AngularJS preload pages (off line mode) - angularjs

I would like to preload templates in AngularJS (with ng-route) so that when I am on the home page, after loading all the necessaries element, I can download some sub-pages of my application in order to, if the user lost connexion, he is still able to go on that page, without an internet connexion.
I tried to make different asynchronous calls on my pages but I'm not getting anywhere.
I hope it's clear

There are two approaches for this:
The first one is to use an Ajax call and get the HTML for your Sites and load it into the template Cache by yourself:
$http.get('./template.en.html').then(function (result) {
//put template into cache
The second would be to use OcLazyLoad:
But with this approach your Template files need to look like this:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="myTemplateName">
Content of the template.
Also you could load your controller files with ocLazyLoad


how i can read meta tag from template before load it on $routeChangeStart in angularjs

i have angular app and server send to me dynamic html when routing to some page and this page have metatag for some use. i have to chenge url if the meta tag is not set before thmplate is load. how i can read meta tag befor load template in $routeChangeStart
So what i can understand via your statement, is you want to get the meta information before loading the next page. Below is snippet, you will need to modify according to your requirement. If you are using Angular UI routing then this should work.
$scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (event) {
$http.get('url').then(function(response) {
html =; // Check the meta information and then
//either move or stop propagation.
Hope this helps.

How to deal with templates of completely different areas (but same website) with AngularJS

I have a webapp with a main index.html that shows each page through an ng-view and a routeProvider.
Now I'm adding an entry page for users who are still not logged in. This page could also have his own ng-view to slide different sections for non logged users (welcome, what is, sign in, sign up ecc...) and his own head with css scripts ecc...
I'd rather that both the webapp index and the entry page index address to (so nothing like ).
I thought about a structure similar to this:
welcome.js (angular module for the entry page)
webapp.js (angular module containing the routeProvider for the webapp)
Currently I have that .htaccess that rewrites all the fake queries to index.html so that everything is handled here.
So in particular:
1) How can I say to the routerProvider of webapp.js to go to /welcome/index.html when the user is not logged in, if I already use this condition for the webapp main page? (Should I use the run method? a brief example will be helpful)
.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider){
.when('/', {
templateUrl : 'main/webapp-main.html'
2) How do I prevent that everything in welcome/index.html will be loaded within the index.html ng-view? (maybe using ng-if to hide ng-view? or there is some way to control this behavour with the routerProvider?)
3) There is a better and simpler way to achieve all of this?
Ok I think there was an underlying problem in my question... I can't use a complete different page since everything is loaded in and switching to another page will cause the reload of the app loosing all the data.
So I suppose I should use the same main template for the entire website.
Then I add: there is a way in angularjs to load different style sheets dynamically?
this questions is old but i think is valid and can clarify someone a few thinks.
First of all you are suppose to use a single page for AngularJS apps, otherwise you will have to do something like a redirect link, and in your other-index.html load an entirely different Angular Application also loading every script needed in the first one.
1) Use ui-router is easy to work, and very robust, the only thing you need to have is a container for your ui-view then the ui-router will fill the container with the corresponding html
2) To prevent navigation you should do something like this:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.run(function($rootScope, mySessionService){
function(event, next, nextParams, prev, prevParams) {
// The info of your currentUser could be obtain from a service
// or localStorage or cookies anyway you are already doing it
var authorized= checkAuthorization(next.authorazedRoles,
if(!authorized) {
// Or $rootScope.$emit('NOT_AUTHENTICATED');
// and some service will have to implement a listener for this emit
// $rootScope.$on('NOT_AUTHENTICATED', func..redirect to X State)

AngularJS register controller once

That's what I'm doing. There is application with pages and different controls that may be put on pages by site admin/editor. All pages share one ng-app defined on master page. All controls are supplied with .js files with angular controllers. Let's suppose that I have an image gallery block:
<div ng-controller='imageGalleryCtrl'>
do something amazing here
<script src='imageGallery.js'></script>
Inside script there is a simple controller registration like:
angular.module('myApp').controller('imageGalleryCtrl', ... );
So. If I have 10 image galleries, I'll execute controller registration 10 times. It looks like this will work, but hell - I don't want it to be so =)
For now I just have all controls' scripts registration on a master page, but I don't like it as well, because if there is no image gallery on a page, I don't want it's script be downloaded during page load.
The question is - is there any proper way to understand if controller have been registered in a module already and thus prevent it from re-registering?
Well, though I've found no perfect solution, I must admit that the whole idea isn't very good and I won't think about it before my site will grow too big to assemble whole angular app on master page.
You should declare your controller but once. Instead of having one controller per gallery, have your single controller handle all image galleries. The controller should make a request to the REST backend to fetch the images of the desired gallery.
I see that instead of ng-view, you're using the ng-controller directive, indicating that probably you're not using Angular's routing. Try switching to using routes.
Have a look at Angular.js routing tutorial. It shows you how to use the ngRoute module. Then, in the next chapter, the use of $routeParams is described. Via the $routeParams service, you can easily say which gallery should be displayed by providing its ID in the URL; only one controller will be necessary for all your galleries.
If you really must check whether a given controller has been declared, you can iterate through the already declared controllers (and services... and pretty much everything else) by checking the array angular.module("myApp")._invokeQueue. The code would probably look something like this (not tested!):
var isRegistered = function(controllerName)
var i, j, queue = angular.module("myApp")._invokeQueue;
for (i = 0, j = queue.length; i < j; ++i) {
if (
queue[i][0] === "$controllerProvider"
&& queue[i][1] === "register"
&& queue[i][2][0] === controllerName
) {
return true;
return false;
Bear in mind however that while this may (or may not) work, it's far from being the correct thing to do. It's touching Angular's internal data that's not meant to be used in your code.

Add "intermediary" page prior to full page load Angular

My problem
I am using Angular to create a Phonegap application. Most of my pages are fairly small and the transition/responsiveness is quick and smooth. However I have one page that is fairly large that I am having an issue with.
The method for changing to this page is straightforward:
<button ng-click="$location.url('/page2')"></button>
When you "tap" the button above it takes about 1-2s to respond and change pages. I have double checked all areas for improvement on this page and determined that the delay is caused by Angular compiling and parsing the DOM of this page prior to changing the page. Please note that I am testing this on a real device so it is not due to emulator speeds.
The question
Is there a way to automatically or manually intercept page changes and put them in a sort of "loading" page so the response to the button click is immediate and page change is visible but the page content loads in a second or 2 later onto this "loading" page.
Its only an issue cause it is very awkward to click something and have nothing happen. I am having a very hard time finding any resources on this matter so if someone can even point me in the right direction to look I would be grateful.
A super hacky solution I found was to use an ng-include on wrapper page and delay the include for a little bit.
<div ng-include="page"></div>
$ = '';
setTimeout(function() { $'/pages/myBigPage.html'; $scope.$apply(); }, 1000);
Then navigate to your wrapper page instead: $location.url('/myBigPageWrapper')
This is obviously not ideal... But I hope this helps clarify what I am attempting to do.
This is the section that causes the page to slow down, commenting this out makes the page load very quickly. There are 13 pages in the "auditPages" array each containing about 50 lines of html mostly containing form input elements. Quite a bit of logic however it runs great once it is loaded. I am not going to include all the pages as it would be overload.
<div class="page-contents">
<form name="auditPageForm">
<div ng-repeat="(pageKey, pageData) in auditPages " ng-show="">
<audit-form page="pageData">
<ng-include src=" 'partials/audit/auditSections/''.html'" onload="isFormValid(pageKey)"></ng-include>
To sum up my comments above:
Your question was:
Is there a way to automatically or manually intercept page changes and
put them in a sort of "loading" page?
A lot of people asks for this question since Angular doesn't seem to provide a nice handling of a loading transition.
Indeed, the possible nicest solution would have been to "play" with the resolve property of angular's module configuration.
As we know, resolve allows to run some logic before the targeted page is rendered, dealing with a promise. The ideal would be to be able to put a loading page on this targeted page, while the resolve code is running.
So some people have nice ideas like this one:
Nice way to handle loading icon while route is changing
He uses $routeChangeStart event, so the loading icon would happen on the SOURCE page.
I use it and it works well.
Also, there is another way: make use of $http interceptor (like #oori answer above), to have a common code allowing to put a loading icon but...I imagine you don't want the same icon on every kind of http request the page does, it's up to you.
Maybe in the future, a solution would come directly associated to the resolve property.
Angular has $httpProvider.responseInterceptors
// Original by zdam:
angular.module('LoadingService', [])
.config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) {
var spinnerFunction = function (data, headersGetter) {
return data;
// register the interceptor as a service, intercepts ALL angular ajax http calls
.factory('myHttpInterceptor', ['$q','$window', function ($q, $window) {
return function (promise) {
return promise.then(function (response) {
return response;
}, function (response) {
return $q.reject(response);

Backbone.js not performing document.write at the correct time?

I have a backbone.js CMS of sorts, that accepts html and then renders it in the browser. The following is the template file (in .hamlc) that renders the backbone page object.
%h1.text= #page.get('title')!= #page.get('content')
This works fine, until I have a <script> tag. I have a script tag for a widget (below)
<script src=''></script>
This widget uses document.write (which you can see if you look at the source). First, when I load the page it doesn't show anything (I've tested the widget in an html file by itself and it displays their normal god-awful ). When I inspect the element, it looks like the script tag was removed.
However, when I test with the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
It runs. Still nothing in the inspector though.
Finally, testing with the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
It also runs. However, it completely destroys the page content and just shows 'test'.
According to this article about using document.write for widgets, it says it can't be run after the page load. I'm assuming that's what's happening here is that document.write is being run after page load and destroying all the content, given that's the technique backbone.js uses (appending/replacing elements in the DOM once the page is loaded).
How can I make my Backbone.js CMS accept script tags with document.write widgets without either not showing anything or destroying the entire page?
I cannot reproduce it, the template renders as it should:
$ coffee
coffee> hc = require './src/hamlc'
{ compile: [Function],
template: [Function],
__express: [Function] }
coffee> template = hc.compile "!= #content"
coffee> template(content: 'Hello <script>Script</script>')
'<div class=\'page-content text\'>Hello <script>Script</script></div>'
and the script tag is persisted. Do you have the latest version installed?
You're calling document.write after the page has been loaded, so it'll overwrite the whole page. You could try putting the script tag in an iframe, or monkey patch document.write to behave differently after the page has been loaded. See the top answer on this question:
Dynamically added JavaScript overwrite the html page view (not the code)
If I understand correctly, you're trying to include the script tag for the widget inside a template, which means it's being inserted after the initial DOM is ready. That won't work for the reasons you mentioned; when the script executes, it will replace everything in the DOM.
You need to load the script before the initial DOM is complete, that is either in <head> or at the beginning of <body>. That in turn means that you have to include the script tag in your initial HTML as delivered by the server rather than trying to dynamically generate it client-side.
