Access the index of an element in a jsonb array - arrays

I would like to access the index of an element in a jsonb array, like this:
jsonb_array_elements(data->'Steps') AS Step,
FROM my_process
I don't see any function in the manual for this.
Is this somehow possible?

Use with ordinality. You have to call the function in the from clause to do this:
with my_process(data) as (
('{"Steps": ["first", "second"]}'::jsonb)
select value as step, ordinality- 1 as index
from my_process
cross join jsonb_array_elements(data->'Steps') with ordinality
step | index
"first" | 0
"second" | 1
(2 rows)
Read in the documentation ( Table Functions):
If the WITH ORDINALITY clause is specified, an additional column of type bigint will be added to the function result columns. This column numbers the rows of the function result set, starting from 1.

You could try using
which should supply both the key and value.
There is an example in this question:
Extract key, value from json objects in Postgres
except you would use the jsonb version.


GIN index on array column not used, even after setting `enable_seqscan` to off?

As recommended by this comment, I built an intarray GIN index. I even set local enable_seqscan = 'off';. Still, when I EXPLAIN my query, it is doing the sequential scan. For demonstration, I created a dummy table called deletethis.
devapp=> \d deletethis;
Table "public.deletethis"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
col1 | integer[] | | |
"deletethis_idx" gin (col1 gin__int_ops)
devapp=> BEGIN; set local enable_seqscan = False; SHOW enable_seqscan; EXPLAIN SELECT * from deletethis where 1 = ANY(col1); COMMIT;
(1 row)
Seq Scan on deletethis (cost=10000000000.00..10000000040.60 rows=7 width=32)
Filter: (1 = ANY (col1))
(2 rows)
Why is it still doing Seq Scan and not using the index despite the enable_seqscan having been set to off?
As I mentioned in another answer to the same question you referenced, the ANY construct cannot tap into a GIN index:
Can PostgreSQL index array columns?
This can use your index:
SELECT * FROM deletethis WHERE col1 #> '{1}';
'{1}' being an array literal. An array constructor (ARRAY[1]) or any variable or column of type integer[] would work, too.
Check if value exists in Postgres array
Cannot INSERT: ERROR: array value must start with "{" or dimension information
An explicit type cast for the input is optional because the assignment cast for the literal as well as the default type for the constructor happen to work for us.
But while using operator classes of the additional module intarray, be careful to operate with integer (int4) and nothing else. Related:
Compare arrays for equality, ignoring order of elements
GIN index on smallint[] column not used or error "operator is not unique"

How to parse a table with a JSON array field in PostgreSQL into rows?

I have a table that contains a json array. Here is a sample of the contents of the field from:
SELECT json_array FROM table LIMIT 5;
[{"key1":"value1"}, {"key1":"value2"}, ..., {"key2":"value3"}]
How can I retrieve all the values and count how many of each value was found?
I am using PostgreSQL 9.5.14, and I have tried the solutions here Querying a JSON array of objects in Postgres
and the ones suggested to me by another generous stackoverflow user in my last question: How can I parse JSON arrays in postgresql?
I tried:
value -> 'key1'
which sadly does not work for me due to receiving the error: cannot call json_array_elements on a scalar
This error happens when using a query that returns more than one row or more than one column as a scalar subquery.
Another solution I tried was:
SELECT json_array as json, (json_array->0),
when (json_array->0) IS NULL then null
else (json_array->0->>'key1')
'No value') AS "Value"
FROM table;
which only returned null values for the "Value"
Referencing Querying a JSON array of objects in Postgres I attempted to use this solution as well:
WITH json_test (col) AS (
values (json_arrays)
y.x->'key1' "key1"
FROM json_test jt,
LATERAL (SELECT json_array_elements(jt.col) x) y;
But I would need to be able to fit all the elements of the json_arrays into json_test
So far I have only attempted to list all the values in the all json arrays, but my ideal end-result for the query resembles this:
Value | Amount
value1 | 48
value2 | 112
value3 | 93
value4 | 0
Yet again I am grateful for any help with this, thank you in advance.
step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle
json_array_elements(json_array) elems, -- 1
json_each_text(elems) each -- 2
GROUP BY each.value -- 3
Expand array into one row for each array element
split the key/value pairs into two columns
group by the new value column/count

Make a new array with items derived from another array

Given a PostgreSQL ARRAY of items of one type, how can I create a new array where each item is derived from the items in the initial array?
Example: I have an array of INTERVAL values. I want a new array where each item is a NUMERIC(10, 1) that is the total number of seconds in the corresponding INTERVAL value.
I know how to convert one INTERVAL value:
foo=> SELECT '00:01:20.000'::INTERVAL AS duration_interval;
(1 row)
foo=> SELECT extract(EPOCH FROM date_trunc('second', '00:01:20.000'::INTERVAL))
::NUMERIC(10, 1) AS duration_seconds;
(1 row)
The array does not exist in a table – this is a value returned from another function call – so the conversion code needs to operate on it as an array.
How can I convert an array of INTERVAL values to an array of corresponding NUMERIC values?
You need to unnest() the array, do the conversion and then aggregate back into an array.
Assuming you want to do this on a real table with a primary key:
SELECT pk, array_agg(extract(epoch from dur_int)::numeric(10,1)
ORDER BY ordinality) AS duration_seconds
FROM my_table, unnest(duration_interval) WITH ORDINALITY d(dur_int)
If you have a single array, such as the result from a function call:
SELECT array_agg(extract(epoch from dur_int)::numeric(10,1)
ORDER BY ordinality) AS duration_seconds
FROM unnest(function(...)) WITH ORDINALITY d(dur_int);
Note that you need the WITH ORDINALITY clause when unnesting the array. This will add a column ordinality to the result such that every row has two columns: (dur_int interval, ordinality bigint). When putting the array back again with seconds instead of an interval, you order the rows by the ordinality column. That way you ensure that the order in the resulting array of seconds is the same as in the original array of intervals. (In general, SQL row sources have no specific ordering, the server may present rows in any order it prefers.)
If you have access to the function and you are not breaking other uses of it, you might be better off by changing the function such that you can use its result directly.
If there is a primary key then #Patrick answer is enough. If not then use row_number to aggregate on:
with i(i) as (values
select array_agg(extract(epoch from a)::numeric(10,1))
from (
select i, row_number() over() as r
from i
) s, unnest(i) a (a)
group by r

PostgreSQL - counting the elements in the JSON

I have a JSON type column called "log_data" and the data stored in it is in the format [{"key":"test123123","identity":"","identity_type":"email"}].
I want to count how many records for a given value for a given key in json:
Doesn't work
SELECT count (distinct esas_logs.log_id) AS "count" FROM "esas_logs" WHERE log_data->0->>'identity' = ''
[2016-06-30 13:59:18] [42883] ERROR: operator does not exist: json = unknown
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
use json_array_length()
test=# select json_array_length('[{"key":"test123123","identity":"","identity_type":"email"}]');
(1 row)
According to the doc, you should use the ? operator.
If your column type is JSON:
SELECT COUNT(esas_logs ? 'log_id') FROM esas_logs WHERE ...
If you column is a TEXT or VARCHAR:
SELECT COUNT(esas_logs::jsonb ? 'log_id') FROM esas_logs WHERE ...

PSQL: Count number of wildcard values in JSONB array

My table has a jsonb column that stores JSON arrays of strings in this format:
["ItemA", "ItemB", "ItemC"]
I'm trying to filter the rows based on the number of certain items in the array, using a wildcard for a part of the name of the item.
From what I have read here on SO, I could use the jsonb_to_recordset function and then just query the data normally, but I can't put the pieces together.
How do I use the jsonb_to_recordset to accomplish this? It's asking for a column definition list, but how do I specify one for just a string array?
My hypothetical (but of course not valid) query would look something like this:
SELECT * FROM mytable, jsonb_to_recordset(mytable.jsonbdata) AS text[] WHERE mytable.jsonbdata LIKE 'Item%'
Maybe it could be done using something like this instead:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE jsonbdata ? 'Item%';
Use jsonb_array_elements():
select *
mytable t,
jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonbdata) arr(elem)
where elem like 'Item%';
jsonbdata | elem
["ItemA", "ItemB", "ItemC"] | ItemA
["ItemA", "ItemB", "ItemC"] | ItemB
["ItemA", "ItemB", "ItemC"] | ItemC
(3 rows)
Probably you'll want to select only distinct table rows:
select distinct t.*
mytable t,
jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonbdata) arr(elem)
where elem like 'Item%';
