog in our website to log messages into an MSSQL database, instead of a regular log file.
How can we configure NLog to ignore any database errors instead of crashing the website when the database cannot be found?

Using a Try, Catch clause is used often with catching Database Exceptions from Invalid Operations to Connectivity issues. NLog seems to handle exception logging pretty efficiently and I would Log these at Error Level. The following is my production code(not exactly) and it seems to handle both object level errors and database errors.
//Database Operations...
catch (SqlException sqlException)
logger.Error(sqlException, "Sql exception caught while Importing.");
catch (NullReferenceException nullRefException)
DBConnTxn.ExecuteUpdateQuery("ROLLBACK TRAN");
logger.Error(nullRefException, "Null Reference exception caught while Importing.");
catch(Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, "DB Roll Back Exception while importing.");
return false;
return false;
catch (ArgumentException argsException)
DBConnTxn.ExecuteUpdateQuery("ROLLBACK TRAN");
catch { }
logger.Error(argsException, "Null Reference exception caught while Importing.");
FullAutoMailSendHelper.ProcessErrors.Add("Data Import Error", argsException.Message);
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Fatal(ex, "Unhandled Exception occurred");
DBConnTxn.ExecuteUpdateQuery("ROLLBACK TRAN");
catch(Exception innerException) {
FullAutoMailSendHelper.ProcessErrors.Add("Data Import Error",ex.Message);
return false;


SqlException logs RAISEERROR and PRINT statements from .NET [duplicate]

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server that throws an error whenever a condition is hit. In order to catch this error and display it to the user, I use
catch (Exception e)
return BadRequest(e.Message);
This catches most of the cases but on the other hand, this procedure has some print messages that also get caught by this Exception. Is there a way to catch the exception thrown only from RAISERROR and ignore this print message from SQL Server?
All info and error messages generated during command execution are buffered and available when a SqlException is caught. The Message property includes the text of all info messages (print statements and errors with a severity of less than 11) and the warnings/errors that caused the exception.
To ignore info messages, use the SqlException Errors collection and process only those with severity (SqlError.Class property) of 11 or higher:
catch (SqlException e)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(var error in e.Errors)
if(error.Class > 10) sb.AppendLine(error.message);
return BadRequest(sb.ToString());

WinForms exception interceptor

I'm using the ABP framework with WinForms and I need to identify the best way to intercept an exception and log this information.
My WinForms is a Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) application. I add a HandleException in Program.cs so that when the application throws an exception, I'm able to log it in the log file. But if I get an exception in an ApplicationService, this exception is handled by ABP and not thrown back to WinForms, and nothing is written in the log file.
Do I need to implement some interface to have the classic logging like MVC/Angular app?
I found that the problem is related to async operation. Usually I call:
await _service.GetProducts();
If an exception is thrown, the main thread does not intercept it. If I switch to:
AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => _service.GetProducts());
Then the main thread intercepts the error.
because the exception is thrown in another thread you have to handle unhandled exceptions of the application domain. insert the exception handler into the starting point of your application. for win forms i guess you can use program.cs
static class Program
static void Main(string[] argv)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender,e)
=> HandleException(e.ExceptionObject);
Application.ThreadException += (sender,e)
=> HandleException(e.Exception);
Application.Run(new MainWindow());
catch (Exception ex)
static void HandleException(object exception) {
var ex= exception as Exception;
if (ex== null) {
ex= new NotSupportedException("Unhandled exception: " + exceptionObject.ToString());
//you can log exception here -> ex.ToString();
Ok after some invastigation and googling I found this MSDN explanation Asynchronous Programming - Async from the Start
Accoriding to this article I change my program start to move to async code.
I need to chage a little bit more because I'm on Mdi Form when open a inside form
Form1 childForm = Globals.Bootstrapper.IocManager.Resolve<Form1>();
childForm.MdiParent = this;
var formAsync = childForm.InitializeAsync();
I add the static class to intercept the error form Abp
public static async void HandleExceptions(Task task)
await Task.Yield(); //ensure this runs as a continuation
await task;
catch (Exception ex)
//deal with exception, either with message box
//or delegating to general exception handling logic you may have wired up
//e.g. to Application.ThreadException and AppDomain.UnhandledException
var log = Globals.Bootstrapper.IocManager.IocContainer.Resolve<ILogger>();
LogHelper.LogException(log, ex);
//Exception handling...
MessageBox.Show("Ops!" + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Now my log file is populated in correct way

Objectify 4 transactions

With Objectify 4 I am trying to throw a controlled exception inside a transaction. As vrun() interface does not allow throwing exceptions, I have to catch it. I do it, and then I want to perform the rollback, but when the transaction finishes and it all fails (I think it is because it tries to do a commit), not even doing the rollback. How can I do it?
Thanks in advance!
Code example:
ofy().transact(new VoidWork() {
public void vrun() {
//do something
//find someting wrong and want to throw an exception
try {
throw new MyException(); //throw the exception
} catch (MyException e) {
ofy().getTransaction().rollback(); //catch it and perform rollback
//an error occurs

How can I handle all possible exceptions when I do a POST with EF6 / SQL Server 2012

I am using the following code in my controller when I submit a new entry:
// POST /api/Content/
public HttpResponseMessage PostContent(Content content)
content.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
var response = Request.CreateResponse<Content>(HttpStatusCode.Created, content);
return response;
catch (DbUpdateException ex)
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, ex);
This only picks up DbUpdateExceptions so if there is another kind of exception then I think I need to handle it differently.
Can anyone suggest how I should handle other exceptions?
You can add several catch in a row going from the most particular to most general
content.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
var response = Request.CreateResponse<Content>(HttpStatusCode.Created, content);
return response;
catch (DbUpdateException ex)
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, ex);
catch (Exception ex)
// do what you want
If we want to move from quick-and-dirty method to longer-but-safer, we may pass following steps:
Excapsulate data access in separate object and handle it's exceptions in it, passing to the outside world custom exceptions. You may decide to hide all data access exceptions under single custom exception.
(as #Massanu pointed) Concatenate handlers starting with most particular to most general. To react approprietely on different exceptions, do not use single catch (Exception ex) handler.
If something, actually, let unhandled, you may catch it in Application_Error method of global.asax:
There is a good chapter about error handling in Code Complete book written by Steve Macconell:

ZombieCheck Exception - This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable -- during simple commit

I have the following code which performs a commit of a single row to a database table (SQL 2008 / .NET 4)
using (var db = new MyDbDataContext(_dbConnectionString))
Action action = new Action();
Normally everything is fine, but once in a while I get the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.ZombieCheck()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Rollback()
at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
There are a number of similar questions on SO but I after reading them I cannot work out the cause.
Could this be simply due to a SQL timeout (the exception occurs close to 25s after the call is made)? Or should I expect a SQL timeout exception in that case?
Does anyone know what else may cause this?
The DataContext.SubmitChanges method has the following code lines in it's body:
// ...
if (this.provider.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
if (this.provider.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
flag = true;
dbTransaction = this.provider.Connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
this.provider.Transaction = dbTransaction;
new ChangeProcessor(, this).SubmitChanges(failureMode);
if (dbTransaction != null)
// ...
When the connection times out, the catch block is executed and the dbTransaction.Rollback(); line will throw a InvalidOperationException.
If you had control over the code, you could catch the exception like this:
// Attempt to roll back the transaction.
if (dbTransaction != null)
catch (Exception ex2)
// This catch block will handle any errors that may have occurred
// on the server that would cause the rollback to fail, such as
// a closed connection.
Console.WriteLine("Rollback Exception Type: {0}", ex2.GetType());
Console.WriteLine(" Message: {0}", ex2.Message);
YES! I had the same issue. The scary answer is that SQLServer sometimes rolls back a transaction on the server side when it encounters an error, and does not pass the error back to the client. YIKES!
Look on the Google Group microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet for "SqlTransaction.ZombieCheck error" Colberd Zhou [MSFT] explains it very well.
and see aef123's comment on this SO post
May I suggest that connection closes earlier that transaction commits. Then the transaction is rolled back. Check this article on MSDN Blog.
