Azure reactjs deployment best practices - reactjs

Me and my team are working on a product deployed in Azure, all of our backend services will be deployed by using k8s service in Azure and it seems like the most pragmatic and right choice for us.
We also have ReactJS frontend for some of backend services. We deploy them by using Docker and k8s at this moment. We started thinking about scaling of our web apps and found that everything can be done by Azure Web Apps.
I would like to know what is best practice of web app deployment in Cloud(Azure in my case):
Should I use Azure Web App service for this purpose?
Or it is better to keep everything in my k8s cluster
Any link or a book as source of true might be even better :)
Update 1:
I also found out that web apps can be deployed by using Blob Storage and Azure functions to access the static content from the Blob Storage. What do you think?

Azure WebApp is a perfect option for your requirement check this link for more details and guide


What AWS services/architecture is used as I have Front-End, Back-End & Database Application?

As I am new to AWS, so it will be really helpful for me if someone suggest me the correct strategy.
I have requirement in which I have to deploy Back-End Application with Node.js and Front-End Application in React.js which call endpoint of Node.js.
And the database is PostgresSQL.
So, as per my understanding below AWS service to be used for Back-End & Database: -
1). Node.js - Back-End Application: - To be deploy over EC2 instance
2). PostgresSQL - Database: - To be deploy over RDS Service
But I am not sure which service to be use for Front-End -- React.js, so that it can call an endpoint of Back-End Application deploy on EC2 instance?
You could also use EC2 for the front-end. With EC2 you get direct access to a server and you can configure it however you like.
But since a pure front-end application is just a bunch of HTML, Javascript and CSS files, you can also deploy it to Amazon S3 (+ an optional CDN for better performance and less cost). You might want to check articles like this one.
Bonus: you might also want to check AWS Amplify for these purposes.
ANother option you have is you can deploy your client to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Elastic Beanstalk is a service for deploying and scaling web applications and services. Upload your code and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment—from capacity provisioning, load balancing, and auto scaling to application health monitoring.This service hosts web apps.
For details, see

Hosting Web application - best practices

So I have a web application where the Frontend is written in React and the backend is written in NodeJs/NestJs, and are in the stages of deploying the application. I have a Linode server running Ubuntu, and my initial thoughts was to install Docker & Kubernetes (I will need a couple more servers) and then spin up containers for the front and backend, and a separate server hosting the database. Since the requirements are high uptime, scaleability and modularity.
So is this a good way to go about setting up the application? Are there any pros and cons with this setup except pricing because of the amount of servers needed? Or are there any other options available that could be more benefitial?
Thanks in advance.
It depends if you want to make DevOps job or not, and also about the budget you have.
If you really want to stay in control of your clusters, scalability of them and money is not a worry, then kubernetes is a good alternative.
Disclaimer: I don't know Linode and have no idea if there is some GCP compatible services.
For front-end, you said it was react: The hosting service of firebase, here's a tutorial.
And the good news is that you can alternatively use any cloud platform with a storage service like Google Storage, AWS S3 or Azure.
For back-end, I would suggest App Engine or functions, I'm having a great experience using App Engine and is a lot easier to configure than any pods, deployments, ingress and all steps to deploy a kubernetes cluster. I'm not really sure if you can use NestJs with Cloud Functions and all FaaS options.
Also, this suggestion will make you spend a lot less than a whole k8s infrastructure.
But, of course, it depends on your case.

Different App Engine Applications in Google Cloud

I'm looking at moving my application to google cloud and I'm having a hard time understanding how best to organize my project. It seems like you can only have one App Engine application per project with services available to support a microservices architecture and instances representing the App Engine instances created via auto scaling.
What is the correct way to build an App Engine for my API server and an App Engine for my Web Server? Do I need to have a project for each? I'm essentially trying to accomplish the following:
It is straightforward to have a single GAE project implement both your website and an API. You can even do this within a single service. You could put each in a separate service, and the advantage of that is that you can update one without updating the other. For small projects, a disadvantage is that two services are more expensive than one (though GAE is quite inexpensive overall).
For prod vs dev, you'll need to explain your requirements a little more, but here are some thoughts.
Each GAE service has multiple versions. You can deploy your production version to and deploy a dev version to (that's the way GAE does URLs for versions of your app). Both of these versions will access the same datastore so you need to be careful with the dev version so that it doesn't mess up your prod implementation.
If you have a dev situation that is bleeding edge and shouldn't be able to access the datastore of your production app, then you would create a different GAE project for that.
Here is a way to visualize it:
Google Cloud Project A
GAE Project A
production www service
production API service (this could be combined with production www service)
dev www service
dev API service
Google Cloud Project B
GAE Project B
bleeding edge www service
bleeding edge API service
Best Practices:
Your Dev and Prod should be in separate projects for both security and billing purposes.
App Engine:
You can only have one App Engine per project. This will create a problem for you to use App Engine for both API Server and Web Server. In this case, I would not use App Engine at all and instead look at Containers on Compute Engine or go for Kubernetes.
Even a single node Kubernetes Cluster will shock you with its flexibility and power. Containers on Compute Engine still have a lot flexibility and power too. If you like the concepts of App Engine Flexible, then you might really like containers. The exception here is that App Engine makes some concepts brain dead simple where you have more work in configuration for Containers or Kubernetes.

Deploy existing Java web application on Google App engine or Amazon AWS

We have a Java web application developed locally without using any GAE components / AWS components (GAE/AWS SDK etc.,).
We used the following technologies: Java, Spring framework, MySQL Database, Hibernate ORM, Jersy REST library, Tomcat web server.
Our application is up & running fine on our local server.
Now my question is
If I deploy the existing WAR to Google App Engine/ Amazon AWS will it start working right away OR Do I have to make extra changes to my code and deploy new WAR file in order to make it working on Google App Engine / Amazon AWS?
If I want to start a new java web project(using same configuration I mentioned above) that will eventually run on Google App Engine / Amazon AWS, What is the best strategy:
Should I start my development using Google App Engine / Amazon AWS from the beginning ? or just deploy when everything is done?
EDIT : I just wanted to know about GAE and/or AWS in general.
It looks like Google Computer Engine is more suited if you rely on a relational database. Google app engine uses a NoSQL datastore that is not compatible with your relational scheme.

Deploy Java Web Application and MySQL database in the cloud

my issue is that I've been developing a Java Web app in Netbeans 7.2, which I've used Hibernate and JSF Facelets to communicate and show the data from a MySQL database deployed in my local server (localhost).
But now, I want to deploy both (my java web app and mysql database) in the cloud in a web server, or something but I don't know even how to start this. I've seen something about Google App Engine, but I didn't get the idea, and many others...
I just need to deploy my app to give access to other people to use my web app.
Google Appengine is a Framework.
its not webserver where you can deploy your app as on your local machine.
what you are looking for is
Amazon EC2
Google ComputeEngine
and others...... (to many to list them all)
most of them are not free.
some like openshift are if you dont need much resources.
there you can install the server you need, (its just like a remote server)
and deploy your app to.
