Can't find XPath value on an AngularJS input field - angularjs

Is there a way to get the actual value of the input field for Selenium test?
For example:
I need to check if the field has a value and if the value is correct:
On the page:
Manager's Email:
I need to get the value '' but when I use XPath only the below is showing.
<input type="text"
class="ng-pristine ng-valid md-input ng-valid-pattern ng-valid-maxlength ng-valid-required ng-touched"
aria-required="false" aria-invalid="false">
I'm only getting the ng-model which contains the value what I actually want is the value inside the model. Is it possible?

You can extract the input text field value using the getAttribute() method as below
WebElement emailId=driver.findElement("Email"));
( or )
WebElement emailId=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#id='Email']"));
//It will give the Value which is present in the input text field


ng-invalid after selecting date from datepicker

ng-invalid after selecting date from datepicker, but becomes valid if typed. Please help.
I worked around this by hiding the datepicker and showing an empty input text field when the value is null and then swapping/showing the datepicker when it is clicked.
ng-if="my_date || set_my_date"
datetime-picker="MM/dd/yyyy h:mma"
ng-focus="set_my_date = true"
placeholder="my date"
ng-if="!my_date && !set_my_date"
placeholder="my date"
ng-click="set_my_date = true"
ng-invalid class is added from angular when a required field is invalid (e.g empty), make sure the ng-model relative field , formvalue.workshopeDate, is correctly populated when you trigger the click.

Angular js - Clone data realtime from one field to another

Trying to figure out form related angular technique. Im new to angularjs and started digging deep into it.
Well im trying to get current and permanent address in a form. When the "same as current" checkbox is checked then value of current address field is written in permanent address field ng-value.
While permanent address field is typed first and then we checked "same as current" not overwriting field from current address ng-value.
Current Address field
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="current_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.current_address_line1" placeholder="House Number">
checkbox :
<input type="checkbox" value="disable" checked="checked" ng-model="sameascurrent">Same as Current
Permenent Address :
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" ng-if="sameascurrent" id="exampleInputEmail3" ng-value="contacts.current_address_line1" name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" ng-if="!sameascurrent" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
Any help would be appreciated.
Move overwriting logic to controller. For permanent address use similar inputs as for current (no ng-value only ng-model) plus ng-disabled.
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="permenent_address_line2" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line2" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="Street Name">
Add ng-change to checkbox input:
<input type="checkbox" ng-change="change()" value="disable" checked="checked" ng-model="sameascurrent">Same as Current
and function called when checkbox is changed in controller. This function overwrites model of permanent address if sameascurrent is true.
$scope.change = function () {
if ($scope.sameascurrent) {
$scope.contacts.permenent_address_line1 = $scope.contacts.current_address_line1;
$scope.contacts.permenent_address_line2 = $scope.contacts.current_address_line2;
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" ng-if="sameascurrent" id="exampleInputEmail3" !!ng-value="contacts.current_address_line1"!! name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
Remove ng-value from input. Ng-value is used to set values like objects to the radio box or smth like this.
UPD: Just remember. When you are using ng-model, this means that value from input will be dynamicly set to the your model. So you can bind it from model to anywhere you wont
ng-value just set the filed once, for realtime data clone,you can write your own $watch method inside the controller:
function sync(){
var contacts = $scope.contacts;
contacts.permenent_address_line1 = contacts.current_address_line1;
contacts.permenent_address_line2 = contacts.current_address_line2;
For more detail on $watch, you can refer angular docs for $scope

ng-minlength and ng-pattern preventing binding

I have defined an input feild as
<form name="signUpForm">
<input type="text" name="username" ng-minlength="8" ng-maxlength="64" ng-model="user.username" ng-pattern="/((?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[##$%^]))/">
And defined user in controller as
Now when I bind user.username value in HTML, its preventing it.
<p ng-if="user.username.length > 0">Display True</p>
Even if I simply bind its value in HTML as
Its not being displayed.
Now if I remove ng-pattern from input field as :-
<input type="text" ng-minlength="8" ng-maxlength="64" ng-model="user.username">
then only its binding and that too after satisfying ng-minlength="8" condition. Means '12345678' is displayed and '1234567' not.
One more issue is there i.e. if I use ng-pattern then ng-minlength validation is not working.
<p ng-if="signUpForm.username.$error.minlength">Please enter minimum length</p>
You can try setting the form.$setViewValue.length instead of the model's length
for example:
<p ng-if="signUpForm.username.$setViewValue.length > 0">Display True</p>
here's a solution i found:
How do I prevent AngularJS from unbinding a form input's value from its model when it's invalid?

AngularJS: ng-show/ng-hide required fields

I am attempting to show/hide a required field using ng-show/ng-hide unless an input is checked to show the field. However, the form won't submit as the hidden fields are required (unless I select the option to view the hidden additional fields). The reason I am using ng-hide on a required field is to display additional fields that may be required only when needed. Is there a method to change the attributes on the "hidden" inputs dynamically?
Check Me to Show Additional Fields
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="checked">
Additional Fields
<input type="number" class="form-control" id="inputamount" data-ng-model="itemamount" step="any" required ng-show="checked"/>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputlocation" data-ng-model="itemlocation" placeholder="Location" required ng-show="checked"/>
you can use ng-required and it will set the required attribute with correspondence to checked boleon of your input model
<input type="number" ng-required="{{checked}}" class="form-control" id="inputamount"
data-ng-model="itemamount" step="any" ng-show="checked"/>

Angularjs - after I enter a value into a <intput> field with ng-model the value changes to undefined

I have a simple form that accepts an input. For some reason when I change the value the scope variable changes to undefined.
<body ng-controller="myctrler">
<input ng-model="t.unsubscribeEmail" type="email" class="textboxfields" placeholder="Enter email address">
In the controller:
unsubscribeEmail : "not"
The value before I enter anything into the inputbox is "not". As soon as I type something in the input the value changes to undefined.
What am I missing?
Change your input type text or write valide email
<input ng-model="t.unsubscribeEmail" type="text" class="textboxfields" placeholder="Enter email address">
or write valide email in
<input ng-model="t.unsubscribeEmail" type="email" class="textboxfields" placeholder="Enter email address">
