Using SQL Server Authentication to connect to SSRS from a WinForms Application - sql-server

I'm busy testing SSRS to see if it's a viable alternative to our current reporting solution. I've set up SSRS on my local machine and have developed a working report using SQL Server Report Builder. Now what I'm trying to do is to call the report from within a WinForms application and display it in a ReportViewer control. The problem is that I've set up SQL Server to use SQL Server Authentication and I'm struggling to figure out how to connect to it programmatically.
The code I've pieced together so far looks like this:
Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms
Public Class frmMain
Public v_report_name As String = "TestReport"
Public v_report_server As String = "http://elnah-ict-dt006:80"
Public v_report_path As String = "/reports_SSRS/"
Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'create parameter array
Dim paramlist As New List(Of Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter)
'create a specific parameter required by the report
Dim param1 As New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("ClientID")
'add values to the parameter here we use a variable that holds the parameter value
'add parameter to array
'Set the processing mode for the ReportViewer to Remote
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote
'use the serverreport property of the report viewer to select a report from a remote SSRS server
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New System.Uri(v_report_server)
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = v_report_path & v_report_name
'select where the report should be generated with the report viewer control or on the report server using the SSRS service.
'Me.ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Remote
'add the parameterlist to the viewer
End Sub
End Class
When it hits the SetParameters line towards the bottom, it gets the following error message:
Message=The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version.
I've tried to find examples of how to set the username and password but from what I can tell, most examples are focused on using Windows Authentication. I've tried the following line but it doesn't work:
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = New ReportServerCredentials("SA", "mypassword")
I haven't worked in VB.NET for ages so please excuse any obvious errors.

Here's some code from a Web Forms project I was part of the team for recently:
private void SetCredentials()
var userName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SSRSUserName"];
var passwordEncrypted = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SSRSUserPasswordEncrypted"];
var passwordPlainText = SI.Crypto3.Crypto.Decrypt(passwordEncrypted, PASSPHRASE);
var domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SSRSUserDomain"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordPlainText) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain))
this.EventsHubReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = new ReportServerCredentials(userName, passwordPlainText, domain);
That's C# but hopefully you can see that the important part is that last line. I think that the equivalent in your case should be:
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = New ReportServerCredentials(userName, password, domain)
The domain value can be an empty String if your on the same domain as the server.
I looked more closely and the ReportServerCredentials class that code is using is one of our own. In your case, you can use the Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.ReportServerCredentials class, which I don't think has a constructor like that. Looking at the documentation for the NetworkCredentials property of that type indicates that you need to do this:
Dim credentials As New NetworkCredential(userName, password, domain)
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials.NetworkCredentials = credentials

Related Checking SQL Server status

Sometimes when my customers turn on or restart their computer, and open my application directly, the application opens before SQL Server has started completely.
This results in many unexpected behaviors. To avoid this situation, I need to start a splash screen and check the SQL Server state within it, and only when SQL Server state indicates that it is loaded completely, can I run the whole application.
The question is: how to check the SQL Server state, whether it is finished loading or not? The whole SQL Server, not the database.
You can instantiate a timer in your splash form that checks if it can log into the database every one second (or whatever interval you like). I'd invoke the splash form as modal so the calling app can't continue until the splash form has detected the connection and closed itself.
At the very least you need the server name to check the connection for. If it is using a named instance then the server name should also include the instance name in the format "myserver\myinstance".
I've encapsulated the connection checking logic in the 3 overloaded functions IsConnected. You can use these functions in your splash form to check connection from the timer tick. (Each depends on the next). You can use whichever function overload is suitable based on the input items you have available.
For the first overload, if the app is running under a Windows security context that can connect to the db server then you don't need to provide the username and password (pass as empty string), otherwise you need to provide those credentials needed to login to the db server. Or you can provide your own connection string or connection object for the other overloads.
(code within the splash form)...
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If Me.IsConnected("(local)\SQL2008R2", "", "") Then Me.Close()
End Sub
Public Function IsConnected(ServerName As String, UserID As String, Password As String) As Boolean
Dim connStr As String = String.Format("Data Source={0}", ServerName)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserID) Then
connStr &= String.Format(";User ID={0};Password={1}", UserID, Password)
connStr &= ";Integrated Security=True"
End If
Return IsConnected(connStr)
End Function
Public Function IsConnected(Connection As String) As Boolean
Static conn As SqlConnection
If conn Is Nothing Then
conn = New SqlConnection(Connection)
End If
Return IsConnected(conn)
End Function
Public Function IsConnected(ByRef Conn As SqlConnection) As Boolean
If Conn IsNot Nothing Then Return (Conn.State = ConnectionState.Open)
Return False
End Function
I'd invoke the splash form from the main app as a modal dialog, as such, so the app is blocked until the connection is detected.
(from the calling app form...)

VB.NET Report Viewer Issue

So I have a report server in a local area network that I want to access via a winform application with a Report viewer
my Report viewer control Name is rpt_ReportViewer
and here's the Code to view reports on the reportviewer rpt_ReportViewer
Private Sub rpt_GenerateReportBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rpt_GenerateReportBtn.Click
With rpt_ReportViewer
.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri("http://SERVER/ReportServer")
.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/Search Assets Table/Search Assets Table"
End With
End Sub
whenever I run this code it generates an exception in the report viewer saying "The Request Failed with HTTP Status 401: Unauthorized."
I don't know whats wrong but I used this very same code on a localhost and it worked http://localhost/reportserver
can anyone help me figuring out whats wrong please ? thanks in advance.
There's the solution
Dim Credential As New NetworkCredential("User name", "Password") 'Was missing this Line
With rpt_ReportViewer
.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials.NetworkCredentials = Credential 'Was missing this line too
.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri("http://SERVER/ReportServer")
.ServerReport.ReportPath = rpt_ReportsListBox.SelectedValue
End With

How to set "Application Name" in ADODB connection string

In .NET I simply use Application Name = MyApp inside the connection string, but when using ADO connection through VBA the Activity Monitor of the SQL Server Management Studio always shows Microsoft Office 2010 in Processes on the Application column no matter what name I set on the VBA code.
conn.ConnectionString = "UID=" & UID & ";PWD=" & PWD & ";DSN=" & DSN & _
";Application Name = MyApp"
How can I set the application name for monitoring purposes?
Ahh I see VBA connection string doesn't support the Application Name attribute. It simply isn't being recognized when used within VBA. The only way I can think of solving this at the moment it's to return an ADODB.Connection object from a COM C# library.
Your own COM library would return an ADODB.Connection object with a predefined connection string which seem to work in .NET. You will be connecting to the database using a VBA ADODB.Connection object but with a substituted object reference. Instead of
Set cn = new ADODB.Connection you will use a GetConection() method exposed by your own library.
Dim cn as ADODB.Connection
Set cn = yourCOMlibrary.GetConnection
here are the steps
Download and install Visual Studio Express for Windows (FREE)
Open it as Administrator and create a New Project. Select Visual C# then Class Library and rename it to MyConnection
In the Solution Explorer, rename Class1.cs to ServerConnection.cs
Right click your MyConnection project in the Solution Explorer and select Add Reference
Type activeX in the search box and tick the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library
Copy and paste the below code into the ServerConnection.cs completely replacing whatever is in the file.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
using ADODB;
namespace MyConnection
public interface INetConnection
Connection GetConnection();
void Dispose();
public class ServerConnection : INetConnection, IDisposable
private Connection cn;
private string cnStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SERVER\\DB; Initial Catalog=default_catalog; User ID=username; Password=password;Application Name=MyNetConnection";
public Connection GetConnection()
cn = new Connection();
cn.ConnectionString = cnStr;
return cn;
public void Dispose()
cn = null;
Locate the cnStr variable in the code and UPDATE your connection string details.
Note: if you are unsure about the connection string you should use see ALL CONNECTION STRINGS
Click on TOOLs in Visual Studio and CREATE GUID
Replace the GUIDs with your own and remove the curly braces so they are in the same format as the ones you see now from the copied code
Right click MyConnection in the Solution Explorer and select Properties.
Click the Application tab on the left side, then Assembly Info and tick Make Assembly COM-Visible
Click the *Build* from the menu on the left and tick Register For COM Interop
Note: If you are developing for 64-bit Office then make sure you change the Platform Target on the Build menu to x64! This is mandatory for 64-bit Office COM libraries to avoid any ActiveX related errors.
Right click MyConnection in the Solution Explorer and select Build from the menu.
If everything went OK then your MyConnection.dll and MyConnection.tlb should be successfully generated. Go to this path now
or wherever you saved them
and you should see your files.
Now open Excel and go to VBE. Click Tools and select References.
Click the Browse button and navigate to the MyConnection.tlb.
Also, add references to Microsoft ActiveX Object 6.1 Library - this is so you can use ADODB library.
Now right click anywhere in the Project Explorer window and Insert a new Module
copy and paste the below code to it
Option Explicit
Sub Main()
Dim myNetConnection As ServerConnection
Set myNetConnection = New ServerConnection
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = myNetConnection.GetConnection
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
Open SQL Server Management Studio, right click the server and select Activity Monitor
dont close this window
Go back to Excel and hit F5 or hit the green play button on the ribbon.
now switch back to SSMS ( SQL Server Management Studio )
and wait for your custom connection name to appear! :)
Here we go! That was easy, wasn't it? :)
This is what is happening.
You are returning an ADODB Connection object from you C# COM library by using myNetConnection.GetConnection function
Dim myNetConnection As ServerConnection
Set myNetConnection = New ServerConnection
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = myNetConnection.GetConnection
It's almost like saying Set cn = new ADODB.Connection but with predefined connection string which you did in your C# code.
You can use the cn object like a normal ADODB.Connection object within VBA now.
Remember to always .Close() the ADODB.Connection. A good programmers practice is to always close anything you open - streams, connections, etc.
You can rely on the Garbage Collector to free references/ memory but I also wrote a Dispose() method for you so you can force the GC to run. You can do that to immediately get rid of the Connection so it does not hang in the SSMS as opened.
Remember to use myNetConnection.Dispose along with the cn.Close and you'll be fine.
This is how I would do it if any one thinks this is wrong or needs to be updates (as being unstable or unsafe) please leave a comment.
Well, I hope this will be helpful to anyone in the future :)
The correct keyword to set the application name in an ADODB connection string in VBA is APP, not Application Name.
Example connection string, copied from an MS Access app I'm working on:
DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=xxxx;DATABASE=xxxx;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=xxxx

data source for report viewer control in WPF

I have a ReportViewer control in a WindowsFormsHost tag in my WPF application. When I use this code:
rptViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = ...
List<ReportParameter> parms = new List<ReportParameter>();
parms.Add(new ReportParameter("regionID", "01"));
I get an error about a data source instance not being supplied. I can run the stored procedure manually and then use it to populate a datasource object, like...
var dt = DAL.GetData()
var rds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", dt);
And this will cause the report to display, but then I am passing in my parameters to the GetData() method rather than to the report; this doesn't seem right. In my SSRS project, I am using a shared datasource, and it allows me to pass in the parameters on the report front end as I would expect. What am I doing wrong?
If you are using ProcessingMode = Local, then YOU are responsible for large portions of teh report. You or your application defined which parameters there are, how data is loaded, & what sub-report or drill through events do. You must explicitly code these. If the ProcessingMode = Remote, then all of these elements are handled by the reporting server. Microsoft doesn't spell this out very clearly in MSDN, but I can see their justification being "if you are going to host the report in your app, then you can be responsible for all the details".

Com Interop problem Silverlight 4 and MS Access 2010

I am trying to launch an existing MS Access database (Access 2010) from a Silverlight 4 OOB with elevated authorisation set. I keep getting an error. I can create a new Access application using the CreateObject keyword, but when I try to launch an existing one I get an error: "No object was found registered for specified ProgID."
Any help is appreciated. Here is the code I use:
string sMSAccess = "C:\\Users\\storltx\\Documents\\SL4Demo.accdb";
dynamic MSAccess = ComAutomationFactory.GetObject(sMSAccess);
MSAccess.Visible = true;
I think you should pass "Access.Application" string to GetObject call. like this:
dynamic MSAccess = ComAutomationFactory.GetObject("Access.Application");
Try your code like this:-
string sMSAccess = "C:\\Users\\storltx\\Documents\\SL4Demo.accdb";
dynamic app = ComAutomationFactory.CreateObject("Access.Application");
app .Visible = true;
