32-bits as hex number in C with simple function call - c

I would like to know if I could get away with using printf to print 32 bits of incoming binary data from a microcontroller as a hexadecimal number. I already have collected the bits into an large integer variable and I'm trying "%x" option in printf but all I seem to get are 8-bit values, although I can't tell if that's a limitation with printf or my microcontroller is actually returning that value.
Here's my code to receive data from the microcontroller:
unsigned int n=0,b=0;
unsigned long lnum=0;
b=iolpt(1); //call to tell micro we want to read 32 bits
for (n=0;n<32;n++){
b=iolpt(1); //read bit one at a time
printf("Bit %d of 32 = %d\n",n,b);
lnum<<1; //shift bits in our big number left by 1 position
lnum+=b; //and add new value
printf("\n Data returned: %x\n",lnum); //always returns 8-bits
The iolpt() function always returns the bit read from the microcontroller and the value returned is a 0 or 1.
Is my idea of using %x acceptable for a 32-bit hexadecimal number or should I attempt something like "%lx" instead of "%x" to try to represent long hex even though its documented nowhere or is printf the wrong function for 32-bit hex? If its the wrong function then is there a function I can use that works, or am I forced to break up my long number into four 8-bit numbers first?

iolpt(1); // Tell micro we want to read 32 bits.
/* Is this correct? It looks pretty simple to be
initiating a read. It is the same as the calls
below, iolpt(1), so what makes it different?
Just because it is first?
unsigned long lnum = 0;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < 32; n++)
unsigned b = iolpt(1); // Read bits one at a time.
printf("Bit %u of 32 = %u.\n", n, b);
lnum <<= 1; // Shift bits in our big number left by 1 position.
// Note this was changed to "lnum <<= 1" from "lnum << 1".
lnum += b; // And add new value.
printf("\n Data returned: %08lx\n", lnum);
/* Use:
0 to request leading zeros (instead of the default spaces).
8 to request a field width of 8.
l to specify long.
x to specify unsigned and hexadecimal.
lnum<<1; to lnum <<= 1;.
%x in final printf to %08lx.
%d in printf in loop to %u, in two places.
Also, cleaned up:
Removed b= in initial b=iolpt(1); since it is unused.
Moved definition of b inside loop to limit its scope.
Moved definition of n into for to limit its scope.
Used proper capitalization and punctuation in comments to improve clarity and aesthetics.

Would something like that work for you?
unsigned int n=0,b=0;
unsigned long lnum=0;
b=iolpt(1); //call to tell micro we want to read 32 bits
for (n=0;n<32;n++){
b=iolpt(1); //read bit one at a time
printf("Bit %d of 32 = %d\n",n,b);
lnum<<1; //shift bits in our big number left by 1 position
lnum+=b; //and add new value
printf("\n Data returned: %#010lx\n",lnum); //now returns 32-bit


How to analyze bytes of a variable's value in C

is it possible to divide for example an integer in n bits?
For example, since an int variable has a size of 32 bits (4 bytes) is it possible to divide the number in 4 "pieces" of 8 bits and put them in 4 other variables that have a size of 8 bits?
I solved using unsigned char *pointer pointing to the variable that I want to analyze bytes, something like this:
int x = 10;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) &x;
//Since my cpu is little endian I'll print bytes from the end
for(int i = sizeof(int) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//print hexadecimal bytes
printf("%.2x ", p[i]);
Yes, of course it is. But generally we just use bit operations directly on the bits (called bitops) using bitwise operators defined for all discrete integer types.
For instance, if you need to test the 5th least significant bit you can use x &= 1 << 4 to have x just to have the 5th bit set, and all others set to zero. Then you can use if (x) to test if it has been set; C doesn't use a boolean type but assumes that zero is false and any other value means true. If you store 1 << 4 into a constant then you have created a "(bit) mask" for that particular bit.
If you need a value 0 or 1 then you can use a shift the other way and use x = (x >> 4) & 1. This is all covered in most C books, so I'd implore you to read about these bit operations there.
There are many Q/A's here how to split integers into bytes, see e.g. here. In principle you can store those in a char, but if you may require integer operations then you can also split the int into multiple values. One problem with that is that an int is just defined to at least store values from -32768 to 32767. That means that the number of bytes in an int can be 2 bytes or more.
In principle it is also possible to use bit fields but I'd be hesitant to use those. With an int you will at least know that the bits will be stored in the least significant bits.

sprintf - producing char array from an int in C

I'm doing an assignment for school to swap the bytes in an unsigned long, and return the swapped unsigned long. ex. 0x12345678 -> 0x34127856.
I figured I'll make a char array, use sprintf to insert the long into a char array, and then do the swapping, stepping through the array. I'm pretty familiar with c++, but C seems a little more low level. I researched a few topics on sprintf, and I tried to make an array, but I'm not sure why it's not working.
unsigned long swap_bytes(unsigned long n) {
char new[64];
sprintf(new, "%l", n);
printf("Char array is now: %s\n", new);
TLDR; The correct approach is at the bottom
Issues with what you're doing
First off using sprintf for byte swapping is the wrong approach because
it is a MUCH MUCH slower process than using the mathematical properties of bit operations to perform the byte swapping.
A byte is not a digit in a number. (a wrong assumption that you've made in your approach)
It's even more painful when you don't know the size of your integer (is it 32-bits, 64 bits or what)
The correct approach
Use bit manipulation to swap the bytes (see way way below)
The absolutely incorrect implementation with wrong output (because we're ignoring issue #2 above)
There are many technical reasons why sprintf is much slower but suffice it to say that it's so because moving contents of memory around is a slow operation, and of course more data you're moving around the slower it gets:
In your case, by changing a number (which sits in one manipulatable 'word' (think of it as a cell)) into its human readable string-equivalence you are doing two things:
You are converting (let's assume a 64-bit CPU) a single number represented by 8 bytes in a single CPU cell (officially a register) into a human equivalence string and putting it in RAM (memory). Now, each character in the string now takes up at least a byte: So a 16 digit number takes up 16 bytes (rather than 8)
You are then moving these characters around using memory operations (which are slow compared do doing something directly on CPU, by factor of a 1000)
Then you're converting the characters back to integers, which is a long and tedious operation
However, since that's the solution that you came up with let's first look at it.
The really wrong code with a really wrong answer
Starting (somewhat) with your code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned long swap_bytes(unsigned long n) {
int i, l;
char new[64]; /* the fact that you used 64 here told me that you made assumption 2 */
sprintf(new, "%lu", n); /* you forgot the `u` here */
printf("The number is: %s\n", new); /* well it shows up :) */
l = strlen(new);
for(i = 0; i < l; i+=4) {
char tmp[2];
tmp[0] = new[i+2]; /* get next two characters */
tmp[1] = new[i+3];
new[i+2] = new[i];
new[i+3] = new[i+1];
new[i] = tmp[0];
new[i+1] = tmp[1];
return strtoul(new, NULL, 10); /* convert new back */
/* testing swap byte */
int main() {
/* seems to work: */
printf("Swapping 12345678: %lu\n", swap_bytes(12345678));
/* how about 432? (err not) */
printf("Swapping 432: %lu\n", swap_bytes(432));
As you can see the above is not really byte swapping but character swapping. And any attempt to try and "fix" the above code is nonsensical. For example,how do we deal with odd number of digits?
Well, I suppose we can pad odd digit counts with a zero:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned long swap_bytes(unsigned long n) {
int i, l;
char new[64]; /* the fact that you used 64 here told me that you made assumption 2 */
sprintf(new, "%lu", n); /* you forgot the `u` here */
printf("The number is: %s\n", new); /* well it shows up :) */
l = strlen(new);
if(l % 2 == 1) { /* check if l is odd */
printf("adding a pad to make n even digit count");
sprintf(new, "0%lu", n);
l++; /* length has increased */
for(i = 0; i < l; i+=4) {
char tmp[2];
tmp[0] = new[i+2]; /* get next two characters */
tmp[1] = new[i+3];
new[i+2] = new[i];
new[i+3] = new[i+1];
new[i] = tmp[0];
new[i+1] = tmp[1];
return strtoul(new, NULL, 10); /* convert new back */
/* testing swap byte */
int main() {
/* seems to work: */
printf("Swapping 12345678: %lu\n", swap_bytes(12345678));
printf("Swapping 432: %lu\n", swap_bytes(432));
/* how about 432516? (err not) */
printf("Swapping 432: %lu\n", swap_bytes(432));
Now we run into an issue with numbers which are not divisible by 4... Do we pad them with zeros on the right or the left or the middle? err NOT REALLY.
In any event this entire approach is wrong because we're not swapping bytes anyhow, we're swapping characters.
Now what?
So you may be asking
what the heck is my assignment talking about?
Well numbers are represented as bytes in memory, and what the assignment is asking for is for you to get that representation and swap it.
So for example, if we took a number like 12345678 it's actually stored as some sequence of bytes (1 byte == 8 bits). So let's look at the normal math way of representing 12345678 (base 10) in bits (base 2) and bytes (base 8):
(12345678)10 = (101111000110000101001110)2
Splitting the binary bits into groups of 4 for visual ease gives:
(12345678)10 = (1011 1100 0110 0001 0100 1110)2
But 4 bits are equal to 1 hex number (0, 1, 2, 3... 9, A, B...F), so we can convert the bits into nibbles (4-bit hex numbers) easily:
(12345678)10 = 1011 | 1100 | 0110 | 0001 | 0100 | 1110
(12345678)10 = B | C | 6 | 1 | 4 | E
But each byte (8-bits) is two nibbles (4-bits) so if we squish this a bit:
(12345678)10 = (BC 61 4E)16
So 12345678 is actually representable in 3 bytes;
However CPUs have specific sizes for integers, usually these are multiples of 2 and divisible by 4. This is so because of a variety of reasons that are beyond the scope of this discussion, suffice it to say that you will get things like 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, 128-bit etc... And most often the CPU of a particular bit-size (say a 64bit CPU) will be able to manipulate unsigned integers representable in that bit-size directly without having to store parts of the number in RAM.
Slight Digression
So let's say we have a 32-bit CPU, and somewhere at byte number α in RAM. The CPU could store the number 12345678 as:
> 00 BC 61 4E
> ↑ α ↑ α+1 ↑ α+2 ↑ α+3
(Figure 1)
Here the most significant part of the number, is sitting at the lowest memory address index α
Or the CPU could store it differently, where the least significant part of the number is sitting at the lowest memory.
> 4E 61 BC 00
> ↑ α ↑ α+1 ↑ α+2 ↑ α+3
(Figure 2)
The way a CPU stores a number is called Endianness (of the CPU). Where, if the most significant part is on the left then it's called Big-Endian CPU (Figure 1), or Little-Endian if it stores it as in (Figure 2)
Getting the correct answer (the wrong way)
Now that we have an idea of how things may be stored, let's try and pull this out still using sprintf.
We're going to use a couple of tricks here:
we'll convert the numbers to hexadecimal and then pad the number to 8 bytes
we'll use printf's (therefore sprintf) format string capability that if we want to use a variable to specify the width of an argument then we can use a * after the % sign like so:
printf("%*d", width, num);
If we set our format string to %0*x we get a hex number that's zero padded in output automatically, so:
sprintf(new, "%0*llx", sizeof(n), n);
Our program then becomes:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned long swap_bytes(unsigned long n) {
int i, l;
char new[64] = "";
sprintf(new, "%0*llx", sizeof(n), n);
printf("The number is: %s\n", new);
l = strlen(new);
for(i = 0; i < l; i+=4) {
char tmp[2];
tmp[0] = new[i+2]; /* get next two characters */
tmp[1] = new[i+3];
new[i+2] = new[i];
new[i+3] = new[i+1];
new[i] = tmp[0];
new[i+1] = tmp[1];
return strtoul(new, NULL, 16); /* convert new back */
/* testing swap byte */
int main() {
printf("size of unsigned long is %ld\n", sizeof(unsigned long));
printf("Swapping 12345678: %llx\n", swap_bytes(12345678));
/* how about 123456? */
printf("Swapping 123456: %llx\n", swap_bytes(123456));
printf("Swapping 123456: %llx\n", swap_bytes(98899));
The output would look something like:
size of unsigned long is 8
The number is: 00bc614e
Swapping 12345678: bc004e61
The number is: 0001e240
Swapping 123456: 10040e2
The number is: 00018253
Swapping 123456: 1005382
Obviously we can change our outputs by using %ld and print the base 10 versions of the numbers, rather than base 16 as is happening above. I'll leave that to you.
Now let's do it the right way
This is however rather terrible, since byte swapping can be done much faster without ever doing the integer to string and string to integer conversion.
Let's see how that's done:
The rather explicit way
Before we go on, just a bit on bit shifting in C:
If I have a number, say 6 (=1102) and I shift all the bits to the left by 1 I would get 12 (11002) (we simply shifted everything to the left adding zeros on the right as needed)
This is written in C as 6 << 1.
A right shift is similar and can be expressed in C with >> so if I have a number say 240 = (11110000)2 and I right-shift it 4 times I would get 15 = (1111)2 this is expressed as 240 >> 3
Now we have unsigned long integers which are (in my case at least) 64 bits long, or 8 bytes long.
Let's say my number is 12345678 which is (00 00 00 00 00 bc 61 4e)16 in hex at 8 bytes long. If I want to get the value of byte number 3 I can extract it by taking the number 0xFF (1111 1111) all bits of a byte set to 1 and left shifting it until i get to the byte 3 (so left shift 3*8 = 24 times) performing a bitwise and with the number and then right shifting the results to get rid of the zeros. This is what it looks like:
0xFF << (3 * 8) = 0xFF0000 & 0000 0000 00bc 614e = 0000 0000 00bc 0000
Now right shift:
0xFF0000 & 0000 0000 00bc 0000 >> (3 * 8) = bc
Another (better) way to do it would be to right shift first and then perform bitwise and with 0xFF to drop all higher bits:
0000 0000 00bc 614e >> 24 = 0000 0000 0000 00bc & 0xFF = bc
We will use the second way, and make a macro using #define now we can add the bytes back at the right location by right shifting each kth byte k+1 times and each k+1st byte k times.
Here is a sample implementation of this:
#define GET_BYTE(N, B) ((N >> (8 * (B))) & 0xFFUL)
unsigned long swap_bytes(unsigned long n)
unsigned long long rv = 0ULL;
int k;
printf("number is %016llx\n", n);
for(k =0 ; k < sizeof(n); k+=2) {
printf("swapping bytes %d[%016lx] and %d[%016lx]\n", k, GET_BYTE(n, k),
k+1, GET_BYTE(n, k+1));
rv += GET_BYTE(n, k) << 8*(k+1);
rv += GET_BYTE(n, k+1) << 8*k;
return rv;
/* testing swap byte */
int main() {
printf("size of unsigned long is: %ld\n", sizeof(unsigned long));
printf("Swapping 12345678: %llx\n", swap_bytes(12345678));
/* how about 123456? */
printf("Swapping 123456: %llx\n", swap_bytes(123456));
printf("Swapping 123456: %llx\n", swap_bytes(98899));
But this can be done so much more efficiently. I leave it here for now. We'll come back to using bit blitting and xor swapping later.
Update with GET_BYTE as a function instead of a macro:
#define GET_BYTE(N, B) ((N >> (8 * (B))) & 0xFFUL)
Just for fun we also use a shift operator for multiplying by 8. You can note that left shifting a number by 1 is like multiplying it by 2 (makes sense since in binary 2 is 10 and multiplying by 10 adds a zero to the end and therefore is the same as shifting something left by one space) So multiplying by 8 (1000)2 is like shifting something three spaces over or basically tacking on 3 zeros (overflows notwithstanding):
unsigned long __inline__ get_byte(const unsigned long n, const unsigned char idx) {
return ((n >> (idx << 3)) & 0xFFUL);
Now the really really fun and correct way to do this
Okay so a fast way to swap integers around is to realize that if we have two integers x, and y we can use properties of xor function to swap their values. The basic algorithm is this:
X := X XOR Y
Y := Y XOR X
X := X XOR Y
Now we know that a char is one byte in C. So we can force the compiler to treat the 8 byte integer as a sequence of 1-byte chars (hehe it's a bit of a mind bender considering everything I said about not doing it in sprintf) but this is different. You have to just think about it a bit.
We'll take the memory address of our integer, cast it to a char pointer (char *) and treat the result as an array of chars. Then we'll use the xor function property above to swap the two consecutive array values.
To do this I am going to use a macro (although we could use a function) but using a function will make the code uglier.
One thing you'll note is that there is the use of ?: in XORSWAP below. That's like an if-then-else in C but with expressions rather than statements, so basically (conditional_expression) ? (value_if_true) : (value_if_false) means if conditional_expression is non-zero the result will be value_if_true, otherwise it will be value_if_false. AND it's important not to xor a value with itself because you will always get 0 as a result and clobber the content. So we use the conditional to check if the addresses of the values we are changing are DIFFERENT from each other. If the addresses are the same (&a == &b) we simply return the value at the address (&a == &b) ? a : (otherwise_do_xor)
So let's do it:
#include <stdio.h>
/* this macro swaps any two non floating C values that are at
* DIFFERENT memory addresses. That's the entire &a == &b ? a : ... business
#define XORSWAP(a, b) ((&(a) == &(b)) ? (a) : ((a)^=(b),(b)^=(a),(a)^=(b)))
unsigned long swap_bytes(const unsigned long n) {
unsigned long rv = n; /* we are not messing with original value */
int k;
for(k = 0; k < sizeof(rv); k+=2) {
/* swap k'th byte with k+1st byte */
XORSWAP(((char *)&rv)[k], ((char *)&rv)[k+1]);
return rv;
int main()
printf("swapped: %lx", swap_bytes(12345678));
return 0;
Here endeth the lesson. I hope that you will go through all the examples. If you have any more questions just ask in comments and I'll try to elaborate.
unsigned long swap_bytes(unsigned long n) {
char new[64];
sprintf(new, "%lu", n);
printf("Char array is now: %s\n", new);
You need to use %lu - long unsigned, for format in sprintf(), the compiler should also given you conversion lacks type warning because of this.
To get it to print you need to use %lu (for unsigned)
It doesn't seem like you attempted the swap, could I see your try?

Convert integer char[] to hex char[] avr microcontroller

I'm looking to convert a input variable of this type:
char var[] = "9876543210000"
to a hex equivalent char
char hex[] = "08FB8FD98210"
I can perform this by e.g. the following code::
long long int freq;
char hex[12];
freq = strtoll(var,NULL,10);
sprintf(hex, "%llX",freq);
However I'm doing this on a avr microcontroller, thus strtoll is not available only strtol (avr-libgcc). So I'm restricted to 32 bits integer which is not enough. Any ideas?
Best regards
Yes.... this method works fine only with positive number, so if you have a minus sign, just save it before doing next. Just divide the string number in two halves, lets say that you select six digit each, to get two decimal numbers: u_int32_t left_part; and u_int32_t right_part; with the two halves of your number.... you can construct your 64 bit number as follows:
u_int64_t number = (u_int64_t) left_part * 1000000 + right_part;
If you have the same problem on the printing side, that is, you cannot print but 32 bit hex numbers, you can just get left_part = number >> 32; and right_part = number & 0xffffffff; and finally print both with:
if (left_part) printf("%x%08x", left_part, right_part);
else printf("%x", right_part);
the test makes result not to be forced to 8 digits when it is less than 0x100000000.
It looks like you might have to parse the input one digit at a time, and save the result into a uint64_t variable.
Initialize the uint64_t result variable to 0. In a loop, multiply the result by 10 and add the next digit converted to an int.
Now to print the number out in hex, you can use sprintf() twice. First print result >> 32 as a long unsigned int, followed by (long unsigned int)result at &hex[4](or 6 or 8 or wherever) to pick up the remaining 32 bits.
You will need to specify the format correctly to get the characters in the array in the correct places. Perhaps, just pad it with 0s? Don't forget about room for the trailing null character.
Change this:
freq = strtoll(var,NULL,10);
To this:

C Program to convert centimeters to inches and feet

I am trying to write a c program to convert centimeters to inches and then to feet. I have most of the code written but not sure how to debug it. I keep getting "0" as all of my output. Where am I going wrong?
#include <stdio.h>
// Main Function
int main(void)
//Variable declarations
int centimeters = 0 ;
int inches = 0;
int feet = 0;
/* ... */
// Print a title
printf("Convert centimeters to inches and feet\n");
printf("Input Length in Centimeters: "); // Prompt user for input
scanf("%i", & centimeters); // Get input form user for length in cm
// conversion calcs
inches = (double)centimeters * 2.54;
feet = (double) inches / 12;
/* ... */
// Print output
printf("centimeters%12f\n", centimeters);
printf("inches%12f\n", inches);
printf("feet%12f\n", feet);
/* ... */
return 0;
In C, types never change themselves. Even though you're assigning a floating point number to an integer, the integer will still be an integer. For an application like this, I would recommend you just make everything a floating point number.
//Variable declarations
int centimeters = 0 ;
int inches = 0;
int feet = 0;
should be
//Variable declarations
double centimeters = 0 ;
double inches = 0;
double feet = 0;
This will also allow your printf statements to keep on using %f to print the numbers. You will need to change your scanf statement to also use %f though.
As to why you were getting 0 as your results, it's actually pretty simple if you know how numbers are stored internally.
Most floating point implementations store the bits in this order: sign, exponent, mantissa. If your implementation is using 32 bit IEEE floats, the first 8 bits are used for the sign and exponent, and the last 24 are for the mantissa. This means that if your value fits completely within a single byte (between 0 and 255 inclusive) then it will be 0 if read as a float, as the mantissa will be completely empty.
This is because most Intel-based desktop computers store their bytes in little-endian format, which means the least significant byte comes first and the most significant is last. For example, in little-endian machines, a 32 bit number that represents these values would be stored like:
0x01: 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00
0xFF: 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x1FF: 0xFF 0x01 0x00 0x00
0xA0F00D: 0x0D 0xF0 0xA0 0x00
And so on...
So if you have a value that's less than 0x100 (255 or lower) then it will only occupy the first byte of memory. It just so happens that the first 8 bytes of a 32 bit float do not hold any significant digits, so it will be treated as 0 if it's read as a float.
A 64 bit float (a double) uses the first 11 bits for its sign and exponent, so you can hide values all the way up to 2048 in there.
EDIT: Just an addendum, since someone up-voted this recently:
This post isn't totally incorrect, however I failed to mention the fact that there is an implicit leading bit which is set (a one, so to speak) in the mantissa if the exponent is not all zeros. When such is the case, it is called a normalized value, which can never be zero. Only if the number is denormalized (all the exponent bits are unset/zeroed out) can you have a true zero value.
If the user were to store a value between 0 and 15 or between 128 and 143 into the first 8 bits of a 32 bit float, that would give an exponent which would make the represented value so small that most display functions will round it to zero. This is because that would result in a very small exponent, as 0-15 only consume the lower 4 bits, and 128-143 are the same values with the most significant bit set (which may end up in the sign bit). The specific mapping depends on how the machine orders its bits.
You are using the wrong format. Instead of %12f, use %12d.
printf("centimeters%12d\n", centimeters);
printf("inches%12d\n", inches);
printf("feet%12d\n", feet);
While it's true that you will lose fractional values, that might be your intention. However, passing an int to printf where a double is expected causes undefined behavior.
See the differences in the output when using %12f vs %12d at http://ideone.com/JdjE3z.
int main()
float c = 0.0,i = 0.0; // c = centimeters, i = inches
int f = 0; // f = feet
printf("Input length in centimeter: ");
f = (c / 2.54) / 12;
i = (c / 2.54) - (f * 12);
printf("%.1f centimeters is %d feet %.1f inches.\n",c,f,i);
exit ( 0 );

Decoding Binary via fget / buffer string (Trying to get mp3 header)

I'm writing some quick code to try and extract data from an mp3 file header.
The objective is to extract information from the header such as the bitrate and other vital information so that I can appropriately stream the file to a mp3decoder with the necessary arguments.
Here is a wikipedia image showing the mp3header information:
My question is, am I attacking this correctly? Printing the data received is worthless -- I just get a bunch of random characters. I need to get to the binary so that I can decode it and determine vital information.
Here is my baseline code:
// mp3 Header File IO.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
// Main function
int main (void)
// Declare variables
FILE *mp3file;
char *mp3syncword; // we will need to allocate memory to this!!
char requestedFile[255] = "";
unsigned long fileLength;
// Counters
int i;
// Memory allocation with malloc
mp3syncword=(char *)malloc(2000);
// Let's get the name of the requested file (hard-coded for now)
// Open the file with mode read, binary
mp3file = fopen(requestedFile, "rb");
if (!mp3file){
// If we can't find the file, notify the user of the problem
printf("Not found!");
// Let's get some header data from the file
// For debug purposes, lets print the received data
for(i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
printf("%c", ((char *)mp3syncword)[i]);
enter code here
return 0;
Help appreciated.
You are printing the bytes out using %c as the format specifier. You need to use an unsigned numeric format specifier (e.g. %u for a decimal number or %x or %X for hexadecimal) to print the byte values.
You should also declare your byte arrays as unsigned char as they are signed by default on Windows.
You might also want to print out a space (or other separator) after each byte value to make the output clearer.
The standard printf does not provide a binary representation type specifier. Some implementations do have this but the version supplied with Visual Studio does not. In order to output this you will need to perform bit operations on the number to extract the individual bits and print each of them in turn for each byte. For example:
unsigned char byte = // Read from file
unsigned char mask = 1; // Bit mask
unsigned char bits[8];
// Extract the bits
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// Mask each bit in the byte and store it
bits[i] = (byte & (mask << i)) >> i;
// The bits array now contains eight 1 or 0 values
// bits[0] contains the least significant bit
// bits[7] contains the most significant bit
C does not have a printf() specifier to print in binary. Most people print in hex instead, which will give you (typically) eight bits at a time:
printf("the first eight bits are %02x\n", (unsigned char) mp3syncword[0]);
You will need to interpret this manually to figure out the values of individual bits. The cast to unsigned char on the argument is to avoid surprises if it's negative.
To test bits, you can use use the & operator together with the bitwise left shift operator, <<:
if(mp3syncword[2] & (1 << 2))
/* The third bit from the right of the third byte was set. */
If you want to be able to use "big" (larger than 7) indexes for bits, i.e. treat the data as a 32-bit word, it might be good to read it into e.g. an unsigned int, and then inspect that. Be careful with endian-ness when you do this reading, however.
Warning: there are probably errors with memory layout and/or endianess with this approach. It is not guaranteed that the struct members match the same bits from computer to computer.
In short: don't rely on this (I'll leave the answer, it might be useful for something else)
You can define a struct with bit fields:
struct MP3Header {
unsigned SyncWord : 12;
unsigned Version : 1;
unsigned Layer : 2;
unsigned ErrorProtection : 1;
unsigned BitRate : 4;
unsigned Frequency : 2;
unsigned PadBit : 1;
unsigned PrivBit : 1;
unsigned Mode : 2;
unsigned ModeExtension : 2;
unsigned Copy : 1;
unsigned Original : 1;
unsigned Emphasis : 2;
and then use each member as an isolated value:
struct MP3Header h;
/* ... */
fread(&h, sizeof h, 1, mp3file); /* error check!! */
printf("Frequency: %u\n", h.Frequency);
