Why do we have dbo user as owner for dbo schema? - sql-server

I understand that dbo is a default schema for every object in database owned by dbo user but we can't login with dbo user and the account we specify during setup gets rights automatically.
Why do we have a dbo user for dbo schema if we can't login with it. We could have had the setup account with full previleges on all schemas.
What's the significance of it?

We don't have to use dbo schema till in DB we don't have another objects with same name in anothers schemas.
But if you build queries without specifying this, then the speed of query execution will slow down. Since the query optimizer will scan other schemes. You can assume that this is just a default namespace


Objects being created as DBO for all users in SQL Server application

We have Windows Authentication on our SQL Server Databases.
Every object gets created as dbo which I don't mind. But we are unable to track who created what? Can someone help on how it can be managed so we can at least track who is doing what? The login names from the trace is also generic
login name - ABC\gMSA_SQL$
If I login to the server with my windows authentication and run the below command select SUSER_NAME(), I can see my username and not a generic one. So now if I create a table where can I get this username from?
The default schema of the user are set to dbo. It could be due to many reasons, as mentioned in the below msdn reference
The default schema will be the first schema that will be searched by
the server when it resolves the names of objects for this database
user. Unless otherwise specified, the default schema will be the owner
of objects created by this database user.
If the user has a default schema, that default schema will used. If
the user does not have a default schema, but the user is a member of a
group that has a default schema, the default schema of the group will
be used. If the user does not have a default schema, and is a member
of more than one group, the default schema for the user will be that
of the Windows group with the lowest principal_id and an explicitly
set default schema. (It is not possible to explicitly select one of
the available default schemas as the preferred schema.) If no default
schema can be determined for a user, the dbo schema will be used.
DEFAULT_SCHEMA can be set before the schema that it points to is
DEFAULT_SCHEMA cannot be specified when you are creating a user mapped
to a certificate, or an asymmetric key.
The value of DEFAULT_SCHEMA is ignored if the user is a member of the
sysadmin fixed server role. All members of the sysadmin fixed server
role have a default schema of dbo.
You can find out the default schema of the users by running the below query. Refer to sys.database_principals
SELECT default_schema_name FROM sys.database_principals
If you want to restrict the users to only create objects on their schema, you have to do below things:
CREATE SCHEMA [userPrincipalSchema];
CREATE USER [userPrincipal]
, DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[userPrincipalSchema]
DENY ALTER ON SCHEMA::[dbo] to [userPrincipal]
ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::[userPrincipalSchema] to [userPrincipal];
This way, you can ensure that the [userPrincpal] is able to create objects only on their schema and you can track, the objects created by them.

Default dbo schema for user from ACL group

I have following situation
ACL group: domain\aclgroup
user account: domain\account
user account is a member of the ACL group
in the sql server ACL group is added to the server logins, mapped to the database with default schema dbo.
user account is not added to the sql server, I can log by this user account base on that ACL group
So the default schema as I though for the user account should be dbo, but it is not.
When I try to create a table without schema like: CREATE TABLE Test (id int), it creates this table in the schema: [domain\user].Test
Why it behaves like this and how I can setup it to create a table in dbo without explicitly typing CREATE TABLE dbo.Test?
I found the problem, user account was not present (deleted?) from server logins but it was present in the database users, with own schema. After deletion of the user, the default schema is dbo

recreate user with schema

Following code recreates a user:
-- Remove link to order schema
-- Recreate order user without login
-- Restore link to order schema
My question is, why do we need to remove link to schema before dropping a user, and restore it back after user created?
The behavior of Schemas changed in SQL Server 2005. Schemas are no longer equivalent to database users; each schema is now a distinct namespace that exists independently of the database user who created it. In other words, a schema is simply a container of objects. A schema can be owned by any user, and its ownership is transferable.
Ok, just found why we need to temporary move the schema link to another owner before deleting a user.
It will return error if not doing so:
The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped.

SQL Server 2008 - Removing schema ownership

I just created a new web application that accepts some form based input from the user and inserts it in into the database. To go along with this I created a new user in the database and initially assigned the user to two roles and schemas ...
After thinking things over I realized the user did not need to be part of the db_datareader role because the user only inserted data into the database and never read any. So I went back and removed the role of db_datareader and noticed that the schema options were grayed out. I could not remove the user from schema ownership of db_datareader.
How does one go about removing a user from ownership of a specific schema? Should I have even assigned schema ownership in the first place?
I am logged in as administrator of the SQL Server and of the Windows 7 OS.
I had same issue today and found a way to remove user as owner of schema. Open Schema node below Security in database and change the owner for the user that you mistakenly used with the default owner. For example if some oddball user name is listed as schema owner for db_datareader, change it to dbo (the default) and so on.
No, you shouldn't have assigned ownership of the schema to the user. You should have just made the user a member of the schema. Revert ownership to dbo and check that the user account is not still a member of the schema.

Who should be an owner of the new schema?

I am creating a new schema in SQLServer 2008.
Should I create a new user with the same name as schema owner?
Should I use 'dbo' user as schema owner?
If all you want to do is make the name stand out, then just use dbo. No sense creating new users and roles that you don't need.
But really, you shouldn't create a schema just to do this. Why not simply prefix the names of the procedures?
From a security perspective the schema and all database objects should be owned by a role that cannot login yet has super user privileges. When maintenance is to be performed you login as a non-privileged user and set your role to the super user role.
