When is CLREX actually needed on ARM Cortex M7? - arm

I found a couple of places online which state that CLREX "must" be called whenever an interrupt routine is entered, which I don't understand. The docs for CLREX state (added the numbering for easier reference):
(1) Clears the local record of the executing processor that an address has had a request for an exclusive access.
(2) Use the CLREX instruction to return a closely-coupled exclusive access monitor to its open-access state. This removes the requirement for a dummy store to memory.
(3) It is implementation-defined whether CLREX also clears the global record of the executing processor that an address has had a request for an exclusive access.
I don't understand pretty much anything here.
I had the impression that writing something along the lines the example in the docs was enough to guarantee atomicity:
MOV r1, #0x1 ; load the ‘lock taken’ value
try: <---\
LDREX r0, [LockAddr] ; load the lock value |
CMP r0, #0 ; is the lock free? |
STREXEQ r0, r1, [LockAddr] ; try and claim the lock |
CMPEQ r0, #0 ; did this succeed? |
BNE try ; no - try again ------------/
.... ; yes - we have the lock
Why should the "local record" need to be cleared? I thought that LDREX/STREX are enough to guarantee atomic access to an address from several interrupts? I.e. GCC for ARM compiles all C11 atomic functions using LDREX/STREX and I don't see CLREX being called anywhere.
What "requirement for a dummy store" is the second paragraph referring to?
What is the difference between the global record and a local record? Is global record needed for multi-core scenarios?

Taking (and paraphrasing) your three questions separately:
1. Why clear the access record?
When strict nesting of code is enforced, such as when you're working with interrupts, then CLREX is not usually required. However, there are cases where it's important. Imagine you're writing a context switch for a preemptive operating system kernel, which can asynchronously suspend a running task and resume another. Now consider the following pathological situation, involving two tasks of equal priority (A and B) manipulating the same shared resource using LDREX and STREX:
Task A Task B
-------------------- context switch
STREX (succeeds)
-------------------- context switch
STREX (succeeds, and should not)
Therefore the context switch must issue a CLREX to avoid this.
2. What 'requirement for a dummy store' is avoided?
If there wasn't a CLREX instruction then it would be necessary to use a STREX to relinquish the exclusive-access flag, which involves a memory transaction and is therefore slower than it needs to be if all you want to do is clear the flag.
3. Is the 'global record' for multi-core scenarios?
Yes, if you're using a single-core machine, there's only one record because there's only one CPU.

Actually CLREX isn't needed for exceptions/interrupts on the M7, it appears to only be included for compatibility reasons. From the documenation (Version c):
CLREX enables compatibility with other ARM Cortex processors that have
to force the failure of the store exclusive if the exception occurs
between a load exclusive instruction and the matching store exclusive
instruction in a synchronization operation. In Cortex-M processors,
the local exclusive access monitor clears automatically on an
exception boundary, so exception handlers using CLREX are optional.
So, since Cortex-M processors clear the local exclusive access flag on exception/interrupt entry/exit, this negates most (all?) of the use cases for CLREX.
With regard to your third question, as others have mentioned you are correct in thinking that the global record is used in multi-core scenarios. There may still be use cases for CLREX on multi-core processors depending on the implementation defined effects on local/global flags.
I can see why there is confusion around this, as the initial version of the M7 documentation doesn't include these sentences (not to mention the various other versions of more generic documentation on the ARM website). Even now, I cannot even link to the latest revision. The page displays 'Version a' by default and you have to manually change the version via a drop down box (hopefully this will change in future).
In response to comments, an additional documentation link for this. This is the part of the manual that describes the usage of these instructions outside of the specific instruction documentation (and also has been there since the first revision):
The processor removes its exclusive access tag if:
It executes a CLREX instruction.
It executes a STREX instruction, regardless of whether the write succeeds.
An exception occurs. This means the processor can resolve semaphore conflicts between different threads.
In a multiprocessor implementation:
Executing a CLREX instruction removes only the local exclusive access tag for the processor.
Executing a STREX instruction, or an exception, removes the local exclusive access tags for the processor.
Executing a STREX instruction to a Shareable memory region can also remove the global exclusive access tags for the processor in the


Do I need to use smp_mb() after binding the CPU

Suppose my system is a multicore system, if I bind my program on a cpu core, still I need the smp_mb() to guard the cpu would not reorder
the cpu instructions?
I have this point because I know that the smp_mb() on a single-core systems is not necessary,but I'm no sure this point is correct.
You rarely need a full barrier anyway, usually acquire/release is enough. And usually you want to use C11 atomic_load_explicit(&var, memory_order_acquire), or in Linux kernel code, use one of its functions for an acquire-load, which can be done more efficiently on some ISAs than a plain load and an acquire barrier. (Notably AArch64 or 32-bit ARMv8 with ldar or ldapr)
But yeah, if all threads are sharing the same logical core, run-time memory reordering is impossible, only compile-time. So you just need a compiler memory barrier like asm("" ::: "memory") or C11 atomic_signal_fence(seq_cst), not a CPU run-time barrier like atomic_thread_fence(seq_cst) or the Linux kernel's SMP memory barrier (smp_mb() is x86 mfence or equivalent, or ARM dmb ish, for example).
See Why memory reordering is not a problem on single core/processor machines? for more details about the fact that all instructions on the same core observe memory effects to have happened in program order, regardless of interrupts. e.g. a later load must see the value from an earlier store, otherwise the CPU is not maintaining the illusion of instructions on that core running in program order.
And if you can convince your compiler to emit atomic RMW instructions without the x86 lock prefix, for example, they'll be atomic wrt. context switches (and interrupts in general). Or use gcc -Wa,-momit-lock-prefix=yes to have GAS remove lock prefixes for you, so you can use <stdatomic.h> functions efficiently. At least on x86; for RISC ISAs, there's no way to do a read-modify-write of a memory location in a single instruction.
Or if there is (ARMv8.1), it implies an atomic RMW that's SMP-safe, like x86 lock add [mem], eax. But on a CISC like x86, we have instructions like add [mem], eax or whatever which are just like separate load / ADD / store glued into a single instruction, which either executes fully or not at all before an interrupt. (Note that "executing" a store just means writing into the store buffer, not globally visible cache, but that's sufficient for later code on the same core to see it.)
See also Is x86 CMPXCHG atomic, if so why does it need LOCK? for more about non-locked use-cases.

LDREX/STREX with Cortex M3 and M4

I was reading up on the LDREX and STREX to implement mutexes. From looking at the ARM reference manual:
It appears that LDREX/STREX only store address granularity is the whole memory space, hence you are only allowed to use LDREX/STREX on at maximum one 32bit register.
Is this correct or am I missing something? If so it kind of makes the LDREX/STREX very limited. I mean you could do a bit mapped mutex and maybe get 32 mutexes.
Does anyone use the LDREX/STREX on a M3 or M4 and if so how do they use it?
So I contacted ARM and got some more information. For example if you did this it LDREX/STREX would fail:
LDREX address1
LDREX address2
STREX address1
The STREX to address1 would pass even though the last LDREX was not for address1. This is correct as that the LDREX/STREX address resolution is the entire memory space.
So I was worried that if you have a two tasks: and the first one got interrupted after the first LDREX, and then the second task got interrupted after the second LDREX to address2 and then the first task got processor back and tried the STREX it would cause a problem. However it appears that ARM issues CLREX on every exception/interrupt entry and exit. Therefore the STREX would fail as that the tasks had to be preemptive by an interrupt. That is if any interrupt occurs between LDREX and STREX the STREX will fail. So you want to keep the code as small as possible between LDREX and STREX to reduce the chances of interrupt. Additionally if the STREX fails you most likely want to try the LDREX/STREX process once or twice more before giving up.
Again this is for a single core M3/M4/M7.
Note the only place I found the reference to the CLREX being cleared with exception was in the ArmV7-M Architecture Reference Manual in section A3.4.4 Context switch support. This document is much better than anything I found online describing how the LDREX/STREX actually works.

ARM: Is LDRX/STRX needed if interrupts are disabled?

I am working with a multithreaded bare-metal C/Assembler application on a Cortex-A9.
I have some shared variables, i.e. adresses that are used from more than one thread. To perform an atomic exchange of a variables value I use LDRX and STRX. Now my question is if I need LDRX and STRX on every access to one of this variables even if interrupts are disabled.
Assume the following example:
Thread 1 uses LDRX and STRX to exchange the value of address a.
Thread 2 disables interrupts, uses normal LDR and STR to exchange the value of address a, does something else that should not be interrupted and then enables interrupts again.
What happens if Thread 1 gets interrupted right after the LDRX by Thread 2? Does the STRX in Thread 1 still recognize, that there was an access on address a or do I have to use LDRX and STRX in Thread 2, too?
LDREX/STREX are something that have to be implemented by the chip vendor, hopefully to arms specification. You can and should get the arm documentation on the topic, in this case in additional to arm arms and trms you should get the amba-axi documentation.
So if you have
ldrex thread 1
ldrex thread 2
strex thread 2
return from interrupt
strex thread 1
Between the thread 2 ldrex and strex there has been no modification of that memory location, so the strex should work. But between the thread 1 strex and the prior ldrex there has been a modification to that location, the thread 2 strex. So in theory that means the thread 1 strex should fail and you have to try your thread 1 ldrex/strex pair again until it works. But that is exactly by design, you keep trying the ldrex/strex pair in a loop until it succeeds.
But this is all implementation defined so you have to look at the specific chip vendor and model and rev and do your own experiments. The bug in linux for example is that ldrex/strex is an infinite loop, apply it to a system/situation where ldrex/strex is not supported you get an OKAY instead of an EXOKAY, and the strex will fail forever you are stuck in that infinite loop forever (ever wonder how I know all of this, had to debug this problem at the logic level).
First off ARM documents that exclusive access support is not required for uniprocessor systems so the ldrex/strex pair CAN fail to work IF you touch vendor specific logic on single core systems. Uniprocessor or not if your ldrex/strex remains within the arm logic (L1 and optional L2 caches) then the ldrex/strex pair are goverened by ARM and not the chip vendor so you fall under one set of rules, if the pair touches system memory outside the arm core, then you fall under the vendors rules.
The big problem is that ARM's documentation is unusually incomplete on the topic. Depending on which manual and where in the manual you read it for example says if some OTHER master has modified that location which in your case it is the same master, so the location has been modified but since it was by you the second strex should succeed. Then the same document says that another exclusive read resets the monitor to a different address, well what if it is another exclusive read of the same address?
Basically yours is a question of what about two exclusive writes to the same address without an exclusive read in between, does/should the second succeed. A very good question...I cant see that there is a definitive answer either within all the arm cores or in the whole world of arm based chips.
The bottom line with ldrex/strex it is not completely ARM core specific but also chip specific (vendor). You need to do experiments to insure you can use that instruction pair on that system (uniprocessor or not). You need to know what the ARM core does (the caches) and what happens when that exclusive access goes out past the core to the vendor logic. Repeat for every core and vendor you care to port this code to.
Apologies for just throwing in an "it's wrong" statement to dwelch, but I did not have time to write a proper answer yesterday. dwelch's answer to your question is correct - but pieces of it are at the very least possible to misinterpret.
The short answer is that, yes, you need to either disable interrupts for both threads or use ldrex/strex for both threads.
But to set one thing straight: support for ldrex/strex is mandatory in all ARM processors of v6 or later (with the exception of v6M microcontrollers). Support for SWP however, is optional for certain ARMv7 processors.
The behaviour of ldrex/strex is dependent on whether your MMU is enabled and what memory type and attributes the accessed region is configured with. Certain possible configurations will require additional support to be added to either the interconnect or RAM controllers in order for ldrex/strex to be able to operate correctly.
The entire concept is based around the idea of local and global exclusive monitors. If operating on memory regions marked as non-shareable (in a uniprocessor configuration), the processor needs only be concerned with the local monitor.
In multi-core configurations, coherent regions are managed using what is architecturally considered to be a global monitor, but still resides within the multi-core processor and does not rely on externally implemented logic.
Now, dwelch is correct in that there are way too many "implementation defined" options surrounding this. The sequence you describe is NOT architecturally guaranteed to work. The architecture does not require that an str transitions the local (or global) monitor from exclusive to open state (although in certain implementations, it might).
Hence, the architecturally safe options are:
Use ldrex/strex in both contexts.
Disable interrupts in both contexts.


On iOS, there are two similar functions, OSAtomicAdd32 and OSAtomicAdd32Barrier. I'm wondering when you would need the Barrier variant.
Disassembled, they are:
ldxr w8, [x1]
add w8, w8, w0
stxr w9, w8, [x1]
cbnz w9, _OSAtomicAdd32
mov x0, x8
ret lr
ldaxr w8, [x1]
add w8, w8, w0
stlxr w9, w8, [x1]
cbnz w9, _OSAtomicAdd32Barrier
mov x0, x8
ret lr
In which scenarios would you need the Load-Acquire / Store-Release semantics of the latter? Can LDXR/STXR instructions be reordered? If they can, is it possible for an atomic update to be "lost" in the absence of a barrier? From what I've read, it doesn't seem like that can happen, and if true, then why would you need the Barrier variant? Perhaps only if you also happened to need a DMB for other purposes?
Oh, the mind-bending horror of weak memory ordering...
The first snippet is your basic atomic read-modify-write - if someone else touches whatever address x1 points to, the store-exclusive will fail and it will try again until it succeeds. So far so good. However, this only applies to the address (or more rightly region) covered by the exclusive monitor, so whilst it's good for atomicity, it's ineffective for synchronisation of anything other than that value.
Consider a case where CPU1 is waiting for CPU0 to write some data to a buffer. CPU1 sits there waiting on some kind of synchronisation object (let's say a semaphore), waiting for CPU0 to update it to signal that new data is ready.
CPU0 writes to the data address.
CPU0 increments the semaphore (atomically, as you do) which happens to be elsewhere in memory.
CPU1 sees the new semaphore value.
CPU1 reads some data, which may or may not be the old data, the new data, or some mix of the two.
Now, what happened at step 3? Maybe it all occurred in order. Quite possibly, the hardware decided that since there was no address dependency it would let the store to the semaphore go ahead of the store to the data address. Maybe the semaphore store hit in the cache whereas the data didn't. Maybe it just did so because of complicated reasons only those hardware guys understand. Either way it's perfectly possible for CPU1 to see the semaphore update before the new data has hit memory, thus read back invalid data.
To fix this, CPU0 must have a barrier between steps 1 and 2, to ensure the data has definitely been written before the semaphore is written. Having the atomic write be a barrier is a nice simple way to do this. However since barriers are pretty performance-degrading you want the lightweight no-barrier version as well for situations where you don't need this kind of full synchronisation.
Now, the even less intuitive part is that CPU1 could also reorder its loads. Again since there is no address dependency, it would be free to speculate the data load before the semaphore load irrespective of CPU0's barrier. Thus CPU1 also needs its own barrier between steps 4 and 5.
For the more authoritative, but pretty heavy going, version have a read of ARM's Barrier Litmus Tests and Cookbook. Be warned, this stuff can be confusing ;)
As an aside, in this case the architectural semantics of acquire/release complicate things further. Since they are only one-way barriers, whilst OSAtomicAdd32Barrier adds up to a full barrier relative to code before and after it, it doesn't actually guarantee any ordering relative to the atomic operation itself - see this discussion from Linux for more explanation. Of course, that's from the theoretical point of view of the architecture; in reality it's not inconceivable that the A7 hardware has taken the 'simple' option of wiring up LDAXR to just do DMB+LDXR, and so on, meaning they can get away with this since they're at liberty to code to their own implementation, rather than the specification.
OSAtomicAdd32Barrier() exists for people that are using OSAtomicAdd() for something beyond just atomic increment. Specifically, they are implementing their own multi-processing synchronization primitives based on OSAtomicAdd(). For example, creating their own mutex library. OSAtomicAdd32Barrier() uses heavy barrier instructions to enforce memory ordering on both side of the atomic operation. This is not desirable in normal usage.
To summarize:
1) If you just want to increment an integer in a thread-safe way, use OSAtomicAdd32()
2) If you are stuck with a bunch of old code that foolishly assumes OSAtomicAdd32() can be used as an interprocessor memory ordering and speculation barrier, replace it with OSAtomicAdd32Barrier()
I would guess that this is simply a way of reproducing existing architecture-independent semantics for this operation.
With the ldaxr/stlxr pair, the above sequence will assure correct ordering if the AtomicAdd32 is used as a synchronization mechanism (mutex/semaphore) - regardless of whether the resulting higher-level operation is an acquire or release.
So - this is not about enforcing consistency of the atomic add, but about enforcing ordering between acquiring/releasing a mutex and any operations performed on the resource protected by that mutex.
It is less efficient than the ldxar/stxr or ldxr/stlxr you would use in a normal native synchronization mechanism, but if you have existing platform-independent code expecting an atomic add with those semantics, this is probably the best way to implement it.

Relative performance of swap vs compare-and-swap locks on x86

Two common locking idioms are:
if (!atomic_swap(lockaddr, 1)) /* got the lock */
if (!atomic_compare_and_swap(lockaddr, 0, val)) /* got the lock */
where val could simply be a constant or an identifier for the new prospective owner of the lock.
What I'd like to know is whether there tends to be any significant performance difference between the two on x86 (and x86_64) machines. I know this is a fairly broad question since the answer might vary a lot between individual cpu models, but that's part of the reason I'm asking SO rather than just doing benchmarks on a few cpus I have access to.
I assume atomic_swap(lockaddr, 1) gets translated to a xchg reg,mem instruction and atomic_compare_and_swap(lockaddr, 0, val) gets translated to a cmpxchg[8b|16b].
Some linux kernel developers think cmpxchg ist faster, because the lock prefix isn't implied as with xchg. So if you are on a uniprocessor, multithread or can otherwise make sure the lock isn't needed, you are probably better of with cmpxchg.
But chances are your compiler will translate it to a "lock cmpxchg" and in that case it doesn't really matter.
Also note that while latencies for this instructions are low (1 cycle without lock and about 20 with lock), if you happen to use are common sync variable between two threads, which is quite usual, some additional bus cycles will be enforced, which last forever compared to the instruction latencies. These will most likely completly be hidden by a 200 or 500 cpu cycles long cache snoop/sync/mem access/bus lock/whatever.
I found this Intel document, stating that there is no difference in practice:
One common myth is that the lock utilizing a cmpxchg instruction is cheaper than a lock utilizing an xchg instruction. This is used because cmpxchg will not attempt to get the lock in exclusive mode since the cmp will go through first. Figure 9 shows that the cmpxchg is just as expensive as the xchg instruction.
On x86, any instruction with a LOCK prefix does all memory operations as read-modify-write cycles. This means that XCHG (with its implicit LOCK) and LOCK CMPXCHG (in all cases, even if the comparison fails) always get an exclusive lock on the cache line. The result is that there is basically no difference in performance.
Note that many CPUs all spinning on the same lock can cause a lot of bus overhead in this model. This is one reason that spin-lock loops should contain PAUSE instructions. Some other architectures have better operations for this.
Are you sure you didn't mean
if (!atomic_load(lockaddr)) {
if (!atomic_swap(lockaddr, val)) /* got the lock */
for the second one?
Test and test and set locks (see Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_and_test-and-set ) are a quite common optimization for many platforms.
Depending on how compare and exchange is implemented it could be faster or slower than a test and test and set.
As x86 is a relatively stronger ordered platform HW optimizations that may make test and test and set locks faster may be less possible.
Figure 8 from the document that Bo Persson found
http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/implementing-scalable-atomic-locks-for-multi-core-intel-em64t-and-ia32-architectures/ shows that Test and Test and Set locks are superior in performance.
Using xchg vs cmpxchg to aquire the lock
In terms of performance on Intel's processors, it is the same, but for the sake of simplicity, to have things easier to fathom, I prefer the first way from the examples that you have given. There is no reason to use cmpxchg for acquiring a lock if you can do this with xchg.
According to the Occam's razor principle, simple things are better.
Besides that, locking with xchg is more powerful - you can also check the correctness of the logic of your software, i.e. that you are not accessing the memory byte that has not been explicitly allocated for locking. Thus, you will check that you are using the correctly initialized synchronization variable. Besides that, you will be able to check that you don't unlock twice.
Using normal memory store to release the lock
There is no consensus on whether writing to the synchronization variable on releasing the lock should be done with just a normal memory store (mov) or a bus-locking memory store, i.e. an instruction with implicit or explicit lock-prefix, like xchg.
The approach of using normal memory store to release lock was recommended by Peter Cordes, see the comments below for details.
But there are implementations where both acquiring and releasing the lock is done with a bus-locking memory store, since this approach seems to be straightforward and intuitive. For example, LeaveCriticalSection under Windows 10 uses bus-locking store to release the lock even on a single-socket processor; while on multiple physical processors with Non-Uniform-Memory-Access (NUMA), this issue is even more important.
I've done a micro-benchmarking on a memory manager that does lots of memory allocate/reallocate/free, on a single-socket CPU (Kaby Lake). When there is no contention, i.e. there are fewer threads than the physical cores, with locked release the tests complete about 10% slower, but when there are more threads when physical cores, tests with locked release complete 2% faster. So, on average, normal memory store to release lock outperforms locked memory store.
Example of locking that checks synchronization variable for validity
See this example (Delphi programming language) of safer locking functions that checks data of a synchronization variable for validity, and catches attempts to release locks that were not acquired:
cLockAvailable = 107; // arbitrary constant, use any unique values that you like, I've chosen prime numbers
cLockLocked = 109;
cLockFinished = 113;
function AcquireLock(var Target: LONG): Boolean;
R := InterlockedExchange(Target, cLockByteLocked);
case R of
cLockAvailable: Result := True; // we've got a value that indicates that the lock was available, so return True to the caller indicating that we have acquired the lock
cLockByteLocked: Result := False; // we've got a value that indicates that the lock was already acquire by someone else, so return False to the caller indicating that we have failed to acquire the lock this time
raise Exception.Create('Serious application error - tried to acquire lock using a variable that has not been properly initialized');
procedure ReleaseLock(var Target: LONG);
// As Peter Cordes pointed out (see comments below), releasing the lock doesn't have to be interlocked, just a normal store. Even for debugging we use normal load. However, Windows 10 uses locked release on LeaveCriticalSection.
R := Target;
Target := cLockAvailable;
if R <> cLockByteLocked then
raise Exception.Create('Serious application error - tried to release a lock that has not been actually locked');
Your main application goes here:
AreaLocked: LONG;
AreaLocked := cLockAvailable; // on program initialization, fill the default value
if AcquireLock(AreaLocked) then
// do something critical with the locked area
AreaLocked := cLockFinished; // on program termination, set the special value to catch probable cases when somebody will try to acquire the lock
Efficient pause-based spin-wait loops
Test, test-and-set
You may also use the following assembly code (see the "Assembly code example of pause-based spin-wait loop" section below) as a working example of the "pause"-based spin-wait loop.
This code it uses normal memory load while spinning to save resources, as suggested by Peter Cordes. This technique is called "test, test-and-set". You can find out more on this technique at https://stackoverflow.com/a/44916975/6910868
Number of iterations
The pause-based spin-wait loop in this example first tries to acquire the lock by reading the synchronization variable, and if it is not available, utilize pause instruction in a loop of 5000 cycles. After 5000 cycles it calls Windows API function SwitchToThread(). This value of 5000 cycles is empirical. It is based on my tests. Values from 500 to 50000 also seem to be OK, but in some scenarios lower values are better while in other scenarios higher values are better. You can read more on pause-based spin-wait loops at the URL that I gave in the preceding paragraph.
Availability of the pause instruction
Please note that you may use this code only on processors that support SSE2 - you should check the corresponding CPUID bit before calling pause instruction - otherwise there will just be a waste of power. On processors without pause just use other means, like EnterCriticalSection/LeaveCriticalSection or Sleep(0) and then Sleep(1) in a loop. Some people say that on 64-bit processors you may not check for SSE2 to make sure that the pause instruction is implemented, because the original AMD64 architecture adopted Intel's SSE and SSE2 as core instructions, and, practically, if you run 64-bit code, you have already have SSE2 for sure and thus the pause instruction. However, Intel discourages a practice of relying on a presence specific feature and explicitly states that certain feature may vanish in future processors and applications must always check features via CPUID. However, the SSE instructions became ubiquitous and many 64-bit compilers use them without checking (e.g. Delphi for Win64), so chances that in some future processors there will be no SSE2, let alone pause, are very slim.
Assembly code example of pause-based spin-wait loop
// on entry rcx = address of the byte-lock
// on exit: al (eax) = old value of the byte at [rcx]
mov edx, cLockByteLocked
mov r9d, 5000
mov eax, edx
jmp #FirstCompare
dec r9
jz #SwitchToThread // for static branch prediction, jump forward means "unlikely"
cmp [rcx], al // we are using faster, normal load to not consume the resources and only after it is ready, do once again interlocked exchange
je #NormalLoadLoop // for static branch prediction, jump backwards means "likely"
lock xchg [rcx], al
cmp eax, edx // 32-bit comparison is faster on newer processors like Xeon Phi or Cannonlake.
je #DidntLock
jmp #Finish
push rcx
call SwitchToThreadIfSupported
pop rcx
jmp #Init
